# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # visual_options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Legendary Tooltips Configuration Instructions # # *** READ THIS FIRST *** # # By default, this mod does not apply special borders to most items. It was designed to work well with mod packs # where the available selection of items can vary widely, so it is up to the user or mod pack designer to customize as needed. # There are many options available for setting up which custom borders (also called frames) apply to which items. Follow these steps: # 1. Decide which items you want to have custom borders, and which borders. Note that each custom border has a number associated with it (starting at 0). # 2. For each custom border you want to use, fill out the associated list in the "definitions" section. This will be filled out with a list of "selectors", # each of which tell the mod what items have that border. Please read the information above the definitions section for specifics. # 3. Selectors for borders are checked in the order provided in the "priorities" section. Once a match is found, that border is displayed. # For example, if border 0 had the selector "%Diamond" and border 1 had the selector "diamond_sword", they would both match for diamond swords. # In this case, whichever border number came first in the priority list would be the border that would get drawn in-game. # 4. Optionally, border colors associated with custom borders can be set in the "colors" section. The start color is the color at the top of the tooltip, # and the end color is the bottom, with a smooth transition between. Please read the information above the color section for specifics. ########################################################################################################## visual_options { # If enabled, tooltip border colors will match item rarity colors (except for custom borders). [default: true] B:borders_match_rarity=true # Whether item names in tooltips should have a line under them separating them from the rest of the tooltip. [default: true] B:name_separator=true # If enabled, items showing a custom border will have a special shine effect when hovered over. [default: true] B:shine_effect=true # Whether or not to repeat the shine effect, or to only play it once. [default: false] B:shine_repeat=false # Whether or not to sync horizontal and vertical shine, or delay vertical shine. [default: false] B:shine_sync=false # The speed at which to play the shine effect, higher value is slower. [range: 20 ~ 800, default: 50] I:shine_ticks=50 # If enabled, tooltips will display a drop shadow. [default: true] B:tooltip_shadow=true } ########################################################################################################## # definitions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Entry types: # Item name - Use item name for vanilla items or include mod name for modded items. Examples: minecraft:stick, iron_ore # Item Metadata - After an item name, you may include a colon and then a number to indicate metadata. Examples: minecraft:wool:5, minecraft:sponge:1 # Tag - $ followed by ore dictionary tag name. Examples: $plankWood or $ingotIron # Mod name - @ followed by mod identifier. Examples: @spoiledeggs # Rarity - ! followed by item's rarity. Examples: !uncommon, !rare !epic # Item name color - # followed by color hex code, the hex code must match exactly. Examples: #23F632 # Display name - % followed by any text. Will match any item with this text in its tooltip display name. Examples: %Uncommon # Tooltip text - ^ followed by any text. Will match any item with this text anywhere in the tooltip text (besides the name). Examples: ^Legendary # NBT tag - & followed by tag name and optional comparator (=, >, <, or !=) and value, in the format or just . # Examples: &Damage=0, &Tier>1, &Enchantments, &map!=128 ########################################################################################################## definitions { # [default: [!epic], [!rare]] S:level0_entries < !epic !rare > # [default: ] S:level1_entries < > # [default: ] S:level2_entries < > # [default: ] S:level3_entries < > # [default: ] S:level4_entries < > # [default: ] S:level5_entries < > # [default: ] S:level6_entries < > # [default: ] S:level7_entries < > # [default: ] S:level8_entries < > # [default: ] S:level9_entries < > # [default: ] S:level10_entries < > # [default: ] S:level11_entries < > # [default: ] S:level12_entries < > # [default: ] S:level13_entries < > # [default: ] S:level14_entries < > # [default: ] S:level15_entries < > } ########################################################################################################## # priorities #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Set border priorities here. This should be a string containing a comma-separated list of numbers that # correspond to border levels, with numbers coming first being higher priority. ########################################################################################################## priorities { # [default: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] S:priorities=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 } ########################################################################################################## # colors #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # The start and end border colors and background colors of each level. # Note that they can be entered as any one of: a hex color code in the format #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB, OR a string color name. # Examples: #FFFF00, #FF73D984, red, #FFCC00 ########################################################################################################## colors { # [default: #FF996922] S:level0_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level0_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level1_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level1_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level2_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level2_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level3_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level3_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level4_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level4_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level5_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level5_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level6_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level6_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level7_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level7_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level8_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level8_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level9_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level9_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level10_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level10_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level11_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level11_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level12_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level12_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level13_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level13_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level14_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level14_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #FF996922] S:level15_start_color=#FF996922 # [default: #FF5A3A1D] S:level15_end_color=#FF5A3A1D # [default: #F0160A00] S:level0_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level1_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level2_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level3_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level4_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level5_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level6_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level7_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level8_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level9_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level10_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level11_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level12_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level13_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level14_bg_color=#F0160A00 # [default: #F0160A00] S:level15_bg_color=#F0160A00 }