// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- Import --- import mods.gregtech.AlloySmelter; import mods.gregtech.Assembler; import mods.gregtech.BlastFurnace; import mods.gregtech.Brewery; import mods.gregtech.Canner; import mods.gregtech.ChemicalBath; import mods.ic2.Compressor; import mods.gregtech.Distillery; import mods.gregtech.Extruder; import mods.gregtech.FluidCanner; import mods.gregtech.FluidSolidifier; import mods.gregtech.Fuels; import mods.gregtech.Lathe; import mods.gregtech.Pulverizer; import mods.gregtech.Mixer; import mods.gregtech.PlateBender; import mods.gregtech.Polarizer; import mods.gregtech.Wiremill; import mods.gregtech.VacuumFreezer; // --- Variables --- val IronFurnace = ; val IronPlate = ; val Furnace = ; val Wrench = ; val HVFieldGen = ; // --- Remove Recipes --- // --- Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Geothermal Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Heat Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Solar Panel recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Water Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Sterling Kinetic Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Chamber recipes.remove(); // --- Radioisotope Heat Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid/Solid Canning Machine recipes.remove(); // --- Solid Canning Machine recipes.remove(); // --- Fermernter recipes.remove(); // --- LV Transformer recipes.remove(); // --- MV Transformer recipes.remove(); // --- HV Transformer recipes.remove(); // --- EV Transformer recipes.remove(); // --- Heat Conductor recipes.remove(); // --- Coil recipes.remove(); // --- Bat Box recipes.remove(); // --- CESU recipes.remove(); // --- MFE recipes.remove(); // --- MFSU recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Scaffold recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Scaffold recipes.remove(); // --- Uranium Block recipes.remove(); // --- Mining Laser recipes.remove(); // --- ITNT recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Plating recipes.remove(); // --- Heat Capacity Reactor Plating recipes.remove(); // --- Containment Reactor Plating recipes.remove(); // --- Wire Cutter recipes.remove(); // --- Copper Cable recipes.remove(); // --- Gold Cable recipes.remove(); // --- HV Cable recipes.remove(); // --- Tin Cable recipes.remove(); // --- Coal Chunk recipes.remove(); // --- Raw Carbon Mesh recipes.remove(); // --- Reinforced Glass recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Drill recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Wrenche recipes.remove(); // --- Windmeter recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Rotor Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Wood) recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Rotor Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Iron) recipes.remove(); // --- Steel Rotor Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Steel) recipes.remove(); // --- Carbon Rotor Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Carbon) recipes.remove(); // --- Wrench recipes.remove(); // --- MFSU upgrade Kit recipes.remove(); // --- Empty Fluid Cell recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Furnace recipes.remove(IronFurnace); // --- Rubber Wood furnace.remove(); // --- Neutron Reflector recipes.remove(); // --- Thick Neutron Reflector recipes.remove(); // --- Heat Vent recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Heat Vent recipes.remove(); // --- Overclocked Heat Vent recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Heat Vent recipes.remove(); // --- Component Heat Vent recipes.remove(); // --- Heat Exchanger recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Heat Exchanger recipes.remove(); // --- Component Heat Exchanger recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Heat Exchanger recipes.remove(); // --- RSH Condensator recipes.remove(); // --- LZH Condensator recipes.remove(); // --- Treetap recipes.remove(); // --- Rubber Sheet recipes.remove(); // --- Copper Boiler recipes.remove(); // --- De Ordicted Refined Iron oreDict.plateSteel.remove(); // --- Steam Turbine Blade --- recipes.remove(); // --- Steam Turbine --- recipes.remove(); // --- Sticky Resin furnace.remove(); // --- Iron Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Refined Iron Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Diamond Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Empty booze Barrel recipes.remove(); // --- Stone Mug recipes.remove(); // --- Coffee Powder recipes.removeShapeless(, []); // --- Cold Coffee recipes.remove(); // - furnace.remove(); // --- Dark Coffee recipes.remove(); // --- Coffee recipes.remove(); // --- Carbon Boat recipes.remove(); // --- Rubber Boat recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Boat recipes.remove(); // --- Sticky Dynamite recipes.remove(); // --- Dynamite recipes.remove(); // --- Weeding Trowel recipes.remove(); // --- Cropnalyzer recipes.remove(); // --- EU Reader recipes.remove(); // --- Plant Ball recipes.remove(); // --- Scrap Box recipes.remove(); // --- Coal Ball recipes.remove(); // --- CF Powder recipes.remove(); // --- Reinforced Door recipes.remove(); // --- Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Black Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Red Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Green Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Brown Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Blue Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Purple Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Cyan Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Light Grey Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Dark Grey Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Pink Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Lime Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Yellow Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Light Blue Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Magenta Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Orange Painter recipes.remove(); // --- White Painter recipes.remove(); // --- Single use Battery recipes.remove(); // --- Crystal Memory recipes.remove(); // - furnace.remove(); // --- Pattern