# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # clientonly #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These options affect only the client that loads the mod.\nIf you are looking for keybinds, look for them in ichunutil_keybinds.cfg. ########################################################################################################## clientonly { # Multiple PiPs will align in which direction? # 1 = Horizontal # 2 = Vertical I:alignment=2 # Enable animation on the PiPs? I:animation=1 # Which corner does the primary PiP render in? # 1 = Top Left # 2 = Top Center # 3 = Top Right # 4 = Middle Left # 5 = Middle Center(seriously, why though?) # 6 = Middle Right # 7 = Bottom Left # 8 = Bottom Center # 9 = Bottom Right I:corner=1 # Max size of screen for each Picture-in-Picture. 10% - 90%. # Automatically resized when PiPs rendering exceeds 100% space. I:pictureSize=30 # Show the PiP icons regardless of the PiP being on or not? I:pipIcons=1 # What default view should be shown in PiP? # 0 = First person # 1 = Third person (from the back) # 2 = Third person (from the front) I:pipView=0 # Whose views are you trying to look through (No limit is applied, but I wouldn't recommend any more than 3)? # Separate player names with commas. (The more people you follow, the more heavy the resource demand) # EG: Notch,Dinnerbone,Grumm S:playerCam= # Max Range players will be tracked. Set to 0 to allow unlimited. # Range is on best-effort basis, if the player is too far, then they're too far. I:range=0 # Show the player name when PiP is open? I:showPlayerName=1 # Transparency level of the PiP renders. # Be informed that that layers will clash when semi transparent, EG: Backdrop border layer + fog render layer + actual scene layer # 0 = Transparent # 100 = Fully opaque I:transparency=70 # Transparency Mode of the PiP renders. # 0 = Both renders have the same transparency # 1 = Renders use the transparency setting when turned off, but fully opaque when toggled on # 2 = Renders use the transparency setting when turned on, but fully opaque when toggled off. I:transparencyMode=1 # Frequency that the Picture-in-Picture updates in a second, at best attempt. # Set to 0 to bind to render tick. I:updateFreq=0 } ########################################################################################################## # keybind #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # If you're reading this in the config file, I would strongly recommend changing the keybinds in-game.\niChunUtil uses custom keybinds. Go to the controls/keybinds page and click on the bottom right corner.\n\nIf you really have to edit the config file, the format is , and append either ":SHIFT", ":CTRL", or ":ALT" for keys you want to hold down at the same time.\nFor key codes go to: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Key_codes \nExample: 48:SHIFT:ALT will bind to the B key when you hold Shift and Alt (On a QWERTY keyboard). ########################################################################################################## keybind { }