// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- for GT New Horizons ModPack // --- Steve's Carts Version 2.0.0.b18 // --- Used Mods: // --- Minetweaker 3.0.10B, Modtweaker 0.9.4, GTTweaker 1.0.9, Gregtech custom, GTCoreMod 1.0.6, IC2 2.2.796, Railcraft, Project Red 4.7.0pre9.92, Backpack Mod 2.0.1 // --- Extra Utilities 1.2.12, Buildcraft 7.1.13, Thaumcraft, Forestry, Biome O Plenty, Natura, Iron Tanks, Open Blocks 1.4.4, Ender Io // --- Importing Stuff --- import mods.gregtech.Assembler; import mods.gregtech.BlastFurnace; import mods.gregtech.ChemicalBath; import mods.gregtech.ChemicalReactor; import mods.ic2.Compressor; import mods.gregtech.CuttingSaw; import mods.gregtech.Pulverizer; // --- Variables --- val PCB = ; val SteelCasing = ; val LvRobotArm = ; val MvRobotArm = ; val LVConveyorBelt = ; val LVMHull = ; val LDPlate = ; val GTDetector = ; val HIronPane = ; val SteelScrew = ; val Wrench = ; val Screwdriver = ; val Hammer = ; val SHammer = ; val LVCasing = ; val AdvPCB = ; val RedAlloyWire = ; val ToggleLatch = ; val DUnit = ; val IronPlate = ; val RedAlloyPlate = ; val RTorch = ; val WoodStick = ; val WoodRing = ; val ReinforcedStick = ; val ReinforcedRing = ; val GalgadorianStick = ; val GalgadorianRing = ; val WoodPlate = ; val WoodWheel = ; val IronWheel = ; val ReinforcedWheel = ; val ReinforcedPlate = ; val GalgadorianWheel = ; val GalgadorianPlate = ; val IronBars = ; val IronBlock = ; val IronScrew = ; val IronStick = ; val IronDrill = ; val IronDrillTip = ; val SteelBars = ; val SteelBlock = ; val BasicDrill = ; val DiamondDrillTip = ; val HMesh = ; val DiamondBlock = ; val StainlessSteelScrew = ; val HardenedDrill = ; val ReinforcedDrillTip = ; val IridiumBlock = ; val TitaniumPlate = ; val TitaniumScrew = ; val GalgadorianDrill = ; val GalgadorianDrillTip = ; val CobaltBrassGear = ; val SReinforcedDust = ; val SGalgadorianDust = ; val IronCasing = ; val Furnace = ; val Piston = ; val IronFurnace = ; val LVMotor = ; val MVMotor = ; val HvMotor = ; val EvMotor = ; val LVPiston = ; val MVPiston = ; val LPBoiler = ; val HPBoiler = ; val AluScrew = ; val IronTank = ; val ObsidianTank = ; val SolarPanel = ; val AdvSolarPanel = ; val Saw = ; val BladeArm = ; val DiamondStick = ; val SawBlade = ; val HSawBlade = ; val GSawBlade = ; val WoodCore = ; val MasterCircuit = ; val DataCircuit = ; val Saplings1 = ; val Saplings2 = ; val Saplings3 = ; val Saplings4 = ; val Saplings5 = ; val Saplings6 = ; val Saplings7 = ; val Saplings8 = ; val Saplings9 = ; val GlassPane = ; val PlasticPlate = ; val RedstonePlate = ; val AdvTank = ; val TriTorch = ; val RHandle = ; val Red = ; val Blue = ; val GoldPlate = ; val IronRing = ; val IronBolt = ; val GlowstonePlate = ; val Diamond = ; val BlockEmerald = ; val LiBattery = .withTag({"GT.ItemCharge": 100000 as long}); val Crystal = ; val Circuit = ; val AdvCircuit = ; val FDiamond = ; val Book = ; val BookShelf = ; val GalgadorianEye = ; val MagicalWood = ; val Enchanter = ; val SteelRotor = ; val BlankUpgrade = ; val CleaningFan = ; val RedstoneDust = ; val CoalDust = ; val SteelFrame = ; val SteelAnvil = ; val Chest = ; val Track = ; val ObsidianPlate = ; val LapisBlock = ; val EnderEyePlate = ; val ClearingTube = ; val LClearingTube = ; val CCore = ; val LCCore = ; val CTCover = ; val Pipe = ; val Dispenser = ; val SteelPlate = ; val MvSensor = ; val HvSensor = ; val Melter = ; val GlowstoneBlock = ; val NetherBrick = ; var Lava = ; val LFFireBox = ; val Railer = ; val Dynamite = ; val Lighter = ; val Fuse = ; val Fence = ; val PlasticStick = ; val Display = ; val BronzePipe = ; val Hopper = ; val Slab = ; val Plank = ; val Brick = ; val PAnchor = ; val BrassPipe = ; val Trash = ; val RefinedH = ; val DOPlate = ; val ReinforcedBlock = ; val SteelPipe = ; val SSteelPipe = ; val XPDrain = ; val Cauldron = ; val EmeraldPlate = ; val Tank = ; val TinPipe = ; val TannedLeather = ; val Compass = ; val FDetector = ; val NoteBlock = ; val JukeBox = ; val EDetector = ; val Button = ; val QBook = ; val IOEnchanter = ; val EGalgadorianPlate = ; val Comparator = ; val HayBale = ; val LvPump = ; val Sign = ; val Cake = ; // --- Remove Recipes --- // --- Cart Assembler recipes.remove(); // --- Cargo Manager recipes.remove(); // --- External Distributer recipes.remove(); // --- Detector Unit recipes.remove(DUnit); // --- Module Toggler recipes.remove(); // --- Detector Manager recipes.remove(); // --- Detector Station recipes.remove(); // --- Detector Junktion recipes.remove(); // --- Detector Redstone Unit recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Detector Rail recipes.remove(); // --- Junction Rail recipes.remove(); // --- Reinforced Metal Block recipes.remove(); // --- Galgadorian Block recipes.remove(); // --- Enhanced Galgadorian Block recipes.remove(); // --- Reinforced Metal Ingot recipes.remove(); // - //furnace.remove(); // --- Galgadorian Metal recipes.remove(); // - furnace.remove(); // --- Enhanced Galgadorian Block recipes.remove(); // - furnace.remove(); // --- Wooden Wheels recipes.remove(WoodWheel); // --- Iron Wheels recipes.remove(IronWheel); // --- Reinforced Wheels recipes.remove(ReinforcedWheel); // --- Galgadorian Wheels recipes.remove(GalgadorianWheel); // --- Wooden Hull recipes.remove(); // --- Standart Hull recipes.remove(); // --- Reinforced Hull recipes.remove(); // --- Galgadorian Hull recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Drill recipes.remove(IronDrill); // --- Basic Drill recipes.remove(BasicDrill); // --- Hardened Drill recipes.remove(HardenedDrill); // --- Galgadorian Drill recipes.remove(GalgadorianDrill); // --- Hardened Mesh recipes.remove(HMesh); // --- Refined Hardener furnace.remove(RefinedH); // --- Saw Blade recipes.remove(SawBlade); // --- Hardened Saw Blade recipes.remove(HSawBlade); // --- Galgadorian Saw Blade recipes.remove(GSawBlade); // --- Iron Blade recipes.remove(); // --- Blade Arm recipes.remove(BladeArm); // --- Tiny Coal Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Coal Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Basic Solar Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Solar Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Compact Solar Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Thermal Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Thermal Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Solar Panel recipes.remove(SolarPanel); // --- Advanced Solar Panel recipes.remove(AdvSolarPanel); // --- Chest Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Large Chest Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Huge Chest Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Iron Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Large Iron Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Huge Iron Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Dynamic Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Large Dynamic Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Huge Dynamic Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Basic Farmer recipes.remove(); // --- Galgadorian Farmer recipes.remove(); // --- Basic Wooden Cutter recipes.remove(); // --- Hardened Wooden Cutter recipes.remove(); // --- Galgadorian Wooden Cutter recipes.remove(); // --- Tank Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Large Tank Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Huge Tank Pane recipes.remove(); // --- Empty Disk recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Dectector:Animal recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Dectector:Player recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Dectector:Villager recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Dectector:Monster recipes.remove(); // --- Projectile:Potion recipes.remove(); // --- Projectile:Fire Charge recipes.remove(); // --- Projectile:Egg recipes.remove(); // --- Cropp:Nether Warth recipes.remove(); // --- Tree:Exotic recipes.remove(); // --- Liquid Manager recipes.remove(); // --- Pipe recipes.remove(Pipe); // --- Tri Torch recipes.remove(TriTorch); // --- Torch Placer recipes.remove(); // --- Raw Handle recipes.remove(); // --- Refined Handle furnace.remove(RHandle); // --- Break Handle recipes.remove(); // --- Speed Handle recipes.remove(); // --- Large Lump of Galgadorian recipes.remove(); // --- Chest Look recipes.remove(); // --- Cleaning Fan recipes.remove(CleaningFan); // --- Blank Upgrades recipes.remove(BlankUpgrade); // --- Upgrade:Batteries recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Power Crystal recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Knowledge recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Industrial Espionage recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Experienced Assembler recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:New Era recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Co2 Friendly recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Generic Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Module Input recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Production Line recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Cart Deployer recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Cart Modifier recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Cart Crane recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Redstone Controle recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Quick Demolisher recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Entropy recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Manager Bridge recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Thermal Engine recipes.remove(); // --- Upgarde:Solar Panel recipes.remove(); // --- Red Pigment recipes.remove(); // --- Green