# Configuration file _global { # Set this to false to disable stairs, slabs, and walls, mod-wide. As these blocks can use a lot of Block IDs, # this is helpful to reduce the load, if you intend on running a really large modpack. # Note: Blocks that require stairs and/or slabs for their recipes (such as Soul Sandstone or Midori) won't be affected. B:"Allow Block Variants"=true # Set this to false to remove the system that has features turn themselves off automatically when other mods are present that add similar features. # Note that you can force features to be enabled individually through their respective configs. B:"Enable Anti-Overlap"=true # Adds the /quarkconfig command which allows for modification of the Quark config file through any means that can run commands at permission 2 (command block level) or higher. # An example syntax of the command would be /quarkconfig management "store to chests" "B:Invert button" true nosave playerdude # Doing this would set the dropoff button for playerdude to be inverted. "save" means it should save the changes to the config file on disk. Using "nosave" won't save. # Another example can be /quarkconfig tweaks - "Shearable chickens" false # This disables shearable chickens for everybody on the server. "nosave" doesn't need to be included, as it's the default. # "nosave" does need to be there if a player name is used. Lastly, - signifies no subcategory inside the module. B:"Enable Quark Config Command"=false # Whether features that are based on the time of year should be enabled. # An example is chests turning to presents when it's Christmas. # Note that this will not affect vanilla's own seasonal features. B:"Enable Seasonal Features"=true # Set this to false to disable the q button in the main and pause menus. # If you disable this, you can still access the quark config from Mod Options > Quark > Config B:"Enable q Button"=false # Note that if you turn off 'Use Piston Logic Replacement', this value will not apply. I:"Piston Push Limit"=12 # Set this to false to disable quark's piston logic replacement. This will disable quark's piston features. # This is intended only if you're having issues, it's not recommended you touch it otherwise. B:"Use Piston Logic Replacement"=true # Set this to true to move the q button to the right of the buttons, instead # of to the left as it is by default. B:"q Button on the Right"=false } _modules { B:automation=true B:building=true B:client=true B:decoration=true # Experimental Features. All features in this module are disabled by default. Use at your own risk. B:experimental=false B:management=true B:misc=true B:oddities=true B:tweaks=true B:vanity=true B:world=true } automation { B:"Animals eat floor food"=true B:"Chain linkage"=true B:Chute=true B:"Color slime"=false B:"Dispenser records"=true B:"Dispensers place blocks"=false B:"Dispensers place seeds"=false B:"Ender watcher"=true B:Gravisand=false B:"Metal buttons"=true B:"Obsidian pressure plate"=true B:"Piston Block Breakers"=false B:"Pistons Push and Pull Items"=true B:"Pistons move t es"=false B:"Rain detector"=true B:"Redstone inductor"=true B:"Redstone randomizer"=true B:"Sugar block"=true "dispensers place blocks" { # Blocks that dispensers should not be able to place S:Blacklist < minecraft:water minecraft:flowing_water minecraft:lava minecraft:flowing_lava minecraft:fire botania:specialflower > # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - blockdispenser # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "animals eat floor food" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - betterwithmods # - easybreeding # - animania # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # Prevents entities from proliferating infinitely. Set to 0 or less to disable checking. D:"Maximum entity density"=2.0 } "metal buttons" { B:"Enable Gold Button"=true B:"Enable Iron Button"=true } "ender watcher" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - botania # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "piston block breakers" { # Replace the End Rod in the recipe with an Iron Ingot B:"Enable Easy Recipe"=false } "color slime" { # Set to false to not rename vanilla slime to Green Slime Block B:"Rename Vanilla Slime"=true } "pistons move t es" { # List of blocks whose tile entity update should be delayed by one tick after placed to prevent corruption. S:"Delayed Update List" < minecraft:dispenser minecraft:dropper > # Blocks with Tile Entities that pistons should not be able to move. # You can specify just mod names here, and all blocks from that mod will be disabled. S:"Tile Entity Movement Blacklist" < minecraft:mob_spawner integrateddynamics:cable randomthings:blockbreaker minecraft:trapped_chest quark:custom_chest_trap > # Some mod blocks with complex renders will break everything if moved. Add them here if you find any. S:"Tile Entity Render Blacklist" < psi:programmer botania:starfield > } "pistons push and pull items" { D:"Push Strength"=0.47999998927116394 } "chain linkage" { # Can vehicle-linking chains be used for crafting chain armor? B:"Crafts Armor"=false } "dispensers place seeds" { # Add seeds from other mods here, in the following format: mod:seed=mod:block:meta. Set meta to -1 to just place the default. S:"Custom Seeds" < > # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - botania # - animania # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } } building { B:"Bark blocks"=true B:"Carved wood"=true B:"Charred nether bricks"=true B:"Duskbound blocks"=true B:"Framed glass"=true B:"Hardened clay tiles"=true B:"Iron plates"=true B:"Magma bricks"=true B:"Midori blocks"=true B:"More sandstone"=true B:"Polished netherrack"=true B:"Polished stone"=true B:"Quilted wool"=true B:"Sandy bricks"=true B:"Snow bricks"=true B:"Soul sandstone"=true B:"Stained planks"=true B:"Sturdy stone"=true B:"Sugar cane blocks"=true B:Thatch=true B:Trowel=false B:Turf=true B:"Vanilla stairs and slabs"=true B:"Vanilla walls"=true B:"Vertical wood planks"=false B:"World stone bricks"=true B:"World stone pavement"=true "more sandstone" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "vanilla walls" { B:Andesite=true B:Bricks=true B:"Dark Prismarine"=true B:Diorite=true B:"Enable Mossy Bricks"=true B:"End Bricks"=true B:Granite=true B:Prismarine=true B:"Prismarine Bricks"=true B:Purpur=true B:Quartz=true B:"Red Sandstone"=true B:Sandstone=true B:Stone=true B:"Stone Bricks"=true } "stained planks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "hardened clay tiles" { B:"Enable stained tiles"=true B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "bark blocks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true # Set this to true to use a 2x2 recipe instead of 3x3. B:"Use 2x2 Recipe"=false } "iron plates" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "sandy bricks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "vanilla stairs and slabs" { B:Andesite=true B:"Dark Prismarine"=true B:Diorite=true B:"Enable Mossy Bricks"=true B:"Enable Mossy Stone"=true B:"End Bricks"=true B:Granite=true B:Prismarine=true B:"Prismarine Bricks"=true B:"Red Nether Brick"=true B:Stone=true } thatch { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true D:"Fall damage multiplier"=0.5 } "charred nether bricks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "world stone bricks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "midori blocks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "magma bricks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "vertical wood planks" { B:"Enable Vertical Stained Planks"=true } "duskbound blocks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "sugar cane blocks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "snow bricks" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } "soul sandstone" { B:"Enable stairs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } turf { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true } "polished netherrack" { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true } trowel { # Amount of blocks placed is this value - 1. Default is 255 (4 stacks). # Set to 0 to make the Trowel unbreakable I:"Trowel Max Durability"=255 } } client { B:"Auto jump hotkey"=false B:"Better fire effect"=false B:"Better vanilla textures"=false B:"Chest search bar"=false B:"Creepers turn red when they're exploding"=false B:"Enchanted books show items"=false B:"Food tooltip"=false B:"Greener grass"=false B:"Improved mount h u d"=true B:"Improved sign edit"=true B:"Items flash before expiring"=true B:"Less intrusive shields"=false B:"Map tooltip"=false B:"No potion shift"=true # Shift-Ctrl-F2 for panorama screenshot. # Panoramas show up in the main menu. # Rename a panorama folder to 'main_menu' and it'll always show that one. B:"Panorama maker"=false B:"Random animal textures"=false B:"Render items in chat"=true B:"Show invalid slots"=false B:"Shulker box tooltip"=false B:"Usage ticker"=false B:"Visual stat display"=false "food tooltip" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - appleskin # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "map tooltip" { B:"Needs Shift to be visible"=false } "shulker box tooltip" { # Allow anything with 'shulker_box' in its item identifier to be treated as a shulker box? B:"Dropoff to Any Shulker Box"=false B:"Needs Shift to be visible"=false # Blocks which should be interpreted as Shulker Boxes. S:"Shulker Boxes" < minecraft:white_shulker_box minecraft:orange_shulker_box minecraft:magenta_shulker_box minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box minecraft:yellow_shulker_box minecraft:lime_shulker_box minecraft:pink_shulker_box minecraft:gray_shulker_box minecraft:silver_shulker_box minecraft:cyan_shulker_box minecraft:purple_shulker_box minecraft:blue_shulker_box minecraft:brown_shulker_box minecraft:green_shulker_box minecraft:red_shulker_box minecraft:black_shulker_box > B:"Use Colors"=true } "greener grass" { # Sets the grass color to be a "Minecraft Alpha" tone. # This will override all manual shift values. B:"Alpha grass"=false S:"Extra blocks" < buildingbrickscompatvanilla:grass_slab buildingbrickscompatvanilla:grass_step buildingbrickscompatvanilla:grass_corner buildingbrickscompatvanilla:grass_vertical_slab buildingbrickscompatvanilla:grass_stairs betterwithmods:dirt_slab biomesoplenty:plant_0 biomesoplenty:plant_1 biomesoplenty:leaves_1 biomesoplenty:leaves_2 biomesoplenty:leaves_3 biomesoplenty:leaves_4 biomesoplenty:leaves_5 biomesoplenty:grass > # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - sereneseasons # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false I:"Shift blues by"=-30 I:"Shift greens by"=30 I:"Shift reds by"=-30 B:"Should affect foliage"=true B:"Treat shifts as absolute and ignore biome colors"=false } "panorama maker" { # Take panorama screenshots without changing the render size B:"Fullres screenshots"=false I:"Panorama Picture Resolution"=256 B:"Use panorama screenshots on main menu"=true } "improved sign edit" { B:"Enable Cancel Button"=true B:"Enable Clear Button"=true B:"Enable Shift Button"=true } "chest search bar" { # Automatically move the search bar if Inventory Tweaks is loaded so it doesn't end up in the same place as their buttons. B:"Avoid Invtweaks Buttons"=true # GUIs in which the sort button should be forced to show up. Use the "Debug Classnames" option in chest buttons to find the names. S:"Forced GUIs" < variedcommodities:crate > # Set to true to move to the center bar, next to the "Inventory" text. B:"Move to Center Bar"=false } "show invalid slots" { # How opaque the overlay is D:Opacity=0.3333333333333333 # Set this to true to only display the reds boxes when Shift is held B:"Requires Shift"=true } "enchanted books show items" { # A list of additional stacks to display on each enchantment # The format is as follows: # enchant_id=item1,item2,item3... # So to display a carrot on a stick on a mending book, for example, you use: # minecraft:mending=minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick S:"Additional Stacks" < > S:"Items to Test" < minecraft:diamond_sword minecraft:diamond_pickaxe minecraft:diamond_shovel minecraft:diamond_axe minecraft:diamond_hoe minecraft:diamond_helmet minecraft:diamond_chestplate minecraft:diamond_leggings minecraft:diamond_boots minecraft:shears minecraft:bow minecraft:fishing_rod minecraft:elytra quark:pickarang > } "random animal textures" { B:"Enable Chick"=true B:"Enable Chicken"=true B:"Enable Cow"=true B:"Enable Pig"=true # The chance for an animal to have a special "Shiny" skin, like a shiny pokemon. This is 1 in X. Set to 0 to disable. I:"Shiny Animal Chance"=1024 } "usage ticker" { B:"Enable Chest"=true B:"Enable Feet"=true B:"Enable Head"=true B:"Enable Legs"=true B:"Enable Mainhand"=true B:"Enable Offhand"=true # Switch the armor display to the off hand side and the hand display to the main hand side B:"Invert Displays"=false I:"Left Side Offset"=0 I:"Right Side Offset"=0 } "items flash before expiring" { # How many ticks should the item have left when it starts flashing. Default is 10 seconds (200). I:"Time To Start Flashing"=200 } "better fire effect" { B:"Enable Different Render"=true B:"Enable Particles"=true } "better vanilla textures" { B:"Enable Andesite"=true B:"Enable Beetroot Seeds"=true B:"Enable Bow Animation"=true B:"Enable Bricks"=true B:"Enable Dead Bush"=true B:"Enable Diorite"=true B:"Enable Glass"=true B:"Enable Granite"=true B:"Enable Observer"=true B:"Enable Piston Models"=true B:"Enable Pumpkin Front Face"=false } } decoration { # Adds the colored flower pot features of supporting additional flowers and comparator power to the vanilla flower pot using a block substitution B:"Better vanilla flower pot"=false B:"Blaze lantern"=true B:"Charcoal block"=true B:"Colored flower pots"=true B:"Colored item frames"=true B:"Flat item frames"=true B:"Glass item frame"=true B:Grate=true B:"Iron ladders"=true B:"Leaf carpets"=true B:"Lit lamp"=true B:"More banner layers"=true B:"More banners"=true B:"Nether brick fence gate"=true B:"Paper lantern"=true B:"Paper wall"=true B:"Place blaze rods"=true B:Rope=false B:"Tallow and candles"=true B:"Tie fences"=true B:"Varied bookshelves"=true B:"Varied buttons and pressure plates"=true B:"Varied chests"=true B:"Varied trapdoors"=true "more banners" { B:Dragon=true B:Eye=true B:Shield=true B:Sword=true } "varied trapdoors" { I:"Amount of trapdoors crafted (vanilla is 2)"=6 B:"Rename vanilla trapdoor to Oak Trapdoor"=true } "flat item frames" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - strait # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "colored flower pots" { # If true, filled flower pots will respond to comparators based on the contents. B:"Comparator Logic"=true # List of stacks to override default flower behavior, default checks for BlockBush. # Format is 'modid:name[:meta]->power'. Unset meta will default wildcard. Power refers to comparator power, non-zero makes it valid for a flower pot. Specific values: # * 0 - not flower, blacklists from placing in a flower pot # * 1 - mushroom # * 4 - fern # * 7 - flower # * 10 - dead bush # * 12 - sapling # * 15 - cactus S:"Flower Overrides" < biomesoplenty:mushroom->1 biomesoplenty:flower_0->7 biomesoplenty:flower_1->7 biomesoplenty:sapling_0->12 biomesoplenty:sapling_1->12 biomesoplenty:sapling_2->12 quark:glowshroom->1 botania:specialflower->0 botania:floatingspecialflower->0 > } "varied bookshelves" { B:"Rename vanilla bookshelves to Oak Bookshelf"=true } "varied chests" { B:"Add recipe to craft chests using Logs (makes 4 chests)"=true # Set this to true to add a recipe to convert any Quark chest to a vanilla one. # Use this if some of your mods don't work with the ore dictionary key "chestWood". B:"Enable Conversion to Vanilla Chests"=true B:"Rename vanilla chests to Oak (Trapped) Chest"=true } "more banner layers" { I:"Survival Layer Count"=16 } "tallow and candles" { I:"Candles Crafted"=2 # Set to false to disable candles falling like sand. B:"Candles Fall"=true # Turn this off if you don't want Tallow. This won't disable the candles, but will disable their recipes. B:"Enable Tallow"=true # How much power candles provide to enchanting tables. 1 = 1 bookshelf D:"Enchantment Power"=0.5 I:"Max Tallow Dropped"=3 I:"Min Tallow Dropped"=1 I:"Tallow Burn Time"=200 } rope { B:"Enable Dispenser"=true # Set to true to allow ropes to move Tile Entities even if Pistons Push TEs is disabled. # Note that ropes will still use the same blacklist. B:"Force Enable Move TEs"=false I:"Recipe Output"=2 } "varied buttons and pressure plates" { B:"Enable Buttons"=true B:"Enable Pressure Plates"=true B:"Prefix vanilla blocks with Oak"=true } "charcoal block" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - actuallyadditions # - mekanism # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "better vanilla flower pot" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - inspirations # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } } experimental { B:"Better nausea"=false B:"Bigger caves"=false B:"Collateral piston movement"=false # This feature is an incomplete test, and not fit for regular gameplay. Feel free to enable it to mess around but it may explode horribly. Don't report bugs with it. # To make a colored light, use a Lit Redstone Lamp and put the color of Stained Glass you want under it. # For obvious reasons, this is incompatible with Optifine. # B:"Colored lights"=false B:"Custom splashes"=false B:"Dump texture atlases"=false B:"Framed blocks"=false B:"Parrots say despacito"=false # Suppresses all STDOUT (and STDERR, if enabled) messages so they don't show up in the console. # Use this if some mod left behind debug messages and you don't want to see them. # If important messages end up being disabled by this, tell the modders in case to switch to a proper logger. B:"Print suppressor"=false B:"Reactive cursor"=false B:"Reject mods"=false "colored lights" { # Set this to true to make colored light cap out at the value of natural light. # Note that having this enabled