# Configuration file blocks { # Enables the carbon FloodLight [default: true] B:carbonFloodlightEnabled=true # Enables the electric FloodLight [default: true] B:electricFloodlightEnabled=true # Enables the Grow Light [default: true] B:growLightEnabled=true # Enables the small electric FloodLight [default: true] B:smallElectricFloodlightEnabled=true # Enables the UV FloodLight [default: true] B:uvFloodlightEnabled=true } general { # Should the IGW Notifier be shown? [default: true] B:IGWNotifierEnabled=false # How many seconds should 1 coal last in the carbon floodlight (quarter of that for the cone floodlights)? Default:300 [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 300] I:carbonTime=300 # How big should the chance for the growlight for a growtick per second be? [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05] S:chanceGrowLight=0.05 # How much damage should the UV Floodlights do per second? [range: 1.0 ~ 16.0, default: 4.0] S:damageUVFloodlight=4.0 # Energy Usage in RF/t for the electric FloodLight (x4 for the cone floodlights) [range: 0 ~ 1000, default: 20] I:energyUsage=20 # Energy Usage in RF/t for the Grow Light [range: 0 ~ 800, default: 40] I:energyUsageGrowLight=40 # Energy Usage in RF/t for the small electric FloodLight [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 2] I:energyUsageSmallFloodlight=2 # Energy Usage in RF/t for the UV FloodLight [range: 0 ~ 800, default: 80] I:energyUsageUVFloodlight=80 # How far should the cone floodlights go? (mind that wide only goes quarter as far) Default:32 [range: 1 ~ 64, default: 32] I:rangeConeFloodlight=32 # How far should the straight Floodlights go? [range: 1 ~ 128, default: 64] I:rangeStraightFloodlight=64 # How far should the UV Floodlights go? [range: 1 ~ 32, default: 8] I:rangeUVFloodlight=8 # How long should the timeout for turning on floodlights again be in ticks? [range: 1 ~ 240, default: 40] I:timeoutFloodlights=40 # Should the UV Light Block be visible? [default: true] B:uvLightRendered=true }