Pigment recipes.remove(); // --- Blue Pigment recipes.remove(); // --- Colorizer recipes.remove(); // --- Color Randomizer recipes.remove(); // --- Clearing Tube recipes.remove(ClearingTube); // --- Liquid Clearing Tube recipes.remove(LClearingTube); // --- Clearing Core recipes.remove(CCore); // --- Liquid Clearing Core recipes.remove(LCCore); // --- Cleaning Machine recipes.remove(); // --- Liquid Cleaning Machine recipes.remove(); // --- Crafter recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Crafter recipes.remove(); // --- Smelter recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Smelter recipes.remove(); // --- Shooter recipes.remove(); // --- Shooting Station recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Analyzer recipes.remove(); // --- Entity Scanner recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Shooter recipes.remove(); // --- Melter recipes.remove(Melter); // --- Extreme Melter recipes.remove(); // --- Railer recipes.remove(Railer); // --- Large Railer recipes.remove(); // --- Dynamite recipes.remove(Dynamite); // --- Dynamite Carrier recipes.remove(); // --- Fuse recipes.remove(Fuse); // --- Firework Display recipes.remove(); // --- Glass O Magic recipes.remove(); // --- Invisible Core recipes.remove(); // --- Wheel recipes.remove(); // --- Graphical Interface recipes.remove(); // --- Advanced Control System recipes.remove(); // --- Tank Valve recipes.remove(); // --- Cage recipes.remove(); // --- Bridge Builder recipes.remove(); // --- Track Remover recipes.remove(); // --- Seat recipes.remove(); // --- Chunk Loader recipes.remove(); // --- Lawn Mover recipes.remove(); // --- Incinerator recipes.remove(); // --- Divine Shield recipes.remove(); // --- Hydrator recipes.remove(); // --- Exp Bank recipes.remove(); // --- Fertilizer recipes.remove(); // --- Hight Controller recipes.remove(); // --- Liquid Sensors recipes.remove(); // --- Note Sequencer recipes.remove(); // --- Drill Intelligence recipes.remove(); // --- Power Observer recipes.remove(); // --- Arcade recipes.remove(); // --- Enchanter recipes.remove(); // --- Ore Extractor recipes.remove(); // --- Milker recipes.remove(); // --- Planter Range Extender recipes.remove(); // --- Information Provider recipes.remove(); // --- Cake Server recipes.remove(); // --- Wood Core recipes.remove(WoodCore); // --- Reinforced furnace.remove(); // --- Add Recipes --- // --- Cart Assembler recipes.addShaped(, [ [LvRobotArm, PCB, LvRobotArm], [LVConveyorBelt, LVMHull, LVConveyorBelt], [HIronPane, PCB, HIronPane]]); // --- Cargo Manager recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, PCB, LDPlate], [LVConveyorBelt, LVMHull, LvRobotArm], [HIronPane, GTDetector, HIronPane]]); // --- External Distributer recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, PCB, LDPlate], [LVConveyorBelt, LVMHull, LVConveyorBelt], [HIronPane, PCB, HIronPane]]); // --- Detector Unit recipes.addShaped(DUnit, [ [SteelScrew, PCB, SteelScrew], [GTDetector, LVCasing, GTDetector], [Wrench, PCB, Screwdriver]]); // --- Detector Manager recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, PCB, LDPlate], [PCB, DUnit, PCB], [HIronPane, RedAlloyWire, HIronPane]]); // --- Detector Station recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, IronPlate, LDPlate], [PCB, DUnit, PCB], [HIronPane, RedAlloyWire, HIronPane]]); // --- Detector Junktion recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, RTorch, LDPlate], [PCB, DUnit, PCB], [HIronPane, RedAlloyWire, HIronPane]]); // --- Detector Redstone Unit recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, RedAlloyPlate, LDPlate], [PCB, DUnit, PCB], [HIronPane, RedAlloyWire, HIronPane]]); // --- Module Toggler recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, ToggleLatch, LDPlate], [RedAlloyWire, DUnit, RedAlloyWire], [HIronPane, AdvPCB, HIronPane]]); // --- Wooden Wheels recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, SHammer, null], [WoodRing, WoodStick, WoodRing], [null, Wrench, null]]); // --- Iron Wheels recipes.addShapeless(, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Reinforced Wheels recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, Hammer, null], [ReinforcedRing, ReinforcedStick, ReinforcedRing], [null, Wrench, null]]); // --- Galgadorian Wheels recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, Hammer, null], [GalgadorianRing, GalgadorianStick, GalgadorianRing], [null, Wrench, null]]); // --- Wooden Hull recipes.addShaped(, [ [WoodPlate, SHammer, WoodPlate], [WoodPlate, WoodPlate, WoodPlate], [WoodWheel, Wrench, WoodWheel]]); // --- Standart Hull recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, Hammer, IronPlate], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate], [IronWheel, Wrench, IronWheel]]); // --- Reinforced Hull recipes.addShaped(, [ [ReinforcedPlate, Hammer, ReinforcedPlate], [ReinforcedPlate, ReinforcedPlate, ReinforcedPlate], [ReinforcedWheel, Wrench, ReinforcedWheel]]); // --- Galgadorian Hull recipes.addShaped(, [ [GalgadorianPlate, Hammer, GalgadorianPlate], [GalgadorianPlate, GalgadorianPlate, GalgadorianPlate], [GalgadorianWheel, Wrench, GalgadorianWheel]]); // --- Iron Drill recipes.addShaped(IronDrill, [ [IronBars, IronScrew, Screwdriver], [IronBlock, IronStick, IronDrillTip], [IronBars, IronScrew, Hammer]]); // --- Basic Drill recipes.addShaped(BasicDrill, [ [SteelBars, SteelScrew, Screwdriver], [SteelBlock, IronDrill, DiamondDrillTip], [SteelBars, SteelScrew, Hammer]]); // --- Hardened Drill recipes.addShaped(HardenedDrill, [ [HMesh, StainlessSteelScrew, Screwdriver], [DiamondBlock, BasicDrill, ReinforcedDrillTip], [HMesh, StainlessSteelScrew, Hammer]]); // --- Galgadorian Drill recipes.addShaped(GalgadorianDrill, [ [HMesh, TitaniumScrew, Screwdriver], [IridiumBlock, HardenedDrill, GalgadorianDrillTip], [HMesh, TitaniumScrew, Hammer]]); // --- Saw Blade recipes.addShapeless(SawBlade, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, [SawBlade]); // --- Hardened Saw Blade recipes.addShaped(HSawBlade, [ [null, SReinforcedDust, null], [SReinforcedDust, CobaltBrassGear, SReinforcedDust], [null, SReinforcedDust, null]]); // --- Galgadorian Saw Blade recipes.addShaped(GSawBlade, [ [null, SGalgadorianDust, null], [SGalgadorianDust, CobaltBrassGear, SGalgadorianDust], [null, SGalgadorianDust, null]]); // --- Tiny Coal Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronCasing, Furnace, IronCasing], [IronScrew, LVMotor, IronScrew], [Wrench, Piston, Screwdriver]]); // --- Coal Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelCasing, IronFurnace, SteelCasing], [LVMotor, SteelScrew, LVMotor], [LVPiston, Screwdriver, LVPiston]]); // --- Basic Solar Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [SolarPanel, PCB, SolarPanel], [SteelScrew, LVMotor, SteelScrew], [Wrench, LVPiston, Screwdriver]]); // --- Solar Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [SolarPanel, SolarPanel, SolarPanel], [LVMotor, AdvPCB, LVMotor], [LVPiston, AluScrew, LVPiston]]); // --- Compact Solar Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [AdvSolarPanel, , AdvSolarPanel], [MVMotor, AdvPCB, MVMotor], [MVPiston, StainlessSteelScrew, MVPiston]]); // --- Thermal Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelCasing, IronFurnace, SteelCasing], [LVMotor, ObsidianTank, LVMotor], [LVPiston, LPBoiler, LVPiston]]); // --- Advanced Thermal Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [ReinforcedPlate, , ReinforcedPlate], [MVMotor, IronTank, MVMotor], [MVPiston, HPBoiler, MVPiston]]); // --- Chest Plate recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [, null, null], [Saw, null, null]]); // --- Large Chest Plate recipes.addShaped(, [ [Screwdriver, , Wrench], [, IronScrew, ], [null, , null]]); // --- Huge Chest Plate recipes.addShaped(, [ [Screwdriver, , Wrench], [, IronScrew, ], [null, , null]]); // --- Iron Pane recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [IronPlate, null, null], [Saw, null, null]]); // --- Large Iron Pane recipes.addShaped(, [ [Screwdriver, , Wrench], [, SteelScrew, ], [null, , null]]); // --- Huge Iron Pane recipes.addShaped(, [ [Screwdriver, , Wrench], [, SteelScrew, ], [null, , null]]); // --- Basic Farmer recipes.addShaped(, [ [DiamondStick, LVMotor, DiamondStick], [PCB, BladeArm, PCB], [DiamondStick, LvRobotArm, DiamondStick]]); // --- Galgadorian Farmer recipes.addShaped(, [ [GalgadorianStick, MVMotor, GalgadorianStick], [AdvPCB, , AdvPCB], [GalgadorianStick, MvRobotArm, GalgadorianStick]]); // --- Basic Wooden Cutter recipes.addShaped(, [ [SawBlade, SawBlade, SawBlade], [SawBlade, WoodCore, SawBlade], [PCB, LVMotor, PCB]]); // --- Hardened Wooden Cutter recipes.addShaped(, [ [HSawBlade, HSawBlade, HSawBlade], [HSawBlade, , HSawBlade], [AdvPCB, MVMotor, AdvPCB]]); // --- Galgadorian Wooden Cutter recipes.addShaped(, [ [GSawBlade, GSawBlade, GSawBlade], [GSawBlade, , GSawBlade], [AdvCircuit, HvMotor, AdvCircuit]]); // --- Tank Pane recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [GlassPane, null, null], [Saw, null, null]]); // --- Empty Disk recipes.addShaped(, [ [RedstonePlate, PlasticPlate, RedstonePlate], [PlasticPlate, PCB, PlasticPlate], [PlasticPlate, PlasticPlate, PlasticPlate]]); // --- Liquid Manager recipes.addShaped(, [ [LDPlate, PCB, LDPlate], [LVConveyorBelt, LVMHull, LvRobotArm], [AdvTank, GTDetector, AdvTank]]); // --- Pipe recipes.addShapeless(Pipe, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, [Pipe]); // --- Torch Placer recipes.addShaped(, [ [TriTorch, null, TriTorch], [LVConveyorBelt, PCB, LvRobotArm], [IronCasing, IronCasing, IronCasing]]); // --- Break Handle recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelScrew, Red, RHandle], [IronPlate, RHandle, Red], [RedstonePlate, IronPlate, Screwdriver]]); // --- Speed