{ x: 6.5d, y: 0.5d, shape: "pentagon", description: "&oThe Crushroom is a dangerous hostile boss mob that spawns in Fungal Forests. The Crushroom is a force to be reckoned with. Don't mess with these guys if you see them early in your journey through the Erebus", tasks: [{ uid: "0fbaa4ba", type: "kill", title: "&c&lBoss: Crushroom", icon: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "erebus:mushroom_helmet" }, entity: "erebus:erebus.crushroom", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "46035158", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 500L }, { uid: "5dd7c1c5", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 500L }, { uid: "5eb82ff1", type: "item", item: { id: "ftbquests:lootcrate", tag: { type: "extraterrestrial_cache" } } }] }