will make light values inconsistent based on when the light blocks were placed and updated. B:"Cull To Lightmap"=false # Simulates the way light travels to calculate the colored light value properly. # This needs to be enabled to prevent light from blending through walls. # Note that this feature heavily increases memory and CPU requirements. Do NOT use it if you plan on having a lot of lights. # You have been warned. B:"Simulate Light Travel"=false } "bigger caves" { # Vanilla value is 1 D:"Big Cave Size Minimum"=1.125 # Vanilla value is 3 D:"Big Cave Size Variance"=4.0 # Given the value of this config as X, in average, 1 in X caves will be a huge cave I:"Huge Cave Chance"=1400 I:"Huge Cave Maximum Y Level"=12 D:"Huge Cave Size Minimum"=1.125 D:"Huge Cave Size Variance"=3.0 B:"Huge Caves Enabled"=true # Vanilla value is 0 D:"Overall Cave Size Minimum"=0.5 # Vanilla value is 3 D:"Overall Cave Size Variance"=4.0 } "reject mods" { # Mods which aren't allowed on this server. S:"Rejected Mods" < > } "collateral piston movement" { # An array of actions to apply to blocks. Each element is in the following format: # blockid=action # Where blockid is the ID of the block to apply the action to (e.g. minecraft:stone) # And action is one of the following: # above - moves all equal blocks above it # below - moves all equal blocks below it # above_below - moves all equal blocks above and below it # above_edge - moves all equal blocks above it, and one more block of any type that's above the stack # below_edge - moves all equal blocks below it, and one more block of any type that's below the stack # above_below_edge - moves all equal blocks above and below it, and one more block of any type that's above or below the stack # directional - moves the block its facing to (only works on directional blocks) # sides - moves the blocks on all adjacent sides # horizontals - moves the blocks on all adjacent horizontal sides # verticals - moves the blocks on all adjacent vertical sides S:Actions < quark:chain=below_edge > } "custom splashes" { S:Splashes < Psidust is now completely uncraftable No bypass commands work > } "print suppressor" { B:"Suppress STDERR"=false B:"Suppress STDOUT"=true } } management { B:"Automatic tool restock"=false B:"Better craft shifting"=true B:"Change hotbar keybind"=false B:"Chest buttons"=false B:"Chests in boats"=true B:"Ctrl-click an item to favorite it. Favorited items aren't stored by the other features here"=false B:"Inventory sorting"=false B:"Press Ctrl-DELETE in the inventory to delete an item"=false B:"Press F in the inventory to switch item to main hand"=true B:"Press T in the inventory to link items to chat"=false B:"Right click add to shulker box"=false B:"Rotate arrow types"=false B:"Store to chests"=false "store to chests" { # GUIs in which the drop off button should be forced to show up. Use the "Debug Classnames" option in chest buttons to find the names. S:"Forced GUIs" < > # If true the default will be to merge your items into nearby chests, otherwise hold shift for this functionality. B:"Invert button"=false I:"Position X"=0 I:"Position X (Creative)"=28 I:"Position Y "=30 I:"Position Y (Creative)"=-20 } "automatic tool restock" { # Enable comparing enchantments to find a replacement B:"Enable Enchantment Matching"=true # Enable replacing your tools with tools of the same type but not the same item B:"Enable Loose Matching"=true # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - inventorytweaks # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # Enchantments deemed important enough to have special priority when finding a replacement S:"Important Enchantments" < minecraft:silk_touch minecraft:fortune minecraft:infinity minecraft:luck_of_the_sea minecraft:looting > B:"Unstackable Items Only"=false } "right click add to shulker box" { # Allow anything with 'shulker_box' in its item identifier to be treated as a shulker box? B:"Dropoff to Any Shulker Box"=true # Blocks which should be interpreted as Shulker Boxes. S:"Shulker Boxes" < minecraft:white_shulker_box minecraft:orange_shulker_box minecraft:magenta_shulker_box minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box minecraft:yellow_shulker_box minecraft:lime_shulker_box minecraft:pink_shulker_box minecraft:gray_shulker_box minecraft:silver_shulker_box minecraft:cyan_shulker_box minecraft:purple_shulker_box minecraft:blue_shulker_box minecraft:brown_shulker_box minecraft:green_shulker_box minecraft:red_shulker_box minecraft:black_shulker_box > } "press ctrl-delete in the inventory to delete an item" { B:"Enable Trash Button"=true B:"Trash Button Needs Shift"=true I:"Trash Button X"=3 I:"Trash Button Y"=-25 B:"Trash Button only on Player Inventory"=false } "press f in the inventory to switch item to main hand" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - visiblearmorslots # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "chest buttons" { # Set this to true to print out the names of all GUIs you open to the log. This is used to fill in the "Forced GUIs" list. B:"Debug Classnames"=false # Blocks with inventories which do not explicitly accept dropoffs, but should be treated as though they do. S:"Dropoff Enabled Blocks" < minecraft:chest minecraft:trapped_chest minecraft:shulker_box variedcommodities:crate variedcommodities:barrel > # Allow anything with 'chest' in its block identifier to be used as a dropoff inventory? B:"Dropoff to Any Chest Block"=false # Allow any block with 'chest' in its modid identifier to be used as a dropoff inventory? B:"Dropoff to Any Chest Mod"=false # Allow anything with 'chest' in its TileEntity identifier to be used as a dropoff inventory? B:"Dropoff to Any Chest Tile"=false # GUIs in which the chest buttons should be forced to show up. Use the "Debug Classnames" option to find the names. S:"Forced GUIs" < > deposit { # [default: true] B:Enabled=false # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -50] I:"Y Position"=-50 } smart_deposit { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -30] I:"Y Position"=-30 } restock { # [default: true] B:Enabled=false # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 45] I:"Y Position"=45 } extract { # [default: true] B:Enabled=false # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"Y Position"=25 } sort { # The Sort button is only available if the Inventory Sorting feature is enable [default: true] B:Enabled=false # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -70] I:"Y Position"=-70 } sort_player { # The Sort button is only available if the Inventory Sorting feature is enable [default: true] B:Enabled=false # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -18] I:"X Position"=-18 # [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 5] I:"Y Position"=5 } } "inventory sorting" { B:"Enable Button in Player Inventory"=true # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - inventorytweaks # - inventorysorter # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # GUIs in which the sort button should be forced to show up. Use the "Debug Classnames" option in chest buttons to find the names. S:"Forced GUIs" < > I:"Position X"=-20 I:"Position X (Creative)"=8 I:"Position Y "=30 I:"Position Y (Creative)"=-20 } "better craft shifting" { B:"Enable Crafting Table"=true B:"Enable Villager"=true } } misc { B:"Ancient tomes"=true B:"Black ash"=true B:"Color runes"=true B:"Enderdragon scales"=false B:"Endermites into shulkers"=false B:"Extra arrows"=false B:"Extra potions"=true B:"Horse whistle"=false B:"Lock direction hotkey"=false B:"Map markers"=true B:"Named snow golems with pumpkins drop player heads if killed by a witch"=true B:"Note block interface"=true B:"Note blocks play mob sounds if there's a head attached"=true B:"Parrot eggs"=true B:Pickarang=false B:"Place vanilla dusts"=true B:"Poison potato usage"=true B:"Reacharound placing"=false B:"Slime bucket"=false B:"Soul powder"=true B:"Throwable dragon breath"=true B:"Utility recipes"=false pickarang { # Set to -1 to have the Pickarang be unbreakable I:Durability=800 # 2 is Iron, 3 is Diamond I:"Harvest Level"=3 # 22.5 is ender chests, 25.0 is monster boxes, 50 is obsidian. Most things are below 5. D:"Max mining hardness"=20.0 # Set this to true to use the recipe without the Heart of Diamond, even if the Heart of Diamond is enabled B:"Never Use Heart of Diamond"=false # Set this to true to disable the short cooldown between throwing pickarangs B:"No Cooldown"=false # How long it takes for the pickarang to return to the player if it doesn't hit anything I:Timeout=20 } "endermites into shulkers" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - mite2shulker # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # The chance for an Endermite to turn into a Shulker. # The chance for a Silverfish to bury is 0.1, for reference. D:"Transform Percentage Chance"=0.005 } "place vanilla dusts" { B:"Enable Glowstone"=true B:"Enable Gunpowder"=true # Amount of ticks between each piece of gunpowder igniting the next I:"Gunpowder Delay"=10 # Amount of ticks between each piece of gunpowder igniting the next, if on Netherrack I:"Gunpowder Delay on Netherrack"=5 } "extra potions" { # A list of potentially context sensitive replacements to apply to the beacon effect list. # This system allows the potion effects in a beacon to change based on if there's specific blocks on top of the pyramid at the same layer as the beacon. # Lines are processed in the order you add them. # Each line is a comma separated list in the following format: # block,meta,layer,index,potion # # Each value is as follows: # block: A block ID of a block to check against when applying this replacement. You can leave this empty if you always want to apply the replacement # meta: The metadata of the block to check against, or -1 if any metadata will work. You must include this even if block is empty # layer: The layer of the beacon that contains the effect you want to replace (range: 0-3) # index: The effect in that layer you want to replace (range: 0-1, just 0 if it's layers 2 or 3) # potion: The ID for the potion to replace. Note: modded potions won't display the icons properly # # Examples: # minecraft:sea_lantern,-1,0,1,minecraft:water_breathing -> Replace Haste with Water Breathing if there's a Sea Lantern next to the beacon # ,-1,1,0,minecraft:levitation -> Always replace Resistance with Levitation S:"Beacon Replacements" < > B:"Enable Danger Sight Potion"=false B:"Enable Haste Potion"=true B:"Enable Resistance Potion"=false # Always use Clownfish instead of Glowshroom, even if Glowshroom is available. B:"Force Clownfish for Danger Sight"=false # Always use Quartz instead of Biotite, even if Biotite is available. B:"Force Quartz for Resistance"=false } "extra arrows" { B:"Enable Ender Arrow"=true B:"Enable Explosive Arrow"=true B:"Enable Torch Arrow"=true B:"Explosive Arrow Destroys Blocks"=true D:"Explosive Arrow Power"=2.0 } "map markers" { # If enabled, replaces the recipe to add the marker with right clicking for the same purpose B:"Use Right Click"=false } "slime bucket" { B:"Slime bucket is a slimeball"=true } "color runes" { I:"Cost to apply rune"=1 I:"Desert Temple loot weight"=15 I:"Dungeon loot weight"=20 B:"Enable Rainbow Rune Crafting"=true B:"Enable Rainbow Rune in Chests"=false I:"Item quality for loot"=0 I:"Jungle Temple loot weight"=15 I:"Nether Fortress loot weight"=15 B:"Stackable Runes"=true } "note block interface" { # Keyboard layout to use for the piano # Accepted values are: qwerty, azerty, dvorak S:"Keyboard Layout"=qwerty B:"Requires Empty Hands"=false } "throwable dragon breath" { I:"Blocks per Bottle"=64 } "utility recipes" { B:"Dispenser Recipe"=true B:"Enable Minecarts"=true B:"Repeater Recipe"=true } "black ash" { B:"Remove Wither Skeleton Coal Drops"=false I:"Wither Max Drop"=20 I:"Wither Min Drop"=12 I:"Wither Skeleton Max Drop"=3 I:"Wither Skeleton Min Drop"=0 } "ancient tomes" { I:"Cost to apply tome"=10 I:"Cost to apply upgraded book to item"=10 I:"Dungeon loot weight"=1 I:"Item quality for loot"=2 I:"Stronghold Library loot weight"=4 S:"Valid Enchantments" < minecraft:feather_falling minecraft:thorns minecraft:sharpness minecraft:smite minecraft:bane_of_arthropods minecraft:knockback minecraft:fire_aspect minecraft:looting minecraft:sweeping minecraft:efficiency minecraft:unbreaking minecraft:fortune minecraft:power minecraft:punch minecraft:luck_of_the_sea minecraft:lure charm:curse_break > } "poison potato usage" { B:"Apply Poison to the poisoned entity"=true D:"Chance to Poison"=0.1 } "reacharound placing" { # How lenient the detection for reacharound should be. Higher leniency means you can look further away from the block edge D:Leniency=0.5 # A whitelist of items that are allowed to reacharound (all blocks can without being here) S:Whitelist < quark:trowel > } "horse whistle" { # How far away should horses be able to hear the whistle? D:"Horse Summoning Range"=64.0 # Should horses teleport when you call for them if they can't find a way to get to you? B:"Horses Teleport When Whistled"=false } "parrot eggs" { I:"Egg Creation Time"=12000 B:"Enable Special Awesome Parrot"=true S:"Feed Item"=minecraft:beetroot_seeds # If this is X, the parrot will, on average, start making an egg in every 1/X seeds fed D:"Success Percentage Chance"=0.05 } "enderdragon scales" { I:"Amount Dropped per Dragon Kill"=1 # Should the crafted Elytra be dyed black? (only works if Dyed Elytras from Vanity is loaded) B:"Dye Elytra Black"=true I:"Required Scales per Elytra"=1 } } oddities { B:Backpacks=false B:"Matrix enchanting"=true B:Pipes=false B:"Tiny potato"=false B:"Totem of holding"=false "totem of holding" { B:"Allow Anyone to Collect"=true B:"Dark Souls Mode"=true B:"Destroy Lost Items"=false B:"Enable Soul Compass"=true B:"Spawn Totem on PVP Kill"=false } "matrix enchanting" { B:"Allow Enchanted Books"=true B:"Allow Treasure Enchantments"=false I:"Base Max Piece Count"=5 I:"Base Max Piece Count for Books"=1 I:"Book Enchantability"=12 D:"Book Min Level Scale Factor"=2.0 I:"Charge per Lapis"=1 S:"Disallowed Enchantments" < > D:"Dupe Multiplier"=9.0 D:"Incompatible Multiplier"=0.0 S:Influences < minecraft:unbreaking minecraft:fire_protection minecraft:knockback,minecraft:punch minecraft:feather_falling minecraft:looting,minecraft:fortune,minecraft:luck_of_the_sea minecraft:blast_protection minecraft:silk_touch minecraft:bane_of_arthropods minecraft:protection minecraft:respiration minecraft:sweeping minecraft:efficiency,minecraft:sharpness,minecraft:lure,minecraft:power minecraft:aqua_affinity,minecraft:depth_strider minecraft:thorns minecraft:fire_aspect,minecraft:flame minecraft:smite > B:"Influencing Enabled"=false I:"Influencing Max"=4 D:"Influencing Power"=0.125 I:"Max Bookshelves"=30 I:"Min Level Cutoff"=10 D:"Min Level Scale Factor"=1.5 B:"Normalize Rarity"=true I:"Piece Price Scale"=9 B:"Show Tooltip"=true } pipes { B:"Enable Pipe Render"=true B:"Enable Pipe Sounds"=true I:"Max Pipe Items"=16 I:"Pipe Speed"=5 I:"Pipes Crafted"=6 } backpacks { B:"Enable Crafting"=false B:"Enable Trade"=true I:"Max Required Emeralds"=18 I:"Min Required Emeralds"=12 I:"Required Leather"=12 B:"Unbalanced Mode"=false } "tiny potato" { B:"Enable Banner Variant"=true B:"Force Enabled"=false } } tweaks { B:"Allow crafting stone tools using flint"=false B:"Armed armor stands"=true B:"Automatic recipe unlock"=false B:"Axes break leaves"=false B:"Baby zombies burn"=false B:"Blastproof shulker boxes"=true B:"Chickens shed feathers"=true B:"Compasses work everywhere"=false B:"Convert Clay Blocks to Clay"=true B:"Deploy ladders down"=false B:"Dirt to path"=true B:"Double doors open together"=true B:"Dragon's Breath doesn't leave a bottle behind"=false B:"Dye any wool"=true B:"Endermen anti cheese"=true B:"Glass shards"=false B:"Hoes break a 5x5 of plants"=false B:"Improved sleeping"=false B:"Jump boost allows to step up 1 block"=true B:"Knock on doors"=true B:"Look down on ladders to descend fast"=false B:"Pat the dogs"=false B:"Quick armor swapping"=false B:"Remove layers of snow by right clicking with a shovel"=false B:"Right click harvest"=false B:"Right click minecarts to add blocks to them"=true B:"Right click sign edit"=true B:"Shearable chickens"=true B:"Sheep have armor while wearing wool"=true B:"Slabs to blocks recipe"=false B:"Slime blocks bounce off sides"=true B:"Squids ink you"=true B:"Stackable items"=true B:"Stair crafting makes more"=false B:"Torches burn in furnaces"=false B:"Villagers chase players holding Emerald Blocks"=true B:"Wet sponge will dry in the nether"=true "squids ink you" { # How long should blindness last upon hitting a squid, in ticks I:"Blindness Time"=80 } "sheep have armor while wearing wool" { # The amount of armor points to give to a sheep when it is not sheared. D:"Sheep Armor Amount"=1.0 } "hoes break a 5x5 of plants" { # Can hoes have Fortune anviled on? B:"Hoes Can Have Fortune"=true } "slabs to blocks recipe" { # The stack size for the vanilla slab recipe, used for automatically detecting slab recipes I:"Vanilla stack size"=6 } "endermen anti cheese" { # The delay (in ticks) between how often an enderman can break a block. I:Delay=10 # A value of health for which endermen will stop doing anti-cheese when below. Set to 0 to disable. I:"HP Lower Bound"=0 B:"Ignore mobGriefing Gamerule"=true # The minimum difficulty in which this effect should take place. (1: easy, 2: normal, 3: hard) I:"Minimum Difficulty"=3 # Set this to true to use the old behaviour, where the endermen would teleport the player to them B:"Use Old Behaviour"=false } "double doors open together" { B:"Allow Villagers to use Double Doors"=true # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - malisisdoors # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false } "automatic recipe unlock" { # Set this to true to disable the vanilla recipe book altogether. B:"Disable Recipe Book"=false # Set to true to force the doLimitedCrafting gamerule to true. # Combine this with the Ignored Recipes list to create a system where only a few selected recipes