# Format: # # messageId=weight,text # # messageId: Must be prefixed with "chat." and terminated with a sequential number (e.g. ".0") The # stuff in between is the Entity class name registered in EntityList. (villager.flee is # a special case). # # weight: Relative weight of the entry being selected from the weight table. The higher the number # the greater chance of selection vs. its peers. # # text: The stuff that gets displayed in the client. Though the server side makes the message # selection language translation does not occur until it get's client side. # chat.villager.0=10,I like living in Dynamic Surroundings. chat.villager.1=15,I used to be a miner like you, until I took a creeper to the face. chat.villager.2=20,Don't fear the Reapers! chat.villager.3=20,Beet soup for dinner. Again. chat.villager.4=10,Villager TV has a decent program on tonight. It's called Credits. chat.villager.5=10,Only one thing you can do about Zombies - RUN! chat.villager.6=15,Why doesn't anyone listen to me? chat.villager.7=10,Is this really worth the server ticks? chat.villager.8=15,A haircut... A Testificate's dream... chat.villager.9=15,Cake isn't a lie! Well, mostly... chat.villager.10=20,Of all the modpacks in the world, I had to spawn in this one. chat.villager.11=20,I could have had hands, but the designers were lazy. chat.villager.12=15,Nothing up my sleeves. No really... I mean that. chat.villager.13=15,Never waste your diamonds on a hoe. I heard that somewhere. chat.villager.14=15,Did you see Villager Number 9 on TV? chat.villager.15=20,...and there was this time I ate a poisoned potato... chat.villager.16=10,This isn't my nose, it's a false one. chat.villager.17=15,I would have had more in stock, but a Dragon ate my supplier. chat.villager.18=10,When nature calls, you gotta go fast! chat.villager.19=10,I got no respect around here. chat.villager.20=15,Of all the foods they could have added, why did it have to be beets? chat.villager.21=20,The answer is 42. chat.villager.22=15,It could be worse. We could be growing brussel sprouts instead of beets. chat.villager.23=10,Gazebo! chat.villager.24=15,Klaatu... Verata... Necktie! chat.villager.25=10,So much rotten flesh! Not enough paper... chat.villager.26=20,I'm sorry. It's my implementation. chat.villager.27=15,I wish I had a voice like Villager Number 4. chat.villager.28=20,How do I harvest crops without hands? Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. chat.villager.29=5,Tell Shivaxi that we need better lines. chat.villager.30=10,I found some scroll titled "FOOBIE BLETCH". I wish I knew what that meant. chat.villager.31=5,Hey! Eyes up here! chat.villager.32=10,On the plus side, we don't have flatulating cows. chat.villager.33=15,Let's play the quiet game... aw wait, I lost the game. chat.villager.34=15,Who is this "Squidward" everyone keeps comparing me to? chat.villager.35=20,The Union said we had to trade flint for gravel and an emerald. chat.villager.36=15,This is, like... the opposite of what I wanted to do today. chat.villager.37=15,My torture continues... chat.villager.38=15,If it weren't for bad, luck I'd have no luck at all. chat.villager.39=10,Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot I only exist when you need something. chat.villager.40=15,A day without sunshine is like night. chat.villager.41=20,Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. chat.villager.42=15,I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not sure. chat.villager.43=10,Silence is golden, unless you have pets, then silence is just plain suspicious. chat.villager.44=15,Have you read the final edition of "Contest of Seats"? It wasn't very good, in my opinion. chat.villager.45=5,...and then I found out I could go blind so I stopped. chat.villager.46=15,I lost my copy of Better Blocks and Mines. You wouldn't happen to have a copy? chat.villager.47=10,You have nether warts? I can sell you a potion to cure that... chat.villager.48=20,You tell the best stories. chat.villager.49=15,I was fired because I forgot to put a cover sheet on a TPS report. chat.villager.50=10,I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific. chat.villager.51=15,I never said most of the things I said. chat.villager.52=15,Impressive. chat.villager.53=15,Any problem can be solved with the correct application of redstone and copious amounts of TNT. chat.villager.54=10,...and then he turned into a carrot, funniest thing I've ever seen! chat.villager.55=10,Yeah. chat.villager.56=15,...and