# SF4 Age 1 advancement.sf4.age1.cauldron.description=Craft any Cauldron to catch rain water, create lava, dye items, and a bunch of other uses! advancement.sf4.age1.clay_bucket.description=Using your new Clay Tree, craft and fire a Clay Bucket advancement.sf4.age1.coal.description=Using Coal Acorns and Resin, craft a piece of Coal advancement.sf4.age1.cobblestone_generator.description=Craft or create a Cobblestone Generator and fill all the slots of a Vanilla Chest. Open the Chest to complete the Advancement advancement.sf4.age1.cobblestone.description=Craft a Cobblestone block using petrified Acorns and Resin or using any other method advancement.sf4.age1.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age1.completenoprestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page advancement.sf4.age1.crushing_tub.description=Craft a Rustic Crushing Tub advancement.sf4.age1.diamond.description=Obtain a Diamond! advancement.sf4.age1.dirt.description=Craft a Dirt Block using Dirt Acorns and Dirt Resin advancement.sf4.age1.drying_rack.description=Obtain a Tinkers' Construct Drying Rack advancement.sf4.age1.green_slimy_dirt.description=Planting Slime Saplings in the world or in a Bonsai Pot requires Slimy Dirt. Craft Green Slimy Dirt to get started! advancement.sf4.age1.iron_bucket.description=Craft an Iron Bucket advancement.sf4.age1.iron_ingot.description=Obtain an Iron Ingot advancement.sf4.age1.lava.description=Create Lava by using '%1$s' on a Cauldron while holding Cobble. Collect it in a Clay or Regular bucket. To melt Cobblestone, you need to have a torch, fire, magma block, or lava directly under the Cauldron advancement.sf4.age1.lavasource.description=Break a Lava Source Stone in the grid to create a Lava Source advancement.sf4.age1.obsidian.description='%1$s' a Lava filled Cauldron with a Water Bucket to make Obsidian advancement.sf4.age1.resourcehogs.description=Craft a Cobblestone Mud Bucket which you can feed to a Pig to transform it into a Resource Hog. Only similar type Resource Hogs can be bred together (There is a chance you will breed a vanilla Pig) advancement.sf4.age1.root.description=Getting started! advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.description=Obtain any Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.slabs.description=Save space and craft a Crafting Slab, Furnace Slab, or Chest Slab advancement.sf4.age1.sleep.description=Sleep in a bed advancement.sf4.age1.stone_crook.description=Craft a Stone Crook. There is more than just the normal Wooden Crook available. There are other options with higher speed, durability, and special effects advancement.sf4.age1.string.description=String has a chance to drop from Cottonwood Leaves. Or, use the Drying Rack to dry out Cottonwood Leaves to make String. Obtain a Cottonwood Sapling and piece of String advancement.sf4.age1.twerk.description=Collect 8 Dirt Saplings and 8 Oak Logs. Increase the speed of tree growth by rapidly pushing '%2$s' near a sapling or by running. You'll notice green particles when activated advancement.sf4.age1.water.description=Collect Rain Water in a Cauldron or by jumping on a Sapling in a Crushing Tub. Collect it using a Clay Bucket or Iron Bucket advancement.sf4.age1.watersource.description=Break a Water Source Stone in the grid to create a Water Source advancement.sf4.age1.wooden_crook.description=Craft and use a Wooden Crook on Leaves to increase sapling drops # SF4 Age 1 Acorns advancement.sf4.age1.acorn.dirt_cooked.description=Cook any Acorns in a furnace to increase their nutrition value advancement.sf4.age1.acorn.dirt.description=Obtain a Dirt Acorn from Dirt Tree Leaves. They can also be used as a food source raw or cooked in a furnace # SF4 Age 1 Amber advancement.sf4.age1.amber.gold.description=Obtain gold by crafting Gold Amber. Use the Tinkers' Complement Melter or Smeltery to melt it into Molten Gold and pour it into a Casting Basin or Cast advancement.sf4.age1.amber.iron.description=Obtain iron by crafting Iron Amber. Use the Tinkers' Complement Melter or Smeltery to melt it into Molten Iron and pour it into a Casting Basin or Cast. Melting Iron requires a liquid fuel such as Lava. advancement.sf4.age1.amber.lead.description=Obtain lead by crafting Lead Amber. Use the Tinkers' Complement Melter or Smeltery to melt it into Molten Lead and pour it into a Casting Basin or Cast advancement.sf4.age1.amber.silver.description=Obtain silver by crafting Silver Amber. Use the Tinkers' Complement Melter or Smeltery to melt it into Molten Silver and pour it into a Casting Basin or Cast advancement.sf4.age1.amber.tin.description=Obtain tin by crafting Tin Amber. Use the Tinkers' Complement Melter or Smeltery to melt it into Molten Tin and pour it into a Casting Basin or Cast # SF4 Age 1 Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.bacon.description=Craft a Bacon Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.bone.description=Craft a Bone Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.clay.description=Craft a Clay Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.coal.description=Craft a Coal Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.cottonwood.description=Craft a Cottonwood Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.diamond.description=Craft a Diamond Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.dirt.description=Acquire a dirt sapling to grow more dirt trees advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.donut.description=Craft a Donut Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.gold.description=Pour Molten Gold over an Oak Sapling to make a Gold Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.gravel.description=Craft