are locked. B:"Force Limited Crafting"=false # A list of recipe names that should NOT be added in by default S:"Ignored Recipes" < > } "right click minecarts to add blocks to them" { B:"Enable Command Block and Mob Spawner"=true } "blastproof shulker boxes" { # Allow anything with 'shulker_box' in its item identifier to be treated as a shulker box? B:"Dropoff to Any Shulker Box"=true # Blocks which should be interpreted as Shulker Boxes. S:"Shulker Boxes" < minecraft:white_shulker_box minecraft:orange_shulker_box minecraft:magenta_shulker_box minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box minecraft:yellow_shulker_box minecraft:lime_shulker_box minecraft:pink_shulker_box minecraft:gray_shulker_box minecraft:silver_shulker_box minecraft:cyan_shulker_box minecraft:purple_shulker_box minecraft:blue_shulker_box minecraft:brown_shulker_box minecraft:green_shulker_box minecraft:red_shulker_box minecraft:black_shulker_box > } "look down on ladders to descend fast" { # Should your character automatically sneak on ladders in GUIs? B:"Sneak While In Gui"=true } "pat the dogs" { # How many ticks it takes for a dog to want affection after being pet/tamed; leave -1 to disable I:"Dog loneliness"=-1 } "improved sleeping" { B:"Enable AFK"=true # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - morpheus # - sleepingoverhaul # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # The percentage of the (non-afk) server that needs to be sleeping for the time to change. I:"Required Percentage"=100 # How many ticks are required for a player to be marked AFK I:"Time for AFK"=2400 } "stackable items" { # The format for setting an item's max size is item name|stacksize. i.e. `minecraft:saddle|8` S:"Stackable Items" < minecraft:minecart|8 minecraft:chest_minecart|8 minecraft:command_block_minecart|8 minecraft:furnace_minecart|8 minecraft:hopper_minecart|8 minecraft:tnt_minecart|8 minecraft:mushroom_stew|16 minecraft:rabbit_stew|16 minecraft:beetroot_soup|16 minecraft:saddle|8 iceandfire:dragonbone|16 minecraft:potion|8 minecraft:splash_potion|8 minecraft:lingering_potion|8 simpledifficulty:juice|8 simpledifficulty:purified_water_bottle|8 rustic:fluid_bottle|8 bountifulbaubles:potionrecall|8 bountifulbaubles:potionwormhole|8 dynamictrees:dendropotion|8 foodexpansion:itemcarrotseedsoup|16 foodexpansion:itemspidersoup|16 foodexpansion:itemblazecream|16 foodexpansion:itemmelonsalad|16 foodexpansion:itemnetherwartsoup|16 foodexpansion:itembeetrootnoodles|16 betternether:stalagnate_bowl_mushroom|16 betternether:stalagnate_bowl_wart|16 betternether:stalagnate_bowl_apple|16 inspirations:potato_soup|16 charm:suspicious_soup|16 > } "right click harvest" { # Should Quark look for (nonvanilla) crops, and handle them? B:"Add Harvestable Crops"=true # Can players harvest crops with empty hand clicks? B:"Empty Hand Harvest"=true # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - harvest # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false # Which crops can be harvested? # Format is: "harvestState[,afterHarvest]", i.e. "minecraft:wheat:7" or "minecraft:cocoa:11,minecraft:cocoa:3" S:"Harvestable Crops" < minecraft:wheat:7 minecraft:carrots:7 minecraft:potatoes:7 minecraft:beetroots:3 minecraft:nether_wart:3 minecraft:cocoa:11,minecraft:cocoa:3 minecraft:cocoa:10,minecraft:cocoa:2 minecraft:cocoa:9,minecraft:cocoa:1 minecraft:cocoa:8,minecraft:cocoa:0 > # Does harvesting crops with a hoe cost durability? B:"Harvesting Costs Durability"=false # Can hoes harvest crops with right click? B:"Hoe Harvest"=true } "jump boost allows to step up 1 block" { B:"Can toggle with sneaking"=true I:"Minimum Jump Boost level"=2 } "compasses work everywhere" { # Make clocks always show day until crafted B:"Enable Clock Fix"=true # Make compasses always point north until crafted B:"Enable Compass Fix"=true # Make compasses point to center of the main island when in the end B:"Enable End Compass"=true # Make compasses point to where the portal you came in from when in the nether B:"Enable Nether Compass"=true } "right click sign edit" { B:"Requires Empty Hands"=false } "quick armor swapping" { # This feature disables itself if any of the following mods are loaded: # - iberia # This is done to prevent content overlap. # You can turn this on to force the feature to be loaded even if the above mods are also loaded. B:"Force Enabled"=false B:"Swap off-hand with armor"=true } "stair crafting makes more" { B:"Add stairs to blocks recipe"=true # This recipe can only be enabled if the "Slabs to blocks recipe" feature is. B:"Enable Slab to Stairs Recipe"=true I:"Target stack size (must be a divisor of 24 if 'Reversion recipe' is enabled)"=8 # The stack size for the vanilla stair recipe, used for automatically detecting stair recipes I:"Vanilla stack size"=4 } "dye any wool" { B:"Add 8 Dyed Wool Recipe"=true } "chickens shed feathers" { B:"Chicks drop feathers"=true I:"Drop frequency (lower means more)"=28000 B:"Force at least one feather on kill"=true } } vanity { B:"Boat sails"=true B:"Dyable elytra"=true B:"Dye item names"=true B:"Emote system"=false B:"Firework cloning"=false B:"Sit in stairs"=false B:"Witch hat"=true "emote system" { # Enable this to make custom emotes read the file every time they're triggered so you can edit on the fly. # DO NOT ship enabled this in a modpack, please. B:"Custom Emote Dev Mode"=false # Allow custom emotes to run function files when a user prompts them. # To attach a function file to any given emote, simply place a .mcfunction file with the same name as your .emote file (sans extension) in /quark_emotes. # Command output from emote functions is enabled only if both "Custom Emote Dev Mode" and the "commandBlockOutput" gamerule are enabled. B:"Custom Emote Functions"=false # The list of Custom Emotes to be loaded. # Watch the tutorial on Custom Emotes to learn how to make your own: https://youtu.be/ourHUkan6aQ S:"Custom Emotes" < > # Should keybinds for emotes be generated? (They're all unbound by default) B:"Enable Keybinds"=true # The enabled default emotes. Remove from this list to disable them. You can also re-order them, if you feel like it. S:"Enabled Emotes" < no yes wave salute cheer clap think point shrug headbang weep facepalm > } "witch hat" { D:"Drop Chance boost per looting level"=0.01 D:"Drop Chance from witches"=0.025 B:"Halve witch damage"=true B:"Make witches ignore players with witch hats"=true B:"Only Drop on Player Kills"=true } } world { B:Archaeologist=true B:Basalt=true B:"Big mushrooms generate in swamps"=true B:Biotite=true B:"Blazes spawn naturally in the nether"=true B:"Broken nether portals"=true B:"Buried treasure"=true B:"Cave roots"=true B:Crabs=true B:"Crystal caves"=true B:"Default world options"=false B:"Depth mobs"=false B:"Fairy rings"=true B:Foxhounds=true B:Frogs=false B:"Generate clay underground like dirt"=true B:"Guardians spawn in oceans"=false B:"Monster boxes"=true B:"Nether fossils"=true B:"Nether obsidian spikes"=true B:"Nether smoker"=true B:"Pathfinder maps"=true B:"Pirate ships"=true # Allows for usage of a new Realistic world type, made by /u/Soniop. # https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/4nfw3t/more_realistic_generation_preset_in_comment/ # If you want to use it in multiplayer, set the world type to "quark_realistic" B:"Realistic world type"=false B:"Revamp stone gen"=true B:Speleothems=true B:Stonelings=true B:"Tree variants"=true B:"Underground biomes"=true B:"Varied dungeons"=true B:Wraiths=false "fairy rings" { D:"Forest Percentage Chance"=0.00625 D:"Plains Percentage Chance"=0.0025 S:"Spawnable Ores" < minecraft:emerald_ore minecraft:diamond_ore iceandfire:silver_ore scalinghealth:crystalore > dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "cave roots" { # How many times the world generator will try to place roots per chunk I:"Attempts per Chunk"=10 B:"Enable Flowers"=true # The chance for a root to sprout a flower when it grows. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100% D:"Flower Chance"=0.2 I:"Max Y"=64 I:"Min Y"=32 # The chance for a root to drop the root item when broken. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100% D:"Root Drop Chance"=0.1 # The chance for a flower root to drop the sprout item when broken. 