#ignoreBracketErrors import scripts.common.makeShaped as makeShaped; /* P2P Tunnel tooltips. */ .addTooltip(format.green(format.italic( "Made by right-clicking ME P2P Tunnel with an energy conduit."))); .addTooltip(format.green(format.italic( "Made by right-clicking ME P2P Tunnel with a bucket."))); .addTooltip(format.green(format.italic( "Made by right-clicking ME P2P Tunnel with a chest."))); .addTooltip(format.green(format.italic( "Made by right-clicking ME P2P Tunnel with a torch."))); .addTooltip(format.green(format.italic( "Made by right-clicking ME P2P Tunnel with redstone dust."))); /* Channel-specific adjustments. */ if ( as bool) { // ME Controller recipes.removeByRecipeName("appliedenergistics2:network/blocks/controller"); makeShaped("me_controller", , ["PFP", "FAF", "PFP"], { F : , P : , A : }); // Dense Conduit assembler.recipeBuilder() .inputs([ * 4, * 5]) .outputs([ * 2]) .duration(80) .EUt(16) .buildAndRegister(); /* Remove channel-specific items otherwise. */ } else { mods.jei.JEI.removeAndHide(); recipes.removeByRecipeName("appliedenergistics2:network/cables/smart_fluix"); recipes.removeByRecipeName("appliedenergistics2:network/cables/dense_covered_fluix"); }