# Configuration file general { ########################################################################################################## # config #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global Values ########################################################################################################## config { ########################################################################################################## # damageframes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Indirect Sources independent of the attacker's attack speed ########################################################################################################## damageframes { # Default value replacing vanilla's iFrame after armor damage. # # Used mainly to prevent armor from wearing down too fast # # If the next attack deals more than the previous the difference is applied # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:armorResistantTime=5 # Damage sources that need a specific iFrame. # # Format: [*Damage Source name (Regex)]:[*Should damage stack between iFrames]:[*iFrame time] # * Damage Source name -> Used to identify the type of damage you're receiving. # * Should damage stack between iFrames -> 'true' or 'false', when set to 'true' damage will always stack regardless of the iFrame, but it will only apply the damage every iFrame. # * iFrame time -> How often you can receive damage from this damage source. # # # Examples: # - inFire:false:10 -> Source 'inFire' does not stack and only allows hits every 10 game ticks. # - inFire|lava:false:10 -> Sources 'inFire' or 'lava' do not stack and only allows hits every 10 game ticks (lava and fire will share the same iFrame). # - arrow:true:10 - > Source 'arrow' does stack and hits the accumulated damage every 10 game ticks. # # # If the next attack deals more than the previous the difference is applied # S:damageSource < ^inFire$:false:10 ^lightningBolt$:false:10 ^lava$:false:10 ^hotFloor$:false:10 ^inWall$:false:10 ^cramming$:false:10 ^cactus$:false:10 ^fall$:false:0 ^flyIntoWall$:false:0 ^outOfWorld$:false:10 ^generic$:false:5 ^magic$:false:10 ^wither$:false:10 ^anvil$:false:10 ^fallingBlock$:false:10 ^dragonBreath$:false:10 ^arrow$:true:10 ^thrown$:true:10 ^indirectMagic$:false:10 ^thorns$:false:5 ^explosion\.player$:false:5 ^skill$:true:20 ^indirectSkill$:true:20 > # Default value replacing vanilla's iFrame after being hurt # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:hurtResistantTime=0 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:nextAttackDamageDifference=0.5 # Default value replacing vanilla's iFrame after shield damage. # # Used mainly to prevent shield from wearing down too fast # # If the next attack deals more than the previous the difference is applied # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:shieldResistantTime=5 } ########################################################################################################## # attackframes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Direct Sources dependent on the attacker's attack speed and the vanilla iFrame time of the entity ########################################################################################################## attackframes { # Damage Sources from direct hits. # # Example: Players and Mobs melee Damage Source. # S:attackSources < > # Mobs that need a specific attack threshold. # # Format: [*mod:entity]:[*Attack threshold] # * mod:entity -> Id of the entity in-game. # * Attack threshold -> Attack reload speed before the attack is canceled. # # # Example: # - minecraft:slime:1 -> 'Slime' from mod 'Minecraft' will only be able to attack when its attack reload time is 100%. # S:attackThreshold < minecraft:slime:1 tconstruct:blueslime:1 thaumcraft:thaumslime:1 > # Default attack speed before the attack is canceled (Mobs only) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:attackThresholdDefault=1.0 # Attack reload speed before the attack is canceled (Players only) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:attackThresholdPlayer=0.5 } ########################################################################################################## # knockbackframes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Knockback Sources filter ########################################################################################################## knockbackframes { # Set this to false to activate 1.16+ knockback mechanics. B:knockbackAsAChance=false # Damage Sources will not apply knockback when on this list. S:knockbackExemptSource < indirectSkill > } } ########################################################################################################## # render_config #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Client Values ########################################################################################################## render_config { rendering { I:damageColor=16711680 B:doHurtCameraEffect=true I:healColor=65280 B:showDamageParticles=true } } }