# Configuration file charges { # If false Concussion Charges will be disabled [default: true] B:concussionChargeEnabled=true # Numer of ticks the confusion effect active. Scales with distance from the expolosion I:confusingChargeEffectDuration=300 # If false Confusing Charges will be disabled [default: true] B:confusingChargeEnabled=true # The range of the confusion charges effect D:confusingChargeRange=6.0 # If false Ender Charges will be disabled [default: true] B:enderChargeEnabled=true # The max range effected entities will be teleported. Distance is randomised I:enderChargeMaxTeleportRange=64 # The range of the ender charges effect D:enderChargeRange=6.0 } "concussion creeper" { # Sets the durtaion in ticks of the confusion effect applied on explosion I:concussionCreeperConfusionDuration=100 # Wether ConcussionCreepers are enabled [default: true] B:concussionCreeperEnabled=true # The range of the 'teleport explosion' I:concussionCreeperExplosionRange=5 # Health of Concussion Creeper. 40=Enderman health, 20=Zombie health D:concussionCreeperHealth=20.0 # Sets the max range entites can be telported when the creeper explodes I:concussionCreeperMaxTeleportRange=32 # If true, uses the old texture for the Concussion Creeper. B:concussionCreeperOldTexture=false } debug { # When enabled detailed information about spawn config will be printed to the log. [default: false] B:spawnConfigPrintDetailedOutput=false } difficulty { # When enabled health and base damage for all Ender Zoo mobs will be modified based on difficulty [default: true] B:enderZooDifficultyModifierEnabled=true # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:enderZooEasyAttackModifier=0.9 # When in easy difficulty base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:enderZooEasyHealthModifier=0.9 # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:enderZooHardAttackModifier=1.1 # When in hard mode base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:enderZooHardHealthModifier=1.1 # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:enderZooNormalAttackModifier=1.0 # When in normal difficultry base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:enderZooNormalHealthModifier=1.0 # When enabled health and base damage for all non Ender Zoo mobs will be modified based on difficulty [default: true] B:globalDifficultyModifierEnabled=true # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:globalEasyAttackModifier=0.9 # When in easy difficulty base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:globalEasyHealthModifier=0.9 # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:globalHardAttackModifier=1.1 # When in hard mode base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:globalHardHealthModifier=1.1 # When in easy difficulty base attack damage is multiplied by this value D:globalNormalAttackModifier=1.0 # When in normal difficultry base health is multiplied by this value, rounded to the nearest whole 'heart' D:globalNormalHealthModifier=1.0 } "dire slime" { # Base attack damage of the dire slime. D:direSlimeAttackDamage=3.0 # Base attack damage of the large dire slime. D:direSlimeAttackDamageLarge=8.0 # Base attack damage of the medium dire slime. D:direSlimeAttackDamageMedium=5.0 # The chance that a Dire Slime will be spawned (0 = never, 1 = always). D:direSlimeChance=0.65 # The chance a large will spawn when a medium Dire Slimes is killed (eg 0.02 for a 2% chance) D:direSlimeChanceLarge=0.2 # The chance a medium will spawn when a small Dire Slimes is killed (eg 0.12 for a 12% chance). D:direSlimeChanceMedium=0.4 # If false Dire Slime will be disabled [default: true] B:direSlimeEnabled=true # Base health of the Dire Slime. D:direSlimeHealth=4.0 # Base health of the medium Dire Slime. D:direSlimeHealthLarge=20.0 # Base health of the medium Dire Slime. D:direSlimeHealthMedium=8.0 } "dire wolf" { # If a player gets within this range they will be attacked D:direWolfAggresiveRange=4.0 # Base attack damage of the dire wolf D:direWolfAttackDamage=10.0 # If false Dire Wolves will be disabled [default: true] B:direWolfEnabled=true # The increase to damage when playing on hard D:direWolfHardAttackModifier=1.0 # Base health of the Dire Wolf D:direWolfHealth=20.0 # The chance a dire wolf will howl when it is asked to play a sound. Defaults to 0.1 (10%) D:direWolfHowlChance=0.05 # The volume multiplier for the dire wolf's howl. 12 is default. D:direWolfHowlVolumeMult=8.0 # When true all nearby dire wolves will join an attack [default: true] B:direWolfPackAttackEnabled=true # The amount of other dire wolves that will "join in" with the initial howl, per pack howl. I:direWolfPackHowlAmount=8 # The chance that when a dire wolf howls, nearby dire wolves will "join in" to a pack howl. Defaults to 0.6 (60%) D:direWolfPackHowlChance=0.5 } enchantments { # Duration of the wither effect in ticks I:enchantmentWitherArrowDuration=200 # The id of the enchantment. If set to -1 the lowest unassigned id will be used. I:enchantmentWitherArrowId=-1 # The maximum required level I:enchantmentWitherArrowMaxEnchantability=50 # The minimum required enchantability level I:enchantmentWitherArrowMinEnchantability=20 # The weight (or chance of getting) the enchantment. eg sharpness=10, knockback = 5, fire aspect = 2, silk touch = 1 I:enchantmentWitherArrowWeight=2 # Duration of the wither effect in ticks I:enchantmentWitherWeaponDuration=200 # The id of the enchantment. If set to -1 the lowest unassigned id will be used. I:enchantmentWitherWeaponId=-1 # The maximum required level I:enchantmentWitherWeaponMaxEnchantability=50 # The minimum required enchantability level I:enchantmentWitherWeaponMinEnchantability=20 # The weight (or chance of getting) the enchantment. eg sharpness=10, knockback = 5, fire aspect = 2, silk touch = 1 I:enchantmentWitherWeaponWeight=2 # Set this to true if the wither effect is conflicting with another potion (e.g. leaping) [default: false] B:useAltWitherPotionEffectMask=false } enderminy { # Attack damage of Enderminies. 