0 is 0%, 1 is 100% D:"Root Flower Drop Chance"=1.0 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } stonelings { # Do stonelings get spooked when players move suddenly near them? B:"Cautious Stonelings"=true B:"Enable Diamond Heart"=true I:"Max Y Level"=20 # Higher = more stonelings I:"Spawning Weight"=60 # Can stonelings be tamed by feeding them diamonds? B:"Tamable Stonelings"=true dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "blazes spawn naturally in the nether" { # Only used if " Block restrictions" is enabled. S:"Allowed spawn blocks" < minecraft:netherrack minecraft:soul_sand minecraft:magma quark:basalt > # Make naturally spawned blazes only spawn in allowed blocks B:"Block restrictions"=true I:"Largest spawn group"=2 I:"Smallest spawn group"=1 # The higher, the more will spawn I:"Spawn Weight"=2 } "nether fossils" { # The rarity of a fossil in a chunk. Higher means fewer fossils. I:"Fossil Chance"=75 } archaeologist { # Set to false to make the archaeologist not drop the hat B:"Drop Hat"=false B:"Enable Hat"=true # Set to false to make the hat not increase ore yield B:"Hat Increases Ore Yield"=true I:"Max Y"=30 I:"Min Y"=20 # The chance that the generator will attempt to place an Archaeologist in a chunk D:"Percentage Chance Per Chunk"=0.01 # Set to false to make the archaeologist not sell the hat B:"Sell Hat"=true # The chance for the hat to increase ore yield, 0 is 0%, 1 is 100% D:"Yield Increase Chance"=0.25 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "default world options" { I:andesiteCount=10 I:andesiteMaxHeight=80 I:andesiteMinHeight=0 I:andesiteSize=33 D:baseSize=8.5 D:biomeDepthOffset=0.0 D:biomeDepthWeight=1.0 D:biomeScaleOffset=0.0 D:biomeScaleWeight=1.0 I:biomeSize=4 I:coalCount=20 I:coalMaxHeight=128 I:coalMinHeight=0 I:coalSize=17 D:coordinateScale=684.412 D:depthNoiseScaleExponent=0.5 D:depthNoiseScaleX=200.0 D:depthNoiseScaleZ=200.0 I:diamondCount=1 I:diamondMaxHeight=16 I:diamondMinHeight=0 I:diamondSize=8 I:dioriteCount=10 I:dioriteMaxHeight=80 I:dioriteMinHeight=0 I:dioriteSize=33 I:dirtCount=10 I:dirtMaxHeight=256 I:dirtMinHeight=0 I:dirtSize=33 I:dungeonChance=8 I:fixedBiome=-1 I:goldCount=2 I:goldMaxHeight=32 I:goldMinHeight=0 I:goldSize=9 I:graniteCount=10 I:graniteMaxHeight=80 I:graniteMinHeight=0 I:graniteSize=33 I:gravelCount=8 I:gravelMaxHeight=256 I:gravelMinHeight=0 I:gravelSize=33 D:heightScale=684.412 I:ironCount=20 I:ironMaxHeight=64 I:ironMinHeight=0 I:ironSize=9 I:lapisCenterHeight=16 I:lapisCount=1 I:lapisSize=7 I:lapisSpread=16 I:lavaLakeChance=80 D:lowerLimitScale=512.0 D:mainNoiseScaleX=80.0 D:mainNoiseScaleY=160.0 D:mainNoiseScaleZ=80.0 I:redstoneCount=8 I:redstoneMaxHeight=16 I:redstoneMinHeight=0 I:redstoneSize=8 I:riverSize=4 I:seaLevel=63 D:stretchY=12.0 D:upperLimitScale=512.0 B:useCaves=true B:useDungeons=true B:useLavaLakes=true B:useLavaOceans=false B:useMineShafts=true B:useMonuments=true B:useRavines=true B:useStrongholds=true B:useTemples=true B:useVillages=true B:useWaterLakes=true I:waterLakeChance=4 } "tree variants" { # The chance per chunk for a Oak Blossom Tree to spawn (0 is 0%, 1 is 100%). This can be higher than 1 if you want multiple per chunk. D:"Blossom Tree Chance"=0.01 B:"Change vine color in swamps"=true B:"Enable Blossom"=true B:"Enable Swamp"=false } "crystal caves" { # The percentage chance crystal caves will spawn in a given chunk D:"Crystal Cave Percentage Chance"=0.006666666666666667 # Chance that a given crystal location will actually spawn a crystal D:"Crystal Chance"=0.2 B:"Enable Panes"=true # Chance that, if a crystal location doesn't spawn a crystal, it will spawn an ore D:"Ore Chance"=0.5 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } speleothems { I:"Cluster Attempts Per Chunk"=32 I:"Cluster Attempts Per Chunk (Nether)"=4 I:"Highest Y Level"=52 I:"Speleothems Per Cluster"=4 I:"Speleothems Per Cluster (Nether)"=4 dimensions { # [default: [0], [-1]] S:Dimensions < 0 -1 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } foxhounds { # The chance coal will tame a foxhound D:"Chance to Tempt"=1.0 I:"Largest spawn group"=3 I:"Smallest spawn group"=1 # The higher, the more will spawn I:"Spawn Weight"=8 } "broken nether portals" { # The chance a broken portal will try to spawn per chunk (1 is 100%, 0 is 0%) D:"Spawn Chance"=0.01 dimensions { # [default: [-1]] S:Dimensions < -1 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } biotite { I:"Cluster count for natural generation"=16 I:"Cluster size"=10 I:"Clusters generated per dragon death tick"=16 B:"Enable walls"=true B:"Generate by dragon kill"=true B:"Generate naturally"=false I:"Generation delay on dragon death"=1 } "monster boxes" { # The chance for the monster box generator to try and place one in a chunk, 1 is 100% # This can be higher than 100% if you want multiple per chunk, , 0 is 0% D:"Chance to Spawn"=0.6 I:"Max Mob Count"=8 I:"Max Y Level"=20 I:"Min Mob Count"=5 I:"Min Y Level"=3 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "depth mobs" { # (Skeleton is 100. The higher, the more will spawn) I:"Ashen Spawn Weight"=30 # (Zombie is 100. The higher, the more will spawn) I:"Dweller Spawn Weight"=30 B:"Enable Ashen"=false B:"Enable Dweller"=false I:"Highest Y level for spawns"=20 I:"Largest Ashen spawn group"=2 I:"Largest Dweller spawn group"=2 I:"Smallest Ashen spawn group"=1 I:"Smallest Dweller spawn group"=1 } basalt { B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true basalt { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [NETHER]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < NETHER > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 18] I:"Cluster Radius"=18 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:"Cluster Rarity"=20 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 120] I:"Y Level Max"=120 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [-1]] S:Dimensions < -1 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } } frogs { B:"Frog legs can be made into jump boost reagent"=true B:"Frogs know what day it is"=false I:"Largest spawn group"=3 I:"Smallest spawn group"=1 # The higher, the more will spawn I:"Spawn Weight"=40 } "pirate ships" { # Disables the pirate mob and generator, only adds the hat B:"Only hat"=false # Given this value as X, 1 ship will spawn in X ocean biome chunks I:"Pirate Ship Rarity"=4000 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "guardians spawn in oceans" { B:"Deep ocean only"=true I:"Largest spawn group"=3 # Disables guardians' attack sound if they aren't attacking a player B:"Shut Guardians Up"=true I:"Smallest spawn group"=1 # Squids have 10. The higher, the more will spawn. (Note that guardians only spawn 5% of the time, so the default 4 is actually 0.8) I:"Spawn Weight"=4 } crabs { I:"Largest spawn group"=1 I:"Smallest spawn group"=0 # The higher, the more will spawn I:"Spawn Weight"=1 } "revamp stone gen" { B:"Enable Jasper"=true B:"Enable Limestone"=true B:"Enable Marble"=true B:"Enable Slate"=true B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true # Note: The stone rarity values are tuned based on this being true. If you turn it off, also change the stones' rarity (around 50 is fine). B:"Generate Based on Biomes"=true # If this is true, CSV debug info will be printed out to the console on init, to help test biome spreads. B:"Output CSV Debug Info"=false granite { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [MOUNTAIN], [HILLS]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < MOUNTAIN HILLS > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=10 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=5 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=128 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } diorite { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [SAVANNA], [JUNGLE], [MUSHROOM]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < SAVANNA JUNGLE MUSHROOM > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=10 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=5 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=128 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } andesite { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [FOREST]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < FOREST > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=10 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=5 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=128 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } marble { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [PLAINS]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < PLAINS > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=14 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=16 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=80 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } limestone { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [SWAMP], [OCEAN]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < SWAMP OCEAN > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=14 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=16 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=80 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } jasper { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [MESA], [SANDY]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < MESA SANDY > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=14 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=16 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=80 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } slate { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [COLD]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < COLD > # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Cluster Radius"=14 # Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 