#Mekanism Tools Config. This config is synced from server to client. [tools] [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate] #The chance that Mekanism Armor can spawn on mobs. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 general = 0.03 #Spawn chances for pieces of Bronze gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.bronze] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Bronze Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Bronze Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Bronze Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Bronze Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Bronze Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Spawn chances for pieces of Lapis Lazuli gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.lapis_lazuli] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Lapis Lazuli Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Lapis Lazuli Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Lapis Lazuli Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Lapis Lazuli Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Lapis Lazuli Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Spawn chances for pieces of Osmium gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.osmium] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Osmium Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Osmium Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Osmium Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Osmium Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Osmium Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Spawn chances for pieces of Refined Glowstone gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.refined_glowstone] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Glowstone Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Glowstone Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Glowstone Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Glowstone Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Glowstone Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Spawn chances for pieces of Refined Obsidian gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.refined_obsidian] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Obsidian Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Obsidian Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Obsidian Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Obsidian Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Refined Obsidian Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Spawn chances for pieces of Steel gear. Note: These values are after the general mobArmorSpawnRate has been checked, and after an even split between armor types has been done. [tools.mobArmorSpawnRate.steel] #The chance that mobs can spawn with Steel Swords. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 swordChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Steel Helmets. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 helmetChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Steel Chestplates. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 chestplateChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Steel Leggings. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 leggingsChance = 0.5 #The chance that mobs can spawn with Steel Boots. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 bootsChance = 0.5 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Wood [tools.wood] #Attack damage modifier of Wood paxels. woodPaxelDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Wood paxels. woodPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Wood paxels. woodPaxelEfficiency = 2.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Wood paxels. #Range: > 0 woodPaxelEnchantability = 15 #Maximum durability of Wood paxels. #Range: > 1 woodPaxelMaxUses = 118 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Stone [tools.stone] #Attack damage modifier of Stone paxels. stonePaxelDamage = 8.0 #Attack speed of Stone paxels. stonePaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Stone paxels. stonePaxelEfficiency = 4.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Stone paxels. #Range: > 0 stonePaxelEnchantability = 5 #Maximum durability of Stone paxels. #Range: > 1 stonePaxelMaxUses = 262 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Iron [tools.iron] #Attack damage modifier of Iron paxels. ironPaxelDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Iron paxels. ironPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Iron paxels. ironPaxelEfficiency = 6.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Iron paxels. #Range: > 0 ironPaxelEnchantability = 14 #Maximum durability of Iron paxels. #Range: > 1 ironPaxelMaxUses = 500 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Diamond [tools.diamond] #Attack damage modifier of Diamond paxels. diamondPaxelDamage = 6.0 #Attack speed of Diamond paxels. diamondPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Diamond paxels. diamondPaxelEfficiency = 8.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Diamond paxels. #Range: > 0 diamondPaxelEnchantability = 10 #Maximum durability of Diamond paxels. #Range: > 1 diamondPaxelMaxUses = 3122 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Gold [tools.gold] #Attack damage modifier of Gold paxels. goldPaxelDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Gold paxels. goldPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Gold paxels. goldPaxelEfficiency = 12.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Gold paxels. #Range: > 0 goldPaxelEnchantability = 22 #Maximum durability of Gold paxels. #Range: > 1 goldPaxelMaxUses = 64 #Vanilla Material Paxel Settings for Netherite [tools.netherite] #Attack damage modifier of Netherite paxels. netheritePaxelDamage = 6.0 #Attack speed of Netherite paxels. netheritePaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Netherite paxels. netheritePaxelEfficiency = 9.