I drank this stuff called Fel Slider Cider. It was a mistake... chat.villager.57=10,The axe forgets; the tree remembers. chat.villager.58=15,Never dig straight down. chat.villager.59=10,Don't Panic. chat.villager.60=5,More cow bell! chat.villager.61=15,Well that happened. chat.villager.62=15,This is perplexing. chat.villager.63=15,Yay! A friend! chat.villager.64=10,I'm saying this now so I can have a flashback later. chat.villager.65=5,Of course he'd do it. He had plot armor! chat.villager.66=20,Back to you Villager #9. chat.villager.67=15,Have you heard the latest Villager News?! chat.villager.68=15,Da da DA da! Villager News! chat.villager.69=15,Leviosaaaaaahhhh! chat.villager.70=15,Ronald Weasley...it's LevioSAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! chat.villager.71=15,404: Emerald not found. chat.villager.72=20,Dragonsteel? What'd they steal? chat.villager.73=10,Shop smart! Shop S-Mart! chat.villager.74=15,** Sigh ** chat.villager.75=5,In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral, I am the very model of a modern Major-General. chat.villager.76=10,The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. chat.villager.77=10,What? You expected intelligent conversation? chat.villager.78=15,I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. chat.villager.79=15,If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. chat.villager.80=15,I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. chat.villager.81=10,Whoever said nothing was impossible obviously never tried slamming a revolving door. chat.villager.82=10,Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both directions anyway. chat.villager.83=10,You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. chat.villager.84=15,Inconceivable! chat.villager.85=10,Tact is for people who aren't witty enough to use sarcasm. chat.villager.86=10,I am an acquired taste. chat.villager.87=10,These carrots fill me with determination. chat.villager.88=5,Staying alive is tough, but atleast there's no GregTech! chat.villager.89=15,Hey you, you're finally awake! chat.villager.90=15,Must construct additional Beacons. chat.villager.91=15,Not enough Emeralds. chat.villager.92=15,Another settlement needs our help, I'll mark it on your map. chat.villager.93=15,It's dangerous to go alone, here take this. chat.villager.94=15,Every 60 seconds in Minecraft, a minute passes. chat.villager.95=15,Oh hai Mark! chat.villager.96=15,Why do I hear wings flapping? chat.villager.97=10,Don't forget to like and subscribe! chat.villager.98=10,Piglins? The Warden? What are you talking about, c'mon we have to go mining. chat.villager.99=15,Well I ain't callin' you a truther! chat.villager.100=15,Please don't put me in a hole... chat.villager.101=15,Why do I keep meeting people named "Steve", and why do they die so easily? chat.villager.102=15,Why couldn't I have spawned in the cool village? chat.villager.103=15,A Testificate made fun of my nose! chat.villager.104=15,Poor Villager #48 got eaten by a zombie... chat.villager.105=15,Villager #4 told me he needs more signs. chat.villager.106=15,My cabbages! chat.villager.107=15,:nagNose: chat.villager.108=15,Tools? Enchantments? Weapons? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough Emeralds! chat.villager.109=15,I can't give credit. Come back when you're a little, mmmmmmm, richer! chat.villager.110=15,I'd help you, but my hands are tied! chat.villager.111=15,Strip mining? Scandalous! chat.villager.112=15,Hail to the King, baby! chat.villager.113=15,No soup for you! chat.villager.114=15,I am cursed to speak in one-liners, help! chat.villager.115=15,Give me a healing potion; shaken, not stirred. chat.villager.116=15,Yeah, part 6 was cool, but when are we getting part 7? chat.villager.117=10,I'll never forgive SomeNutzGuy for making that Villager breeder tutorial! chat.villager.118=15,Maybe we should back to doing sacrifices to get better luck... chat.villager.119=15,What beast? How am I supposed to feed it? chat.villager.120=15,I am serious, and don't call me Shirley. chat.villager.121=15,Skill issue. chat.villager.122=15,I wanna go home and rethink my life... chat.villager.123=15,Dude, where's my cart? chat.villager.124=15,Why couldn't it be Peaceful mode? chat.villager.125=5,Thanks for playing RLCraft! Remember, no refunds! chat.villager.126=10,Can I get a uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................... chat.villager.127=15,No emeralds? chat.villager.128=15,I wish I was