9] I:"Cluster Rarity"=16 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks [default: false] B:"Invert Cluster Rarity"=false # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 80] I:"Y Level Max"=80 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 20] I:"Y Level Min"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } } "underground biomes" { B:"Allow crafting Cobbedstone"=true B:"Allow crafting Elder Prismarine"=true B:"Enable Big Glowshrooms"=true B:"Enable Cobbedstone"=true B:"Enable Elder Prismarine"=true B:"Enable Firestone"=true B:"Enable Froststone"=true B:"Enable Glowcelium and Glowshrooms"=true B:"Enable stairs and slabs"=true B:"Enable walls"=true # The smaller, the faster glowshrooms will spread. Vanilla mushroom speed is 25. I:"Glowshroom Growth Rate"=20 lush { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [JUNGLE]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < JUNGLE SWAMP beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # The chance grass will spawn D:"Grass Percentage Chance"=0.05 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=55 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=50 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=20 # The chance shrubs will spawn D:"Shrub Percentage Chance"=0.01 # The chance vines will spawn D:"Vine Percentage Chance"=0.125 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=5 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=5 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } sandstone { # [default: false] B:"Allow in Mesa biomes"=true # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [SANDY]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < SANDY beneath:the_beneath > # The chance chiseled sandstone will spawn D:"Chiseled Sandstone Percentage Chance"=0.15 # The chance dead bushes will spawn D:"Dead Bush Percentage Chance"=0.03 # The chance that dungeons will spawn any given chunk of the biome. The lower the value, the fewer dungeons will spawn. D:"Dungeon Spawn Percentage Chance"=0.01 # [default: true] B:"Enable Sand Floors"=true # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=40 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=12 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=40 # The chance stalactites will spawn D:"Stalactite Percentage Chance"=0.01 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=32 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=32 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } slime { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [SWAMP]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < SWAMP beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:"Enable Water Floor"=false # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=40 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=10 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 120] I:Rarity=90 # The chance slime blocks will spawn D:"Slime Block Percentage Chance"=0.025 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } prismarine { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [OCEAN]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < OCEAN beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=40 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=10 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 100] I:Rarity=100 # The chance sea lanterns will spawn D:"Sea Lantern Percentage Chance"=0.0085 # Set to false to spawn regular prismarine instead of elder prismarine (even if the block is enabled) [default: true] B:"Spawn Elder Prismarine"=true # The chance water will spawn D:"Water Percentage Chance"=0.25 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } spider { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [PLAINS]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < PLAINS FOREST beneath:the_beneath > # The chance for a spider spawner to be a cave spider spawner instead D:"Cave Spider Spawner Percentage Chance"=0.25 # The chance ceiling cobwebs will spawn D:"Ceiling Cobweb Percentage Chance"=0.1 # The chance for cobbedstone to replace cobblestone in the floor and walls D:"Cobbedstone Chance"=0.3 # The chance that dungeons will spawn any given chunk of the biome. The lower the value, the fewer dungeons will spawn. D:"Dungeon Spawn Percentage Chance"=0.5 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # The chance cobwebs will spawn D:"Floor Cobweb Percentage Chance"=0.04 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=30 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=12 # The chance cobwebs will spawn in nests D:"Nest Cobweb Percentage Chance"=0.5 # The range for cobwebs to be spawned in spider nests [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 3] I:"Nest Cobweb Range"=3 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=150 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=10 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=10 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=20 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } overgrown { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [FOREST]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < FOREST JUNGLE beneath:the_beneath > # The chance dirt will spawn D:"Dirt Percentage Chance"=0.35 # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=55 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=50 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=60 # The chance roots will spawn D:"Root Percentage Chance"=0.015 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=5 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=5 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } icy { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [COLD]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < COLD beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=40 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=1 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=30 # The chance stalagmites will spawn D:"Stalagmite Percentage Chance"=0.015 # [default: true] B:"Use Packed Ice"=true # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=32 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=32 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } lava { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [MESA]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < MESA DESERT beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # The chance lava will spawn D:"Lava Percentage Chance"=0.25 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=40 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=10 # The chance obsidian will spawn D:"Obsidian Percentage Chance"=0.0625 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=80 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=26 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } glowshroom { # Biome Type List: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L44-L90 # Types per Biome: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1.11.x/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/BiomeDictionary.java#L402-L463 [default: [MOUNTAIN], [MUSHROOM]] S:"Allowed Biome Types" < MOUNTAIN MUSHROOM beneath:the_beneath > # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 40] I:"Maximum Y Level"=32 # [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 10] I:"Minimum Y Level"=10 # The chance mushrooms will spawn D:"Mushroom Percentage Chance"=0.0625 # This biome will spawn in 1 of X valid chunks [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:Rarity=80 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"X Minimum"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"X Variation"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Y Minimum"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 6] I:"Y Variation"=6 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 26] I:"Z Minimum"=14 # [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 14] I:"Z Variation"=14 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 10 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } } "nether obsidian spikes" { # The chance for a spike to be big (1 is 100%, 0 is 0%) D:"Big Spike Chance"=0.1 B:"Big Spikes Have Spawners"=true # The chance for a chunk to contain spikes (1 is 100%, 0 is 0%) D:"Chance Per Chunk"=0.03 # Should a chunk have spikes, how many would the generator try to place I:"Tries Per Chunk"=4 } wraiths { I:"Curse Range"=64 # How long the curse effect lasts for (in ticks) I:"Curse Time"=12000 B:"Enable Curse"=true I:"Largest spawn group"=6 I:"Smallest spawn group"=4 # The higher, the more will spawn I:"Spawn Weight"=60 # List of sound sets to use with wraiths. # Three sounds must be provided per entry, separated by | (in the format idle|hurt|death). Leave blank for no sound (i.e. if a mob has no ambient noise) S:"Wraith sound effects" < entity.sheep.ambient|entity.sheep.hurt|entity.sheep.death entity.cow.ambient|entity.cow.hurt|entity.cow.death entity.pig.ambient|entity.pig.hurt|entity.pig.death