# Configuration file "extras settings" { # Use material name ('Use Output Materials names to the Log/Console' option to show all materials) Example: stone [default: ] S:"List of Materials which cant be used as replacements on tools" < > # Use modifier name ('Use Output Materials/Modifier names to the Log/Console' option to show all materials) Example: mending_moss [default: ] S:"List of Modifiers to be disabled" < > # Use Traits name Example: ecological [default: ] S:"List of Traits to be disabled" < > # Use part name and material name in the Format: part_name:material_name Example: pick_head:stone [default: ] S:"List of parts which cant be used as replacements on tools (based on certain Material type)" < > # Will set a limit on the amount of Modifiers allowed on a tool at once! I:"Modifier limit amount (per tool)"=10 } general { # Will output to the Log/Console during start up B:"Output Materials/Modifier names to the Log/Console"=true } "general parts settings" { # Use material name ('Use Output Materials/Modifier names to the Log/Console' option to show all materials) Example: stone [default: ] S:"List of Materials which parts cant be created for using a Part Builder/Smeltery Casting table" < paper firewood copper xu_magical_wood pulsating_iron emerald livingwood_plustic xu_demonic_metal alumite thaumium electrical_steel redstone_alloy cobalt ardite manyullyn energetic_alloy vibrant_alloy dark_steel end_steel lumium_plustic titanium platinum_plustic steel emeradic_actadd_plustic enderium_plustic integrationforegoing.pink_slime integrationforegoing.reinforced_pink_slime integrationforegoing.plastic tough refinedobsidian refinedglowstone soularium xu_evil_metal osmium diamatine_actadd_plustic iridium osmiridium fluixcrystal_plustic infinity_avaritia_plustic wyvern_plustic awakened_plustic chaotic_plustic terrasteel mirion osgloglas > } "global settings" { # Will disable all possible Modifiers B:"Disable Ability to Apply All Modifiers"=false # Will disable all possible Traits B:"Disable Ability to Apply All Traits"=false # Will only disable the creation not the existing of the parts B:"Disable Ability to Create All Parts in the Part Builder"=false # Will only disable the creation not the existing of the parts B:"Disable Ability to Create All Parts in the Smeltery Casting table"=false # Will disable the creation of all tools via a tool station/forge B:"Disable Ability to Create All Tools"=false # Will stop all Parts from being replaceable B:"Disable Ability to Replace All Parts"=false } "materials settings" { # Use material name ('Use Output Materials/Modifier names to the Log/Console' option to show all materials) Example: paper [default: ] S:"List of Materials to be disabled" < > } "parts settings" { # Use part type name (Use F3 + H to show unlocalized names on parts to find there names, will be the name after the : ) Example: pick_head [default: ] S:"List of Parts that cant be created in the Part Builder" < sharpening_kit > # Use part name and material name in the Format: part_name:material_name Example: pick_head:stone [default: ] S:"List of Parts that cant be created in the Part Builder (based on certain Material type)" < large_sword_blade:wood tough_tool_rod:wood excavator_head:wood broad_axe_head:wood knife_blade:wood hammer_head:wood large_plate:wood large_sword_blade:bone tough_tool_rod:bone excavator_head:bone broad_axe_head:bone knife_blade:bone hammer_head:bone large_plate:bone large_sword_blade:sponge tough_tool_rod:sponge excavator_head:sponge broad_axe_head:sponge knife_blade:sponge hammer_head:sponge large_plate:sponge large_sword_blade:cactus tough_tool_rod:cactus excavator_head:cactus broad_axe_head:cactus knife_blade:cactus hammer_head:cactus large_plate:cactus large_sword_blade:flint tough_tool_rod:flint excavator_head:flint broad_axe_head:flint knife_blade:flint hammer_head:flint large_plate:flint large_sword_blade:prismarine tough_tool_rod:prismarine excavator_head:prismarine broad_axe_head:prismarine knife_blade:prismarine hammer_head:prismarine large_plate:prismarine large_sword_blade:magmaslime tough_tool_rod:magmaslime excavator_head:magmaslime broad_axe_head:magmaslime knife_blade:magmaslime hammer_head:magmaslime large_plate:magmaslime large_sword_blade:blueslime tough_tool_rod:blueslime excavator_head:blueslime broad_axe_head:blueslime knife_blade:blueslime hammer_head:blueslime large_plate:blueslime large_sword_blade:slime tough_tool_rod:slime excavator_head:slime broad_axe_head:slime knife_blade:slime hammer_head:slime large_plate:slime > # Use part type name (Use F3 + H to show unlocalized names on parts to find there names, will be the name after the : ) Example: pick_head [default: ] S:"List of Parts that cant be created in the Smeltery Casting table" < > # Use part name and material name in the Format: part_name:material_name Example: pick_head:stone [default: ] S:"List of Parts that cant be created in the Smeltery Casting table (based on certain Material type)" < > } "tools settings" { # Use tool type name (Use F3 + H to show unlocalized names on tools to find there names, will be the name after the : ) Example: pickaxe [default: ] S:"List of Tools that cant be created" < > # Use tool name and material name in the Format: tool_name:material_name Example: pickaxe:stone [default: ] S:"List of Tools that cant be created (based on certain Material type)" < > }