#With this disabled tanks are essentially locked to the crafted color as dyes will no longer work
enable_in_world_coloring = true

#Items used to upgrade the EnderTanks
	#Items used to make the tanks personal
	personal = ["tag|forge:gems/diamond"]
	#Items used to make the tanks team tanks
	team = ["tag|forge:gems/emerald"]
	#Items that apply a small storage capacity upgrade
	small_capacity = ["minecraft:ender_pearl"]
	#Items that apply a large storage capacity upgrade
	large_capacity = ["minecraft:ender_eye"]
	#Items that are used to increase the tanks internal transfer pump
	pump = ["minecraft:piston"]
	#Items that apply a small storage capacity upgrade
	#Each item can only be use once per tank
	small_capacity_singleuse = []
	#Items that apply a large storage capacity upgrade
	#Each item can only be use once per tank
	large_capacity_singleuse = []
	#Items that are used to increase the tanks internal transfer pump
	#Each item can only be use once per tank
	pump_singleuse = []

#Set the number of buckets a tank holds, how many pump upgrades can be applied, and the value of a storage upgrade
	#How many internal transfer pump upgrades can a tank have?
	# default is only 1/4 bucket, upgrades make it a bucket per upgrade
	#Range: 0 ~ 8
	tank_pump_max = 4
	#Minimum capacity an EnderTank holds
	#Range: 4 ~ 128
	tank_size_min = 32
	#Maximum capacity an EnderTank holds
	#Range: 4 ~ 512
	tank_size_max = 256
	#Capacity increased by small capacity upgrade items
	#Range: 2 ~ 16
	small_capacity_upgrade = 8
	#Capacity increased by large capacity upgrade items
	#Range: 4 ~ 32
	large_capacity_upgrade = 16

	#Enables the usage of public tanks, if disabled tanks must be upgraded before use
	public_tanks = true
	#Enables the creation of personal tanks, if disabled tanks can not set personal.
	#Does not effect tanks that are already set as personal
	personal_tanks = true
	#Enables the creation of team tanks, if disabled tanks can not be set team.
	#Does not effect tanks that are already set as team
	team_tanks = true
	#Enables the usage of public buckets, if disabled buckets must be linked to an upgraded tank before use
	public_buckets = true
	#Enables the linking of buckets to personal tanks.
	#Does not effect buckets that are already linked to personal tanks
	personal_buckets = true
	#Enables the linking of buckets to team tanks.
	#Does not effect buckets that are already linked to team tanks
	team_buckets = true
	#Public tanks can be used with automation.
	#The internal pump is unaffected by this setting
	public_automation = true
	#Personal tanks can be used with automation.
	#The internal pump is unaffected by this setting
	personal_automation = true
	#Team tanks can be used with automation.
	#The internal pump is unaffected by this setting
	team_automation = true
	#While true a Personal tank can only be edited (upgrade, move, etc) by the owner
	personal_edit_lock = true
	#While true a Team tank can only be edited (upgrade, move, etc) by a team member
	team_edit_lock = true
	#While true only the owner can link a bucket to their tanks
	personal_link_lock = true
	#While true only a team member can link a bucket to team tanks
	team_link_lock = true
	#While true only the owner can use the tank
	personal_use_lock = false
	#While true only a team member can use the tank
	team_use_lock = false

#Mod integration can be disabled to solve compatibility issues, remove unwanted/unneeded features, etc.
	store_mekanism_gas = true
	store_mekanism_infusion = true
	store_mekanism_pigment = true
	store_mekanism_slurry = true