# Configuration file ~CONFIG_VERSION: V2 client { # If true, a button will be shown when there is any amount of tc4 notifications AND when sending chat. # [default: true] B:addClearButton=true # If false, no tooltip will be added. # [default: true] B:addTooltip=true # Specify a full sorting order of research tabs. # An empty list here means the feature is disabled. # any research tab not listed here will be appended to the end in their original order. # Use NEI utility to dump a list of all research tabs. # Default is the list of all vanilla thaumcraft tabs. # [default: [BASICS], [THAUMATURGY], [ALCHEMY], [ARTIFICE], [GOLEMANCY], [ELDRITCH]] S:categoryOrder < BASICS THAUMATURGY ALCHEMY ARTIFICE GOLEMANCY ELDRITCH > # Flip it if you find the scrolling unintuitive [default: false] B:inverted=false # Whether the book gui search should search current tab only. # [default: false] B:limitBookSearchToCategory=false # The upper limit on how big nodes can be rendered. # This is purely a visual thing and will not affect how big your node can actually grow. # Setting a value like 10000.0 will effectively turn off this functionality, i.e. # not limit the rendered size. # [range: 0.5 ~ 1.0E10, default: 1.0] S:limitOversizedNodeRender=1.0 # Whether to adjust mapping thread priority. # 0 means auto. # 1 means force enable. # 2 means force disable. # [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 0] I:mappingThreadNiceType=0 # How often should Arcane Workbench update displayed crafting result. # Unit is in game ticks. # [range: 0 ~ 40, default: 4] I:updateInterval=4 browser_scale { # The search result area, even if it's not disabled, will be considered while inferring browserScale. # [default: true] B:considerSearchArea=true # Tweak the size of the book gui based on screen size automatically. # The value of browserScale set manually will not function any more. # [default: true] B:infer=true # The minimum inferred scale. # Cannot be smaller than the value of inferBrowserScaleLowerBound. # This shouldn't be too high as a huge browser would be rendered with really poor image quality. # [range: 1.0 ~ 16.0, default: 4.0] S:maximum=4.0 # The maximum inferred scale. # Cannot be bigger than the value of inferBrowserScaleUpperBound. # [range: 1.0 ~ 16.0, default: 1.0] S:minimum=1.0 # Tweak the size of the book gui. # No longer works if inferBrowserScale is set to true. # [range: 1.0 ~ 4.0, default: 1.0] S:scale=1.0 } } general { # The maximum size of arcane crafting cache. # 0 will effectively turn off the cache. # It is suggested to keep a size of at least 1 to ensure shift crafting does not lag the server. # [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 16] I:arcaneCraftingHistorySize=16 # When false, Arcane Workbench will not perform vanilla crafting bench recipes. # Arcane Workbench GUI will behave slightly awkwardly if the client has it false but not on server, but nothing would be broken. # [default: true] B:checkWorkbenchRecipes=true # If true, dispenser will shoot primal arrow instead of dropping it into world. # [default: false] B:dispenserShootPrimalArrow=false # Select the infusion oredict mode. # Default: vanilla TC4 behavior. # Strict: all oredict names must match to count as oredict substitute. # Relaxed: oredict names needs only overlaps to count as oredict substitute. # None: no oredict substitute at all. # [default: Default] S:infusionOreDictMode=Default # If true, enchanted books will have randomized enchantment and vis stone will have different vis stored even without server restart. # [default: true] B:moreRandomizedLoot=true # If true, jars (brain in jar, essentia jars, etc) will have a collision box the same as block outline. # Otherwise it will have a collision box of 1x1x1, which is the vanilla tc4 behavior. # [default: false] B:smallerJars=false }