{ title: "&4Resonance of the Faceted Crystal", x: -3.0d, y: 18.5d, description: "&oRitual of Centrifuging", text: [ "&7About those &b\"Aspected\"&7 will types, they're called &aCorrosive&7, &eDestructive&7, &cVengeful&7, and &9Steadfast&7 Will, respectively.", "", "These Will types can be used in place of the standard &b\"Raw\"&7 Will, the catch is that it can alter the properties of &bGear&7 and &cRituals&7, changing how they work, for the Better, or the Worse.", "", "the &4Resonance of the Faceted Crystal&7 will split a fully grown &b\"Raw\"&4 Demon Will Crystal Cluster&7 atop a &cDemon Crystallizer&7, and create or add to &bAspected&7 Will Clusters directly next to the Crystallizer." ], dependencies: [ "324d9485", "95505151", "66d9a17b" ], tasks: [{ uid: "95a524bc", type: "checkmark" }, { uid: "0e8cf57e", type: "item", items: [{ item: "bloodmagic:ritual_stone" }], count: 20L }], rewards: [{ uid: "ed23cae5", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }