{ title: "Book of Shinies", x: 12.5d, y: -3.5d, description: "My precious!", text: [ "This book should inform you on everything you need to know about trinkets and gadgets from Dungeon Tactics." ], size: 1.5d, tasks: [{ uid: "107e7ab0", type: "item", items: [{ id: "dungeontactics:dungeonpedia_volume_3", tag: { pages: [ "{\"text\":\"\\n\\n�l Dungeonpedia\\n\\n�l Volume 3\"}", "{\"text\":\"\\nThis volume contains information on Trinkets and Charms you may come across.\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Trinkets\\n\\nTrinkets are enchanted jewelery. They can be worn by placing them in you inventory and activated to grant numerous effects, at the cost of speeding up your metabolism.\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Bone Charms\\n\\nDespite there grim visage, the charms protect the user. They work in the similarly to Trinkets, except that they remove negative effects from the user and do not stay active.\"}", "{\"text\":\"\\nLegends speak of a Bone Charm that is able to protect the holder from any ailment.\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Speed Boost\\n\\nIncreases the user\\u0027s agility, allowing them to move more quickly.\\nLow Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Jump Boost\\n\\nIncreases the user\\u0027s acrobatic skill, allowing them to jump higher.\\nLow Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Mining Haste\\n\\nAllows the user to strike more efficiently and effectively.\\nLow Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Gills\\n\\nGives the user all the powers of Aquaman, the coolest Justice League Hero, except his ability to talk to fish, or swim fast. Trident sold sepperately.\\nMedium Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Fire Shield\\n\\nProtects the user from hot stuff, but not hot topic.\\nMedium Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Night Sight\\n\\nTorches are for Muggles.\\nMedium Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Stone Skin\\n\\nAllows the user to glance off blows as if their skin were made from a really hard substance... Like some sort of hardened dirt...\\nMedium Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Strength\\n\\nHulk Smash!\\nHigh Cost\"}", "{\"text\":\"�l Ghostly\\n\\nNot for use in public changing rooms.\\nHigh Cost\"}" ], author: "Some probably-dead guy", title: "Trinkets & Charms", resolved: 1b } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }], rewards: [{ uid: "ec493d18", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 10L }, { uid: "326bebcf", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 1 }] }