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Netherite paxels. #Range: > 0 netheritePaxelEnchantability = 15 #Maximum durability of Netherite paxels. #Range: > 1 netheritePaxelMaxUses = 4062 #Material Settings for Bronze [tools.bronze] #Base attack damage of Bronze items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 bronzeAttackDamage = 2.0 #Maximum durability of Bronze shields. #Range: > 0 bronzeShieldDurability = 403 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze swords. bronzeSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Bronze swords. bronzeSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze shovels. bronzeShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Bronze shovels. bronzeShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze axes. bronzeAxeDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Bronze axes. bronzeAxeAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze pickaxes. bronzePickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Bronze pickaxes. bronzePickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze hoes. bronzeHoeDamage = -2.0 #Attack speed of Bronze hoes. bronzeHoeAtkSpeed = -1.0 #Maximum durability of Bronze tools. #Range: > 1 bronzeToolMaxUses = 375 #Efficiency of Bronze tools. bronzeEfficiency = 7.0 #Attack damage modifier of Bronze paxels. bronzePaxelDamage = 8.0 #Attack speed of Bronze paxels. bronzePaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Bronze paxels. bronzePaxelEfficiency = 7.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Bronze paxels. #Range: > 0 bronzePaxelEnchantability = 10 #Maximum durability of Bronze paxels. #Range: > 1 bronzePaxelMaxUses = 750 #Natural enchantability factor of Bronze items. #Range: > 0 bronzeEnchantability = 10 #Base armor toughness value of Bronze armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 bronzeToughness = 1.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Bronze armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 bronzeKnockbackResistance = 0.0 #Maximum durability of Bronze boots. #Range: > 1 bronzeBootDurability = 234 #Maximum durability of Bronze leggings. #Range: > 1 bronzeLeggingDurability = 270 #Maximum durability of Bronze chestplates. #Range: > 1 bronzeChestplateDurability = 288 #Maximum durability of Bronze helmets. #Range: > 1 bronzeHelmetDurability = 198 #Protection value of Bronze boots. #Range: > 0 bronzeBootArmor = 2 #Protection value of Bronze leggings. #Range: > 0 bronzeLeggingArmor = 6 #Protection value of Bronze chestplates. #Range: > 0 bronzeChestplateArmor = 7 #Protection value of Bronze helmets. #Range: > 0 bronzeHelmetArmor = 3 #Material Settings for Lapis Lazuli [tools.lapis_lazuli] #Base attack damage of Lapis Lazuli items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 lapis_lazuliAttackDamage = 1.0 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli shields. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliShieldDurability = 224 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli swords. lapis_lazuliSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli swords. lapis_lazuliSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli shovels. lapis_lazuliShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli shovels. lapis_lazuliShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli axes. lapis_lazuliAxeDamage = 4.0 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli axes. lapis_lazuliAxeAtkSpeed = -2.9000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli pickaxes. lapis_lazuliPickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli pickaxes. lapis_lazuliPickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli hoes. lapis_lazuliHoeDamage = -1.0 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli hoes. lapis_lazuliHoeAtkSpeed = -2.0 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli tools. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliToolMaxUses = 128 #Efficiency of Lapis Lazuli tools. lapis_lazuliEfficiency = 9.0 #Attack damage modifier of Lapis Lazuli paxels. lapis_lazuliPaxelDamage = 5.0 #Attack speed of Lapis Lazuli paxels. lapis_lazuliPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Lapis Lazuli paxels. lapis_lazuliPaxelEfficiency = 9.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Lapis Lazuli paxels. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliPaxelEnchantability = 32 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli paxels. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliPaxelMaxUses = 256 #Natural enchantability factor of Lapis Lazuli items. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliEnchantability = 32 #Base armor toughness value of Lapis Lazuli armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 lapis_lazuliToughness = 0.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Lapis Lazuli armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 lapis_lazuliKnockbackResistance = 0.0 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli boots. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliBootDurability = 130 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli leggings. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliLeggingDurability = 150 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli chestplates. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliChestplateDurability = 160 #Maximum durability of Lapis Lazuli helmets. #Range: > 1 lapis_lazuliHelmetDurability = 110 #Protection value of Lapis Lazuli boots. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliBootArmor = 1 #Protection value of Lapis Lazuli leggings. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliLeggingArmor = 3 #Protection value of Lapis Lazuli chestplates. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliChestplateArmor = 4 #Protection value of Lapis Lazuli helmets. #Range: > 0 lapis_lazuliHelmetArmor = 1 #Material Settings for Osmium [tools.osmium] #Base attack damage of Osmium items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 osmiumAttackDamage = 4.0 #Maximum durability of Osmium shields. #Range: > 0 osmiumShieldDurability = 672 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium swords. osmiumSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Osmium swords. osmiumSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium shovels. osmiumShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Osmium shovels. osmiumShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium axes. osmiumAxeDamage = 8.0 #Attack speed of Osmium axes. osmiumAxeAtkSpeed = -3.299999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium pickaxes. osmiumPickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Osmium pickaxes. osmiumPickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium hoes. osmiumHoeDamage = -4.0 #Attack speed of Osmium hoes. osmiumHoeAtkSpeed = 1.0 #Maximum durability of Osmium tools. #Range: > 1 osmiumToolMaxUses = 1024 #Efficiency of Osmium tools. osmiumEfficiency = 4.0 #Attack damage modifier of Osmium paxels. osmiumPaxelDamage = 9.0 #Attack speed of Osmium paxels. osmiumPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Osmium paxels. osmiumPaxelEfficiency = 4.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Osmium paxels. #Range: > 0 osmiumPaxelEnchantability = 14 #Maximum durability of Osmium paxels. #Range: > 1 osmiumPaxelMaxUses = 2048 #Natural enchantability factor of Osmium items. #Range: > 0 osmiumEnchantability = 14 #Base armor toughness value of Osmium armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 osmiumToughness = 3.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Osmium armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 osmiumKnockbackResistance = 0.10000000149011612 #Maximum durability of Osmium boots. #Range: > 1 osmiumBootDurability = 390 #Maximum durability of Osmium leggings. #Range: > 1 osmiumLeggingDurability = 450 #Maximum durability of Osmium chestplates. #Range: > 1 osmiumChestplateDurability = 480 #Maximum durability of Osmium helmets. #Range: > 1 osmiumHelmetDurability = 330 #Protection value of Osmium boots. #Range: > 0 osmiumBootArmor = 3 #Protection value of Osmium leggings. #Range: > 0 osmiumLeggingArmor = 6 #Protection value of Osmium chestplates. #Range: > 0 osmiumChestplateArmor = 8 #Protection value of Osmium helmets. #Range: > 0 osmiumHelmetArmor = 4 #Material Settings for Refined Glowstone [tools.refined_glowstone] #Base attack damage of Refined Glowstone items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_glowstoneAttackDamage = 2.0 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone shields. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneShieldDurability = 381 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone swords. refined_glowstoneSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone swords. refined_glowstoneSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone shovels. refined_glowstoneShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone shovels. refined_glowstoneShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone axes. refined_glowstoneAxeDamage = 6.0 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone axes. refined_glowstoneAxeAtkSpeed = -2.9000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone pickaxes. refined_glowstonePickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone pickaxes. refined_glowstonePickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone hoes. refined_glowstoneHoeDamage = -2.0 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone hoes. refined_glowstoneHoeAtkSpeed = -1.0 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone tools. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstoneToolMaxUses = 384 #Efficiency of Refined Glowstone tools. refined_glowstoneEfficiency = 15.0 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Glowstone paxels. refined_glowstonePaxelDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Refined Glowstone paxels. refined_glowstonePaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Refined Glowstone paxels. refined_glowstonePaxelEfficiency = 15.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Refined Glowstone paxels. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstonePaxelEnchantability = 20 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone paxels. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstonePaxelMaxUses = 768 #Natural enchantability factor of Refined Glowstone items. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneEnchantability = 20 #Base armor toughness value of Refined Glowstone armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_glowstoneToughness = 0.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Refined Glowstone armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_glowstoneKnockbackResistance = 0.0 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone boots. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstoneBootDurability = 221 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone leggings. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstoneLeggingDurability = 255 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone chestplates. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstoneChestplateDurability = 272 #Maximum durability of Refined Glowstone helmets. #Range: > 1 refined_glowstoneHelmetDurability = 187 #Protection value of Refined Glowstone boots. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneBootArmor = 3 #Protection value of Refined Glowstone leggings. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneLeggingArmor = 6 #Protection value of Refined Glowstone chestplates. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneChestplateArmor = 8 #Protection value of Refined Glowstone helmets. #Range: > 0 refined_glowstoneHelmetArmor = 3 #Material Settings for Refined Obsidian [tools.refined_obsidian] #Base attack damage of Refined Obsidian items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_obsidianAttackDamage = 8.0 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian shields. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianShieldDurability = 1680 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian swords. refined_obsidianSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian swords. refined_obsidianSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian shovels. refined_obsidianShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian shovels. refined_obsidianShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian axes. refined_obsidianAxeDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian axes. refined_obsidianAxeAtkSpeed = -2.9000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian pickaxes. refined_obsidianPickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian pickaxes. refined_obsidianPickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian hoes. refined_obsidianHoeDamage = -8.0 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian hoes. refined_obsidianHoeAtkSpeed = 5.0 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian tools. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianToolMaxUses = 4096 #Efficiency of Refined Obsidian tools. refined_obsidianEfficiency = 12.0 #Attack damage modifier of Refined Obsidian paxels. refined_obsidianPaxelDamage = 8.0 #Attack speed of Refined Obsidian paxels. refined_obsidianPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Refined Obsidian paxels. refined_obsidianPaxelEfficiency = 12.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Refined Obsidian paxels. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianPaxelEnchantability = 18 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian paxels. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianPaxelMaxUses = 8192 #Natural enchantability factor of Refined Obsidian items. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianEnchantability = 18 #Base armor toughness value of Refined Obsidian armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_obsidianToughness = 5.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Refined Obsidian armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 refined_obsidianKnockbackResistance = 0.20000000298023224 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian boots. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianBootDurability = 975 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian leggings. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianLeggingDurability = 1125 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian chestplates. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianChestplateDurability = 1200 #Maximum durability of Refined Obsidian helmets. #Range: > 1 refined_obsidianHelmetDurability = 825 #Protection value of Refined Obsidian boots. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianBootArmor = 5 #Protection value of Refined Obsidian leggings. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianLeggingArmor = 8 #Protection value of Refined Obsidian chestplates. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianChestplateArmor = 12 #Protection value of Refined Obsidian helmets. #Range: > 0 refined_obsidianHelmetArmor = 6 #Material Settings for Steel [tools.steel] #Base attack damage of Steel items. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 steelAttackDamage = 3.0 #Maximum durability of Steel shields. #Range: > 0 steelShieldDurability = 448 #Attack damage modifier of Steel swords. steelSwordDamage = 3.0 #Attack speed of Steel swords. steelSwordAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Attack damage modifier of Steel shovels. steelShovelDamage = 1.5 #Attack speed of Steel shovels. steelShovelAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Steel axes. steelAxeDamage = 7.0 #Attack speed of Steel axes. steelAxeAtkSpeed = -3.0 #Attack damage modifier of Steel pickaxes. steelPickaxeDamage = 1.0 #Attack speed of Steel pickaxes. steelPickaxeAtkSpeed = -2.799999952316284 #Attack damage modifier of Steel hoes. steelHoeDamage = -3.0 #Attack speed of Steel hoes. steelHoeAtkSpeed = 0.0 #Maximum durability of Steel tools. #Range: > 1 steelToolMaxUses = 500 #Efficiency of Steel tools. steelEfficiency = 8.0 #Attack damage modifier of Steel paxels. steelPaxelDamage = 8.0 #Attack speed of Steel paxels. steelPaxelAtkSpeed = -2.4000000953674316 #Efficiency of Steel paxels. steelPaxelEfficiency = 8.0 #Natural enchantability factor of Steel paxels. #Range: > 0 steelPaxelEnchantability = 16 #Maximum durability of Steel paxels. #Range: > 1 steelPaxelMaxUses = 1000 #Natural enchantability factor of Steel items. #Range: > 0 steelEnchantability = 16 #Base armor toughness value of Steel armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 steelToughness = 2.0 #Base armor knockback resistance value of Steel armor. #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 steelKnockbackResistance = 0.0 #Maximum durability of Steel boots. #Range: > 1 steelBootDurability = 260 #Maximum durability of Steel leggings. #Range: > 1 steelLeggingDurability = 300 #Maximum durability of Steel chestplates. #Range: > 1 steelChestplateDurability = 320 #Maximum durability of Steel helmets. #Range: > 1 steelHelmetDurability = 220 #Protection value of Steel boots. #Range: > 0 steelBootArmor = 3 #Protection value of Steel leggings. #Range: > 0 steelLeggingArmor = 6 #Protection value of Steel chestplates. #Range: > 0 steelChestplateArmor = 8 #Protection value of Steel helmets. #Range: > 0 steelHelmetArmor = 3