# Configuration file client { # Show block drops of any block. [default: false] B:allDrops=false # Mod IDs of mods that won't be scanned. [default: [flatcoloredblocks], [chisel], [xtones], [wallpapercraft], [sonarcore], [microblockcbe]] S:blacklist < flatcoloredblocks chisel xtones wallpapercraft sonarcore microblockcbe > # Number of calculation. The higher the more precise the chance. [range: 1 ~ 99999, default: 4000] I:iteration=4000 # Multithreaded calculation of drops [default: true] B:multithreaded=true # Show chance of drops. [default: true] B:showChance=true # Show minimum and maximum of drops. [default: true] B:showMinMax=true }