Storage recipes.remove(); // --- Scanner recipes.remove(); // --- Replicator recipes.remove(); // --- Bottling Plant recipes.remove(); // --- Dynamit-o-mote recipes.remove(); // --- Frequency Transmitter recipes.remove(); // --- Overclocker Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Transformer Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Energy Storage Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Ejector Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid Ejector Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Redstone Signal Inverter Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Pulling Upgrade recipes.remove(); // --- Terra Former recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP empty recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Cultivation recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Irrigation recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Chilling recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Desertification recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Flatification recipes.remove(); // --- TFBP Mushroom recipes.remove(); // --- Scuba Helmet recipes.remove(); // --- Hazmat Suit recipes.remove(); // --- Hazmat Suit Leggings recipes.remove(); // --- Rubber Boots recipes.remove(); // --- 10k Coolant Cell recipes.remove(); // --- 30k Coolant Cell recipes.remove(); // --- 60k Coolant Cell recipes.remove(); // --- Rubber Boots recipes.remove(); // --- Static Boots recipes.remove(); // --- Semi Fluid Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Kinetic Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Steam Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Manual Kinetic Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Stirling Heat Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Solid Heat Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid Heat Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Kinetic Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Personal Safe recipes.remove(); // --- Crop Sticks recipes.remove(); // --- CF Sprayer recipes.remove(); // --- CF Backpack recipes.remove(); // --- Composite Vest recipes.remove(); // --- Nano Saber recipes.remove(); // --- Obscurator recipes.remove(); // --- OD Scanner recipes.remove(); // --- OV Scanner recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium recipes.remove(); // --- Plutonium recipes.remove(); // --- Uranium Nuggets recipes.remove(); // --- Uranium 235 recipes.remove(); // --- Lathing Tool recipes.remove(); // --- Wooden Turning Blank recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Turning Blank recipes.remove(); // --- Containment Box recipes.remove(); // --- Tool Box recipes.remove(); // --- Tiny Pile of Plutonium recipes.remove(); // --- Mox Nuclear Fuel recipes.remove(); // --- Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel recipes.remove(); // --- Electric Motor recipes.remove(); // --- Small Power Unit recipes.remove(); // --- Power Unit recipes.remove(); // --- Nuke recipes.remove(); // --- Luminator recipes.remove(); // - recipes.remove(); // --- Turning Table recipes.remove(); // --- Trade O Mat recipes.remove(); // --- Energy O Mat recipes.remove(); // --- Crop Matron recipes.remove(); // --- Crop Harvester //recipes.remove(); // --- Item buffer recipes.remove(); // --- Eletric Sorting Machine recipes.remove(); // --- Fluid Distributer recipes.remove(); // --- Solar Distiller recipes.remove(); // --- Steam Generator recipes.remove(); // --- Condenser recipes.remove(); // ---Fluid Regulator recipes.remove(); // --- Fermenter recipes.remove(); // ---Liquid Heat Exchanger recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Miner recipes.remove(); // --- Tesla Coil recipes.remove(); // --- Teleporter recipes.remove(); // --- Magnetizer recipes.remove(); // --- Pump recipes.remove(); // --- Miner recipes.remove(); // --- Charge Pad MFSU recipes.remove(); // --- Charge Pad MFE recipes.remove(); // --- Charge Pad CESU recipes.remove(); // --- Charge Pad Bat Box recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Pressure Vessel recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Fluid Port recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Access Hatch recipes.remove(); // --- Reactor Redstone Port recipes.remove(); // --- Mining Pipe recipes.remove(); // --- Nuclear Reactor recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium furnace.remove(, ); // --- Iridium Plates recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Axe recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Hoe Head recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Sense Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Pickaxe Head recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Plow Head recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Sword Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Saw Head recipes.remove(); // --- Iridium Shovel Head recipes.remove(); // --- Lapotron Crystal recipes.remove(); // --- Energium Dust recipes.remove(); // --- CF Powder recipes.remove(); // --- Add Recipes --- // --- Mining Pipe Tip -> Mining Pipe recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Electric Heat Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Stirling Heat Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Heat Conductor recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Bat Box recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- CESU recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- MFE recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- MFSU recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Rubber Sheet recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, null, null]]); // --- Wood Scaffold recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Iron Scaffold recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Mining Laser recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Reactor Plating recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Heat Capacity Reactor Plating recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Containment Reactor Plating recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Wood Rotor Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Wood) recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Iron