{ title: "&5Augmentation", x: 27.5d, y: -12.0d, shape: "octagon", description: "&o:O That's the name of the Mod!&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&7The two Caster's Gauntlets from &dThaumic Augmentation&7 are able to accept special upgrades, aptly named &5Augments&7, these Augments will enhance your gauntlet in one way or another, there's not really any \"Best\" combination, it comes down to what you like!", "", "&7Both Gauntlets also have a little &dVis Discount&7 in them, the &5Thaumium&7 with 10%, and the &5Voidseer&7 with 30%.", "&7They also have additional minor advantages, The &5Voidseer Gauntlet&7 can draw &dVis&7 from the aura in a 3x3 Chunk radius around the user, while the &5Thaumium Gauntlet&7 has slightly shorter spell cooldowns.", "", "&5Augments&7 are composed of a &dModifier&7 and &dEffect Crystal&7, the Modifier will determine the &6Effect Power&7 and &6Condition&7, while the Effect Crystal determines &6the Effect that is granted&7 when the Augment's condition is met.", "", "The &5Elemental Modifier&7 provides a bonus to Foci with &5Effects&7 that use the &6Aspect of the Crystal installed in it, but a debuff to Foci that don't&7.", "The &dVis Crystal&7 used in the Elemental Modifer can also be swapped out at will by crafting it with the Vis Crystal you want to swap it for.", "", "&dAugments&7 can be removed by crafting with the Gauntlet with them attached alone, pulling off the most recently added Augment.", "", "&6&lImportant!", "&7The &5Dimensional Modifiers&7 have had a bit of tweaking done in &dMC Eternal&7, most of the Dimensions in the pack have one of them take effect, and the &dEnd and Emptiness&7 modifiers have had their power boosted a bit!" ], hide_dependency_lines: true, dependencies: [ "5ef1c316" ], tasks: [{ uid: "166dd47c", type: "item", title: "&5Thaumium&7 or &5Voidseer&7 Caster's Gauntlet", items: [{ ForgeCaps: { Parent: { slots: 3 }, "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "thaumicaugmentation:gauntlet", tag: { color: 8022208 } }, { ForgeCaps: { Parent: { slots: 3 }, "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "thaumicaugmentation:gauntlet", tag: { color: 2498903 }, Damage: 1s }], ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "e9bab543", type: "item", title: "Any &5Modifier", items: [{ id: "thaumicaugmentation:augment_builder_power", tag: { id: "thaumicaugmentation:strength_elemental" } }], ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "4b2657f8", type: "item", title: "Any &5Effect Crystal", items: [{ id: "thaumicaugmentation:augment_builder_effect", tag: { id: "thaumicaugmentation:effect_power" } }], ignore_nbt: 1b }], rewards: [{ uid: "4bbede20", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }, { uid: "2224cd3b", type: "loot", table: 1 }] }