entity.chicken.ambient|entity.chicken.hurt|entity.chicken.death entity.horse.ambient|entity.horse.hurt|entity.horse.death entity.cat.ambient|entity.cat.hurt|entity.cat.death entity.wolf.ambient|entity.wolf.hurt|entity.wolf.death entity.villager.ambient|entity.villager.hurt|entity.villager.death entity.polar_bear.ambient|entity.polar_bear.hurt|entity.polar_bear.death entity.zombie.ambient|entity.zombie.hurt|entity.zombie.death entity.skeleton.ambient|entity.skeleton.hurt|entity.skeleton.death entity.spider.ambient|entity.spider.hurt|entity.spider.death |entity.creeper.hurt|entity.creeper.death entity.endermen.ambient|entity.endermen.hurt|entity.endermen.death entity.zombie_pig.ambient|entity.zombie_pig.hurt|entity.zombie_pig.death entity.witch.ambient|entity.witch.hurt|entity.witch.death entity.blaze.ambient|entity.blaze.hurt|entity.blaze.death entity.llama.ambient|entity.llama.hurt|entity.llama.death |quark:entity.stoneling.cry|quark:entity.stoneling.die quark:entity.frog.idle|quark:entity.frog.hurt|quark:entity.frog.die > } "generate clay underground like dirt" { I:"Cluster count"=1 I:"Cluster size"=20 I:"Max Height"=60 I:"Min Height"=40 } "varied dungeons" { # Set this to anything other than an empty line to load a custom loot table for the dungeons. S:"Custom Loot Table"= # How many times per chunk will the generator try to place a dungeon. The higher, the more dungeons you'll get I:"Tries Per Chunk"=7 dimensions { # [default: [0]] S:Dimensions < 0 > # [default: false] B:"Is Blacklist"=false } } "buried treasure" { I:"Treasure map Rarity"=10 # This is used for the luck attribute in loot tables. It doesn't affect the loot you get from the map itself. I:"Treasure map item quality"=2 } "pathfinder maps" { # In this section you can add custom Pathfinder Maps. This works for both vanilla and modded biomes. # Each custom map must be on its own line. # The format for a custom map is as follows: # ,,,,, # # With the following descriptions: # - being the biome's ID NAME. You can find vanilla names here - https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Biome#Biome_IDs # - being the Cartographer villager level required for the map to be unlockable # - being the cheapest (in Emeralds) the map can be # - being the most expensive (in Emeralds) the map can be # - being a hex color (without the #) for the map to display. You can generate one here - http://htmlcolorcodes.com/ # - being the display name of the map # # Here's an example of a map to locate Ice Mountains: # minecraft:ice_mountains,2,8,14,7FE4FF,Ice Mountains Pathfinder Map S:"Custom Map Info" < defiledlands:plains_defiled,5,20,26,500080,Defiled Lands Pathfinder Map defiledlands:forest_vilespine,5,20,26,500080,Defiled Lands Pathfinder Map defiledlands:desert_defiled,5,20,26,500080,Defiled Lands Pathfinder Map iceandfire:glacier,4,16,22,80bbff,Glacier Pathfinder Map traverse:meadow,3,12,18,00CC00,Meadow Pathfinder Map traverse:badlands,3,12,18,802000,Badlands Pathfinder Map > # By default, when a Cartographer levels up, a random Pathfinder Map from that level is added to their trades. # Set this to true to add all the maps from that level to the trades instead. B:"Unlock All Trades at Once"=false # By default, when a Cartographer evolves to level 2, two or three Pathfinder Maps are unlocked. # Set this to false to disable this, and make it only unlock one, like in the other levels. B:"Unlock Multiples At Level 2"=false ice_plains { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 14] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=14 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 8] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=8 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 2] I:"Required Villager Level"=2 } extreme_hills { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 14] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=14 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 8] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=8 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 2] I:"Required Villager Level"=2 } roofed_forest { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 14] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=14 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 8] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=8 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 2] I:"Required Villager Level"=2 } desert { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 14] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=14 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 8] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=8 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 2] I:"Required Villager Level"=2 } savanna { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 14] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=14 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 8] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=8 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 2] I:"Required Villager Level"=2 } swampland { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 18] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=18 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 3] I:"Required Villager Level"=3 } redwood_taiga { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 18] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=18 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 3] I:"Required Villager Level"=3 } flower_forest { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 18] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=18 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 3] I:"Required Villager Level"=3 } jungle { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 22] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=22 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 16] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=16 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 4] I:"Required Villager Level"=4 } mesa { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 22] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=22 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 16] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=16 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 4] I:"Required Villager Level"=4 } mushroom_island { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 26] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=26 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 20] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 5] I:"Required Villager Level"=5 } ice_spikes { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 26] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=26 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 20] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 5] I:"Required Villager Level"=5 } plains_defiled { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 26] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=26 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 20] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 5] I:"Required Villager Level"=5 } forest_vilespine { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 26] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=26 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 20] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 5] I:"Required Villager Level"=5 } desert_defiled { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 26] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=26 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 20] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=20 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 5] I:"Required Villager Level"=5 } glacier { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 22] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=22 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 16] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=16 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 4] I:"Required Villager Level"=4 } meadow { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 18] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=18 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 3] I:"Required Villager Level"=3 } badlands { # [default: true] B:Enabled=true # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 18] I:"Maximum Emerald Price"=18 # [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 12] I:"Minimum Emerald Price"=12 # [range: 0 ~ 10, default: 3] I:"Required Villager Level"=3 } } "big mushrooms generate in swamps" { # Must be an integer if above 1. If below 1, works as a chance to generate one per chunk. D:"Big Mushroom count per chunk"=0.5 } "realistic world type" { # Makes realistic the default world type. Only works for singleplayer. B:"Make Realistic Default"=false # What cloud height should realistic worlds have? 128 is default for vanilla worlds. D:"Realistic Cloud Height"=260.0 } }