{ x: -12.0d, y: -18.5d, description: "&oAn entity of unimaginable power...", dependencies: [ "1a8e514e" ], optional: true, tasks: [{ uid: "cd6a83f6", type: "kill", title: "&d&lDefeat the Final Boss", icon: "twilightforest:castle_door 1 2", entity: "twilightforest:kobold", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "598fb77c", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 2500L }, { uid: "d26e246c", type: "item", item: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "twilightforest:giant_sword", tag: { ench: [{ lvl: 3s, id: 34s }], display: { Lore: [ "Wielded by Ancient Giants to slay great creatures...", "§6Wield in Offhand to multiply Damage of other weapons, at the cost of a LOT of Attack Speed.", "§dExclusive Twilight Relic" ], Name: "§7§lTitan's Bane" }, AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 4435534, UUIDLeast: 148324, Amount: 49, Slot: "mainhand", AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 0, Name: "Titanslaying" }, { UUIDMost: 4437534, UUIDLeast: 145324, Amount: -3.9d, Slot: "mainhand", AttributeName: "generic.attackSpeed", Operation: 0, Name: "Titanslaying" }, { UUIDMost: 4437534, UUIDLeast: 148624, Amount: 3, Slot: "mainhand", AttributeName: "generic.reachDistance", Operation: 0, Name: "Titanslaying" }, { UUIDMost: 4435534, UUIDLeast: 148324, Amount: 1.5d, Slot: "offhand", AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 1, Name: "Titanslaying" }, { UUIDMost: 4437534, UUIDLeast: 145324, Amount: -0.95d, Slot: "offhand", AttributeName: "generic.attackSpeed", Operation: 1, Name: "Titanslaying" }] } } }] }