# Configuration file content { # Increase to make stone longer to mine. Normal is 1.0 D:HarnessModifier=1.0 # 0 = none # 1 = one rock # 2 = with redstone # 3 = 2x2 stone, lose 3 # 4 = 2x2 stone I:RegularStoneCrafting=4 # Increase to make stone more resistant to explosions. Normal is 1.0 D:ResistanceModifier=1.0 # Convert ores to have Underground Biomes stone background textures B:UBifyOres=true # Modify all recipes to include Underground Biomes stones B:UBifyRecipes=true } general { # Crash rather than try to get by when encountering problems B:CrashOnProblems=false # Only cobble walls, only stone button, no stone stairs # Disable regular stone variants # Overrides any specific settings B:Realistic=false } miscellaneaous { # Change the result of the button recipe # Default: 8 I:ChangeButtonRecipe=2 # Allow custom block hardness using like Tool Progression to work on the listed ores. List them using tile.{item_name} name, separated by a comma. Here's an exemple : "tile.sedimentary_stone_coal_ore,tile.igneous_stone_coal_ore" S:CustomOreHardness=null # Remove vanilla andesite, diorite, and granite B:DisableVanillaStoneVariants=false # Display the mod which originally added this ore in the tooltip? B:DisplayOriginalModInOreTooltip=true # Formatting for the mod's name S:OreTooltipOreModNameFormatting=gold italic # Text to display after the mod's name S:OreTooltipTextAfter= # Formatting for the text after the mod's name S:OreTooltipTextAfterFormatting=gray # Text to display before the mod's name S:OreTooltipTextBefore=Ore from # Formatting to use for the text before the mod's name S:OreTooltipTextBeforeFormatting=gray } specific { # Same as replaceSandExcludedBiomes but for clay S:ReplaceClayExcludedBiomes= # Same as replaceSandExcludedBiomes but for gravel S:ReplaceGravelExcludedBiomes=biomesoplenty:cold_desert # Disable biomes you don't want sand to be replaced in. Needs to be in the minecraft:ocean format. Eg. minecraft:ocean, biomesoplenty:cold_desert, minecraft:cold_beach S:ReplaceSandExcludedBiomes=minecraft:beaches,minecraft:desert,minecraft:cold_beach,minecraft:desert_hills,biomesoplenty:oasis # Provide buttons for Underground Biomes blocks B:UndergroundBiomesButtons=true # What styles of stone for buttons : +1 for stone, +2 for cobble and +4 for brick # Default : 3 -> stone and cobble I:UndergroundBiomesButtonsStyles=3 # What types of stone for buttons : +1 for igneous, +2 for metamorphic and +4 for sedimentary # Default: 7 -> all I:UndergroundBiomesButtonsTypes=7 # Provide Stairs for Underground Biomes blocks B:UndergroundBiomesStairs=true # What styles of stone for stairs : +1 for stone, +2 for cobble and +4 for brick # Default : 7 -> all I:UndergroundBiomesStairsStyles=7 # What types of stone for stairs : +1 for igneous, +2 for metamorphic and +4 for sedimentary # Default: 7 -> all I:UndergroundBiomesStairsTypes=7 # Provide Walls for Underground Biomes blocks B:UndergroundBiomesWalls=true # What styles of stone for walls : +1 for stone, +2 for cobble and +4 for brick # Default : 7 -> all I:UndergroundBiomesWallsStyles=7 # What types of stone for walls : +1 for igneous, +2 for metamorphic and +4 for sedimentary # Default: 7 -> all I:UndergroundBiomesWallsTypes=7 } visual { # Use normal stone textures for slabs B:PlainSlabTextures=false } "world generation" { # Interval [1-16] # Warning: exponential I:BiomeSize=4 # Use a different seed for each dimensions B:DimensionSpecificSeeds=false # Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, used only if include list is * S:ExcludedDimensions=-1,1 B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 0, red_granite"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 1, black_granite"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 2, rhyolite"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 3, andesite"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 4, gabbro"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 5, basalt"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 6, komatiite"=true B:"Generate igneous stone metadata 7, dacite"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 0, gneiss"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 1, eclogite"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 2, marble"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 3, quartzite"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 4, blueschist"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 5, greenschist"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 6, soapstone"=true B:"Generate metamorphic stone metadata 7, migmatite"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 0, limestone"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 1, chalk"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 2, shale"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 3, siltstone"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 4, lignite"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 5, dolomite"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 6, greywacke"=true B:"Generate sedimentary stone metadata 7, chert"=true B:"Generate tile.sand, metadata 0"=true B:"Generate tile.sandStone, metadata 0"=true B:"Generate tile.stone, metadata 0"=true # Maximum height for UB world generation I:GenerationHeight=256 # Avoid jarring strata transitions B:HarmoniousStrata=false # Comma-separated list of dimension IDs, put * to use exclude list S:IncludedDimensions=* # Integrate vanilla stone into the world generation # Will cause sharp biome transitions if changed while playing the same world B:RegularStoneBiomes=false B:ReplacClay=false # Replace clay with UBC variants. B:ReplaceClay=true # Replace vanilla cobblestone with UB variants, helps with RTG mountains compat for example, or with any world gen mod B:ReplaceCobblestone=true # Replace gravel with UBC variants. B:ReplaceGravel=true S:ReplaceGravelExcludedBiomes=biomesoplenty:cold_desert # Replace monster eggs with UBC variants. B:ReplaceMonsterStone=true # Replace mossy cobblestone with UB variants, great for dungeons ! B:ReplaceMossyCobble=true # Replace BOP's Overgrown Stone with UB variants, helps with BOP compatibility B:ReplaceOvergrown=true # Replace Quark's speleothems, quite useful if you don't want that ugly stone look... B:ReplaceQuarkSpeleothems=true # Replace sand with UBC variants. B:ReplaceSand=false S:ReplaceSandExcludedBiomes=minecraft:beaches,minecraft:desert,minecraft:cold_beach,minecraft:desert_hills,biomesoplenty:oasis B:ReplaceSandInDeserts=false # Replace sandstone with UBC variants. B:ReplaceSandstone=false # Use UB stones in villages structures B:UBifyVillages=true }