a Gravel Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.iron.description=Pour Molten Iron over an Acacia Sapling to make an Iron Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.lapis.description=Craft a Lapis Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.lead.description=Pour Molten Lead over a Dark Oak Sapling to make a Lead Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.petrified.description=Craft a Petrified Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.redstone.description=Craft a Redstone Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.sand.description=Craft a Sand Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.silver.description=Pour Molten Silver over a Menril Sapling to make a Silver Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.slime.description=Acquire a Blue Slime Sapling by using '%1$s' on a Cauldron filled with Milk while holding a Lapis Sapling advancement.sf4.age1.sapling.tin.description=Pour Molten Tin over a Birch Sapling to make a Tin Sapling advancement.superflat.superflat.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Superflat World Type advancement.skygrid.skygrid.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Sky Grid World Type advancement.compactmachines.test.11x11x112.description=Obtain a Pristine Wither Matter to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.5x5x52.description=Craft any Simple Generator to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.5x5x5.description=Obtain a Melter or a Porcelain Melter to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.7x7x7.description=Obtain Netherrack to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.7x7x72.description=Obtain an Eye of Ender to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.11x11x11.description=Obtain a Nether Star to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.9x9x92.description=Obtain Chorus Fruit to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.3x3x3.description=Obtain Grass Block to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.9x9x9.description=Obtain a block of End Stone to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.13x13x13.description=Obtain a Dragon's Head to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.13x13x132.description=Obtain a bottle of Dragon's Breath to gain a larger Compact Machine advancement.compactmachines.test.root.description=Advancements for the Compact Machines World Type advancement.pacifist.pacifist_run.lose.description=You killed an innocent animal. You have lost access to the pacifist recipes advancement.pacifist.pacifist_run.peaceful.description=Hidden advancement to set player world to peaceful advancement.pacifist.pacifist_run.root.description=This is a world type designed to allow you to play without killing anything. If you kill any mob the advancement page will be removed and you will lose access to all Pacifist Mode recipes advancement.prestige.prestige.energy_cube.description=The Parabox requires RF per tick to continue the timer (the value is given in the Parabox GUI). If the power amount drops below 50 percent, the timer will pause. However, if you provide more power it will boost the speed up to 120 percent. Items will appear over the Parabox, you may optionally feed them into the block to reduce the timer by 1 minute per item advancement.prestige.prestige.space_time_equalizer.description=To end the loop, press the Loop:Off button and the game will close. Restart your world to collect your prestige and go backwards in time. Remember, everything you do that affects your player will be saved but everything in the world will revert back. You can bring anything you want back with you as long as it can fit in your inventory advancement.prestige.prestige.clock.description=Craft a Parabox to begin collecting prestige points. When activated the timer will begin counting down from 10 minutes. During this time, any changes you make in the world will not be saved advancement.prestige.prestige.parabox.description=Pressing the Deactivate button will turn off the Parabox and you will lose any progress you have made but allow your world to be saved as is. You can use this button if you change your mind and don't want to travel backwards in time advancement.prestige.prestige.parabox_two.description=Once unlocked, the Empowered Parabox can be fed higher tier items, such as Singularities, for 3 points per loop. The Empowered Parabox still requires power to keep the timer running but the bonus speed comes from items instead of extra power. Items fed into the Parabox will remove 3 minutes when given max power advancement.prestige.prestige.root.description=Welcome to the Prestige advancements. Prestige allows you to spend points unlocking new content via the Prestige Menu. To gain Prestige Points, you can complete advancement pages (each page can grant 1 point) and use the Parabox. The Parabox is a machine that when powered will generate points. Once you have generated Prestige Points, you can turn off the loop and your world will go back in time and you will given the number of points you accumulated. Everything in the world will revert back to before the Parabox was turned on while everything you do as a player (complete advancements, collect items in your inventory, etc.) will be saved advancement.tutorial.tutorial.dryingrack.description=Craft the Drying Rack and place it on a wall. You can hang an assortment of items on it like raw food advancement.tutorial.tutorial.oakwood.description=You're standing on a tree in the void! Break the leaves below and collect 2 Oak Wood blocks advancement.tutorial.tutorial.petrifiedacorn.description=The