# Configuration file general { # Disable or enable ghostly form potions B:"Are Ghostly Form Potions Enabled"=true # Armor cooldown ticks on ability used I:"Armor Cooldown Ability"=400 # Armor cooldown ticks on hurt I:"Armor Cooldown Hurt"=200 # Bonepile Spawn Chance I:"Bonepile Spawn Chance"=20 # Bouldering Zombie spawn chance I:"Bouldering spawn chance"=60 # A lower number makes the spawning more frequent, however 0 is none I:"Circus Spawn Chance"=5 # Damcell spawn Chance I:"Damcell spawn Chance"=0 # Are desert robes enabled B:"Desert Robes Enabled"=true # Frost walker spawn chance I:"Frost walker spawn chance"=40 # 20 = + 1 sec I:"Frost wand cooldown"=400 # Frostash fox spawn chance I:"Frostash fox spawn chance"=7 # Ghost spawn Chance I:"Ghost spawn Chance"=50 # Turn that creature into a real beast! D:"Giant Miniboss Health Bonus"=13.0 # giant spawn chance I:"Giant spawn chance"=2 # Make every mob have more armor D:"Global Armor"=3.5 # Masochist D:"Global Damage Multiplier"=3.0 # Make every mob have more health D:"Global Health Multiplier"=4.5 # 20 = + 1 sec I:"Ice Spikes cooldown"=60 # Blacklist for items that little vessels should not be able to equip S:"Little Vessel Item Blacklist" < > # Does miner helmet emits light? B:"Miner Helmet Light"=true # Does miner helmet light flickers? B:"Miner Helmet Light Flickers"=true # Nekros Spawn Chance I:"Nekros Spawn Chance"=10 # Netherhound spawn chance I:"Netherhound spawn chance"=40 # Add extra time to the occult tome passive ability, every 20 = 1 second I:"Occult Tome Timer Bonus"=0 # If true owlstack will only scare undead creatures B:"Owlstack Affects Undead"=true # A list of creatures owlstack should be unable to affect S:"Owlstack Blacklist" < > # Owlstack Spawn Chance I:"Owlstack Spawn Chance"=40 # Rifted Enderman Spawn Chance I:"Rifted Enderman Spawn Chance"=4 # I wouldn't raise it if I were you... D:"Rifted Enderman laser range"=10.0 # Is sandmonster enabled B:"Sandmonster Enabled"=true # Turn that creature into a real beast! D:"Sandmonster Health Bonus When tamed"=4.0 # Turn that creature into a real beast! D:"Sandmonster Miniboss Health Bonus"=7.0 # Sandmonster spawn chance 5 is uncommon, 1 is common I:"Sandmonster Spawn"=5 # this is mostly due to compatibility I:"Sandmonster tame stack size"=64 # Applied for Gunpowder and Sugar B:"Should Vessel Consume item"=true # Turn that creature into a real beast! D:"Vessel Miniboss Health Bonus"=6.5 # Zealot spawn chance everywhere I:"Zealot Everywhere Chance"=15 # Do zealots spawn everywhere B:"Zealot Spawn Everywhere"=false # Zealot spawn chance on roofed forest I:"Zealot spawn Chance"=20 }