# Configuration file "death penalty" { # The nutrition value subtracted from each nutrient upon death. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 15] I:DeathPenaltyLoss=15 # The minimum nutrition value that the death penalty may reduce to. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 30] I:DeathPenaltyMin=35 # On death, should nutrition be reset to DeathPenaltyMin if it's fallen below that value? # This is recommended to prevent death loops caused by negative effects. [default: true] B:DeathPenaltyReset=true } gui { # The anchor defines which side of the origin to position the button against. # Accepted values: top, right, bottom, left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left, center [default: top-left] S:ButtonAnchor=top-left # The origin defines the object which the nutrition button will be placed relative to. # Accepted values: gui, screen [default: gui] S:ButtonOrigin=gui # The nutrition button's X position, relative to its anchor point. [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 134] I:ButtonXPosition=134 # The nutrition button's Y position, relative to its anchor point. [range: -1000 ~ 1000, default: 61] I:ButtonYPosition=61 # If the nutrition GUI should be enabled [default: true] B:EnableGui=true # If the nutrition button should be shown on player inventory (hotkey will still function). [default: true] B:EnableGuiButton=true # If foods should show their nutrients on hover. [default: true] B:EnableTooltips=true } logging { # Log foods which cannot be found but are still listed in nutrients file. [default: false] B:LogMissingFood=true # Log foods which have been found but do not have any associated nutrients. [default: false] B:LogMissingNutrients=true } nutrition { # Allow player to continue eating even while full. # This setting may upset balance, but is necessary for playing in peaceful mode. [default: false] B:AllowOverEating=false # The nutrition value subtracted from foods per additional nutrient, as a percentage. # This is to prevent large, complex foods from being too powerful. # (eg. 1 nutrient = 0% loss, 2 nutrients = 15% loss, 3 nutrients = 30% loss) [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 15] I:LossPerNutrient=15 # Value to multiply base nutrition by for each food (eg. 0.5 to halve nutrition gain). [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:NutritionMultiplier=1.0 # The starting nutrition level for new players. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 50] I:StartingNutrition=50 } "nutrition decay" { # Global value to multiply decay rate by (eg. 0.5 halves the rate, 2.0 doubles it). This can also be set per-nutrient. [range: -100.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:DecayMultiplier=1.0 # Enable nutrition decay when hunger drains. [default: true] B:EnableDecay=true }