# Configuration file dimensions { # Enable/Disable aCentauri System. B:enableACentauri=true # Enable/Disable Barnarda System. B:enableBarnarda=true # Enable/Disable Fog on Venus. B:enableFogVenus=true # Enable/Disable Methane Particles. B:enableMethaneParticle=true # Enable/Disable tCeti System. B:enableTCeti=true # Enable/Disable Vega System. B:enableVega=true # How bright stars are rendered on skyboxes of space stations. D:spaceStationStarBrightness=0.8 } dysonswarm { # How much coolant is consumed per hour. I:coolantConsumption=3600000 # Name of the coolant S:coolantFluid=cryotheum # Each hour, n of m modules are destroyed according to this formula: n = (2 * base_chance) / (exp(-a * (m - 1))+exp(b * cps)), where cps is computation per second. This sets the parameter base_chance. D:destroyModuleBase_chance=0.066 # The maximum computation per second that will help prevent modules from collision D:destroyModuleMaxCPS=100000.0 # Each hour, n of m modules are destroyed according to this formula: n = (2 * base_chance) / (exp(-a * (m - 1))+exp(b * cps)), where cps is computation per second. This sets the parameter a. D:destroyModule_a=0.00005 # Each hour, n of m modules are destroyed according to this formula: n = (2 * base_chance) / (exp(-a * (m - 1))+exp(b * cps)), where cps is computation per second. This sets the parameter b. D:destroyModule_b=0.00003 # How much EU the Dyson Swarm Command Center produces per module per tick. Default is 10,000,000 EU/t I:euPerModule=10000000 # The maximum number of modules the dyson swarm can take I:maxModules=10000 # If a power factor for a dimensions is not set, this value will be used. D:powerFactorDefault=0.0 # Define a power factor for each dimension ID The total energy output of Dyson Swarm multiblocks is multiplied by these values. Format is "DIMID:FACTOR" (DIMID for Space Stations is "SS_unlocalizedNameOfBodyToOrbit", for Utility Worlds dimensions "UW_Garden", "UW_Mining" and "UW_Void") S:powerFactors < 0:1.0 25:0.15 28:1.0 29:0.81 30:0.61 31:2.28 32:2.31 33:0.16 35:0.44 36:0.44 37:1.61 38:0.81 39:1.76 40:0.81 41:0.32 42:0.6 43:0.44 44:0.32 45:0.32 46:0.23 47:0.23 48:0.18 49:0.16 63:1.12 64:1.12 81:1.41 82:1.26 83:0.15 84:1.98 85:1.34 86:0.23 90:2.28 91:1.98 92:1.81 93:3.37 94:1.98 95:2.11 SS_Overworld:1.1 SS_planet.mars:0.89 SS_planet.venus:1.94 SS_planet.jupiter:0.48 SS_planet.saturn:0.36 SS_planet.uranus:0.25 SS_planet.neptune:0.2 UW_Garden:0.01 UW_Mining:0.01 UW_Void:0.01 > } general { # Enable/Disable advanced recipes rocket (Tier 1-8). B:"Advanced Recipes Rocket"=true # Enable/Disable Check Version. B:enableCheckVersion=false B:enableACentauri=true B:enableBarnarda=true B:enableVega=true B:enableTCeti=true # Enable/Disable new Main Menu. B:enableNewMenu=false # Fuel Generator power factor I:coefficientFuelGenerator=3 # Geothermal Generator power factor I:coefficientGeothermalGenerator=3 # Solar Wind Panel power factor I:coefficientSolarWindPanel=3 # Gybrid Solar Panel power factor I:coefficientSolarPanel=10 # ID Potion 'Solar Radiation' I:idSolarRadiation=125 # Every x ticks, the Crystal Boss tries to make itself invisible I:crystalBossInvisibilityInterval=100 # How long the Crystal Boss can make itself invisible I:crystalBossInvisibilityDuration=60 # How high the probability is, that the Crystal Boss will make itself invisible D:crystalBossInvisibilityProbability=0.5 # How much damage the player can deal at most to Evolved Crystal Boss, Evolved Blaze Boss and Evolved Ghast Boss (These bosses are supposed to be beaten by their own fireballs!) D:baseBossDamage=100.0 } spaceelevator { # Enable rendering of the Space Elevator Cable B:isCableRenderingEnabled=true } worldgen { # /ONLYPHOBOS, /ONLYDEIMOS, /ONLYEUROPA, /ONLYIO, /ONLYENCELADUS, /ONLYVENUS, /ONLYMERCURY, /ONLYCERES if wanted on one planet only. S:"Other mods ores for GC to generate on GS planets" < > # Enable/Disable Generation Lead on Overworld. B:enableLeadGeneration=false # Enable/Disable Generation Ores on Planets/Moon (Global Config). B:enableOresGeneration=true }