#determines how certain "infinite" fluids (ie. water not lava) can spread between fluidloggable blocks #case 0: fluids cannot flow into fluidloggable blocks #case 1: fluids can flow into fluidloggable blocks, but only from fluidlogged blocks (legacy mod behavior) #case 2: fluids can flow into fluidloggable blocks from fluidlogged blocks & normal fluid blocks (1.13 behavior) fluidloggedFluidSpread:2, #flowing fluid blocks break torches (vanilla behavior) fluidsBreakTorches:true, #this mod by default allows certain blocks to be fluidlogged applyDefaults:true, #whitelist for adding new fluidloggable blocks (this is in addition to the defaults) #info about the format for this can be found on this mod's wiki: #https://github.com/CleanroomMC/Fluidlogged-API/wiki/Config whitelist:[{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/stone"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/andesite"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/granite"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/diorite"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/sandstone"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/red_sandstone"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/marble"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/limestone"},{blockId:"notreepunching:loose_rock/basalt"}], #blacklist blocks from the defaults #info about the format for this can be found on this mod's wiki: #https://github.com/CleanroomMC/Fluidlogged-API/wiki/Config blacklist:[], #otuput to the console for every ASM transformation, useful for debugging debugASMPlugins:false, #remove the ability for "infinite" fluids to fluidlog blocks below removeVerticalFluidloggedFluidSpread:false