# Configuration file general { # Requires restart. Ram usage (in Bytes) = ((x * 16 * 2) ^ 3) / 4 I:cacheSize=12 # Enabling this should give more FPS because (tile-) entities are culled more accuratly. Also this does only not need the cache but the cache still requires memory. This might cause (tile-) entity flickering and lags due to the higher CPU usage. B:cachelessMode=false B:debugCullInfo=false B:debugRenderBoxes=false B:disabledInSpectator=true # Disable all changes from this mod. B:enabled=true # If you feel the need to increase this value because of entities being culled falsely then another modder probably messed up his render bounding boxes and he should fix them instead. # Min: 9.765625E-4 # Max: 1024.0 D:raytraceThreshold=4.0 # Skip rendering of entities that are not visible (hidden behind blocks). Bosses will be rendered normally. This might cause issues where an entity is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable. B:skipHiddenEntityRendering=true # Tile entities which will always be rendered. (Format: 'modid:entity_name') S:skipHiddenEntityRenderingBlacklist < > # Entities with a width or height greater than this value will always get rendered. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 256.0 D:skipHiddenEntityRenderingSize=256.0 # Skip rendering of entities that are not visible (hidden behind blocks). This might cause issues where a tile entity is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable. B:skipHiddenTileEntityRendering=true # Tile entities which will always be rendered. (Format: 'modid:tile_entity_name') S:skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingBlacklist < > # Tile entities with a width or height greater than this value will always get rendered. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 256.0 D:skipHiddenTileEntityRenderingSize=256.0 S:tileEntityCachedBoundingBoxBlacklist < fairylights > optifineshaderoptions { B:entityShadowsCulling=true B:entityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveMode=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:entityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveModeDiff=8.0 B:entityShadowsDistanceLimited=false B:entityShadowsEnabled=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:entityShadowsMaxDistance=4.0 B:terrainShadowsDistanceLimited=false B:terrainShadowsEnabled=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:terrainShadowsMaxHorizontalDistance=8.0 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:terrainShadowsMaxVerticalDistance=4.0 B:tileEntityShadowsCulling=true B:tileEntityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveMode=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:tileEntityShadowsCullingLessAggressiveModeDiff=8.0 B:tileEntityShadowsDistanceLimited=false B:tileEntityShadowsEnabled=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 64.0 D:tileEntityShadowsMaxDistance=4.0 } }