# Configuration file TitleCard { S:"Align X"=0.5 S:"Align Y"=0.0 I:"Offset X"=-128 I:"Offset Y"=0 S:"Title Texture"=gtnh:textures/gui/gtnh_title.png } general { # If true, then when you click on Claim all, a warning dialog will be displayed [default: true] B:"Claim all requires confirmation"=true B:"Hide Updates"=true # Is quest chapters list locked and opened on start [default: false] B:"Lock tray"=false # Clamps the max UI height (-1 to disable) [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1] I:"Max GUI Height"=-1 # Clamps the max UI width (-1 to disable) [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1] I:"Max GUI Width"=-1 # Enabled the popup notices when quests are completed or updated [default: true] B:"Quest Notices"=true # Scrolling multiplier [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0] S:"Scroll multiplier"=1.0 # If true will skip home gui and open quests at startup. This property will be changed by the mod itself. [default: false] B:"Skip home"=true S:"Sound Complete"=random.levelup S:"Sound Unlock"=random.click S:"Sound Update"=random.levelup # The current questing theme [default: betterquesting:light] S:Theme=betterquesting:light # Jumps the user to the last opened quest [default: true] B:"Use Quest Bookmark"=true # If true, user can view most quests (not hidden or secret) [default: false] B:"View mode"=false # If true, show view mode button [default: false] B:"View mode button"=true # Zoom Speed [range: 1.05 ~ 3.0, default: 1.25] S:"Zoom Speed"=1.25 # Zoom in on cursor. If false, zooms in on center of screen. [default: true] B:"Zoom in on cursor"=true # Zoom out on cursor. If false, zooms out on center of screen. [default: true] B:"Zoom out on cursor"=true # Zoom smoothness in ms [range: 0.0 ~ 2000.0, default: 100.0] S:"Zoom smoothness in ms"=100.0 }