Rotor Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Iron) recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Steel Rotor Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Steel Rotor Blade recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Steel) recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Carbon Rotor Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator Rotor Blade (Carbon) recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Water Generator mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Sterling Kinetic Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Steam Turbine Blade --- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Steam Turbine --- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // - recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [null, Wrench, null]]); // --- Iron Furnace recipes.addShaped(IronFurnace, [ [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate], [IronPlate, Wrench, IronPlate], [IronPlate, Furnace, IronPlate]]); // --- Heat Vent recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Reactor Heat Vent recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Advanced Heat Vent recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Overclocked Heat Vent recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Component Heat Vent recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Heat Exchanger recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Reactor Heat Exchanger recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Component Heat Exchanger recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Advanced Heat Exchanger recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- RSH Condensator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , , , , , , ]); // --- LZH Condensator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , , , , , , ]); // --- Treetap recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Copper Boiler recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Hops -- Removed by update to Extratrees // recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Empty booze Barrel recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Stone Mug recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [null, , null]]); // --- Coffee Powder recipes.addShapeless(, [, ]); // --- Electric Boat recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Rubber Boat recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Rubber Boat repair recipes.addShapeless(, [, , , ]); // --- Windmeter recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Reinforced Door recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Painter recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [null, , null], [null, , null]]); // --- Charging RE Battery recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Personal Safe recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Crop Sticks recipes.addShaped(, [ [, null, ], [, null, ]]); // --- CF Sprayer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Composite Vest recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- CF Backpack recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Nano Saber recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .withTag({material: "TungstenSteel"}), ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Obscurator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- OD Scanner recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- OV Scanner recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Mining Drill //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // --- Diamond Drill //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // --- Iridium Drill //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // --- Small Power Unit recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Power Unit recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Trade O Mat recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Energy O Mat recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Crop Matron recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Crop Harvester //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // --- Item buffer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Eletric Sorting Machine recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Fluid Distributer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Solar Distiller recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Steam Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Condenser recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // ---Fluid Regulator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Fermenter //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // ---Liquid Heat Exchanger recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Advanced Miner recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Tesla Coil recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Magnetizer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Miner //recipes.addShaped(, [ //[, , ], //[, , ], //[, , ]]); // --- Charge Pad MFSU recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Charge Pad MFE recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Charge Pad CESU recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Charge Pad Bat Box recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Generator mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Teleporter mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , HVFieldGen, , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Fluid Heat Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Solid Heat Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Electric Motor recipes.addShapeless(, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Electric Kinetic Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Steam Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Kinetic Wind Generator mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Semi Fluid Generator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Iridium Plates recipes.addShaped(, [ [, null, null], [, null, null], [, null, null]]); // - recipes.addShaped(, [ [, null, null], [, null, null]]); // - recipes.addShaped( * 16, [ [, ,null]]); // --- Iridium Axe recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, null, null], [, null, null]]); // --- Iridium Hoe Head recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, null, null]]); // --- Iridium Sense Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , null]]); // --- Iridium Hammer recipes.addShaped(.withTag({"GT.ToolStats": {PrimaryMaterial: "Iridium", MaxDamage: 512000 as long, SecondaryMaterial: "Steel"}}), [ [, , null], [, , ], [, , null]]); // --- Iridium Pickaxe Head recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, null, ], [null, null, null]]); // --- Iridium Plow Head recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , null], [, , null], [, , null]]); // --- Iridium Sword Blade recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [null, null, null]]); // --- Iridium Saw Head recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , null], [, , null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Iridium Shovel Head recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ]]); // --- Iridium Ingot recipes.addShaped( * 16, [ [, ,null]]); // --- Weeding Trowel recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Solar Panel recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Cell Exchange recipes.addShapeless(, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- CF Powder recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , null], [null, null, null]]); // --- Repair rubber Boots recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .anyDamage().marked("boots"), ], [null, , null], [null, , null]], function(output, inputs, crafting) { // Fix the boot without lossing nbt tags, which contains custom naming and enchantment infos return inputs.boots.withDamage(0); }); // --- Repair rubber Helm recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .anyDamage().marked("armor"), ], [null, , null], [null, , null]], function(output, inputs, crafting) { // Fix the armor without lossing nbt tags, which contains custom naming and enchantment infos return inputs.armor.withDamage(0); }); // --- Repair rubber Suit recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .anyDamage().marked("armor"), ], [null, , null], [null, , null]], function(output, inputs, crafting) { // Fix the armor without lossing nbt tags, which contains custom naming and enchantment infos return inputs.armor.withDamage(0); }); // --- Repair rubber Leggins recipes.addShaped(, [ [, .anyDamage().marked("armor"), ], [null, , null], [null, , null]], function(output, inputs, crafting) { // Fix the armor without lossing nbt tags, which contains custom naming and enchantment infos return inputs.armor.withDamage(0); }); // --- Add Fuel --- // --- Bio Gas Fuels.addGasTurbineFuel(, .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2biogas", Amount: 1000}}), 40); // --- Alloy Smelter Recipes --- // --- Rubber Boots AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 6, * 0, 300, 30); // - AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 6, * 0, 200, 30); // --- Bronze Boots AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 400, 30); // --- Bronze Chestplate AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 8, * 0, 400, 30); // --- Bronze Helmet AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 5, * 0, 400, 30); // --- Bronze Leggings AlloySmelter.addRecipe(, * 7, * 0, 400, 30); // --- Assembler Recipes --- // --- Solar Panels Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 72, 600, 64); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 36, 600, 64); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 600, 64); // --- Fluid/Solid Canning Machine Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 1200, 30); // --- Radioisotope Heat Generator Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 3, * 576, 600, 120); // --- Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 576, 600, 120); // --- LV Transformer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 300, 30); // --- MV Transformer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 250, 120); // --- HV Transformer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 200, 480); // --- EV Transformer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 100, 1920); // --- Coil Assembler.addRecipe(, [, * 16, * 0], null, 200, 30); // --- Coal Chunk Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 8, 1200, 64); // --- Treetap Assembler.addRecipe(, * 3, , 200, 8); // --- Wood Scaffold Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 200, 16); // --- Iron Scaffold Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Rubber Boat Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 20, 30); // --- Weeding Trowel Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 0, * 144, 400, 30); // --- Cropnalyzer Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 576, 1200, 16); // --- EU Reader Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, * 288, 600, 16); // --- Reinforced Door Assembler.addRecipe(, * 3, , * 720, 600, 30); // --- Dynamit-o-mote Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 1200, 4); // --- Frequency Transmitter Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, * 144, 1200, 4); // --- Overclocker Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Transformer Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, * 288, 1200, 30); // --- Energy Storage Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Ejector Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Fluid Ejector Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Redstone Signal Inverter Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Pulling Upgrade Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 1200, 16); // --- Scuba Helmet Assembler.addRecipe(, * 5, * 2, * 144, 500, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 5, * 2, * 144, 500, 30); // --- Hazmat Suit Assembler.addRecipe(, * 8, * 4, * 144, 500, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 8, * 4, * 144, 500, 30); // --- Hazmat Suit Leggings Assembler.addRecipe(, * 7, * 4, * 144, 500, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 7, * 4, * 144, 500, 30); // --- Solar Helmet Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 