next tree you will need to create is the Petrified Tree. You can craft the sapling by surrounding a Dirt Sapling with 8 Petrified Acorns in a Crafting Table. To create Petrified Acorns hang Dirt Acorns on a Drying Rack and wait advancement.tutorial.tutorial.woodencrook.description=To build your base you will need to grow more Dirt Trees. Craft a Wooden Crook in your Crafting Station and use it to break leaves. It increases your Sapling drop chance advancement.tutorial.tutorial.craftingstation.description=Take your planks and make a Crafting Station to start craft 3x3 recipes. The Crafting Station is an upgrade from the Crafting Table. It allows items to stay in the table when you leave the window advancement.tutorial.tutorial.dirtsapling.description=Using your Wooden Crook to break leaves. Obtain a Dirt Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.placeoak.description=Now that you're standing on a Dirt Block, you will need to place Oak Planks or Oak Slabs to expand your island advancement.tutorial.tutorial.oakplanks.description=You've collected 2 Oak Wood. Using your inventory crafting grid, make 8 Oak Planks advancement.tutorial.tutorial.placedirtsapling.description=Place your Dirt Sapling on the Dirt Block to grow a new tree. Once planted, you can use your Shift key or run around the sapling to increase its growth speed. You will know it's working when you see green particles moving towards the sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.root.description=Welcome to the SkyFactory 4 Tutorial advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.petrifiedsapling.description=Craft a Petrified Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.slabs.description=Save space and craft a Crafting Slab, Furnace Slab, or Chest Slab advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.cobblestone.description=Craft a Cobblestone block using petrified Acorns and Resin or using any other method advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.sandsapling.description=Craft a Sand Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.lava.description=Create Lava by using '%1$s' on a Cauldron while holding Cobble. Collect it in a Clay or Regular bucket. To melt Cobblestone, you need to have a torch, fire, magma block, or lava directly under the Cauldron advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.cauldron.description=Craft any Cauldron to catch rain water, create lava, dye items, and a bunch of other uses! advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.ironsapling.description=Create an Iron Sapling by pouring Molten Iron onto an Acacia Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.greenslimydirt.description=Planting Slime Saplings in the world or in a Bonsai Pot requires Slimy Dirt. Craft Green Slimy Dirt to get started! advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.obsidian.description='%1$s' a Lava filled Cauldron with a Water Bucket to make Obsidian advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.ironbucket.description=Craft an Iron Bucket advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.ironingot.description=Obtain an Iron Ingot advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.sleep.description=Sleep in a bed advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.claysapling.description=Craft a Clay Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.coalsapling.description=Craft a Coal Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.resourcehogs.description=Craft a Cobblestone Mud Bucket which you can feed to a Pig to transform it into a Resource Hog. Only similar type Resource Hogs can be bred together (There is a chance you will breed a vanilla Pig) advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.watercollection.description=Collect Rain Water in a Cauldron and '%1$s' on the block when water is visible advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.gravelsapling.description=Craft a Gravel Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.goldsapling.description=Craft a Gold Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.slimesapling.description=Acquire a Blue Slime Sapling by using '%1$s' on a Cauldron filled with Milk while holding a Lapis Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.claybucket.description=Using your new Clay Tree, craft and fire a Clay Bucket advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.water.description=Collect Rain Water in a Cauldron or by jumping on a Sapling in a Crushing Tub. Collect it using a Clay Bucket or Iron Bucket advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.diamondsapling.description=Craft a Diamond Sapling advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.diamond.description=Obtain a Diamond! advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.crushingtub.description=Craft a Rustic Crushing Tub advancement.tutorial.tutorial.copied.string.description=String has a chance to drop from Cottonwood Leaves. Or, use the Drying Rack to dry out Cottonwood Leaves to make String. Obtain a Cottonwood Sapling and piece of String advancement.large_biomes.large_biomes.