# Configuration file ~CONFIG_VERSION: 2.0 arrows { # Base Damage for Diamond Arrows [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 3.5] S:baseDamageArrowDiamond=3.0 # Base Damage for Iron Arrows [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 3.0] S:baseDamageArrowIron=2.0 # Base Damage for Wooden Arrows [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.2] S:baseDamageArrowWood=0.5 # Disables Diamond Arrows and Bolts in this mod [default: false] B:disableDiamondArrowsAndBolts=false # Disables all new Arrows in this mod [default: false] B:disableNewArrows=false # Disables all variants of the Arrow Quiver and the Bolt Quiver in this mod [default: false] B:disableQuivers=false # Bows in this blacklist will not get Arrows pulled out of the Arrow Quiver. Use the ID of the bow to add to this. e.g. "minecraft:bow" [default: [botania:crystalbow], [ebwizardry:spectral_bow], [iceandfire:dragonbone_bow]] S:quiverBowBlacklist < botania:crystalbow ebwizardry:spectral_bow > } battleaxe { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 5.0] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageMultiplier=2.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } boomerang { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false # Disables all Boomerangs except the Wooden one in this mod. [default: false] B:woodenBoomerangOnly=false } caestus { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBase=2.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.0 # Disables the Caestus and Studded Caestus [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } client { # Set to true to disable a Crosshair for the Crossbow which visually shows inaccuracy, using the default Crosshair instead; false otherwise [default: false] B:disableNewCrosshairCrossbow=false # set to true to disable a Crosshair for Throwing Weapons which show the charge for them, using the default Crosshair instead; false otherwise [default: false] B:disableNewCrosshairThrowingWeapon=false # Set to force compatibility crosshairs for Crosshairs and Throwing Weapons. This won't work if the new crosshairs are disabled. [default: false] B:forceCompatibilityCrosshairs=false # Sets where the Quiver HUD Element should be aligned [default: bottom_center] S:quiverHudAlignment=bottom_center # Sets where on the X-axis the Quiver HUD element should be off-set from it's alignment point. [range: -400 ~ 400, default: -130] I:quiverHudOffsetX=-130 # Sets where on the Y-axis the Quiver HUD element should be off-set from it's alignment point. [range: -400 ~ 400, default: 59] I:quiverHudOffsetY=59 } club { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.0 # Disables the Club and Studded Club [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } crossbow { # Base damage of a standard Crossbow Bolt. [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:boltDamage=4.0 # Base damage of a Diamond Crossbow Bolt [range: 1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 5.0] S:boltDiamondDamage=5.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false # Disables all Crossbows except the Wooden one in this mod. [default: false] B:woodenCrossbowOnly=false } dagger { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.5] S:damageBase=3.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } explosives { # Disables all Explosives in this mod [default: false] B:disableExplosives=false # Enables terrain damage for explosives in this mod such as Dynamite and Explosive Arrows. Respects the 'mobGriefing' gamerule. [default: true] B:enableTerrainDamage=true } general { # Enables experimental weapons, such as the Parrying Dagger [default: false] B:enableExperimentalWeapons=false # Enables weapons made from modded materials. Setting this to false will disable registration of said weapons, meaning only vanilla weapons will be available. [default: true] B:enableModdedMaterialWeapons=true # Setting to true will disable all uncraftable weapon tooltips. Useful for modpack makers, or for those particular mods which recipes work, but the tooltips are inaccurate. [default: false] B:forceDisableUncraftableTooltips=false } glaive { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=5.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } greatsword { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0] S:damageBase=3.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } halberd { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 6.5] S:damageBase=4.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } hammer { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 6.0] S:damageBase=5.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=2.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } javelin { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageBase=1.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=2.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } katana { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 3.5] S:damageBase=3.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=0.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } lance { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } longbow { # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false # Disables all Longbows except the Wooden one in this mod. [default: false] B:woodenLongbowOnly=false } longsword { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.5] S:damageBase=4.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } mace { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=3.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } materials { # Base material damage for Bronze weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBaseBronze=2.0 # Base material damage for Copper weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageBaseCopper=1.5 # Base material damage for Electrum weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBaseElectrum=2.0 # Base material damage for Invar weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.2] S:damageBaseInvar=2.2 # Base material damage for Lead weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBaseLead=2.0 # Base material damage for Nickel weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBaseNickel=2.0 # Base material damage for Platinum weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 3.5] S:damageBasePlatinum=3.5 # Base material damage for Silver weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageBaseSilver=1.5 # Base material damage for Steel weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 2.5] S:damageBaseSteel=2.5 # Base material damage for Tin weapons [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.75] S:damageBaseTin=1.75 # Disables all Bronze-based weapons [default: false] B:disableBronze=false # Disables all Copper-based weapons [default: false] B:disableCopper=false # Disables all Electrum-based weapons [default: false] B:disableElectrum=false # Disables all Invar-based weapons [default: false] B:disableInvar=false # Disables all Lead-based weapons [default: false] B:disableLead=false # Disables all Nickel-based weapons [default: false] B:disableNickel=false # Disables all Platinum-based weapons [default: false] B:disablePlatinum=false # Disables all Silver-based weapons [default: false] B:disableSilver=false # Disables all Steel-based weapons [default: false] B:disableSteel=false # Disables all Tin-based weapons [default: false] B:disableTin=false # Base durability for Bronze weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 320] I:durabilityBaseBronze=200 # Base durability for Copper weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 200] I:durabilityBaseCopper=200 # Base durability for Electrum weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 180] I:durabilityBaseElectrum=180 # Base durability for Invar weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 440] I:durabilityBaseInvar=440 # Base durability for Lead weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 240] I:durabilityBaseLead=240 # Base durability for Nickel weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 200] I:durabilityBaseNickel=200 # Base durability for Platinum weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 1024] I:durabilityBasePlatinum=1024 # Base durability for Silver weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 48] I:durabilityBaseSilver=460 # Base durability for Steel weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 480] I:durabilityBaseSteel=480 # Base durability for Tin weapons [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 180] I:durabilityBaseTin=180 } parrying_dagger { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBase=2.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=0.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } pike { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } quarterstaff { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageBase=4.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } rapier { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.5] S:damageBase=1.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=0.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } saber { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.5] S:damageBase=3.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=0.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } spear { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.5] S:damageBase=6.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=0.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } throwing_axe { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 2.0] S:damageBase=2.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=2.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } throwing_knife { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.5] S:damageBase=1.5 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 0.5] S:damageMultiplier=1.0 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } warhammer { # Base Damage. Will be the same damage as the Wooden version of this weapon [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 4.0] S:damageBase=5.0 # Damage Multiplier. Final damage of weapons are calculated with the formula: ([WeaponMultiplier] * [BaseMaterialDamage]) + [WeaponBaseDamage] [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:damageMultiplier=1.5 # Disables all weapons of this type in this mod [default: false] B:disableWeapon=false } weapon_properties { # Tweaks the hurt resistance ticks for weapons that use the "Quick Strike" Weapon Property [range: 1 ~ 20, default: 14] I:quickStrikeHurtResistTicks=15 }