288, 600, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 600, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 72, 600, 30); // --- Containment Box Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 8, 300, 120); // --- Tool Box Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 5, 300, 30); // --- Mox Nuclear Fuel Assembler.addRecipe(, * 6, * 3, * 1000, 400, 256); // --- Enriched Uranium Nuclear Fuel Assembler.addRecipe(, * 6, * 3, * 1000, 400, 120); // --- Reactor Pressure Vessel Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 200, 120); // --- Reactor Fluid Port Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // --- Reactor Access Hatch Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // --- Reactor Redstone Port Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // --- Luminator Assembler.addRecipe( * 8, , * 8, * 1152, 600, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe( * 16, , * 16, * 1152, 400, 64); // --- Iron Furnace Assembler.addRecipe(IronFurnace, , * 5, 400, 16); // --- Crop Sticks Assembler.addRecipe( * 16, * 8, * 0, 150, 30); // --- Blast Furnace Recipes --- // --- Coal Chunk BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], [], 1200, 120, 1000); // --- Carbon Mesh BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], [], 600, 120, 1000); // --- Carbon Plate BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], [], 600, 120, 1000); // --- Chemical Bath Recipes --- // --- Black Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Red Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Green Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Brown Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Blue Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Purple Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Cyan Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Light Grey Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Dark Grey Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Pink Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Lime Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Yellow Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Light Blue Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Magenta Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Orange Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- White Painter ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Compressor Recipes --- // --- Uranium Block Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Plant Ball Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // - Compressor.addRecipe(, * 8); // --- Extruder Recipes --- // --- Carbon Boat Extruder.addRecipe(, * 8, * 0, 600, 30); // --- Rubber Boat Extruder.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 200, 16); // --- Electric Boat Hull Extruder.addRecipe(, * 8, * 0, 1200, 30); // --- Mining Pipe Extruder.addRecipe(, , * 0, 1, 64); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 2, , * 0, 4, 64); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 4, , * 0, 8, 64); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 8, , * 0, 16, 64); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 16, , * 0, 32, 64); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 8, , * 0, 4, 120); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 16, , * 0, 8, 120); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 32, , * 0, 16, 120); // - Extruder.addRecipe( * 64, , * 0, 32, 120); // --- Fluid Canner Recipes // --- Dark Coffee FluidCanner.addRecipe(, , null, * 500); // --- Coffee FluidCanner.addRecipe(, , null, * 500); // --- CF Sprayer FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 8000}}), , null, * 8000); // --- CF Back Pack FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 8000}}), , null, * 8000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 16000}}), , null, * 16000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 24000}}), , null, * 24000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 32000}}), , null, * 32000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 40000}}), , null, * 40000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 48000}}), , null, * 48000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 54000}}), , null, * 54000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 62000}}), , null, * 62000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 70000}}), , null, * 70000); // - FluidCanner.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2constructionfoam", Amount: 80000}}), , null, * 80000); // --- 10k Cooling Cell FluidCanner.addRecipe(, , null, * 1000); // --- 30k Cooling Cell FluidCanner.addRecipe(, , null, * 3000); // --- 60k Cooling Cell FluidCanner.addRecipe(, , null, * 6000); // --- Fluid Solidifier // --- Rubber Boots FluidSolidifier.addRecipe(, * 0, * 720, 300, 30); // --- Lathe Recipes // --- Diamond sticks Lathe.addRecipe([, * 2], , 3830, 16); // --- Plate Bender Recipes --- // --- Dense Obsidian Plate PlateBender.addRecipe(, * 9, 3600, 96); // --- Dense Lapis Lazuli Plate PlateBender.addRecipe(, * 9, 3600, 96); // --- Pulverizer Recipes --- // --- Basalt Dust Pulverizer.addRecipe([], , [10000], 300, 2); // --- Lapatron to dust Pulverizer.addRecipe([ * 30], , [10000], 300, 2); // --- Mixer Recipes --- // --- Coal Ball Mixer.addRecipe(, [ * 8, , * 0], 100, 16); // --- Polarizer Recipes --- // --- Static Boots Polarizer.addRecipe(, , 600, 30); // --- Wiremill Recipes --- // --- Mining Pipe Wiremill.addRecipe(, , 100, 4); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 2, , 150, 8); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 4, , 200, 16); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 8, , 250, 30); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 16, , 300, 64); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 8, , 200, 64); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 16, , 250, 96); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 32, , 300, 120); // - Wiremill.addRecipe( * 64, , 350, 256); // --- Vacuum Freezer Recipes // --- Coolant VacuumFreezer.addRecipe(.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2coolant", Amount: 1000}}), .withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: "ic2hotcoolant", Amount: 1000}}), 200);