7=Enderman damage, 3=Zombie damage I:enderminyAttackDamage=10 # When true Enderminies will attack creepers [default: true] B:enderminyAttacksCreepers=true # When true an Enderminy will attack a player if it looks at them, otherwise they are neutral mobs. [default: false] B:enderminyAttacksPlayerOnSight=false # Wether Enderminies are enabled [default: true] B:enderminyEnabled=true # When true attacking one Enderminy will cause other Enderminies who witness the attack to attack the player as well [default: true] B:enderminyGroupAgro=true # Health of Enderminies. 40=Enderman health, 20=Zombie health I:enderminyHealth=20 # Maximum number of Enderminies that will spawn in a single group I:enderminyMaxGroupSize=3 # The minimum Y level at which enderminies will spawn I:enderminyMinSpawnY=0 # If true, uses the old texture for the Enderminy. B:enderminyOldTexture=false # When true enderminies will spawn in well lit areas, when false they will only spawn in dark areas. [default: false] B:enderminySpawnInLitAreas=false # When true enderminies will spawn only on grass blocks. [default: true] B:enderminySpawnOnlyOnGrass=true } "fallen knight" { # When true mounted archer knigts will attempt to keep distance between themselves and their target [default: true] B:fallKnightMountedArchesMaintainDistance=true # When true archer knigts will switch to a sword when target is within melee range. Doesn't apply to mounted archers if fallKnightMountedArchesMaintainDistance is true [default: true] B:fallenKnightArchersSwitchToMelee=true # Base damage of a knight D:fallenKnightBaseDamage=4.0 # The chance the type of armor equipped will be improved D:fallenKnightChanceArmorUpgrade=0.20000000298023224 # The chance the type of armor equipped will be improved when dificult is hard D:fallenKnightChanceArmorUpgradeHard=0.4000000059604645 # The chance a spawned knight will be mounted D:fallenKnightChanceMounted=0.75 # The chance each armor piece has of being added to a spawned knight D:fallenKnightChancePerArmorPiece=0.699999988079071 # The chance each armor piece has of being added to a spawned knight when difficulty is set to hard D:fallenKnightChancePerArmorPieceHard=0.8999999761581421 # The speed at which a knight will charge its target D:fallenKnightChargeSpeed=1.2 # Wether Fallen Knights are enabled [default: true] B:fallenKnightEnabled=true # Follow range of a knight D:fallenKnightFollowRange=40.0 # Health of a knight D:fallenKnightHealth=12.0 # The max number of ticks between ranged attacks I:fallenKnightRangedMaxAttackPause=60 # The max attack range when using a bow D:fallenKnightRangedMaxRange=15.0 # The min number of ticks between ranged attacks I:fallenKnightRangedMinAttackPause=20 # The precentage of spawned knoghts equipped with bows D:fallenKnightRangedRatio=0.25 } "fallen mount" { # Base attack damage of the mount D:fallenMountBaseAttackDamage=4.0 # The chance a mount's armor will be upgraded D:fallenMountChanceArmorUpgrade=0.009999999776482582 # The chance a mount's armor will be upgraded when difficulty is hard D:fallenMountChanceArmorUpgradeHard=0.05000000074505806 # The chance a spawned mount will be armored D:fallenMountChanceArmored=0.5 # The chance a spawned mount will be armored when difficult is hard D:fallenMountChanceArmoredHard=0.8999999761581421 # he speed at which a mount will charge its target D:fallenMountChargeSpeed=2.5 # If false fallen mounts will be disabled [default: true] B:fallenMountEnabled=true # Base attack health of the mount D:fallenMountHealth=30.0 # When true a mount will not burn in the sun unless its rider is [default: true] B:fallenMountShadedByRider=true } guardian { # The damage bonus applied to arrows fire from the bow. D:guardiansBowDamageBonus=0.0 # The number of ticks it takes to fully draw the guardians bow. A 'vanilla' bow takes 20 ticks. I:guardiansBowDrawTime=14 # If false the Guardians Bow will be disabled [default: true] B:guardiansBowEnabled=true # Effects the speed with which arrows leave the bow. A 'vanilla' bow has a multiplier of 2. D:guardiansBowForceMultiplier=3.0 # The reduction in FOV when the bow is fullen drawn (the zoom level). A 'vanilla' bow has a value of 0.15 D:guardiansBowFovMultiplier=0.3499999940395355 } "wither cat" { # The increase to damage when playing on hard D:witherCatAngryAttackDamageHardModifier=2.0 # Base attack damage of the wither cat D:witherCatAttackDamage=3.0 # If false Wither Cats will be disabled [default: true] B:witherCatEnabled=true # Base health of the wither cat D:witherCatHealth=12.0 } "wither witch" { # If false Wither Witches will be disabled [default: true] B:witherWitchEnabled=true # Base attack damage of the mount D:witherWitchHealth=30.0 # The maximum number of cats spawned with a Wither Witch I:witherWitchMaxCats=2 # The minimum number of cats spawned with a Wither Witch I:witherWitchMinCats=1 }