Handle recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelScrew, Blue, RHandle], [GoldPlate, RHandle, Blue], [RedstonePlate, GoldPlate, Screwdriver]]); // --- Chest Look recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, Screwdriver, null], [IronScrew, IronRing, IronScrew], [null, IronBolt, null]]); // --- Cleaning Fan recipes.addShaped(CleaningFan, [ [SteelBars, RedstoneDust, SteelBars], [CoalDust, SteelRotor, CoalDust], [SteelBars, RedstoneDust, SteelBars]]); // --- Blank Upgrades recipes.addShaped(BlankUpgrade, [ [SteelCasing, RedstonePlate, SteelCasing], [ReinforcedPlate, AdvPCB, ReinforcedPlate], [SteelCasing, SteelCasing, SteelCasing]]); // --- Upgrade Batteries recipes.addShaped(, [ [RedstonePlate, Diamond, RedstonePlate], [Circuit, LiBattery, Circuit], [RedstonePlate, BlankUpgrade, RedstonePlate]]); // --- Upgarde Power Crystal recipes.addShaped(, [ [FDiamond, BlockEmerald, FDiamond], [AdvCircuit, Crystal, AdvCircuit], [GlowstonePlate, , GlowstonePlate]]); // --- Upgarde Knowledge recipes.addShaped(, [ [Book, BookShelf, Book], [BookShelf, Enchanter, BookShelf], [ReinforcedPlate, BlankUpgrade, ReinforcedPlate]]); // --- Upgarde Industrial Espionage recipes.addShaped(, [ [MagicalWood, GalgadorianEye, MagicalWood], [GalgadorianEye, ReinforcedPlate, GalgadorianEye], [ReinforcedPlate, , ReinforcedPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Experienced Assembler recipes.addShaped(, [ [PCB, .withTag({StoredEnchantments: [{lvl: 3 as short, id: 32 as short}]}), PCB], [ReinforcedPlate, AdvPCB, ReinforcedPlate], [ReinforcedPlate, BlankUpgrade, ReinforcedPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:New Era recipes.addShaped(, [ [GalgadorianPlate, .withTag({StoredEnchantments: [{lvl: 5 as short, id: 32 as short}]}), GalgadorianPlate], [GalgadorianPlate, MasterCircuit, GalgadorianPlate], [GalgadorianPlate, , GalgadorianPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Co2 Friendly recipes.addShaped(, [ [PCB, SteelBars, PCB], [LVMotor, SteelRotor, LVMotor], [CleaningFan, BlankUpgrade, CleaningFan]]); // --- Upgarde:Generic Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [PCB, IronPlate, PCB], [LVPiston, IronFurnace, LVPiston], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Module Input recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, AdvPCB, IronPlate], [LVPiston, Chest, LVPiston], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Production Line recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, PCB, IronPlate], [AdvPCB, , AdvPCB], [ReinforcedPlate, BlankUpgrade, ReinforcedPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Cart Deployer recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, Track, IronPlate], [PCB, LVPiston, PCB], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Cart Modifier recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, LvRobotArm, IronPlate], [PCB, SteelAnvil, PCB], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Cart Crane recipes.addShaped(, [ [LVPiston, LvRobotArm, LVPiston], [LVConveyorBelt, SteelFrame, LVConveyorBelt], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Redstone Controle recipes.addShaped(, [ [PCB, , PCB], [, AdvPCB, ], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Quick Demolisher recipes.addShaped(, [ [ObsidianPlate, ReinforcedPlate, ObsidianPlate], [ReinforcedPlate, SteelBlock, ReinforcedPlate], [ObsidianPlate, BlankUpgrade, ObsidianPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Entropy recipes.addShaped(, [ [FDiamond, ReinforcedPlate, FDiamond], [GalgadorianPlate, LapisBlock, GalgadorianPlate], [IronPlate, , IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Manager Bridge recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, EnderEyePlate, IronPlate], [AdvPCB, , AdvPCB], [IronPlate, BlankUpgrade, IronPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Thermal Engine recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronTank, AdvPCB, IronTank], [LVPiston, , LVPiston], [ObsidianPlate, BlankUpgrade, ObsidianPlate]]); // --- Upgarde:Solar Panel recipes.addShaped(, [ [SolarPanel, SolarPanel, SolarPanel], [LVPiston, AdvPCB, LVPiston], [LVMotor, BlankUpgrade, LVMotor]]); // --- Colorizer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [IronPlate, RedstonePlate, IronPlate], [IronScrew, IronPlate, IronScrew]]); // --- Clearing Core recipes.addShaped(CCore, [ [CleaningFan, PCB, CleaningFan], [ClearingTube, ClearingTube, ClearingTube], [IronPlate, ClearingTube, IronPlate]]); // --- Liquid Clearing Core recipes.addShaped(LCCore, [ [CleaningFan, PCB, CleaningFan], [LClearingTube, LClearingTube, LClearingTube], [IronPlate, LClearingTube, IronPlate]]); // --- Clearing Machine recipes.addShaped(, [ [ClearingTube, CCore, ClearingTube], [ClearingTube, AdvPCB, ClearingTube], [ClearingTube, Wrench, ClearingTube]]); // --- Liquid Clearing Machine recipes.addShaped(, [ [LClearingTube, LCCore, LClearingTube], [LClearingTube, AdvPCB, LClearingTube], [LClearingTube, Wrench, LClearingTube]]); // --- Shooting Station recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelPlate, Hammer, SteelPlate], [RedstonePlate, GoldPlate, RedstonePlate], [Dispenser, PCB, Dispenser]]); // --- Advanced Shooter recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelScrew, , SteelScrew], [AdvPCB, , Pipe], [SteelPlate, , SteelPlate]]); // --- Melter recipes.addShaped(Melter, [ [GlowstoneBlock, NetherBrick, GlowstoneBlock], [IronTank, IronFurnace, IronTank], [Lava, NetherBrick, Lava]]); // --- Extreme Melter recipes.addShaped(, [ [GlowstoneBlock, ObsidianPlate, GlowstoneBlock], [Melter, LFFireBox, Melter], [Lava, ObsidianPlate, Lava]]); // --- Railer recipes.addShaped(Railer, [ [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate], [LVConveyorBelt, Track, LvRobotArm], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate]]); // --- Large Railer recipes.addShaped(,[ [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate], [Railer, Track, Railer], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Dynamite recipes.addShapeless(Dynamite, []); // - recipes.addShapeless(, [Dynamite]); // --- Dynamite Carrier recipes.addShaped(, [ [WoodPlate, Dynamite, WoodPlate], [Dynamite, Lighter, Dynamite], [WoodPlate, Dynamite, WoodPlate]]); // --- Firework Display recipes.addShaped(, [ [Fence, Dispenser, Fence], [Chest, Fuse, Chest], [PCB, Lighter, PCB]]); // --- Wheel recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronStick, IronRing, IronStick], [IronRing, Hammer, IronRing], [IronStick, IronRing, IronStick]]); // --- Graphical Interface recipes.addShaped(, [ [PlasticStick, GlassPane, PlasticStick], [PCB, Display, PCB], [PlasticStick, GlassPane, PlasticStick]]); // --- Advanced Control System recipes.addShaped(, [ [Hammer, , Wrench], [AdvPCB, , ], [SteelPlate, SteelPlate, SteelPlate]]); // --- Tank Valve recipes.addShaped( * 2, [ [IronScrew, BronzePipe, IronScrew], [IronBars, Screwdriver, IronBars], [IronScrew, BronzePipe, IronScrew]]); // --- Cage recipes.addShaped(, [ [SteelBars, SteelBars, SteelBars], [SteelBars, Hammer, SteelBars], [SteelBars, PCB, SteelBars]]); // --- Bridge Builder recipes.addShaped(, [ [PCB, RedstonePlate, PCB], [Brick, LVPiston, Brick], [IronPlate, Hopper, IronPlate]]); // --- Track Remover recipes.addShaped(, [ [LvRobotArm, PCB, LvRobotArm], [LVConveyorBelt, Track, LVConveyorBelt], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate]]); // --- Seat recipes.addShaped(, [ [Screwdriver, null, Plank], [null, IronScrew, Plank], [Slab, Slab, IronScrew]]); // --- Chunk Loader recipes.addShaped(, [ [TitaniumPlate, DataCircuit, TitaniumPlate], [AdvPCB, PAnchor, AdvPCB], [ReinforcedPlate, DataCircuit, ReinforcedPlate]]); // --- Lawn Mover recipes.addShaped(, [ [BladeArm, LVMotor, BladeArm], [LvRobotArm, PCB, LvRobotArm], [BladeArm, LVMotor, BladeArm]]); // --- Incinerator recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, BrassPipe, IronPlate], [PCB, Trash, PCB], [IronPlate, BrassPipe, IronPlate]]); // --- Divine Shield recipes.addShaped(, [ [DOPlate, RefinedH, DOPlate], [RefinedH, ReinforcedBlock, RefinedH], [DOPlate, RefinedH, DOPlate]]); // --- Hydrator recipes.addShaped(, [ [Tank, IronBars, Tank], [SteelPipe, PCB, SteelPipe], [SSteelPipe, Hammer, SSteelPipe]]); // --- Exp Bank recipes.addShaped(, [ [EmeraldPlate, XPDrain, EmeraldPlate], [PCB, Cauldron, PCB], [Tank, SteelPipe, Tank]]); // --- Fertilizer recipes.addShaped(, [ [TinPipe, PCB, TinPipe], [Tank, TannedLeather, Tank], [TannedLeather, PCB, TannedLeather]]); // --- Hight Controller recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, Compass, IronPlate], [PCB, Display, PCB], [IronPlate, PCB, IronPlate]]); // --- Liquid Sensors recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, Diamond, IronPlate], [RedstonePlate, FDetector, RedstonePlate], [IronPlate, AdvPCB, IronPlate]]); // --- Note Sequencer recipes.addShaped(, [ [NoteBlock, RedstonePlate, NoteBlock], [NoteBlock, PCB, NoteBlock], [IronPlate, JukeBox, IronPlate]]); // --- Drill Intelligence recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, GoldPlate, IronPlate], [GoldPlate, AdvPCB, GoldPlate], [AdvPCB, RedstonePlate, AdvPCB]]); // --- Power Observer recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, LVPiston, IronPlate], [AdvPCB, EDetector, AdvPCB], [IronPlate, AdvPCB, IronPlate]]); // --- Arcade recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, RedstonePlate, IronPlate], [PCB, Display, PCB], [Button, AdvPCB, Button]]); // --- Enchanter recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, EGalgadorianPlate, IronPlate], [QBook, IOEnchanter, QBook], [RedstonePlate, AdvPCB, RedstonePlate]]); // --- Ore Extractor recipes.addShaped(, [ [HvSensor, RedstonePlate, HvSensor], [GalgadorianEye, GalgadorianPlate, GalgadorianEye], [Comparator, AdvPCB, Comparator]]); // --- Milker recipes.addShaped(, [ [HayBale, LvPump, HayBale], [AdvPCB, SSteelPipe, AdvPCB], [Tank, SSteelPipe, Tank]]); // --- Planter Range Extender recipes.addShaped(, [ [MvSensor, RedstonePlate, MvSensor], [AdvPCB, WoodCore, AdvPCB], [IronPlate, RedstonePlate, IronPlate]]); // --- Wood Core recipes.addShaped(WoodCore, [ [, , ], [, PCB, ], [, , ]]); // --- Information Provider recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronPlate, Sign, IronPlate], [PCB, Display, PCB], [IronPlate, RedstonePlate, IronPlate]]); // --- Cake Server recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, Cake, null], [PCB, Slab, PCB], [IronPlate, IronPlate, IronPlate]]); // --- Reinforced Ingot recipes.addShapeless(, []); // -- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Galgadorian Ingot recipes.addShapeless(, []); // -- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Enhanced Galgadorian Ingot recipes.addShapeless(, []); // -- recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Assembler Recipes --- // --- Advanced Detector Rail Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 200, 30); // --- Junction Rail Assembler.addRecipe(, .withTag({track: "railcraft:track.junction"}), * 4, 200, 30); // --- Wooden Wheels Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 200, 2); // --- Reinforced Wheels Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 400, 4); // --- Galgadorian Wheels Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, 400, 8); // --- Wooden Hull Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 2, 400, 2); // --- Standart Hull Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 2, 400, 2); // --- Reinforced Hull Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 2, 400, 2); // --- Galgadorian Hull Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 2, 400, 2); // --- Hardened Mesh Assembler.addRecipe(HMesh, * 5, * 4, 200, 64); // --- Hardened Saw Blade Assembler.addRecipe(HSawBlade, , , 1600, 2); // --- Galgadorian Saw Blade Assembler.addRecipe(GSawBlade, , , 1600, 2); // --- Iron Blade Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 0, 300, 16); // --- Blade Arm Assembler.addRecipe(BladeArm, , * 4, 600, 16); // --- Solar Panel Assembler.addRecipe(SolarPanel, , PCB, 600, 30); // --- Advanced Solar Panel Assembler.addRecipe(AdvSolarPanel, SolarPanel * 4, AdvPCB * 2, 1200, 120); // --- Large Chest Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 80, 8); // --- Huge Chest Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 160, 16); // --- Large Iron Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 160, 8); // --- Huge Iron Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, 320, 16); // --- Huge Dynamic Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, PCB, 640, 30); // --- Wood Core Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings1 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings2 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings3 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings4 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings5 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings6 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings7 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings8 * 8, 300, 30); // - Assembler.addRecipe(WoodCore, PCB, Saplings9 * 8, 300, 30); // --- Large Tank Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, * 36, 160, 8); // --- Huge Tank Pane Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, * 0, * 72, 320, 16); // --- Entity Dectector:Animal Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Entity Dectector:Player Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Entity Dectector:Villager Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Entity Dectector:Monster Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Projectile:Potion Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Projectile:Fire Charge Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Projectile:Egg Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300 ,30); // --- Projectile:Cake (Secret Recipes :)) Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 600, 120); // --- Cropp:Nether Warth Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 300, 30); // --- Tree:Exotic Assembler.addRecipe(, , AdvPCB, 600, 64); // --- Tri Torch Assembler.addRecipe(TriTorch, * 3, * 0, 100, 8); // --- Raw Handle Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 100, 16); // --- Chest Look Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 100, 8); // --- Red Pigment Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // --- Green Pigment Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // --- Blue Pigment Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, * 2, * 4, 100, 2); // --- Color Randomizer Assembler.addRecipe(, , AdvPCB, 