# Configuration file general { # STANDARD - The player will occasionally be pushed out of certain spaces. Collisions are evaluated for full cubes only, non-full cubes are ignored. This is the default behavior up to Minecraft 1.12. # APPROXIMATE - The player can move into more spaces, but will still be pushed out of some. Collisions are evaluated for full cubes only, non-full cubes are ignored. # EXACT - The player can move into all spaces as expected. Collisions are evaluated for all types of cubes. This is the default behavior in Minecraft 1.13 and onwards. # Valid values: # STANDARD # APPROXIMATE # EXACT S:"Push Player Out Of Blocks"=STANDARD ########################################################################################################## # blocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Block-related config options (must match server). ########################################################################################################## blocks { # Make water only reduce light level by 1 per Y-level, instead of 3. B:"Brighter Water"=true # Use the new water rendering in 1.13+. B:"New Water"=false # Use the new fog rendering in 1.13+. B:"New Water Fog"=true # Allow seagrass to generate in the world. B:Seagrass=false } ########################################################################################################## # movement #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Movement related config options. ########################################################################################################## movement { # Taking off with an elytra from the ground is now far easier like in Minecraft 1.15 and onwards. B:"Easy Elytra Takeoff"=true # Enables crawling to prevent suffocation. Note that if you disable this there will probably be behavioral differences from 1.13. B:"Enable Crawling"=true # Enables a keybind to toggle crawling. B:"Enable Toggle Crawling"=false # Allow climbing vines and climbing by pressing jump. B:"New Climbing Behavior"=true # Modify projectile behavior to be closer to that of newer versions (fixes MC-73884 and allows bubble columns to work with ender pearls). B:"New Projectile Behavior"=true # Prevent sprinting from being triggered by double tapping the walk forward key. B:"No Double Tab Sprinting"=false # Enables sprinting to the left and right. B:"Sideways Sprinting"=false # Enables swimming to the left and right. B:"Sideways Swimming"=false } ########################################################################################################## # miscellaneous #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config options for various features of the mod. ########################################################################################################## miscellaneous { # Enable bubble columns. B:"Bubble Columns"=true # Allows overriding the water and fog colors for a biome. Specify each entry like this (without quotes) - 'modname:biome,color,fogcolor' S:"Custom Biome Water Colors" < > # Animate eating in third-person view. B:"Eating Animation"=true # Whether or not items should float in water like in 1.13+. B:"Floating Items"=true # Replenish air slowly when out of water instead of immediately. B:"Replenish Air Slowly"=false # Parrots no longer leave the players shoulders as easily, instead the player needs to press the sneak key. B:"Sneaking Dismounts Parrots"=true # List of WorldProviders in which fog should be disabled. S:"WorldProvider Fog Blacklist" < thebetweenlands.common.world.WorldProviderBetweenlands > } ########################################################################################################## # integration #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Control compatibility settings for individual mods. ########################################################################################################## integration { # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Applied Energistics 2 Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"ArtemisLib Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Betweenlands Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Chiseled Me Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Ender IO Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Hats Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Mo' Bends Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Morph Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Random Patches Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Thaumic Augmentation Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Trinkets and Baubles Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Wings Integration"=true # Only applies when the mod is installed. Disable when there are issues with the mod. B:"Witchery: Resurrected Integration"=true } }