# Configuration file "alien syllable pool" { # The fraction of names that include a prefix. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:"Prefix Chance"=0.0 # Prefixes that can occur before the core name. [default: ] S:Prefixes= # Core names begin with one of these half-syllables. Use _ to represent a space. [default: 'Y, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, Ae, Ai, Ay, B, Ba, Ba, Ba, Bo, Bu, Bya, C, Chau, Co, Co, Cro, Cthaa, Cthae, Cthu, Cthu, Cthy, Cto, Cxa, Cy, Cyä, D, Da, Dhu, Di, Dray, Dry, Dy, Dy, Dzé, E, E, Ei, Ei, Fu, Ge, Gha, Ghi, Ghro, Ghro, Gi, Gla, Glee, Gloo, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Gtu, Gu, Gu, Gwa, Gz, H, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Hai, Hna, Hziu, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Ia, Ja, Je, Ju, K, Ka, Ka, Ka, Kaa, Kaa, Kau, Kha, Klaa, Klo, Klu, Kra, Krai, Kri, Ktha, Ktha, Ku, La, Le, Lloi, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lu, Ly, M, M, M, Ma, Mla, Mno, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mri, My, N, N, N, Na, Nee, Ngi, Ngy, No, No, Nu, Ny, Ny, Ny, Nya, Nya, Nyo, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, Oo, Ou, Pa, Pe, Pha, Pha, Po, Psu, Pta, Q, Qu, Qua, R, R, Ra, Ra, Raa, Rha, Rha, Rho, Ri, Ro, S, Sa, Saa, Sca, Se, Se, Se, Sfa, Sha, Sha, Sha, Sha, Shau, She, Shi, Shli, Sho, Shte, Shu, Shu, Shuy, Stha, Su, Su, Swa, Ta, Te, Th, Tha, Tha, Tha, Tha, Tho, To, Tru, Tsa, Tu, Tu, Tu, U, U, U, U, Ui, V, Ve, Vhu, Vi, Vi, Vo, Vo, Vo, Vu, Wa, X, Xa, Xa, Xe, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xo, Xo, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Ya, Ya, Ya, Ye, Ye, Yha, Yha, Yhou, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yu, Yu, Yu, Z, Z, Za, Ze, Zha, Zi, Zi, Zo, Zo, Zu, Zvi] S:"Root: Initial"='Y, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, Ae, Ai, Ay, B, Ba, Ba, Ba, Bo, Bu, Bya, C, Chau, Co, Co, Cro, Cthaa, Cthae, Cthu, Cthu, Cthy, Cto, Cxa, Cy, Cyä, D, Da, Dhu, Di, Dray, Dry, Dy, Dy, Dzé, E, E, Ei, Ei, Fu, Ge, Gha, Ghi, Ghro, Ghro, Gi, Gla, Glee, Gloo, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Gtu, Gu, Gu, Gwa, Gz, H, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Hai, Hna, Hziu, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Ia, Ja, Je, Ju, K, Ka, Ka, Ka, Kaa, Kaa, Kau, Kha, Klaa, Klo, Klu, Kra, Krai, Kri, Ktha, Ktha, Ku, La, Le, Lloi, Lo, Lo, Lo, Lu, Ly, M, M, M, Ma, Mla, Mno, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mri, My, N, N, N, Na, Nee, Ngi, Ngy, No, No, Nu, Ny, Ny, Ny, Nya, Nya, Nyo, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, Oo, Ou, Pa, Pe, Pha, Pha, Po, Psu, Pta, Q, Qu, Qua, R, R, Ra, Ra, Raa, Rha, Rha, Rho, Ri, Ro, S, Sa, Saa, Sca, Se, Se, Se, Sfa, Sha, Sha, Sha, Sha, Shau, She, Shi, Shli, Sho, Shte, Shu, Shu, Shuy, Stha, Su, Su, Swa, Ta, Te, Th, Tha, Tha, Tha, Tha, Tho, To, Tru, Tsa, Tu, Tu, Tu, U, U, U, U, Ui, V, Ve, Vhu, Vi, Vi, Vo, Vo, Vo, Vu, Wa, X, Xa, Xa, Xe, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xo, Xo, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Ya, Ya, Ya, Ye, Ye, Yha, Yha, Yhou, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yu, Yu, Yu, Z, Z, Za, Ze, Zha, Zi, Zi, Zo, Zo, Zu, Zvi # Core