# Configuration file CraftingRecipe { main { I:amount=1 S:components < ingotSteel stickWood > S:output=adhooks:spear_hook S:pattern=001 020 100 } reserve { I:amount=1 S:components < ingotIron stick > S:output=adhooks:spear_hook S:pattern=001 020 100 } } hookSpear { # Defines interation with non-playable characters. [default: true] B:affectsNPCs=true # Defines interation with players. [default: true] B:affectsPlayers=true # If true, you can hook any block regardless of its material and hardness. [default: false] B:canHookAnyBlock=false # Defines how much damage it will deal to entity on hit. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damage=2.0 # Set to 'false' if you don't need this unit. [default: true] B:enabled=true # Defines the maximum weight of an entity that can be grappled. # Where weight = entity.width * entity.height (ex: villagerWeight = 0.6 * 1.95 = 1.17, pigWeight = 0.9 * 0.9 = 0.81) [range: 0.0 ~ 65536.0, default: 65536.0] S:maxEntityWeight=50.0 # Defines how long it can be under fire influence (in seconds). [range: 0.0 ~ 60.0, default: 5.0] S:resistance=5.0 # Defines how heavy duty it can withstand. [range: 0.0 ~ 20.0, default: 5.0] S:strength=10.0 CraftingRecipe { main { # Amount of output units. [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 1] I:amount=1 # Recipe components list. # Components should be represented by its ids. # Id is a basic unit (block or item) identifier in format. # ModId can be omitted for vanilla items. Meta can be omitted too if it equals 0. # UnitName must be lowercase, words separated by '_', words order - from private to common (example: black_iron_ore). # Unit name will be automatically converted to ore dictionary name with reverse word order (example: oreIronBlack). # Use '*' char as meta value to specify all possible values. # To define multiple block states, you can use block properties instead of meta. The format is # Also you may use just ore dictionary name as full id. # [default: [ingotIron], [stickWood]] S:components < ingotIron stickWood > # Output unit id. # Id is a basic unit (block or item) identifier in format. # ModId can be omitted for vanilla items. Meta can be omitted too if it equals 0. # UnitName must be lowercase, words separated by '_', words order - from private to common (example: black_iron_ore). # Unit name will be automatically converted to ore dictionary name with reverse word order (example: oreIronBlack). # Use '*' char as meta value to specify all possible values. # To define multiple block states, you can use block properties instead of meta. The format is # Also you may use just ore dictionary name as full id. # [default: adhooks:spear_hook] S:output=adhooks:spear_hook # Shaped recipe pattern in format or . # Where 'n' - number of recipe component (from 1 to 9). # Zero value (0) is for empty slot. # If pattern is empty, then recipe will be treated as shapeless. [default: 011 021 100] S:pattern=011 021 100 } } }