# Configuration file general { # The bite damage is multiplied with (value+1) D:bite_damage_mult=1.0 # The blood exhaustion is multiplied with (value+1) D:blood_thirst_reduction1=-0.4 # How far the blood vision reaches (Squared distance, so for 20 blocks enter 400) I:blood_vision_distance_squared=1600 # Disables the effect of 'Avoided by creepers' if it causes problems. Still can be unlocked though. B:disable_avoided_by_creepers=false # Compare value to potion effect amplifier (-1 is normal) I:jump_boost=1 # If the players bite is poisonous this specifies the duration (in sec) I:poisonous_bite_duration=5 # The max movementspeed is multiplied with (value+1) D:speed_boost=0.15 # The sundamage is multiplied with (value+1) D:sundamage_reduction1=-0.3 # The maximal health percentage for a sword finisher kill D:sword_finisher_max_health_perc=0.25 }