names insert zero or more of these elements to build to their target lengths. Use _ to represent a space, and ^ for a blank entry. [default: -Ga, -Ho, -Ka, -Kthu, -Ni, -Ra, 'ba, 'chte, 'e, 'gnu, 'go, 'li, 'lla, 'lo, 'na, 'Na, 'ne, 'ry, 'tha, 'to, 'tya, 'y, a, a, a, b-Ni, b-Te, b'mbu, ba, bb-Tst, bbi, bbo, be, bho, bho, bo, bo, bu, c'Naa, cha, chi, ckla, cnà, cra, cte, ctho, cto, cto, cu, d-Tha, da, dde_M, de, dh-yaa, dhra, dley, dme, e, g-Hoo, g-Ko, g-Sa, g-Si, g-So, g'Na, ga, gg-Ha, gg-Sha, ggdy, ggha, ggy, gha, gho, ghya, gna, gna, gni, gnu, go, go, go, go, gra, gtha, h'i, h'Thu, ha, ho, i, i, jh'Kaa, jha, k-Sha, ki, kla, ko, kra, kru, l_Tho, l-go, l'kru, la, la, lbe, lda, le, le-O, lgna, lhu, li, li, li, li, lko, lla, lo, lpo, lquo, ltha, lthoo, lti, lu, lu, lu, lzscha, m_Cru, ma, ma, mi, mma, mmu, mna, mo, mo, mqua, mu, mu, n-Te, na, nai, nda, nda, nde, nde, ndo, ndy, nee, ni, nlu, no, no, no, npe, ntoo, nu, o, o, o, o, o, pha, phoo, qua, r-A, r-Ko, r'la, ra, ra, ra, ra, rdi, rdne, rgò, rga, ri, rla, rlo, rmo, ro, ro, ro, rpa, rqu, rr, rra, rri, rry, rse, rte, rtho, rtll, ru, rva, rwa, sa, sai, sba, sei, sgu, sha, shtu, smi, so, sso, ssu, sta, sta, sta, stu, sty, t'U, ta, te, th-Go, th-Ho, th-O, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, thne, tho, tho, tho, thu, thu, thya, ti, tla, tli, tli, tu, tzi, u, ue, va, vha, w'ke, wà, xa, xii, xtyo, xu, xu, ya, ya, yi, za, zho, zo, zta, -Ga, -Gha, -Sa, -Thu, -Y, -ya, 'e, 'i, 'ngo, 'so, ña, a, a, b_G, ch-Na, cll, dda, dda, do, do, do, e, fu, g, ga, ge, ge, gghua, gghua, ggi, ggu, ggua, ggua, ggua, gh-Yai, gha, gha, ghra, gnni, go, go, go, gtha, gtha, ht_Z, i, ii, ka, ka, ki, klu, ko, l_U, lÿ, la, la, la, lca, le, lhu, li, li, lka, lla, lla, lla, lls-H, llu, lo, lo, lo, lpha, lu, lu, lu, lyo, lzhe, m_Shai, m-Zha, ma, ma, mbra, mi, mi, mmo, mo, mo, mpha, n-Go, na, na, nai, nche, ndrra, ne, nnga, no, no, nu, o, pha, pi, pse, qua, r, r_Fau, r'i, ra, ra, rg_Ryo, rga, ri, ri, ro, ro, rra, rtha, rthua, ru, sa, sca, sh-Ho, sha, sha, shu, ssa, sui, ta, ta, th-a, th-Ka, th'lu, tha, the, thna, tho, tho, tho, tho, thrha, tii, tli, tse, tu, u, va, ve, wr, xtla, ya, ye, yi, zo, _Gwa, -B, -Tha, 'u, a, a, a, ba, bhy, cha, cu, d_E, de, g'Na, ga, ggua, gly, gm, go, hn, ka, ko, ku, la, lo, mghi, n'tho, na, ni, nsha, o, o, o, pa, r'He, ra, ra, rgo, rlo, sss, sua, te, thæ, thi, thla, ttau, -se, 'n, a, e, gni, lle, nï, ndu, nzha, qqa, -Mo, é, rr'ro, lû] S:"Root: Syllables"=-Ga, -Ho, -Ka, -Kthu, -Ni, -Ra, 'ba, 'chte, 'e, 'gnu, 'go, 'li, 'lla, 'lo, 'na, 'Na, 'ne, 'ry, 'tha, 'to, 'tya, 'y, a, a, a, b-Ni, b-Te, b'mbu, ba, bb-Tst, bbi, bbo, be, bho, bho, bo, bo, bu, c'Naa, cha, chi, ckla, cnà, cra, cte, ctho, cto, cto, cu, d-Tha, da, dde_M, de, dh-yaa, dhra, dley, dme, e, g-Hoo, g-Ko, g-Sa, g-Si, g-So, g'Na, ga, gg-Ha, gg-Sha, ggdy, ggha, ggy, gha, gho, ghya, gna, gna, gni, gnu, go, go, go, go, gra, gtha, h'i, h'Thu, ha, ho, i, i, jh'Kaa, jha, k-Sha, ki, kla, ko, kra, kru, l_Tho, l-go, l'kru, la, la, lbe, lda, le, le-O, lgna, lhu, li, li, li, li, lko, lla, lo, lpo, lquo, ltha, lthoo, lti, lu, lu, lu, lzscha, m_Cru, ma, ma, mi, mma, mmu, mna, mo, mo, mqua, mu, mu, n-Te, na, nai, nda, nda, nde, nde, ndo, ndy, nee, ni, nlu, no, no, no, npe, ntoo, nu, o, o, o, o, o, pha, phoo, qua, r-A, r-Ko, r'la, ra, ra, ra, ra, rdi, rdne, rgò, rga, ri, rla, rlo, rmo, ro, ro, ro, rpa, rqu, rr, rra, rri, rry, rse, rte, rtho, rtll, ru, rva, rwa, sa, sai, sba, sei, sgu, sha, shtu, smi, so, sso, ssu, sta, sta, sta, stu, sty, t'U, ta, te, th-Go, th-Ho, th-O, tha, tha, tha, tha, tha, thne, tho, tho, tho, thu, thu, thya, ti, tla, tli, tli, tu, tzi, u, ue, va, vha, w'ke, wà, xa, xii, xtyo, xu, xu, ya, ya, yi, za, zho, zo, zta, -Ga, -Gha, -Sa, -Thu, -Y, -ya, 'e, 'i, 'ngo, 'so, ña, a, a, b_G, ch-Na, cll, dda, dda, do, do, do, e, fu, g, ga, ge, ge, gghua, gghua, ggi, ggu, ggua, ggua, ggua, gh-Yai, gha, gha, ghra, gnni, go, go, go, gtha, gtha, ht_Z, i, ii, ka, ka, ki, klu, ko, l_U, lÿ, la, la, la, lca, le, lhu, li, li, lka, lla, lla, lla, lls-H, llu, lo, lo, lo, lpha, lu, lu, lu, lyo, lzhe, m_Shai, m-Zha, ma, ma, mbra, mi, mi, mmo, mo, mo, mpha, n-Go, na, na, nai, nche, ndrra, ne, nnga, no, no, nu, o, pha, pi, pse, qua, r, r_Fau, r'i, ra, ra, rg_Ryo, rga, ri, ri, ro, ro, rra, rtha, rthua, ru, sa, sca, sh-Ho, sha, sha, shu, ssa, sui, ta, ta, th-a, th-Ka, th'lu, tha, the, thna, tho, tho, tho, tho, thrha, tii, tli, tse, tu, u, va, ve, wr, xtla, ya, ye, yi, zo, _Gwa, -B, -Tha, 'u, a, a, a, ba, bhy, cha, cu, d_E, de, g'Na, ga, ggua, gly, gm, go, hn, ka, ko, ku, la, lo, mghi, n'tho, na, ni, nsha, o, o, o, pa, r'He, ra, ra, rgo, rlo, sss, sua, te, thæ, thi, thla, ttau, -se, 'n, a, e, gni, lle, nï, ndu, nzha, qqa, -Mo, é, rr'ro, lû # Core names end with one of these half-syllables. Use _ to represent a space, and ^ for a blank entry. [default: ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, 'st, b, b, bb, c, c, c, ch, ch, ck, ct, d, d, d, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, gh, gh, gn, h, h, h, h, h, h, hl, k, k, k, k, k, k, k, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, lbh, ll, ll, m, m, m, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, ng, ng, njh, nn, ns, p, p, ps, q, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, rhn, rn, rt, rth, rth, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, sh, sh, sh, sh, ss, ss, st, t, t, t, t, t, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, x, x, z, z, z] S:"Root: Terminal"=^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, ^, 'st, b, b, bb, c, c, c, ch, ch, ck, ct, d, d, d, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, g, gh, gh, gn, h, h, h, h, h, h, hl, k, k, k, k, k, k, k, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, l, lbh, ll, ll, m, m, m, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, ng, ng, njh, nn, ns, p, p, ps, q, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r, rhn, rn, rt, rth, rth, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, sh, sh, sh, sh, ss, ss, st, t, t, t, t, t, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, x, x, z, z, z # The fraction of names that include a suffix. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:"Suffix Chance"=0.0 # Suffixes that can occur after the core name. [default: ] S:Suffixes= # How often core names of various lengths are generated. The number in the Nth row is the weighting for N-syllable names. I:"Syllable Count Weighting" < 23 98 107 36 7 2 1 > }