# Configuration file foundry { # Foundry will not start melting items if check overflow is enabled and if resulting materials exceed foundry capacity. When foundry is in overflow exceeding materials will flow out as magma. [default: true] B:checkOverflow=true # # All items crafted with explosives can generate explosion if smelted on foundry. # In this list you can change explosives values for items, and new values will affect calculations. # Given that the TNT explosion has a radius of 4 and is composed of 5 gunpowder the amount of a single gunpowder is 0.8. # If not specified the default value is 0 and the object will not generate explosions. # S:explosion < minecraft:gunpowder=0.8 minecraft:firework_charge=1.2 minecraft:fireworks=1.6 > # # All the fuel items that you can burn in the furnace can generate fire on foundry. # In this list you can add more items to be considered as fuel or you can change the probability to generate fire for existing ones. # If placed on a flat floor the foundry will generate fire on average every 75 seconds when burning items with fire value of 1, like blaze rods. # The average time is inversely proportional to this value so burning items with fire value of 0.5 will generate fire on average every 150 seconds. # If not specified the default value is 0 and the object will not generate fire. # S:fire < minecraft:paper=0.01 minecraft:blaze_powder=0.5 > # This float parameter affects the fuel consumption of the foundry. A value of 2 means that the fuel lasts 2 times longer. [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 1.0] S:fuelFactor=1.0 # # All registered recipes in crafting table are processed to determine recyclables to be returned with the fusion in the foundry. # In this list you can add or remove or modify recipes as if they were registered in the crafting table. # The syntax is: item={item=value,item=value, ...}. # Accepted values are float greater than 0. # If a value is not acceptable or the list of materials is not specified the foundry will ignore the entire recipe. # Changing this list will affect only foundry calculations and not crafting table results. # S:recipes < minecraft:iron_horse_armor={minecraft:iron_ingot=12.0} minecraft:golden_horse_armor={minecraft:gold_ingot=12.0} minecraft:diamond_horse_armor={minecraft:diamond=12.0} minecraft:stonebrick@2={minecraft:stonebrick@0=1.0} minecraft:cobblestone={minecraft:stone@0=1.0} minecraft:chainmail_boots={minecraft:iron_ingot=2.666664} minecraft:chainmail_leggings={minecraft:iron_ingot=4.6666617} minecraft:chainmail_chestplate={minecraft:iron_ingot=5.333328} minecraft:chainmail_helmet={minecraft:iron_ingot=3.33333} minecraft:lava_bucket={minecraft:iron_ingot=3.0} minecraft:water_bucket={minecraft:iron_ingot=3.0} minecraft:milk_bucket={minecraft:iron_ingot=3.0} minecraft:cake={} > # # All objects that can be obtained from the furnace are considered recyclables and their default yield is 1.0. # In this list you can add other items to be considered recyclables or change its yield and new values will affect calculations. # The yield is a float greater than 0. Specifying a yield less than or equal to 0, the object is considered not recyclable. # For example you can override all items setting all to 0 and specify all custom smelting results in the smelting list. # If not specified the default value is 1. # The material amount returned from foundry is proportional to the material yield. # S:recyclables < minecraft:flint=1.0 > # # You can override computed smelting results or add new smelting results # specifying materials amounts, fire probability or explosion radius for items that you want to modify or that was not processed. # The pattern is item={item=float,item=float,...,fire=float,explosion=float} # If not specified fire and explosion default value is 0. # If specified material list is empty or values are 0 the item will not be considered a valid input for foundry and will not be melted. # S:smelting < minecraft:brick={} minecraft:coal@0={} minecraft:coal@1={} minecraft:diamond={} minecraft:dye@2={} minecraft:dye@4={} minecraft:emerald={} minecraft:flint={} minecraft:glass={} minecraft:gold_ingot={} minecraft:hardened_clay={} minecraft:iron_ingot={} minecraft:netherbrick={} minecraft:quartz={} minecraft:redstone={} minecraft:stone@0={} minecraft:stonebrick@2={} > # This float parameter affects the melting time of items in the foundry. A value of 2 makes the foundry to times slow. A value of 0.5 makes the foundry to times fast. [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 1.0] S:timeFactor=1.0 # If true fire calculation are used to determine items burning time (fuel for furnace or foundry or other) [default: false] B:useFireItemsAsFuel=false }