#No comment
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
baseGeneratorVolume = 1.0
#No comment
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
loopVolumeFactor = 1.0
#The color for the radiation overlay text in case the radiation monitor is in the players hand
#Range: > -2147483648
radiationOverlayColor = -65536
#The color for the radiation overlay text in case the radiation monitor is in the players hand (in case there is no radiation)
#Range: > -2147483648
radiationOverlayColorNoRadiation = -16711936
#The X coordinate (with 0 being left) for the radiation overlay text. Use -1 to disable
#Range: > -1
radiationOverlayX = 10
#The Y coordinate (with 0 being top) for the radiation overlay text. Use -1 to disable
#Range: > -1
radiationOverlayY = 10