# Each line in this file should either be a comment (line starts with '#'), or a fully-qualified class name (that # includes the package name) for a recipe handler. Wildcard patterns ('*') can be used to catch multiple classes with a # single entry. # If you delete this file, it will be regenerated with the default height hacked handlers list. buildcraft.compat.nei.* cofh.thermalexpansion.plugins.nei.handlers.* crazypants.enderio.nei.* forestry.factory.recipes.nei.* ic2.neiIntegration.core.recipehandler.* mariculture.plugins.nei.* redgear.brewcraft.plugins.nei.* tconstruct.plugins.nei.* tonius.neiintegration.mods.railcraft.* WayofTime.alchemicalWizardry.client.nei.*