200, 30); // --- Crafter Assembler.addRecipe(, CTCover, PCB * 2, 300, 30); // --- Advanced Crafter Assembler.addRecipe(, , AdvPCB * 2, 300, 120); // --- Smelter Assembler.addRecipe(, , PCB * 2, 300, 30); // --- Advanced Smelter Assembler.addRecipe(, , AdvPCB * 2, 300, 120); // --- Shooter Assembler.addRecipe(, , Pipe * 8, 400, 30); // --- Entity Scanner Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 400, 120); // --- Entity Analyzer Assembler.addRecipe(, MvSensor, , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, MvSensor, , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, MvSensor, , 400, 120); // - Assembler.addRecipe(, MvSensor, , 400, 120); // --- Fuse Assembler.addRecipe(Fuse * 4, , , 50, 2); // --- Glass O Magic Assembler.addRecipe(, * 7, , * 288, 200, 256); // --- Invisible Core Assembler.addRecipe(, * 4, , * 1000, 400, 480); // --- Tank Valve Assembler.addRecipe( * 2, BronzePipe, IronBars, 400, 16); // --- Cage Assembler.addRecipe(, SteelBars * 5, PCB, 600, 30); // --- Creative Hull Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 1440, 600, 30720); // --- Electric Blast furnace Recipes --- // --- Reinforced Metal Ingot BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], [], 1000, 120, 1700); // --- Galgadorian Metal BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], * 1000, [], 2000, 120, 2200); // --- Enhanced Galgadorian Block BlastFurnace.addRecipe([], * 1000, [], 3000, 120, 3500); // --- Refined Handle BlastFurnace.addRecipe([RHandle], [], 200, 120, 1000); // --- Chemical Bath Recipes // --- Dynamic Pane ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Large Dynamic Pane ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 576, [10000], 300, 2); // --- Clearing Tube ChemicalBath.addRecipe([ClearingTube], , * 864, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Liquid Clearing Tube ChemicalBath.addRecipe([LClearingTube], , * 864, [10000], 200, 2); // --- Chemical reactor Recipes --- // --- Raw Hardener ChemicalReactor.addRecipe( * 2, null, , null, * 1152, 600, 30); // --- Compressor Recipes --- // --- Large Lump of Galgador Compressor.addRecipe(, * 9); // --- Cutting Saw Recipes --- // --- Chest Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 4, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 3, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 1, 50, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 6, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 4, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 1, 50, 30); // --- Large Chest Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 6, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 50, 30); // --- Iron Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 6, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 12, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 100, 30); // --- Large Iron Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 16, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 12, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 4, 100, 30); // --- Dynamic Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 32, 300, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 24, 300, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 150, 30); // --- Large Dynamic Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 64, 300, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 48, 300, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 16, 150, 30); // --- Large Tank Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 16, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 12, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 4, 100, 30); // --- Tank Pane CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 6, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 100, 30); //- CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 6, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 100, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 12, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 8, 200, 30); // - CuttingSaw.addRecipe( * 4, null, , * 2, 100, 30); // --- Pulverizer Recipes --- // --- Stabezied Metal Pulverizer.addRecipe([], , [10000], 300, 2); // --- Avaritia recipes --- // --- Upgrade Creative Mode mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Upgrade Creative Supplies //mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Upgrade Creative Inicerator //mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Upgrade Creative Tank //mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, , , , , , null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], //[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]); // --- Upgrade Creative Engine mods.avaritia.ExtremeCrafting.addShaped(, [ [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, , , , , , null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]]);