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Large Biomes World Type advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.singularitybacon.description=Obtain a Bacon Singularity advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.cookie.description=Fill a Cookie Jar with Cookies and '%1$s' it! advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.filecabinet.description=Fill any Real File Cabinet with a folder that contains at least 1 million items of any type then '%1$s' it advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.maxsizefusionreactor.description=Build a size 24 (max) fusion reactor. Right click the bottom centre block of the core to unlock. Larger fusion reactors produce no additional resources, but still work advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.fissionreactor.description=Build a Nuclearcraft Fission Reactor that produces at least 25,000RF per tick. Open the controller block to finish the advancement advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.singularitydonut.description=Obtain a Donut Singularity advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.nuclearcraftfusionreactor.description=Build a Nuclearcraft Fusion Reactor that produces at least 3,333,333RF per tick advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.nuclearcraftenergyupgrade.description=Craft a Nuclearcraft Energy Upgrade to decrease energy usage of machines advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.maxedspawner.description=Using Sugar and Clocks, upgrade a Spawner to have 0 delay advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.statues.description=Craft all of the Peaceful Statues. Except for all the colored sheep and rabbits because that would just be silly advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.complete_no_prestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.fusionreactor.description=Create a Matter Overdrive Fusion Reactor that produces at least 15,000FE per tick. Open the center block on the bottom of the controller to complete the advancement advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.blackholetank.description=Fill a Black Hole Tank with any Liquid and '%1$s' it advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.pristinematter.description=Obtain 1 of each Deep Mob Learning Pristine Matter advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.4096fluidstoragecell.description=Obtain 4096k Fluid Storage Cell advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.cookiesingularityjar.description=Fill a Cookie Jar with Cookie Singularities and '%1$s' it! advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.quantumcompressor.description=Craft a Quantum Compressor to create Singularities. Be sure to power it and provide the correct Catalyst advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.truffles.description=When Resource Hogs are left on the correct soil type, they will dig up Truffles. Truffles can be collected and combined to create resources. Collect 1 of each Truffle advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.16384kstoragecell.description=Obtain 16384k Storage Cell advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.darkosandwich.description=Create the ultimate sandwich using the Culinary Construct Sandwich Station! Add the ingredients in the exact order as follows! Corn Bread, BLT Sandwich, Cheeseburger, Enchanted Golden Apple, Onion Rings, and Coffee. Enjoy! advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.fullyupgradedsimplegenerator.description=Fill any Upgradeable Simple Generator with 4 stacks of Speed Modifiers then '%1$s' it advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.4086kgasstoragecell.description=Obtain 4096k Gas Storage Cell advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.yoyomaster.description=Use every modifier on YoYo at least once advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.modifiermaster.description=Use every Tinkers' Construct tool or weapon modifier at least once advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.blackholeunit.description=Fill a Black Hole Unit with any item and '%1$s' it advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.singularityultimate.description=Obtain an Ultimate Singularity advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.octuplecompressednetherrackblock.description=Craft an Octuple Compressed Netherrack Block because why not? advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.octuplecompressedsugarcane.description=Craft an Octuple Compressed Sugar Cane Block. Because it's really important advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.smore.description=Craft a MoreS'more DoubleS'mingot advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.maxsizereactor.description=Build a Max Size 24x24x24 Nuclearcraft Fission Reactor advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.armormodifiers.description=Use every Construct's Armory modifier at least once advancement.sf4.age_allthethingsomglol.root.description=Difficult, tedious, and collection advancements for late game advancement.sf4.age_exploration.lostcities.description=Travel to the Lost Cities Dimension using a Lost Cities Cake advancement.sf4.age_exploration.lostcitiesworld.description=You'll still need to head to the Lost Cities Dimension using a TelePastries Cake to mine ore. Craft and place a Lost Cities Cake on the ground and click on it to head to the Lost Cities advancement.sf4.age_exploration.waterinnether.description=Place Water in the Nether using a Bucket. Then place a Boat on the Water. Profit! advancement.sf4.age_exploration.floaty.description=Start a new island in the void by placing a Floaty McFloaty Block in the air advancement.sf4.age_exploration.witherkill.description=Exterminate the Wither advancement.sf4.age_exploration.arditeore.description=Travel to the Nether and mine Ardite Ore. Or, use the Industrial Foregoing Laser Drill to acquire it advancement.sf4.age_exploration.viescraft.description=Craft a Viescraft Airship to fly around! advancement.sf4.age_exploration.dilithiumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Dilithium Ore and mine it to acquire Dilithium Crystals advancement.sf4.age_exploration.tritaniumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Tritanium Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.boronore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Boron Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.huntingdimension.description=Travel to the Hunting Dimension using a Hunting Dimension Cake advancement.sf4.age_exploration.endcake.description=Craft, place, and eat an End Cake to go to the End advancement.sf4.age_exploration.