§align:center ##### §nDraconium Ore§n Draconium ore has 3 types found in different dimensions. Each type drops a different amount of draconium dust when harvested. Draconium ore is best harvested with fortune 3. // ############################################################################################### §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §table{width:100%,render_cells:false}
§stack[draconicevolution:draconium_ore,1,0]{size:64} Overworld The overworld variety of Draconium ore can be found in (you guessed it) the overworld and other stone based dimensions. This is the rarest of the 3 types with an extremely low generation rate but it drops the most draconium dust when harvested Drops: 4-6 Draconium Dust (when harvested normally) 4-14 Draconium Dust (when harvested with fortune 3)
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§stack[draconicevolution:draconium_ore,1,1]{size:64} Nether More common than the overworld variant but still fairly rare and does not drop quite as much dust when harvested Found in the nether. Drops: 3-5 Draconum Dust (when harvested normally) 3-13 Draconum Dust (when harvested with fortune 3)
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§stack[draconicevolution:draconium_ore,1,2]{size:64} End This is the most common variant of draconium ore found on the main island and all other islands in the End Drops: 2-4 Draconum Dust (when harvested normally) 2-12 Draconum Dust (when harvested with fortune 3)
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