{ "name": "Trials", "icon": "deepmoblearning:trial_keystone", "category": "2_trials", "sortnum": 1, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "In a $(item)Trial$() you fight against $(item)Waves$() of $(item)Monsters$() until they are all $(item)Defeated$(). Conquering a $(item)Trial$() will yield you great rewards.$(br2)Not only is this a good way to get more $(l:1_machines/1_matter#pristine)Pristine Matter$(), it's also excellent for $(l:0_introduction/1_data)Data Collection$().$(br2)Higher $(item)Tier Trials$() will yield more $(item)Rewards$()." }, { "type": "recipelookup", "recipe": "deepmoblearning:trial_keystone", "text": "The number of $(item)Waves$() you will face depends on the $(item)Tier$() of the $(l:0_introduction/2_data_models)Data Model$() that was used to attune the $(l:2_trials/0_trial_key)Trial Key$().$(br2)The $(item)Tier$() of the $(l:2_trials/0_trial_key)Key$() will also determine how many $(l:2_trials/2_affixes)Affixes$() will be active in the $(item)Trial$()." } ] }