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_exploration.twilightforest.description=Go to the Twilight Forest Dimension using a Twilight Forest Cake or building a Twilight Portal advancement.sf4.age_exploration.dragonbreath.description=Craft Dragon's Breath advancement.sf4.age_exploration.completenoprestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_exploration.dragonkill.description=Travel to the End Dimension. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints we could not afford a dragon this time around. Sorry advancement.sf4.age_exploration.cobaltore.description=Travel to the Nether and mine Cobalt Ore. Or, use the Industrial Foregoing Laser Drill to acquire it advancement.sf4.age_exploration.magnesiumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Magnesium Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.uraniumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Uranium Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.skygriddragonkill.description=Summon the Dragon by poking a Dragon Egg with a stick. Then eliminate it! advancement.sf4.age_exploration.elytra.description=Travel deep into the End Void to find an End City Floating Ship to obtain Elytra advancement.sf4.age_exploration.nether.description=Craft, place, and eat a Nether Cake to go to the Nether advancement.sf4.age_exploration.overworldcake.description=Craft, place, and eat an Overworld Cake to return back to the Overworld when traveling to other dimensions advancement.sf4.age_exploration.thoriumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Thorium Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.lithiumore.description=Travel to the Lost Cities or Twilight Forest to locate Lithium Ore advancement.sf4.age_exploration.root.description=Explore the world and dimensions around you advancement.sf4.age_exploration.compactmachines.description=Travel to any sized Compact Machines Dimension. Create the dimension using the Miniturization Field Projector. Use the Personal Shrinking Device to enter the dimension advancement.sf4.age1.nonpacifist.description=Hidden advancement to grant non-pacifist stage to player on every other world type. advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.glitcharmor.description=Craft the entire Glitch Infused Armor Set advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.armorstation.description=Craft a Construct's Armory Armor Station to begin assembling your custom armor advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.alloytank.description=Place the Alloy Tank between two or more Tinkers' Complement Melters and on top of a Heater. It will combine valid liquids to create a liquid alloy advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.melter.description=Craft a Melter to process your metals advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.enchantmenttable.description=Craft an Enchantment Table advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.weirdinggadget.description=Craft a Weirding Gadget to chunk load a 5x5 chunk area advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.yoyo.description=Craft a YoYo in the Tool Forge advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.paxel.description=Combine a Shovel, Pickaxe, and Axe to make a Paxel advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.energyupgrade.description=Craft a Mekanism Energy upgrade to use less power in your machines advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.toolstation.description=Craft a Tinkers' Construct Tool Station advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.heater.description=The Alloy Tank requires placing a Heater below with fuel to combine liquid metals into alloy. Make sure to match the type of heater with the Alloy Tank (Porcelain vs. Seared) advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.nuclearcraftspeedupgrade.description=Craft a Nuclearcraft Speed Upgrade to increase the pace of machines while increasing energy usage advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.armorforge.description=Craft a Construct's Armory Armor Forge to upgrade your armor creation capabilities advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.enderpouch.description=Craft an Ender Pouch and '%2$s' '%1$s' on an Ender Chest to connect them advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.20damage.description=Inflict 20 or more damage to a creature advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.partbuilder.description=Craft a Tinkers' Construct Part Builder advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.cast.description=Create a non-clay Pickaxe Head Cast to start upgrading your tools advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.patternchest.description=Craft a Tinkers' Construct Pattern Chest advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.completenoprestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.tconmodifier.description=Craft a Tinkers' Tool or Weapon and add a modifier to it advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.unbreakablepickaxe.description=Craft an Unbreakable