[forge] #Machine progress bar background color machineProgressBackgroundColor = "#55666666" #Machine progress bar border color machineProgressBorderColor = "#ff666666" [forge.fluidGauge] #Fluid gauge border color (try #FF7F0000 for BC red) gaugeBorderColor = "#ff666666" #Fluid gauge background color (try #557F0000 for BC red) gaugeBackgroundColor = "#55666666" #Fluid color transparency. #Range: 0 ~ 255 gaugeFluidColorTransparency = 255 #Use the fluid's texture in the fluid gauge instead of the TOP lines. gaugeRenderFluidTexture = true #Which "algorithm" should be used to pick fluid colors (TOP_LEFT is sometimes lighter) #Allowed Values: TOP_LEFT_COLOR, AVERAGE_COLOR gaugeFluidColorAlgorithm = "AVERAGE_COLOR" #Which fluid gauges to show, BOTH and THE_ONE_PROBE_ONLY options also depend on the The One Probe "showTankSetting" configuration #Allowed Values: BOTH, THE_ONE_PROBE_ONLY, TOP_ADDONS_ONLY fluidGaugeChoice = "TOP_ADDONS_ONLY" #Show a rounded tank fluid gauge gaugeRounded = true #Show the tank's total capacity in the fluid gauge gaugeShowCapacity = false #Alignment of the fluid's texture when gaugeRenderFluidTexture is enabled. #Allowed Values: TOP, MIDDLE, SQUEEZE fluidTextureAlignment = "MIDDLE" #Allow certain tiles to show custom tank names gaugeUseCustomTankNames = true [storagedrawers] #Always display the extended drawer info alwaysDisplayExtended = false [industrialforegoing] #Color the background of tiny progress bars with the GUI's progress bar color #Replaces the default machine progress in the forge section colorTinyProgressBackground = true [thermal] #Always show Flux Cell input/output rate (even when not extended) alwaysShowCellIo = false