# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # blacklist #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Blacklist options for various features ########################################################################################################## blacklist { # Blacklists the loading of listed blocks. # Use the registry name of the block. Vanilla blocks do not require the modid. S:blockBlacklist < > # Blacklists the loading of listed items. # Use the registry name of the item. Vanilla items do not require the modid. S:itemBlacklist < > } ########################################################################################################## # compat #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Options for different mod compatibilities ########################################################################################################## compat { B:tconstructCompatEnabled=true } ########################################################################################################## # misc #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Miscellaneous options ########################################################################################################## misc { # Should be set to false when another mod adds in its own Ore-Dict glass shards B:doGlassShardsDrop=true # Should glass/bleeding cause less drops B:glassDeathLessDrops=true # The max range for anything that uses raytracing (Ender Sigil, Lightning Sigil, etc.) # Min: 1.0 # Max: 256.0 D:rayTraceRange=64.0 } ########################################################################################################## # rituals #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Toggles for all rituals ########################################################################################################## rituals { B:bloodBurnerRitual=true # Activation cost of the Ritual of Purification (purificationRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:bloodBurnerRitualActivationCost=10000 I:bloodBurnerRitualNetworkCost=1000 # Refresh cost of the Ritual of Purification (purificationRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:bloodBurnerRitualRefreshCost=200 B:infusionRitual=true # Activation cost of the Infusion de Sanguine (infusionRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:infusionRitualActivationCost=10000 # Refresh cost of the Infusion de Sanguine (infusionRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:infusionRitualRefreshCost=100 B:purificationRitual=true # Minimum amount of Life Essence (in mB) required to start the Ritual of Purification # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:purificationRitualMinLP=10000 # Refresh cost of the Ritual of Purification (purificationRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:purificationRitualRefreshCost=20 # Activation cost of the Ritual of Purification (purificationRitual) # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:purificationtRitualActivationCost=10000 # Amount of Life Essence (in mB) per mB of Refined Life Essence # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:refinedLifeEssenceConversion=10 imperfect { B:imperfectEnchantReset=true # Activation cost of the Enchant Reset Ritual # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:imperfectEnchantResetActivationCost=5000 B:imperfectIce=true # Activation cost of the Imperfect Lightning Ritual # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:imperfectIceActivationCost=500 B:imperfectLightning=true # Activation cost of the Imperfect Lightning Ritual # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:imperfectLightningActivationCost=5000 B:imperfectSnow=true # Activation cost of the Imperfect Lightning Ritual # Min: 0 # Max: 100000 I:imperfectSnowActivationCost=500 } } ########################################################################################################## # values #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Value modifiers for various features ########################################################################################################## values { # The multiplier (per item) of LP drained when the Altare Aenigmatica moves an item to the altar # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:altareAenigmaticaMoveMultiplier=50 # Amount of energy the Blood Capacitor can store # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000000 I:bloodCapacitorStorage=10000000 # Amount of energy the Blood Capacitor can transfer per tick # Min: 0 # Max: 1000000 I:bloodCapacitorTransfer=10000 # Amount of LP required for a repair for Blood Infused Iron Tools # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:bloodInfusedIronToolsRepairCost=50 # Amount of ticks for a repair to occur for Blood Infused Iron Tools # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:bloodInfusedIronToolsRepairUpdate=40 # Amount of LP required for a repair for Blood Infused Wooden Tools # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:bloodInfusedWoodenToolsRepairCost=20 # Amount of ticks for a repair to occur for Blood Infused Wooden Tools # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:bloodInfusedWoodenToolsRepairUpdate=100 # Amount of LP required per usage of the Bound Igniter # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:boundIgniterCost=200 # Amount of LP required per usage of the Bound Shears # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:boundShearsCost=300 # The multiplier of LP for the Glass Dagger of Sacrifice # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:glassDaggerOfSacrificeLPMultiplier=2.0 # Amount of damage the Glass Sacrificial Dagger deals per use # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 D:glassSacrificialDaggerHealth=2.0 # Amount of LP the Glass Sacrificial Dagger (approximately) gives per use # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:glassSacrificialDaggerLP=500 # Amount of damage the Glass Shards block deals when an entity touches it # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:glassShardsDamage=2.0 # Multiplier of LP for the Sacrifice Amulet: LP = (damageDone * sacrificeAmuletMultiplier # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:sacrificeAmuletMultiplier=20.0 # Multiplier of LP for the Self Sacrifice Amulet: LP = (damageDone * sacrificeAmuletMultiplier # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:selfSacrificeAmuletMultiplier=20.0 # Amount of LP per update for the Sigil of Divinity # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:sigilDivinityCost=100000 # Amount of LP required to open the Ender Sigil # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:sigilEnderOpenCost=500 # Multiplier of LP for teleporting with the Ender Sigil # Min: 0.0 # Max: 10000.0 D:sigilEnderTeleportMultiplier=200.0 # Time (in ticks) of the cooldown after teleportation for the Ender Sigil # Min: 0 # Max: 200 I:sigilEnderTeleportationCooldown=40 # Time (in ticks) of the delay before teleportation for the Ender Sigil # Min: 0 # Max: 60 I:sigilEnderTeleportationDelay=10 # Multiplier of LP (per lightning bolt) for zapping things with the Lightning Sigil # Min: 0.0 # Max: 10000.0 D:sigilLightningMultiplier=800.0 # Amount of LP per usage for the Sigil of Sentience # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:sigilSentienceBaseCost=1000 # Amount of LP per update for the Sigil of Swimming # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:sigilSwimmingCost=100 # Fraction of the damage that is converted to health for the Vampire Ring: health = (damageDealt * vampireRingSyphon) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:vampireRingMultiplier=0.5 }