# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # blockprotector #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the block protector machine ########################################################################################################## blockprotector { # Maximum RF storage that the block protector can hold I:blockProtectorMaxRF=500000 # RF per tick that the block protector can receive I:blockProtectorRFPerTick=20000 # Whether the block protector should exist B:enabled=true # The maximum distance between the protector and the protected blocks (on one axis) I:maxProtectDistance=10 # The RF that is consumed to protect a block right next to the explosion with a radius of 8 (standard TNT). Further distances will reduce power usage, bigger radius will increase power usage. I:rfForExplosionProtection=10000 # The RF that is consumed to protect against a single harvest attempt I:rfForHarvestAttempt=2000 # Amount of passive RF/tick used for every protected block I:rfPerProtectedBlock=5 } ########################################################################################################## # booster #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the booster ########################################################################################################## booster { # Maximum RF storage that the booster can hold I:boosterMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the the booster can receive I:boosterRFPerTick=1000 # Multiplier for the module to calculate RF consumption for a single usage D:energyMultiplier=500000.0 } ########################################################################################################## # builder #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the builder ########################################################################################################## builder { # Maximum RF storage that the builder can hold I:builderMaxRF=1000000 # RF per tick that the builder can receive I:builderRFPerTick=20000 # RF per entity move operation for the builder I:builderRfPerEntity=5000 # Base RF per block operation for the builder when used as a pump I:builderRfPerLiquid=300 # RF per block operation for the builder when used to build I:builderRfPerOperation=500 # RF per player move operation for the builder I:builderRfPerPlayer=40000 # Base RF per block operation for the builder when used as a quarry or voider (actual cost depends on hardness of block) I:builderRfPerQuarry=300 # RF per block that is skipped (used when a filter is added to the builder) I:builderRfPerSkipped=50 # If true we allow the clearing quarry cards to be crafted (these can be heavier on the server) B:clearingQuarryAllowed=true # The cost of collecting an item (builder 'collect items' mode)) I:collectRFPerItem=20 # The RF/t per area to keep checking for items in a given area (builder 'collect items' mode)) D:collectRFPerTickPerArea=0.5 # The cost of collecting 1 XP level (builder 'collect items' mode)) D:collectRFPerXP=2.0 # How many ticks we wait before collecting again (with the builder 'collect items' mode) I:collectTimer=10 # How much more expensive a move accross dimensions is D:dimensionCostFactor=5.0 # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the fortune quarry shape card D:fortunequarryShapeCardFactor=2.0 # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder I:maxBuilderDimension=512 # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used in the builder I:maxBuilderOffset=260 # Maximum dimension for the space chamber I:maxSpaceChamberDimension=128 # If true we go back to the old (wrong) sphere/cylinder calculation for the builder/shield B:oldSphereCylinderShape=false # If true we allow quarry cards to be crafted B:quarryAllowed=true # The base speed (number of blocks per tick) of the quarry I:quarryBaseSpeed=8 # If true the quarry will chunkload a chunk at a time. If false the quarry will stop if a chunk is not loaded B:quarryChunkloads=true # Multiply the infusion factor with this value and add that to the quarry base speed I:quarryInfusionSpeedFactor=20 # If true the quarry will also quarry tile entities. Otherwise it just ignores them B:quarryTileEntities=true # If true we allow shape cards to be crafted. Note that in order to use the quarry system you must also enable this B:shapeCardAllowed=true # If true a holo hud with current progress is shown above the builder B:showProgressHud=true # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the silk quarry shape card D:silkquarryShapeCardFactor=3.0 # Can Tile Entities be moved? 'forbidden' means never, 'whitelist' means only whitelisted, 'blacklist' means all except blacklisted, 'allowed' means all S:tileEntityMode=whitelist # The RF per operation of the builder is multiplied with this factor when using the void shape card D:voidShapeCardFactor=0.5 } ########################################################################################################## # coalgen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the coal generator ########################################################################################################## coalgen { # Whether the coal generator should exist B:enabled=true # Amount of RF generated per tick I:generatePerTick=60 # RF per tick that the generator can charge items with I:generatorChargePerTick=1000 # Maximum RF storage that the generator can hold I:generatorMaxRF=500000 # RF per tick that the generator can send I:generatorRFPerTick=2000 # Amount of ticks generated per coal I:ticksPerCoal=600 } ########################################################################################################## # crafter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the crafter ########################################################################################################## crafter { # Maximum RF storage that the crafter can hold I:crafterMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the crafter can receive I:crafterRFPerTick=500 # Whether the crafter should exist B:enabled=true # Amount of RF used per crafting operation I:rfPerOperation=100 # How many operations to do at once in fast mode I:speedOperations=5 } ########################################################################################################## # elevator #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the elevator ########################################################################################################## elevator { # The volume for the elevator sound (1.0 is default, 0.0 is off) D:baseElevatorVolume=1.0 # Maximum RF storage that the generator can hold I:elevatorMaximumRF=150000 # RF per tick that the evelator block can receive I:elevatorRFPerTick=1000 # Relative volume of the elevator looping sound. With 1.0 the looping sound has equal loudness as the elevator base volume D:loopVolumeFactor=1.0 # Maximum platform size that can be moved I:maxPlatformSize=11 # Distance from the end at which speed will start going down again D:maxSpeedDistanceEnd=2.0 # Distance from the start at which maximum speed is reached D:maxSpeedDistanceStart=5.0 # Maximum elevator speed D:maximumSpeed=0.3 # Mimumum elevator speed D:minimumSpeed=0.1 # Amount of RF used per height level when moving I:rfPerHeightUnit=500 } ########################################################################################################## # endergenic #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the endergenic generator ########################################################################################################## endergenic { # The amount of particles to spawn whenever a pearl is lost (use 0 to disable) I:endergenicBadParticles=10 # The chance (in 1/10 percent, so 1000 = 100%) that an endergenic pearl is lost while trying to hold it I:endergenicChanceLost=5 # The amount of particles to spawn whenever energy is generated (use 0 to disable) I:endergenicGoodParticles=10 # The amount of RF that every endergenic will keep itself (so that it can hold pearls) I:endergenicKeepRf=2000 # The amount of RF that is consumed every tick to hold the endergenic pearl I:endergenicRfHolding=500 # The amount of RF per tick that this generator can give from its internal buffer to adjacent blocks I:endergenicRfOutput=20000 # Multiplier for power generation D:powergenFactor=2.0 } ########################################################################################################## # environmental #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the environmental controller ########################################################################################################## environmental { # Set to true to make the blindness module work on players B:blindnessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the blindness module D:blindnessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582 # Maximum RF storage that the environmental controller can hold I:environmentalMaxRF=500000 # The minimum RF/tick usage that an active controller consumes I:environmentalMinRFUsage=5 # RF per tick that the the environmental controller can receive I:environmentalRFPerTick=20000 # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling plus module D:featherfallingPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the feather falling module D:featherfallingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the flight module D:flightRFPerTick=0.004000000189989805 # RF per tick/per block for the glowing module D:glowingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the haste plus module D:hastePlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the haste module D:hasteRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the luck module D:luckRFPerTick=0.0020000000949949026 # When the environmental controller is used on mobs the power usage is multiplied with this D:mobsPowerMultiplier=2.0 # RF per tick/per block for the night vision module D:nightvisionRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the noTeleport module D:noTeleportRFPerTick=0.0020000000949949026 # RF per tick/per block for the peaceful module D:peacefulRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the poison module work on players B:poisonAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the poison module D:poisonRFPerTick=0.019999999552965164 # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration plus module D:regenerationPlusRFPerTick=0.0044999998062849045 # RF per tick/per block for the regeneration module D:regenerationRFPerTick=0.001500000013038516 # RF per tick/per block for the saturation plus module D:saturationPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the saturation module D:saturationRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the slowness module work on players B:slownessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the slowness module D:slownessRFPerTick=0.012000000104308128 # RF per tick/per block for the speed plus module D:speedPlusRFPerTick=0.003000000026077032 # RF per tick/per block for the speed module D:speedRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # RF per tick/per block for the wather breathing module D:watherBreathingRFPerTick=0.0010000000474974513 # Set to true to make the weakness module work on players B:weaknessAvailable=false # RF per tick/per block for the weakness module D:weaknessRFPerTick=0.009999999776482582 } ########################################################################################################## # general #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # General settings ########################################################################################################## general { # Oregen for dimensional shards in case RFTools Dimensions is present I:dimensionalShardOregenWithDimensions < > # Oregen for dimensional shards in case RFTools Dimensions is not present I:dimensionalShardOregenWithoutDimensions < > # Craftability of dimensional shards if RFTools Dimension is present: 0=not, 1=easy, 2=hard I:dimensionalShardRecipeWithDimensions=0 # Craftability of dimensional shards if RFTools Dimension is not present: 0=not, 1=easy, 2=hard I:dimensionalShardRecipeWithoutDimensions=2 # If true dump a lot of logging information about various things in RFTools. Useful for debugging. B:logging=false # Amount of injections needed to get a fully absorbed mob essence I:maxMobInjections=10 # Maximum y level for dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumHeight=40 # Maximum number of veins for dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumVeinCount=3 # Maximum vein size of dimensional shard ores I:oreMaximumVeinSize=8 # Minimum y level for dimensional shard ores I:oreMinimumHeight=2 # Minimum vein size of dimensional shard ores I:oreMinimumVeinSize=5 # Set to true to enable retrogen B:retrogen=true # The ID for the RFTools villager. -1 means disable, 0 means to automatically assigns an id, any other number will use that as fixed id I:villagerId=10 } ########################################################################################################## # infuser #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the infuser ########################################################################################################## infuser { # Amount of RF used per tick while infusing I:generatePerTick=600 # Maximum RF storage that the infuser can hold I:infuserMaxRF=60000 # RF per tick that the infuser can receive I:infuserRFPerTick=600 } ########################################################################################################## # livingmatter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Blocks and items that are seen as living for the spawner ########################################################################################################## livingmatter { S:living.0 < B minecraft:leaves 0.5 > S:living.1 < B minecraft:leaves2 0.5 > S:living.10 < B minecraft:red_mushroom 0.4 > S:living.11 < B minecraft:pumpkin 0.9 > S:living.12 < B minecraft:vine 0.4 > S:living.13 < B minecraft:waterlily 0.4 > S:living.14 < B minecraft:cocoa 0.8 > S:living.15 < I minecraft:apple 1.0 > S:living.16 < I minecraft:wheat 1.1 > S:living.17 < I minecraft:wheat_seeds 0.4 > S:living.18 < I minecraft:potato 1.5 > S:living.19 < I minecraft:carrot 1.5 > S:living.2 < B minecraft:sapling 0.5 > S:living.20 < I minecraft:pumpkin_seeds 0.4 > S:living.21 < I minecraft:melon_seeds 0.4 > S:living.22 < I minecraft:beef 1.5 > S:living.23 < I minecraft:porkchop 1.5 > S:living.24 < I minecraft:mutton 1.5 > S:living.25 < I minecraft:chicken 1.5 > S:living.26 < I minecraft:rabbit 1.2 > S:living.27 < I minecraft:rabbit_foot 1.0 > S:living.28 < I minecraft:rabbit_hide 0.5 > S:living.29 < I minecraft:beetroot 0.8 > S:living.3 < B minecraft:hay_block 1.5 > S:living.30 < I minecraft:beetroot_seeds 0.4 > S:living.31 < I minecraft:chorus_fruit 1.5 > S:living.32 < I minecraft:fish 1.5 > S:living.33 < I minecraft:reeds 1.0 > S:living.4 < B minecraft:melon_block 1.0 > S:living.5 < B minecraft:cactus 0.4 > S:living.6 < B minecraft:red_flower 0.3 > S:living.7 < B minecraft:yellow_flower 0.3 > S:living.8 < B minecraft:chorus_flower 1.1 > S:living.9 < B minecraft:brown_mushroom 0.4 > } ########################################################################################################## # mobspawnamounts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Amount of materials needed to spawn mobs ########################################################################################################## mobspawnamounts { S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:StraySkeleton.spawnamount.2 < L 0 20.0 > S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.0 < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.1 < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:WitherSkeleton.spawnamount.2 < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:bat.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:feather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:bat.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:bat.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:blaze.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:blaze_rod 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:blaze.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:blaze.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:cave_spider.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:string 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:cave_spider.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:cave_spider.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:chicken.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:feather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:chicken.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:chicken.spawnamount.2" < L 0 15.0 > S:"minecraft:cow.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:cow.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:cow.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:creeper.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:gunpowder 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:creeper.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:creeper.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:ender_dragon.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:experience_bottle 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:ender_dragon.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:end_stone 0 100.0 > S:"minecraft:ender_dragon.spawnamount.2" < L 0 200.0 > S:"minecraft:enderman.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:ender_pearl 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:enderman.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:end_stone 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:enderman.spawnamount.2" < L 0 40.0 > S:"minecraft:endermite.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:ender_pearl 0 0.05 > S:"minecraft:endermite.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:end_stone 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:endermite.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:ghast.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:ghast_tear 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:ghast.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 1.0 > S:"minecraft:ghast.spawnamount.2" < L 0 50.0 > S:"minecraft:guardian.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:prismarine_shard 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:guardian.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:guardian.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:horse.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:horse.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:horse.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:magma_cube.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:magma_cream 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:magma_cube.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:magma_cube.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:mooshroom.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:mooshroom.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 1.0 > S:"minecraft:mooshroom.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:ocelot.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:fish 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:ocelot.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 1.0 > S:"minecraft:ocelot.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:pig.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:leather 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:pig.