§align:center ##### Draconium Chest§n §nMuch more than just a bigger inventory!§n §stack[draconicevolution:draconium_chest]{size:64} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} The Draconium chest is probably one of the most versatile storage devices around! Not only does it have 260 inventory slots but it also has a powerful multi-slot furnace and a crafting table for your convenience! On top of all that, it has some very powerful I/O configuration options, but we will get to that in a bit. First... §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%} ######§nThe Furnace The built-in furnace is no ordinary furnace. For starters, it can smelt 5 items at a time at a very reasonable speed. If that wasn't enough for your needs, then it can be upgraded! By simply placing a Wyvern, Awakened or Chaotic core in the furnace upgrade slot, you can make it even faster! If that still wasn't enough, as long as there is a Wyvern core or better in the upgrade slot, the furnace will double ores! It should be noted that while increasing the speed, this also increases the energy consumption quite a lot more than it decreases the process time. It should also be noted that when upgraded, the core is not actually consumed and can be removed at any time. The furnace requires power which can be supplied externally or via a flux capacitor in its capacitor slot. The furnace also has an auto-feed option which does exactly what you think; it automatically feeds the furnace smeltable items from the internal inventory. There are 4 feed modes: §bOFF§b Self-explanatory... §bFILL Will only feed the furnace when there are already items smelting and will only keep the existing stacks currently smelting full. Will NOT start to smelt items types that you have not manually placed in the furnace. §bLOCK Pretty much the same as FILL except it will not smelt the last item. As soon as more of that item shows up in the inventory, it will automatically start feeding again. §bALL Smelts every smeltable item in the inventory. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%} ######§nThe Crafting Grid Actually, there's not much to say here. It looks like a crafting table, It smells like a crafting table, It tastes like a crafting table... It is a crafting table! With full JEI support! §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%} ######§nConfigurable IO Regions§r This is where things get very interesting... By default, the inventory works like any other inventory. You can insert or extract items from any slot from any side of the block. The furnace can also insert or extract from any slot. But, this can be changed! You have the ability to split the inventory up into up to 6 separate I/O regions. Each region can be separately configured with total control over what sides of the chest the slots can be accessed from AND with the ability to mark sides as input and or output only, or even just disabled completely. You can also configure which regions the internal furnace can accept or insert items into. There is also a "default region" which controls all slots that are not assigned to a region and can be configured like all other regions. To assign slots to a region, you simply select the region in the editor, then click 'n drag in the inventory to draw a rectangle around the slots you want in the region. Also, when you have the region editor open, you can simply click on existing regions to switch between them. The uses for this are endless but here's one simple example... You create 2 regions. Region 1 only accepts items from the left side of the chest and the furnace can only pull from region 1. Region 2 only allows items to be extracted from the right side of the chest and the furnace can only output to region 2. Now when you pump items into the left side on the chest they will go to region 1, get smelted and then output to region 2 ready to be extracted from the right side of the chest. §6If ALL that wasn't enough for you...§r The chest stores its inventory when broken, and you can make it any color you want! §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[draconicevolution:draconium_chest]{spacing:2} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:3}