Tinkers' Construct Tool or Weapon advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.lumberaxe.description=Craft a Lumber Axe in the Tool Forge to cut down entire trees advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.stenciltable.description=Craft a Tinkers' Construct Stencil Table advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.toolforge.description=Craft a Tinkers' Construct Tool Forge advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.speedupgrade.description=Craft a Mekanism Speed upgrade to speed up your machines. Careful, the faster the machine the higher the power usage advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.tank.description=Craft a Seared or Porcelain Tank to heat your Melter advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.heartcontainer.description=Craft and eat a Cyclic Heart Container advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.mufflingupgrade.description=Craft a Mekanism Muffling upgrade to decrease the machine volume advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.craftingupgrade.description=Craft and eat a Crafting Upgrade from Cyclic advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.levelup.description=Level up a Tinkers' Construct Tool or Weapon advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.inventoryupgrade.description=Craft and eat an Inventory Upgrade from Cyclic advancement.sf4.age_enhancement.root.description=Advancements for the overall enhancement of items, tools, etc advancement.sf4.age_farming.wheatseeds.description=Use Bone Meal on grass to create Tall Grass. Break Tall Grass to find Wheat Seeds advancement.sf4.age_farming.sprinkler.description=Craft and place a Cyclic Sprinkler on top of a water source block for faster crop growth advancement.sf4.age_farming.brownmulch.description=Brown Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.bluemulch.description=Blue Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.yellowmulch.description=Yellow Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.rubymulch.description=Ruby Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.ambermulch.description=Amber Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.enderseeds.description=You can grow Ender Pearls using Ender Seeds, make sure to plant on tilled Dirt or Endstone advancement.sf4.age_farming.spawnegg.description=Feed an Adult Chicken a bag of Chicken Feed and collect its Spawn Egg advancement.sf4.age_farming.complete_no_prestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_farming.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_farming.wateringcan.description=Craft a Tiny Progressions watering can to increase crop growth speed advancement.sf4.age_farming.magicbeans.description=Grow Cyclic Magic Beans to obtain other seeds or flowers advancement.sf4.age_farming.hydrogel.description=Use Hydrogel to take the place of water in the middle of your farm advancement.sf4.age_farming.hoppingbonsai.description=Upgrade to the Hopping Bonsai Pot to automatically insert into chests and other inventory blocks advancement.sf4.age_farming.animalseeds.description=Can't find an animal? Craft an animal Seed or Lily to grow them! Make sure to plant the seeds on Grass blocks or lilies on water advancement.sf4.age_farming.market.description=Craft and place the Market to buy Seeds, Saplings, Flowers, and Food advancement.sf4.age_farming.fertilesoil.description=Fertile Soil is great to upgrade your Bonsai Pots advancement.sf4.age_farming.mobswab.description=Use on any mob to swab their DNA advancement.sf4.age_farming.bonsai.description=Use a Bonsai Pot to grow Saplings. Make sure to add Dirt, Fertile Soil, or Colored Mulch first, then add a sapling. '%1$s' fully grown trees with an Axe to harvest them advancement.sf4.age_farming.skyorchards.description=Obtain all of the Sky Orchard Saplings advancement.sf4.age_farming.mattock.description=Craft any Tinkers' Construct Mattock to help with farming advancement.sf4.age_farming.redmulch.description=Red Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.cowjar.description=Using an Anvil and a Cow, create a Cow in a Jar to get infinite milk! advancement.sf4.age_farming.blackmulch.description=Black Mulch in a Bonsai Pot will decrease growth time and increase drop chances advancement.sf4.age_farming.sugarcaneseed.description=Crush Leaves in the Rustic Crushing Tub to acquire Sugar Cane Seeds advancement.sf4.age_farming.chickenfeed.description=Craft the Chicken Feed from Seeds, a Swab with DNA, and a bucket of Experience advancement.sf4.age_farming.fenceoverhaul.description=Craft any of the diagonal fences from Fence Overhaul advancement.sf4.age_farming.root.description=All things related to farming! advancement.sf4.age_farming.sugarcanesnad.description=Place Snad to grow Sugarcane Seeds atop it at an accelerated rate advancement.sf4.age_power.autopackager.description=Craft and use an Auto Packager to autocraft Amber and other select blocks advancement.sf4.age_power.buildinggadget.description=The Building Gadget helps you build! Switch building gadget mode using the '%1$s' key advancement.sf4.age_power.simulationchamber.description=Acquire a Simulation Chamber from Deep Mob Learning. Insert Basic tier or higher Data Models to simulate and acquire Matter advancement.sf4.age_power.zombiedatamodel.description=Craft a Zombie Data Model from Deep Mob Learning advancement.sf4.age_power.melter.description=Craft a Nuclearcraft Melter to melt down items and blocks into molten liquid advancement.sf4.age_power.informationscreen.description=Craft a RF Tools Power Information Screen. You may place this screen on most any block that interacts with power advancement.sf4.age_power.froster.description=Craft the Industrial Foregoing Froster to make Ice, Packed Ice, and Snow advancement.sf4.age_power.speedmodifier.description=Craft the ValkyrieLib Speed Modifier to speed up the Upgradeable Generators advancement.sf4.age_power.extractionchamber.description=Acquire a Loot Fabricator from Deep Mob Learning. This machine will convert Pristine Matter into items advancement.sf4.age_power.