# Configuration file general { # Minimum distance between Barrow structures. Set to -1 to disable. # Min: -1 # Max: 2147483647 I:BarrowDistance=400 # List of dimensions the barrow structure should not spawn in I:BarrowSpawnBlacklist < > # List of dimensions the barrow structure should spawn in I:BarrowSpawnWhitelist < 0 > # Grant the Patchouli-based Guide Book when first joining the server B:GiveBook=true # Mininmum distance between Hut structures. Set to -1 to disable. # Min: -1 # Max: 2147483647 I:HutDistance=400 # List of dimensions the hut structure should not spawn in I:HutSpawnBlacklist < > # List of dimensions the hut structure should spawn in I:HutSpawnWhitelist < 0 > # Inject some items from Mystical World into dungeon & other loot chests B:InjectLoot=true # Maximum nubmer of pulls for injected loot I:InjectMaximum=1 # Minimum number of pulls for injected loot I:InjectMinimum=1 # Enable squid drops B:InjectSquid=true ########################################################################################################## # hats #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configuration settings for the Beetle Mask and Antler Hat. ########################################################################################################## hats { # How much damage to the antler hat spawning a spirit deer causes (-1 for no damage) I:antlerDamage=1 # Spawn frequency (1 in X chances per tick while spawn conditions are met, -1 for not at all) I:antlerFrequency=50 # How much a Spirit Deer should heal for D:antlerHealing=2.0 # How much of a health bonus wearing the hat should give (-1 for no bonus, 2 for a single heart, 4 for two hearts, etc D:antlerHealthBonus=4.0 # What amplifier should be applied to the Regeneration effect (0 = I, 1 = II, etc) I:antlerRegenAmplifier=1 # How long a duration Regeneration should be applied for I:antlerRegenDuration=130 # How many hearts under maximum health the player needs to be for a deer to spawn (-1 for any value under maximum health I:antlerThreshold=-1 # How much damage Spirit Beetles should do I:maskAttackDamage=2 # How frequency (1 in X per melee hit) Spirit Beetles should be spawned (-1 for not at all) I:maskChance=11 # How much durability damage should be done (-1 for none) per beetle spawned I:maskDurabilityDamage=1 } ########################################################################################################## # mobs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawning of mobs in Mystical World and dependent mods. ########################################################################################################## mobs { # Enable the spawning of Beetle. B:spawnBeetle=true # Enable the spawning of Clams B:spawnClams=true # Enable the spawning of Deer. B:spawnDeer=true # Enable the spawning of Endermini. B:spawnEndermini=true # Enable the spawning of Fox. B:spawnFox=true # Enable the spawning of Frog. B:spawnFrog=true # Enable the spawning of Hell Sprouts B:spawnHellSprout=true # Enable the spawning of Lava Cats B:spawnLavaCat=true # Enable the spawning of Owls. B:spawnOwl=true } ########################################################################################################## # deer #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Deer ########################################################################################################## deer { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < FOREST COLD CONIFEROUS PLAINS > # Maximum number of deer to spawn in a group I:max=4 # Min number of deer to spawn in a group I:min=2 # Spawn rate of deer I:rate=6 } ########################################################################################################## # fox #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Foxes ########################################################################################################## fox { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < FOREST COLD CONIFEROUS > # Maximum number of fox to spawn in a group I:max=3 # Min number of fox to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn rate of fox I:rate=4 } ########################################################################################################## # beetle #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Beetle ########################################################################################################## beetle { # Biome types to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < SWAMP JUNGLE FOREST PLAINS > # Maximum number of beetles to spawn in a group I:max=4 # Min number of beetles to spawn in a group I:min=2 # Spawn rate of beetle I:rate=5 } ########################################################################################################## # frog #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Frog ########################################################################################################## frog { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < SWAMP JUNGLE BEACH RIVER > # Maximum number of frogs to spawn in a group I:max=4 # Min number of frogs to spawn in a group I:min=2 # Spawn rate of frog I:rate=6 # How often slime puddles created; set to -1 to disable slime ball dropping I:slimeTime=8000 } ########################################################################################################## # sprout #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Sprout ########################################################################################################## sprout { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < JUNGLE LUSH MAGICAL RIVER FOREST BEACH > # Maximum number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:max=4 # Min number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:min=2 # Spawn rate of sprouts I:rate=2 } ########################################################################################################## # endermini #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of Endermini ########################################################################################################## endermini { # Maximum number of enderminis to spawn in a group I:max=1 # Min number of enderminis to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn rate of enderminis in the End I:rate=50 } ########################################################################################################## # owl #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of owls ########################################################################################################## owl { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < CONIFEROUS SPOOKY MAGICAL FOREST MOUNTAIN SNOWY > # Maximum number of frogs to spawn in a group I:max=3 # Min number of owls to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn rate of owls I:rate=9 } ########################################################################################################## # silkworm #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of silkworms ########################################################################################################## silkworm { # Specify maximum number of additional potential extra growth calls when fed leaves by hand I:additionalGrowth=5 # Set to false to disable silkworms entirely B:enabled=true # Specify a chance (1 in X) per tick for a silkworm to grow (default 40, around 3-4 minutes per) I:growthChance=85 # Specify initial minimum number of growth calls when fed leaves by hand I:initialGrowth=3 # Specify a chance (1 in X) for silkworm eggs to drop when leaves are broken I:leafDropChance=55 # Set to false to disable silkworm eggs from dropping when leaves are broken B:leafDrops=true # Max number of silk cocoons that can be spawned I:maxCocoons=5 # How long it takes in ticks until a silkworm shrivels and dies (-1 to make them immortal) I:maxLifetime=-1 # Specify a chance (1 in X) for silkworm eggs used to successfully spawn a silkworm I:successChance=2 # Whether or not silkworms are territorial and will attack other silkworms B:territorial=true } ########################################################################################################## # lavacat #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of lava cats ########################################################################################################## lavacat { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < NETHER > # Maximum number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:max=1 # Min number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn as monster; set to false to spawn as a creature B:monster=true # Spawn rate of lava cats I:rate=2 } ########################################################################################################## # hellsprout #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of hell sprouts ########################################################################################################## hellsprout { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < NETHER > # Maximum number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:max=3 # Min number of sprouts to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn as monster; set to false to spawn as a creature B:monster=true # Chance (1 in X) for hell sprouts to plant netherwart while on eligible soils I:plantChance=100 # Spawn rate of hell sprouts I:rate=8 } ########################################################################################################## # burnt trees #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Spawn options for burn trees ########################################################################################################## "burnt trees" { # Excluded biomes types. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:"Excluded biome types" < VOID END WATER BEACH MESA MUSHROOM NETHER OCEAN RIVER > # Attempts to spawn a tree per chunk # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Spawn attempts"=80 # Chance (1 in X) of burnt trees spawning; set to -1 to disable # Min: -1 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Spawn chance"=-1 } ########################################################################################################## # gold #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical world gold dusts ########################################################################################################## gold { # Enable Dusts for Gold B:enableDusts=false # Enable Tiny Dusts for Gold B:enableTinyDusts=false } ########################################################################################################## # iron #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical world iron dusts ########################################################################################################## iron { # Enable Dusts for Iron B:enableDusts=false # Enable Tiny Dusts for Iron B:enableTinyDusts=false } ########################################################################################################## # amethyst #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical world gems and their components ########################################################################################################## amethyst { # Enabled Amethyst B:enableAmethyst=true # Enable blocks of Amethyst B:enableBlocks=true # Enable gems of Amethyst B:enableGems=true # Enable Amethyst ore B:enableOres=true } ########################################################################################################## # copper #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical world copper options ########################################################################################################## copper { # Enable Blocks for Copper B:enableBlocks=false # Enable Copper B:enableCopper=false # Enable Dusts for Copper B:enableDusts=false # Enable Ingots for Copper B:enableIngots=false # Enable Nuggets for Copper B:enableNuggets=false # Enable Ores for Copper B:enableOres=false # Enable Tiny Dusts for Copper B:enableTinyDusts=false } ########################################################################################################## # silver #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical world silver options ########################################################################################################## silver { # Enable Blocks for Silver B:enableBlocks=false # Enable Dusts for Silver B:enableDusts=false # Enable Ingots for Silver B:enableIngots=false # Enable Nuggets for Silver B:enableNuggets=false # Enable Ores for Silver B:enableOres=false # Enable Silver B:enableSilver=false # Enable Tiny Dusts for Silver B:enableTinyDusts=false } ########################################################################################################## # quartz #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Mystical World quartz options ########################################################################################################## quartz { # Enable Overworld Ores for Quartz (replaces granite) B:enableGraniteOres=true # Enable quartz generation in the overworld B:enableQuartz=true # Enable Overworld Ores for Quartz (replaces stone, requires granite ores to be disabled in order to generate) B:enableStoneOres=false } ########################################################################################################## # armorenable #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Armor/Weapon Enabling ########################################################################################################## armorenable { # Set to false to disable copper armor recipes entirely B:"Enable copper armors"=true # Set to false to disable silver armor recipes entirely B:"Enable silver armors"=false } ########################################################################################################## # toolenable #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tool/Weapon Enabling ########################################################################################################## toolenable { # Set to false to disable amethyst tool recipes entirely B:"Enable amethyst tools"=true # Set to false to disable copper tool recipes entirely B:"Enable copper tools"=false # Set to false to disable silver tool recipes entirely B:"Enable silver tools"=false ########################################################################################################## # amethyst tool recipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for individual Amethyst tool recipes ########################################################################################################## "amethyst tool recipes" { # Set to false to disable the amethyst axe recipe B:"Enable amethyst axe"=true # Set to false to disable the amethyst hoe recipe B:"Enable amethyst hoe"=true # Set to false to disable the amethyst knife recipe B:"Enable amethyst knife"=true # Set to false to disable the amethyst pickaxe recipe B:"Enable amethyst pickaxe"=true # Set to false to disable the amethyst shovel recipe B:"Enable amethyst shovel"=true # Set to false to disable the amethyst sword recipe B:"Enable amethyst sword"=true } ########################################################################################################## # copper tool recipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for individual Copper tool recipes ########################################################################################################## "copper tool recipes" { # Set to false to disable the copper axe recipe B:"Enable copper axe"=true # Set to false to disable the copper hoe recipe B:"Enable copper hoe"=true # Set to false to disable the copper knife recipe B:"Enable copper knife"=true # Set to false to disable the copper pickaxe recipe B:"Enable copper pickaxe"=true # Set to false to disable the copper shovel recipe B:"Enable copper shovel"=true # Set to false to disable the copper sword recipe B:"Enable copper sword"=true } ########################################################################################################## # silver tool recipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for individual Silver tool recipes ########################################################################################################## "silver tool recipes" { # Set to false to disable the silver axe recipe B:"Enable silver axe"=true # Set to false to disable the silver hoe recipe B:"Enable silver hoe"=true # Set to false to disable the silver knife recipe B:"Enable silver knife"=true # Set to false to disable the silver pickaxe recipe B:"Enable silver pickaxe"=true # Set to false to disable the silver shovel recipe B:"Enable silver shovel"=true # Set to false to disable the silver sword recipe B:"Enable silver sword"=true } } ########################################################################################################## # oredebugging #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Ore Debugging Options ########################################################################################################## oredebugging { # Enable the debugging of Amethyst Ore B:"Debug Amethyst Ore"=false # Enable the debugging of Copper Ore B:"Debug Copper Ore"=false # Enable the debugging of Quartz Ore B:"Debug Quartz Ore"=false # Enable the debugging of Silver Ore B:"Debug Silver Ore"=false # Enable debugging at all. Specific ores will need to be enabled individually before any messages will be printed. B:"Enable Debugging"=false # Enable debugging to the standard log file. Useful if you do not generate or have access to debug.log. WARNING: WILL OVERLY INFLATE YOUR STANDARD LOG FILE. ONLY ENABLE IF NEEDED. B:"Enable Info Debugging (ONLY IF NEEDED)"=false } ########################################################################################################## # oregen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls ore generation for Mystical World Ores. ########################################################################################################## oregen { # The highest an amethyst ore vein can generate # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:amethystMaxY=32 # The lowest an amethsyt ore vein can generate # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:amethystMinY=5 # The amount of amethyst veins to generate per chunk. Set to 0 to disable. I:amethystPerChunk=2 # The maximum size of an amethyst ore vein. I:amethystVeinSize=5 # The highest a copper ore vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:copperMaxY=64 # The lowest a copper of vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:copperMinY=0 # The amount of copper veins to generate per chunk. Set to 0 to disable. I:copperPerChunk=6 # The maximum size of a copper ore vein. I:copperVeinSize=12 # List of dimensions to spawn ore in (default 0) S:dimensions < 0 > # The highest a quartz ore vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:quartzMaxY=78 # The lowest a quartz of vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:quartzMinY=0 # The amount of quartz veins to generate per chunk. Set to 0 to disable. Value balanced against vanilla granite spawning. Decrease if using stone ore instead of granite or have large quantities of granite spawning. I:quartzPerChunk=30 # The maximum size of a quartz ore vein. Adjust as per quartzPerChunk. I:quartzVeinSize=3 # The highest a silver ore vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:silverMaxY=28 # The lowest a silver of vein can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 255 I:silverMinY=0 # The amount of silver veins to generate per chunk. Set to 0 to disable. I:silverPerChunk=4 # The maximum size of a silver ore vein. I:silverVeinSize=8 } ########################################################################################################## # clam #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Controls the spawn settings of clams ########################################################################################################## clam { # Biomes to spawn in. List consisting of elements from: |SAVANNA, CONIFEROUS, JUNGLE, SPOOKY, DEAD, LUSH, NETHER, END, MUSHROOM, MAGICAL, RARE, OCEAN, RIVER, WATER, MESA, FOREST, PLAINS, MOUNTAIN, HILLS, SWAMP, SANDY, SNOWY, WASTELAND, BEACH, VOID| S:biomes < OCEAN RIVER WATER SWAMP BEACH > # The chance [1 in x] of a clam spawning as an ender clam I:ender=14 # The maximum age a clam can be on spawn (in ticks), must be less than maturity I:initialAge=4500 # How long a clam needs to mature for (in ticks) I:maturity=6400 # Maximum number of clams to spawn in a group I:max=1 # Min number of clams to spawn in a group I:min=1 # Spawn rate of clams (set to 0 to disable) I:rate=14 } }