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:pig.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:polar_bear.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:fish 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:polar_bear.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:polar_bear.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:rabbit.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:rabbit_stew 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:rabbit.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:rabbit.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:sheep.spawnamount.0" < B minecraft:wool 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:sheep.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:sheep.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:shulker.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:ender_pearl 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:shulker.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:end_stone 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:shulker.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:silverfish.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:iron_ingot 0 0.05 > S:"minecraft:silverfish.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:silverfish.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:skeleton.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:skeleton.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:skeleton.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:slime.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:slime_ball 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:slime.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:slime.spawnamount.2" < L 0 15.0 > S:"minecraft:snowman.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:snowball 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:snowman.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 1.0 > S:"minecraft:snowman.spawnamount.2" < L 0 15.0 > S:"minecraft:spider.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:string 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:spider.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:spider.spawnamount.2" < L 0 15.0 > S:"minecraft:squid.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:dye 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:squid.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:squid.spawnamount.2" < L 0 10.0 > S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:stray.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:villager.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:book 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:villager.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 5.0 > S:"minecraft:villager.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:villager_golem.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:iron_ingot 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:villager_golem.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 6.0 > S:"minecraft:villager_golem.spawnamount.2" < B minecraft:red_flower 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:witch.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:glass_bottle 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:witch.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 1.0 > S:"minecraft:witch.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:wither.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:nether_star 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:wither.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:soul_sand 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:wither.spawnamount.2" < L 0 100.0 > S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:wither_skeleton.spawnamount.2" < L 0 30.0 > S:"minecraft:wolf.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:bone 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:wolf.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:wolf.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:zombie.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:rotten_flesh 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:zombie.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:dirt 0 0.2 > S:"minecraft:zombie.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > S:"minecraft:zombie_pigman.spawnamount.0" < I minecraft:gold_nugget 0 0.1 > S:"minecraft:zombie_pigman.spawnamount.1" < B minecraft:netherrack 0 0.5 > S:"minecraft:zombie_pigman.spawnamount.2" < L 0 20.0 > } ########################################################################################################## # mobspawnrf #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Amount of RF needed to spawn mobs ########################################################################################################## mobspawnrf { I:StraySkeleton=800 I:WitherSkeleton=1500 I:"minecraft:bat"=100 I:"minecraft:blaze"=1000 I:"minecraft:cave_spider"=500 I:"minecraft:chicken"=500 I:"minecraft:cow"=800 I:"minecraft:creeper"=800 I:"minecraft:ender_dragon"=100000 I:"minecraft:enderman"=2000 I:"minecraft:endermite"=400 I:"minecraft:ghast"=2000 I:"minecraft:guardian"=1000 I:"minecraft:horse"=1000 I:"minecraft:magma_cube"=600 I:"minecraft:mooshroom"=800 I:"minecraft:ocelot"=800 I:"minecraft:pig"=800 I:"minecraft:polar_bear"=1500 I:"minecraft:rabbit"=300 I:"minecraft:sheep"=800 I:"minecraft:shulker"=600 I:"minecraft:silverfish"=400 I:"minecraft:skeleton"=800 I:"minecraft:slime"=600 I:"minecraft:snowman"=600 I:"minecraft:spider"=500 I:"minecraft:squid"=500 I:"minecraft:stray"=800 I:"minecraft:villager"=2000 I:"minecraft:villager_golem"=2000 I:"minecraft:witch"=1200 I:"minecraft:wither"=20000 I:"minecraft:wither_skeleton"=1500 I:"minecraft:wolf"=800 I:"minecraft:zombie"=800 I:"minecraft:zombie_pigman"=1200 } ########################################################################################################## # networkmonitor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the network monitor item ########################################################################################################## networkmonitor { # Whether the network monitor should exist B:enabled=true # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world I:hilightTime=5 # Maximum amount of blocks to show in monitor (do NOT increase above 1800!) I:maximumBlocks=500 } ########################################################################################################## # powercell #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the powercell ########################################################################################################## powercell { # How much better is the advanced cell with RF and RF/t I:advancedFactor=4 # The maximum cost factor for extracting energy out of a powercell for blocks in other dimensions or farther away then 10000 blocks D:powerCellCostFactor=1.1 # At this distance the cost factor will be maximum. This value is also used when power is extracted from cells in different dimensions D:powerCellDistanceCap=10000.0 # As soon as powercells are not connected this value will be taken as the minimum distance to base the cost factor from D:powerCellMinDistance=100.0 # A multiplier for the distance if RFTools dimensions are involved. If both sides are RFTools dimensions then this multiplier is done twice D:powerCellRFToolsDimensionAdvantage=0.5 # RF per tick that the powrcell can charge items with I:powercellChargePerTick=30000 # Maximum RF storage that a single cell can hold I:rfPerNormalCell=1000000 # Base amount of RF/tick that can be extracted/inserted in this block I:rfPerTick=5000 # How much worse is the simple cell with RF and RF/t I:simpleFactor=4 } quarryreplace { # Use this block for the builder to replace with [default: minecraft:dirt] S:builder=minecraft:dirt } ########################################################################################################## # scanner #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the scanner, composer, and projector ########################################################################################################## scanner { # The volume for the projector sound (0.0 is off) D:baseProjectorVolume=0.4000000059604645 # The amount of milliseconds before the client will remove shape render data that hasn't been used. Decreasing this will free memory faster at the cost of having to update shape renders more often I:clientRenderDataTimeout=10000 # Height of the beacon in case beacons are used I:locatorBeaconHeight=30 # Maximum amount of entities in a single block to show markers/beacons for I:locatorEntitySafety=10 # Additional amount of RF per 16x16x16 subchunk needed for a filtered scan D:locatorFilterCost=0.5 # Maximum amount of 16x16 chunks we support for energy scanning I:locatorMaxEnergyChunks=25 # Maximum RF storage that the locator can hold I:locatorMaxRF=2000000 # RF per tick that the locator can receive I:locatorRFPerTick=20000 # Fixed amount of RF needed for a scan I:locatorUsePerTickBase=5000 # Base amount of RF needed for a scan per 16x16x16 subchunk D:locatorUsePerTickChunk=0.1 # Additional amount of RF per 16x16x16 subchunk needed for a scan for low energy D:locatorUsePerTickEnergy=5.0 # Additional amount of RF per 16x16x16 subchunk needed for a scan for hostile entities D:locatorUsePerTickHostile=1.0 # Additional amount of RF per 16x16x16 subchunk needed for a scan for passive entities D:locatorUsePerTickPassive=0.5 # Additional amount of RF per 16x16x16 subchunk needed for a scan for players D:locatorUsePerTickPlayer=2.0 # Maximum dimension of the shape when a scanner/projector card is used I:maxScannerDimension=512 # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used in the scanner/projector I:maxScannerOffset=2048 # The amount of 'surface area' that the server will send to the client for the projector. Increasing this will increase the speed at which projections are ready but also increase the load for server and client I:planeSurfacePerTick=40000 # The amount of milliseconds that a scanline 'flash' will exist on the client I:projectorFlashTimeout=400 # Maximum RF storage that the projector can hold I:projectorMaxRF=500000 # RF per tick that the projector can receive I:projectorRFPerTick=10000 # RF/t for the projector while it is in use I:projectorUsePerTick=1000 # Amount of RF needed per tick during the scan for a remote scanner I:remoteScannerUsePerTick=2000 # Maximum RF storage that the scanner can hold I:scannerMaxRF=500000 # RF per tick that the scanner can receive I:scannerRFPerTick=20000 # Amount of RF needed per tick during the scan I:scannerUsePerTick=1000 # The amount of surface area the scanner will scan in a tick. Increasing this will increase the speed of the scanner but cause more strain on the server I:surfaceAreaPerTick=262144 # Number of ticks between every scan of the locator I:ticksPerLocatorScan=40 # Use VBO for rendering shapecard views. Otherwise display lists B:useVBO=true } ########################################################################################################## # screen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the screen system ########################################################################################################## screen { # Additional characters that should be supported by the truetype system S:additionalCharacters= # RF per tick/per block for the button module I:buttonRFPerTick=0 # RF per tick/per block for the clock module I:clockRFPerTick=1 # RF per tick/per block for the computer module I:computerRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the counter plus module I:counterPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the counter module I:counterRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the dimension module I:dimensionRFPerTick=6 I:dimletResearcherRFPerTick=1000 # RF per tick/per block for the dump module I:dumpRFPerTick=0 # RF per tick/per block for the elevator button module I:elevatorButtonRFPerTick=0 # RF per tick/per block for the energy plus module I:energyPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the energy module I:energyRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the fluid plus module I:fluidPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the fluid module I:fluidRFPerTick=4 # The default truetype font to use S:fontName=rftools:fonts/ubuntu.ttf # The size of the font D:fontSize=40.0 # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack plus module I:itemstackPlusRFPerTick=30 # RF per tick/per block for the itemstack module I:itemstackRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the machine information module I:machineInfoRFPerTick=4 # RF per tick/per block for the redstone module I:redstoneRFPerTick=4 # Maximum RF storage that the screen controller can hold I:screenControllerMaxRF=60000 # RF per tick that the the screen controller can receive I:screenControllerRFPerTick=1000 # How many times the screen will update. Higher numbers