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_power.extraterrestrialmatter.description=Acquire an Extraterrestrial Matter from Deep Mob Learning advancement.sf4.age_power.exchangertool.description=The Exchanger Tool will allow you to easily swap out blocks. Switch exchanger gadget mode using the '%1$s' key advancement.sf4.age_power.hellishmatter.description=Acquire a Hellish Matter from Deep Mob Learning advancement.sf4.age_power.autoclicker.description=Craft an Auto Clicker machine to click stuff for you! Batteries not included advancement.sf4.age_power.completenoprestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_power.overworldianmatter.description=Acquire an Overworldian Matter from Deep Mob Learning advancement.sf4.age_power.ultimateinstaller.description=Craft an Ultimate Installer from Mekanism. This can be used to upgrade Energy Cubes and a few other machines advancement.sf4.age_power.treadmill.description=Use a treadmill to make Pig Power! Use a Lead to attach the Pig to the Treadmill advancement.sf4.age_power.charger1.description=Craft a Tier 1 Charger. When given power, you can charge items and other blocks inside of it advancement.sf4.age_power.simplegenerator.description=Craft one of the Simple Generators advancement.sf4.age_power.pristineghastmatter.description=Acquire a Pristine Ghast Matter from Deep Mob Learning. You will first need to increase your Data Model to Basic and use the Simulation Chamber to produce Pristine Matter. The higher Models will produce Pristine Matter more often advancement.sf4.age_power.twilightmatter.description=Acquire a Twilight Matter from Deep Mob Learning advancement.sf4.age_power.charger2.description=Craft a Tier 2 Charger for quicker charging and increased capacity advancement.sf4.age_power.configurator.description=The Mekanism Configurator allows you to configure pipes and machines with ease advancement.sf4.age_power.charger3.description=Craft a Tier 3 Charger for even faster charging and higher capacity advancement.sf4.age_power.powercellhigh.description=Craft an RF Tools High Powercell advancement.sf4.age_power.pristinewitherskeletonmatter.description=Acquire a Pristine Wither Skeleton Matter from Deep Mob Learning. You will first need to increase your Data Model to Basic and use the Simulation Chamber to produce Pristine Matter. The higher Models will produce Pristine Matter more often advancement.sf4.age_power.wirelesscharger.description=Craft a Wireless Charger advancement.sf4.age_power.ingotformer.description=Craft a Nuclearcraft Ingot Former which will cast ingots and other resources from molten liquids advancement.sf4.age_power.energizedsmelter.description=You can use the Mekanism Energized Smelter in place of a vanilla furnace advancement.sf4.age_power.upgradeablegenerators.description=Craft one of the Upgradable Generators advancement.sf4.age_power.dehydrator.description=Craft a Cyclic Dehydrator Machine to automate recipes from the Drying Rack advancement.sf4.age_power.pristineendermanmatter.description=Acquire a Pristine Enderman Matter from Deep Mob Learning. You will first need to increase your Data Model to Basic and use the Simulation Chamber to produce Pristine Matter. The higher Models will produce Pristine Matter more often advancement.sf4.age_power.deeplearner.description=Craft a Deep Learner from Deep Mob Learning. Insert Data Models inside to begin collecting data for your Simulation Chamber. To collect data, you will need to eliminate the matching creature advancement.sf4.age_power.pristinezombiematter.description=Acquire a Pristine Zombie Matter from Deep Mob Learning. You will first need to increase your Data Model to Basic and use the Simulation Chamber to produce Pristine Matter. The higher Models will produce Pristine Matter more often advancement.sf4.age_power.powercellmedium.description=Craft an RF Tools Medium Powercell to increase power storage capacity advancement.sf4.age_power.uncraftinggrinder.description=Craft a Cyclic Uncrafting Grinder to break down items and blocks advancement.sf4.age_power.powercelllow.description=Craft an RF Tools Low Powercell. Powercell blocks can be placed next to each other to create a larger cell advancement.sf4.age_power.alloyfurnace.description=Craft a Nuclearcraft Alloy Furnace to combine items into alloys or other combinations advancement.sf4.age_power.root.description=All things related to power! advancement.sf4.age_storage.uninstallupgrade.description=Craft and use the Uninstall Upgrade to remove Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More Crate and Barrel upgrades advancement.sf4.age_storage.simplestoragecontroller.description=Craft a Simple Storage Network Processing Controller Block advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmmetalcrate.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Metal Crate. This block increases your capacity over Wooden Crate advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmwoodencrate.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Wood Crate advancement.sf4.age_storage.logicprocessor.description=Obtain a Logic Processor advancement.sf4.age_storage.1kstoragecell.description=Obtain a 1K Storage Cell advancement.sf4.age_storage.logicpress.description=Obtain a Logic Press advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmwoodenbarrel.