# Configuration file general { # The actual dimension id of the mining world. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -6] I:dimensionID=-6 # The actual dimension id of the sphere world. [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: -12] I:dimensionIDSphere=-12 # Set this to a message you want players to show when they go to the mining world. # Something like "Mining World will be reset on Tuesday - Server admins." [default: ] S:welcomeMessage= } "mob spawns" { # Set this to true to allow mobs of the type AMBIENT to spawn in the mining world. [default: false] B:spawnAMBIENT=false # Set this to true to allow mobs of the type CREATURE to spawn in the mining world. [default: false] B:spawnCREATURE=false # Set this to true to allow mobs of the type MONSTER to spawn in the mining world. [default: false] B:spawnMONSTER=true # Set this to true to allow mobs of the type WATER_CREATURE to spawn in the mining world. [default: false] B:spawnWATER_CREATURE=false } "world modifiers" { # Setting this to true means, that you can also see in the dark. This will however not change the light level. [default: false] B:artificialLight=false # Filler block of the mining world in the form modid:blockname:metadata [default: minecraft:dirt] S:fillerBlock=minecraft:dirt # This will determine whether caves will be generated in the mining world. [default: true] B:generateCaves=true # This will determine whether abandoned mineshafts will be generated in the mining world. [default: true] B:generateMineshafts=true # This will determine whether ravines will be generated in the mining world. [default: true] B:generateRavines=true # This will determine whether strongholds will be generated in the mining world. [default: false] B:generateStrongholds=false # This will determine whether villages will be generated in the mining world. [default: true] B:generateVillages=false # Setting this to true will make it so it's always daytime. Note: this can be abused for solar power generation. [default: true] B:onlyDay=false # How many ore generation passes will be done. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:oreGenMultiplier=1 # Top block of the mining world in the form modid:blockname:metadata [default: minecraft:grass] S:topBlock=minecraft:grass # The world height of the Mining world. [range: 0 ~ 230, default: 70] I:worldHeight=96 } "world modifiers (sphere world)" { # The maximum height of spheres. [range: 55 ~ 255, default: 100] I:maxHeight=100 # The maximum radius of spheres. [range: 20 ~ 2147483647, default: 40] I:maxSize=40 # The minimum height of spheres. [range: 1 ~ 255, default: 55] I:minHeight=55 # The minimum radius of spheres. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:minSize=20 # The probability of a sphere to spawn in a chunk. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:spawnRate=0.5 }