make the screens less accurate but better for network bandwidth I:screenRefreshTiming=500 # RF per tick/per block for the text module I:textRFPerTick=0 # Set to true for TrueType font, set to false for vanilla font B:useTruetype=true } ########################################################################################################## # security #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the block security system ########################################################################################################## security { # Whether anything related to the block security system should exist B:enabled=true } ########################################################################################################## # shield #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the shield system ########################################################################################################## shield { # Set this to false if you don't want invisible shield rendering mode to be possible B:allowInvisibleShield=true # Set this to true if you have a corrupted world due to a bad camo block in the shield system. Load your world, remove the offending block from the shield, exit MC and then set this back to false B:disableShieldBlocksToUncorruptWorld=false # The looting kill bonus I:lootingKillBonus=3 # Maximum distance at which you can add disjoint shield sections to a composed shield I:maxDisjointShieldDistance=64 # Maximum dimension of the shape when a shape card is used I:maxShieldDimension=256 # Maximum offset of the shape when a shape card is used I:maxShieldOffset=128 # Amount of dimensional shards per looting kill. Remember that this is per block that does damage I:shardsPerLootingKill=2 # The amount of damage to do for a single spike on one entity D:shieldDamage=5.0 # Maximum RF storage that the shield block can hold I:shieldMaxRF=200000 # Maximum size (in blocks) of a tier 1 shield I:shieldMaxSize=256 # RF per tick that the shield block can receive I:shieldRFPerTick=5000 # Base amount of RF/tick for every 10 blocks in the shield (while active) I:shieldRfBase=8 # RF/tick for every 10 blocks added in case of camo mode I:shieldRfCamo=2 # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity I:shieldRfDamage=1000 # The amount of RF to consume for a single spike of damage for one entity (used in case of player-type damage) I:shieldRfDamagePlayer=2000 # RF/tick for every 10 block addeds in case of shield mode I:shieldRfShield=2 } ########################################################################################################## # spawner #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the spawner system ########################################################################################################## spawner { # The amount of blocks that the matter beamer will use send in one operation (every 20 ticks) I:beamerBlocksPerSend=1 # Maximum RF storage that the matter beamer can hold I:beamerMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the matter beamer can receive I:beamerRFPerTick=1000 # RF per tick that the matter beamer will use for sending over a single object I:beamerRfPerSend=2000 # The maximum distance that a laser can travel between the beamer and the spawner I:maxBeamDistance=8 # The maximum amount of energized matter that this spawner can store (per type) I:spawnerMaxMatterStorage=6400 # Maximum RF storage that the spawner can hold I:spawnerMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the spawner can receive I:spawnerRFPerTick=2000 } ########################################################################################################## # storage #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the modular storage system ########################################################################################################## storage { # If true we automatically set the focus on the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that B:autofocusSearch=false # If true we clear the search field when opening the GUI for the modular storage. Set to false if you don't want that B:clearSearchOnOpen=true # Background color for group lines I:groupBackground=-1123021 # Foreground color for group lines I:groupForeground=-16777216 # The height for the smallest style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight1=236 # The height for the middle style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight2=320 # The height for the tallest style modular storage GUI I:modularStorageGuiHeight3=490 # RF/tick to share an inventory to all dimensions I:remoteShareGlobal=50 # RF/tick to share an inventory to the same dimension I:remoteShareLocal=10 # Maximum RF storage that the remote storage block can hold I:remoteStorageMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the remote storage block can receive I:remoteStorageRFPerTick=300 # Extra RF per usage per storage tier I:tabletExtraRFUsage=100 # Maximum RF storage that the storage tablet can hold I:tabletMaxRF=20000 # RF per tick that the storage tablet can receive I:tabletRFPerTick=500 # RF per usage of the storage tablet I:tabletRFUsage=100 # RF per usage of the storage tablet when used in combation with the scanner module I:tabletRFUsageScanner=100 } ########################################################################################################## # storageconfig #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generic item module categories for various items ########################################################################################################## storageconfig { S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower2=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.itemblocks.ItemBlockFlower2=Flowers S:biomesoplenty.common.items.ItemBOPBucket=Buckets S:buildcraft.builders=Machines S:codechicken.chunkloader.ItemChunkLoader=Machines S:codechicken.microblock.ItemMicroPart=Microblocks S:codechicken.microblock.ItemSaw=Tools S:cofh.core.item.ItemBucket=Buckets S:cofh.thermalexpansion.block.device=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.block.BlockEnderthermicPump=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderMarkers=Technical S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockEnderQuarry=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.BlockQuarryUpgrades=Technical S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.generators.BlockGenerator=Machines