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Wooden Barrel advancement.sf4.age_storage.upper.description=Craft an Upper. It's an upside down Hopper! advancement.sf4.age_storage.complete_no_prestige.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmshippingcontainer.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Shipping Container. This container allows inserting most blocks that can hold items, liquids, or power advancement.sf4.age_storage.complete.description=Complete all the advancements on the page. This will award you with 1 prestige point advancement.sf4.age_storage.simplestoragerequest.description=Craft a Simple Storage Network Request Block to facilitate your processing tasks advancement.sf4.age_storage.simplestoragemaster.description=Craft a Simple Storage Network Master Block. This block acts as the brain of the storage system and needs to be placed to work correctly advancement.sf4.age_storage.calculationpress.description=Obtain a Calculation Press advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmmetalbarrel.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Metal Barrel. This block increases your capacity over Wooden Barrel advancement.sf4.age_storage.meterminal.description=Obtain an ME Terminal advancement.sf4.age_storage.simplestorageremote.description=Craft a Simple Storage Network Remote to access your storage network from up to 64 blocks away advancement.sf4.age_storage.woodenhopper.description=Craft a Wooden Hopper advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade4.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' x4k Storage Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade5.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Ore Dictionary Storage Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.engineeringpress.description=Obtain an Engineering Press advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade6.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' Void Overflow Storage Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.energyacceptor.description=Obtain an Energy Acceptor. You do not need a Controller for your system. There are no channels advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade2.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' x256 Storage Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade3.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' x1k Storage Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.bdsandmupgrade1.description=Craft a 'Barrels, Drums, Storage, and More' x64 Upgrade advancement.sf4.age_storage.siliconpress.description=Obtain a Silicon Press advancement.sf4.age_storage.ae2energycell.description=Craft an Applied Energistics 2 Energy Cell. In case your system loses power, use this block in your AE2 network to act as a buffer. Your system will have extra time before shutting down advancement.sf4.age_storage.fluixcrystal.description=Obtain a Fluix Crystal. You do not need a Controller for your system. There are no channels advancement.sf4.age_storage.compactstoragebackpack.description=Craft a maximum size Compact Storage Backpack advancement.sf4.age_storage.hopper.description=Craft a Vanilla Hopper advancement.sf4.age_storage.simplestoragecable.description=Craft a Simple Storage Network Cable to connect your network advancement.sf4.age_storage.drivebay.description=Obtain a Drive Bay advancement.sf4.age_storage.compactstoragechest.description=Craft a maximum size Compact Storage Chest advancement.sf4.age_storage.root.description=All things related to storage! advancement.default.default.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Default World Type advancement.twilightforest.twilight_dinner.description=Collect ALL of the Food exclusive to the Twilight Forest. advancement.twilightforest.hydra_chop.description=Collect some overpowered Hydra meat. advancement.hardcore.hardcore.shell_constructor.description=You're playing hardcore, and so dead means dead. But you can still have an extra shot at life. Create your first shell by right clicking your Shell Constructor, it'll only hurt a little! advancement.hardcore.hardcore.shell_storage.description=Once enough PigWatts have been consumed, your shell will be ready for use. Time to put your body in storage! Walk into the Shell Storage and select your only Shell from the radial menu. advancement.hardcore.hardcore.forgivingvoid.description=Obtain Elytra to enable Forgiving Void in the Overworld advancement.hardcore.hardcore.survive.description=For you to be able to make a sudden return to your body, the shell storage must be receiving a redstone signal. You can do this to begin with by dropping an item on the pressure plate. DO BE CAREFUL: if the redstone ever goes out once powered, you will lose your body and be right back at square one. advancement.hardcore.hardcore.root.description=So you think you're Hardcore? Here's a few tips to help you survive advancement.sky_islands.sky_islands.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Sky Islands World Type advancement.customized.customized.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Customized World Type advancement.lost_cities.lost_cities.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Lost Cities World Type advancement.projecte.projecte.root.description=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet advancement.amplified.amplified.root.description=Hidden Root Advancement for Amplified World Type advancement.sf4.age1.prestige_notify.description=Hidden advancement: On triggering, the player will be told how to use Prestige