import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import; import crafttweaker.enchantments.IEnchantmentDefinition; #MC Eternal Scripts print("--- loading Tooltip.zs ---"); #Add tooltip .addTooltip("WARNING! Deletes items when switching gamemodes")); .addTooltip("Drops from the Ratlantean Automaton")); .addTooltip("A new beginning, Open me!")); .addTooltip("Earth below us, Drifting falling")); .addTooltip("Can be used to ward off Nether Portal Corruption")); .addTooltip("Can be used to transmute certain metals. This dust radiates primal magic energy")); .withTag({type: "cultist"}).addTooltip(format.darkRed("Step one... Dress to impress!")); .withTag({type: "extraterrestrial_cache"}).addTooltip("Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. -Theodore Roosevelt")); .addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Do all Mystical Agriculture quests to unlock")); .addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Do all Farming and Agriculture quests to unlock")); .addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Use a supplyship or supplycamp to obtain")); .withTag({type: "cheesy_cache"}).addTooltip("Hmm I wonder what it tastes like?... Did I really just think that? Yes you did")); .withTag({type: "common_lootbox"}).addTooltip("Random loot reward for completing a quest")); .withTag({type: "unclaimed_black_market_container"}).addTooltip("An item sold at a previous auction that was never picked up by the winning bidder. Buyer beware.")); .addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Only obtainable from the Shop")); .addTooltip("WARNING! Can delete items inside when the game crashes or closes unexpectedly")); .addTooltip("Does not produce Infinite Water")); .addTooltip(format.lightPurple("Damage amplified to 40x")); .addTooltip(format.lightPurple("Bullet Damage values amplified to ~15x")); .addTooltip(format.lightPurple("Damage Amplified to 20x")); .addTooltip("WARNING: Will cause serious FPS lag if Particles are not disabled in Agricraft's Config")); .addTooltip("Do not wear as a bauble, may teleport you down randomly while flying")); .addTooltip("Only Spawns in The Beneath and on The Moon")); .addTooltip(format.lightPurple("Damage Amplified to 20x")); .addTooltip("Only Spawns in The Beneath and on The Moon")); .addTooltip("WARNING: DO NOT PLACE IN YOUR BASE")); .addTooltip("The Tinkers' Construct material for this item has been buffed massively.")); .addTooltip("The Tinkers' Construct material for this item has been buffed massively.")); .addTooltip("Disabled and will cause a Crash if you try to use it! use the Beneath and Beneath Teleporter instead.")); .addTooltip(format.aqua("Right-click with an Essentia Filter to unclog!")); .addTooltip(format.aqua("Right-click a Clogged Flux Condenser Lattice to unclog it!")); .addTooltip(format.lightPurple("4x Total Power Generation! (Disclaimer: reflected in Fuel tooltips)")); .addTooltip("Use Tombstone Soulbound instead")); .addTooltip("Temporarily Disabled, this item will be obtainable again in a (hopefully near) future version of MCE.")); var supremarmor = [,,,] as IItemStack[]; for armor in supremarmor { armor.addTooltip("Flight Disabled")); } var beneathores = [,,,,,] as IItemStack[]; for ores in beneathores { ores.addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Only found in the Beneath")); } var mektooltiptext = ["If used in an AE2 Autocrafting Pattern, manually add this item into the crafting pattern, else it will not work.","Do not place with a Builder's Wand, will revert to Basic version."] as string[]; var mektooltipitems = [,,,,,,] as IItemStack[]; for items in mektooltipitems { for text in mektooltiptext { items.addTooltip(; } } val mekfactorymetas = [5,6,7] as int[]; for metas in mekfactorymetas { itemUtils.getItem("mekanism:machineblock",metas).addTooltip("Do not place with a Builder's Wand, will transform into a Smelting Factory")); } val thaumcuriosities = { 1:"Alchemy", 0:"Auromancy", 4:"Infusion", 5:"Artifice", 2:"Golemancy", 3:"Eldritch" } as string[int]; for metas in thaumcuriosities { itemUtils.getItem("thaumcraft:curio",metas).addTooltip(format.lightPurple("More likely to give "~thaumcuriosities[metas]~" Research")); } .addTooltip(format.darkPurple("Will grant some Warp on use!")); var aePresses = [ , , , ] as IItemStack[]; for press in aePresses { press.addTooltip(format.aqua("Can be purchased in the Shop!")); } var meteorRelatedItems = [ , , ] as IItemStack[]; for item in meteorRelatedItems { item.addTooltip("AE2 Meteors Spawn in The Beneath and on The Moon")); } var candleData = { 0 : [,], 1 : [,,,,], 2 : [,,], 3 : [,,], 4 : [,,], 5 : [,,], 6 : [,,], 7 : [,,], 8 : [,,,], 9 : [,,], 10: [,,,], 11: [,,,,,,], 12: [,,,], 13: [,,,], 14: [,,,], 15: [,,] } as IEnchantmentDefinition[][int]; for meta in candleData { itemUtils.getItem("quark:candle", meta).addShiftTooltip("Boosts rates of in Matrix Enchanting:"),"Hold SHIFT to see affected Enchantments")); for enchant in candleData[meta] { itemUtils.getItem("quark:candle", meta).addShiftTooltip(format.aqua("- "~game.localize(; } } val nonFunctionalExtraCellsThings = [ , , , ] as IItemStack[]; for thing in nonFunctionalExtraCellsThings { recipes.remove(thing); thing.addTooltip("Disabled, doesn't work for technical reasons.")); } val NBeeT = {MaxH: 50, Mate: {Chromosomes: [{UID1: "", UID0: "", Slot: 0 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.speedSlow", UID0: "forestry.speedSlow", Slot: 1 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.lifespanLong", UID0: "forestry.lifespanLong", Slot: 2 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.fertilityNormal", UID0: "forestry.fertilityNormal", Slot: 3 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.toleranceNone", UID0: "forestry.toleranceNone", Slot: 4 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 5 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.toleranceNone", UID0: "forestry.toleranceNone", Slot: 6 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 7 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 8 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.flowersVanilla", UID0: "forestry.flowersVanilla", Slot: 9 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.floweringSlow", UID0: "forestry.floweringSlow", Slot: 10 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.territoryAverage", UID0: "forestry.territoryAverage", Slot: 11 as byte}, {UID1: "careerbees.effect.rf", UID0: "careerbees.effect.rf", Slot: 12 as byte}]}, Health: 50, IsAnalyzed: 0 as byte, Genome: {Chromosomes: [{UID1: "", UID0: "", Slot: 0 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.speedSlow", UID0: "forestry.speedSlow", Slot: 1 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.lifespanLong", UID0: "forestry.lifespanLong", Slot: 2 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.fertilityNormal", UID0: "forestry.fertilityNormal", Slot: 3 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.toleranceNone", UID0: "forestry.toleranceNone", Slot: 4 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 5 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.toleranceNone", UID0: "forestry.toleranceNone", Slot: 6 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 7 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.boolFalse", UID0: "forestry.boolFalse", Slot: 8 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.flowersVanilla", UID0: "forestry.flowersVanilla", Slot: 9 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.floweringSlow", UID0: "forestry.floweringSlow", Slot: 10 as byte}, {UID1: "forestry.territoryAverage", UID0: "forestry.territoryAverage", Slot: 11 as byte}, {UID1: "careerbees.effect.rf", UID0: "careerbees.effect.rf", Slot: 12 as byte}]}} as IData; val beeTypes = [ , , ] as IItemStack[]; for bee in beeTypes { bee.withTag(NBeeT).addTooltip(format.aqua("Cannot be bred directly, craft a Gene Sample of this species to acquire it")); bee.withTag(NBeeT).addTooltip(format.aqua("See the uses for 'Avatar of Ratlantis' to find the recipe")); } for num in 0 to 5 { itemUtils.getItem("vampirism:pure_blood", num).addTooltip(format.aqua("Dropped by Level "+(num+1)+" Vampire Barons, or crafted, for a price.")); } for resItem,amount in { : 5, : 25} as string[IItemStack] { resItem.addTooltip(format.lightPurple("Restores "+amount+"% HP.")); } print("--- Tooltip.zs initialized ---");