S:com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.transfernodes.BlockTransferPipe=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.block.BlockDarkSteelPressurePlate=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.BlockConduitBundle=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.facade.BlockConduitFacade=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.gas.ItemGasConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemExtractSpeedUpgrade=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.ItemItemConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemBasicItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemExistingItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.ItemModItemFilter=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.liquid.ItemLiquidConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.power.ItemPowerConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.conduit.redstone.ItemRedstoneConduit=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.fluid.ItemBucketEio=Buckets S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemConduitProbe=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.item.ItemMagnet=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.item.skull=Skulls S:crazypants.enderio.machine=Machines S:crazypants.enderio.machine.spawner.ItemBrokenSpawner=Machines S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemCapacitor=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.material.ItemMachinePart=Technical S:crazypants.enderio.rail.BlockEnderRail=Technical S:extrabiomes.blocks.BlockCustomFlower=Flowers S:mcjty.lib.container.GenericBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineBase=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.MachineFrame=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.shield.ShieldTemplateBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.spaceprojector.SpaceChamberCardItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.DestinationAnalyzerBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.blocks.teleporter.MatterBoosterBlock=Machines S:mcjty.rftools.items.devdelight.DevelopersDelightItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.DimensionMonitorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimensionmonitor.PhasedFieldGeneratorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.DimletTemplate=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.EmptyDimensionTab=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.KnownDimlet=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.RealizedDimensionTab=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.dimlets.UnknownDimlet=Dimlets S:mcjty.rftools.items.envmodules=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsDimensionManualItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualDimensionItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsManualItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.manual.RFToolsShapeManualItem=Books S:mcjty.rftools.items.netmonitor.NetworkMonitorItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletControlCircuitItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletEnergyModuleItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletMemoryUnitItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.DimletTypeControllerItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.EfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.MediocreEfficiencyEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.PeaceEssenceItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.parts.SyringeItem=Dimlet Parts S:mcjty.rftools.items.screenmodules=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.smartwrench.SmartWrenchItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.storage=Modules S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.ChargedPorterItem=Technical S:mcjty.rftools.items.teleportprobe.TeleportProbeItem=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockButtonStone=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCake=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCarrot=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDaylightDetector=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockDropper=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower=Flowers S:net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockLever=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockNote=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockOre=Ores S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPistonBase=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPotato=Food S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlate=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockPressurePlateWeighted=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRail=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRailPowered=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneComparator=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneLight=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneTorch=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockSapling=Saplings S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTNT=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWire=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockTripWireHook=Technical S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWood=null S:net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor=Armor S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBook=Books S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBow=Weapons S:net.minecraft.item.ItemBucket=Buckets S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFlintAndSteel=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemFood=Food S:net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemMinecart=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion=Potions S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord=Records S:net.minecraft.item.ItemRedstone=Technical S:net.minecraft.item.ItemShears=Tools S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSkull=Skulls S:net.minecraft.item.ItemSword=Weapons S:net.minecraft.item.ItemTool=Tools S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block=Machines S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLaserFocus=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemLogicUpgradeCard=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemPortaSpawner=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemSafariNet=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.base.ItemFactoryBucket=Buckets S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.gun.ItemSafariNetLauncher=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMemoryCard=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemRedNetMeter=Technical S:powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.tool.ItemXpExtractor=Technical S:thermalexpansion.block.cell=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.device.ItemBlockDevice=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.dynamo.ItemBlockDynamo=Machines S:thermalexpansion.block.machine=Machines S:thermalexpansion.item.ItemCapacitor=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemIgniter=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemMultimeter=Technical S:thermalexpansion.item.tool.ItemWrench=Technical S:thermalfoundation.block.BlockOre=Ores } ########################################################################################################## # storagemonitor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Settings for the storage scanner machine ########################################################################################################## storagemonitor { # If this is true then opening the storage scanner GUI will automatically select the starred inventory view B:hilightStarredOnGuiOpen=true # Time (in seconds) to hilight a block in the world I:hilightTime=5 # If this is true then requesting items from the storage scanner will go straight into the player inventory and not the output slot B:requestStraightToInventory=true # Amount of RF used to insert an item I:rfPerInsert=20 # Amount of RF used to request an item I:rfPerRequest=100 # Maximum RF storage that the storage scanner can hold I:scannerMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the storage scanner can receive I:scannerRFPerTick=500 # If this is true then XNet is required (if present) to be able to connect storages to a storage scanner B:xnetRequired=false } teleporter { # Maximum RF storage that the advanced charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter) I:advancedChargedPorterMaxRF=1000000 # The speed bonus for the advanced charged porter (compared to the normal one) I:advancedSpeedBonus=4 # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport to S:blacklistedTeleportationDestinations= # Comma separated list of dimension ids that the teleportation system can't teleport from S:blacklistedTeleportationSources= # Maximum RF storage that the charged porter item can hold (note that teleporting this way uses 50% more RF then with a matter transmitter) I:chargedPorterMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the the charged porter item can receive I:chargedPorterRFPerTick=2000 # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the chunk is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely) I:checkUnloadedChunk=-1 # The amount of ticks that a matter transmitter with destination checker will wait before checking a receiver in case the world is not loaded (-1 to disable this check completely) I:checkUnloadedWorld=-1 # Maximum RF storage that the dialing device can hold I:dialerMaxRF=50000 # RF per tick that the dialing device can receive I:dialerRFPerTick=100 # The horizontal range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters. These are the transmitters the dialing device will be able to control I:horizontalDialerRange=10 # If this is true then all usages of the teleport system are logged B:logTeleportUsages=false # If this is true then the RFTools teleportation system cannot be used to travel in the same dimension B:preventInterdimensionalTeleports=false # Maximum RF storage that the matter receiver can hold I:receiverMaxRF=100000 # RF per tick that the matter receiver can receive I:receiverRFPerTick=500 # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at a boosted transmitter in case the receiver doesn't have enough power I:rfBoostedTeleport=20000 # The amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter when a dial is active I:rfDialedConnectionPerTick=10 # The amount of RF/tick an idle dialed transmitter consumes I:rfMatterIdleTick=0 # The amount of RF consumed when the dialing device checks for the capabilities of a receiver ('Check' button) I:rfPerCheck=5000 # The amount of RF consumed when dialing a transmitter to another receiver I:rfPerDial=1000 # This is the amount of RF that is consumed at the receiving side for every teleport. This RF is only consumed when the teleportation actually happens I:rfPerTeleportReceiver=5000 # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This version is for a teleportation to another dimension and in this case 'rfStartTeleportDist' is not used. This value also acts as the maximum rf that can be consumed for a local teleport I:rfStartTeleportDim=100000 # For every unit in distance this value is added to the initial RF cost for starting the teleportation. This value is not used when teleporting to another dimension I:rfStartTeleportDist=10 # The amount of RF that is consumed by a matter transmitter when the player goes to stand in the teleportation beam allowing the teleportation process to start. This value is used for a teleport in the same dimension. In addition to this value the 'rfStartTeleportDist' is also added per traveled distance I:rfStartTeleportLocal=5000 # For the duration of the teleport process this value represents the amount of RF that is consumed by the matter transmitter for every tick I:rfTeleportPerTick=500 # The base time used for a teleportation to another dimension. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is not used I:timeTeleportBaseDim=50 # The base time used for a teleportation for a local teleport. The 'timeTeleportDist' value is added per distance traveled I:timeTeleportBaseLocal=5 # The amount of time that is added depending on distance for a local teleport. This value is in militicks which means that 1000 is one tick and one tick is 1/20 of a second I:timeTeleportDist=10 # Maximum RF storage that the matter transmitter can hold. This should be at least equal to 'rfStartTeleportDim' I:transmitterMaxRF=200000 # RF per tick that the matter transmitter can receive. It is recommended to keep this at least equal to 'rfTeleportPerTick' I:transmitterRFPerTick=1000 # The vertical range the dialing device uses to check for transmitters I:verticalDialerRange=5 # The volume for the teleporting sound (1.0 is default) D:volumeTeleport=1.0 # The volume for the error sound when teleportation fails (1.0 is default) D:volumeTeleportError=1.0 # Set this to false to disable the 'whoosh' message on teleport B:whooshMessage=true }