voiced by Chris Pratt, he's so cool... chat.villager.129=15,It sure was nice of those Illagers to gift us that giant wooden horse! chat.villager.130=15,So anyways, I started crafting... chat.villager.131=15,Be careful with that flare gun, you'll shoot your eye out! chat.villager.132=15,Adventure Time! Come on grab your friends! chat.villager.133=15,...and then he replied "ratio!", what does that even mean? chat.villager.134=15,I touched grass today! chat.villager.135=10,POG! chat.villager.136=15,Yvan eht nioj! chat.villager.137=15,Yeah, we got free healthcare. It's called the respawn button! chat.villager.138=5,...and remember! Dragons are assholes! chat.villager.139=15,Did you see it? chat.villager.140=10,So, does this mean RLCraft and Smash are in the same universe? chat.villager.141=15,Do you get to the Cloud District very often? chat.villager.142=15,Wait, I know you! chat.villager.143=15,Let me guess. Somebody stole your sweet roll? chat.villager.144=5,I'M THE LASER COMMANDER! chat.villager.145=15,Some may call this junk. Me, I call them treasures. chat.villager.146=15,Hello there! chat.villager.147=15,No lollygaggin'! chat.villager.148=15,...and he said to the man, "That's not a horker! That's my wife!" chat.villager.149=15,I'll give you the best deals, or die trying! chat.villager.150=15,Looking to protect yourself? Or deal some damage? chat.villager.151=15,If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. chat.villager.152=15,Must have been the wind... chat.villager.153=15,All you had to do was follow the minecart! chat.villager.154=15,Sometimes, I dream about cheese. chat.villager.155=15,Aren't you supposed to have a crowbar? Oh sorry, wrong game. chat.villager.156=15,YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER, AND YOUR FATHER SMELT OF ELDERBERRIES!! chat.villager.157=15,Don't suppose you can enchant my sword? Dull old blade can barely cut butter... chat.villager.158=15,Blessed are the cheesemakers. chat.villager.159=15,Bring out your dead! chat.villager.160=15,Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? chat.villager.161=15,I think it was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying-purple-people-eater! chat.villager.162=15,I got turned into a newt. But I got better. chat.villager.163=15,Hey, I ain't no Nitwit! ...right? chat.villager.164=10,Send it, ship it, sell it! chat.villager.flee.0=20,Run away! Run away! chat.villager.flee.1=20,!!! HELP !!! chat.villager.flee.2=5,I want my Parental Unit! chat.villager.flee.3=15,Testificate Man! We need you! chat.villager.flee.4=10,I'm going to need a change of clothes! chat.villager.flee.5=15,Feet don't fail me now! chat.villager.flee.6=10,I wish I was programmed to fight! chat.villager.flee.7=15,Too bad I failed that online defense course! chat.villager.flee.8=5,If only I had an invisibility cloak! chat.villager.flee.9=15,I have no brain! Why are you chasing me?!? chat.villager.flee.10=5,Seems like the Benny Hill theme song would be appropriate about now. chat.villager.flee.11=10,He's got an arm off! chat.villager.flee.12=15,It's every villager for themselves! chat.villager.flee.13=10,Wow, these fellas really let themselves go... chat.villager.flee.14=15,It seems I was doing this very thing yesterday! chat.villager.flee.15=5,And that's our cue to ski-doo! chat.villager.flee.16=10,Exit! Stage left! chat.villager.flee.17=10,You figure this village would've had walls by now. chat.villager.flee.18=10,Somebody set us up the bomb! chat.villager.flee.19=15,Zoinks! chat.villager.flee.20=10,Oh no! Not again! chat.villager.flee.21=10,Fly you fools! chat.villager.flee.22=10,Jinkies! chat.villager.flee.23=10,I knew we needed more Aegis! chat.zombie.0=25,BBBBBRRRRRAAAAAIIIIIINNNNNNSSSS! chat.zombie.1=20,Grrrrrr chat.zombie.2=10,I need a better gig. chat.zombie.3=10,Anyone have a throat lozenge? chat.zombie.4=10,Can't resist! Must...chase...villager! chat.zombie.5=15,My arms are getting tired. chat.zombie.6=5,All your base are belong to us chat.zombie.7=10,Come get some! chat.zombie.8=10,Groovy! chat.zombie.9=10,So many villagers, so little time. chat.zombie.10=10,Everything's better with zombies! chat.zombie.11=10,It's just a flesh wound! chat.zombie.12=5,My cousin got a job in a music video. chat.zombie.13=5,Monster Mash? But we only just met... chat.zombie.14=5,I'm actually neuron-intolerant. chat.zombie.15=10,That Nitwit was a waste, no brains at all! chat.zombie.16=10,You look tasty... chat.zombie.17=10,Just a nibble! chat.zombie.18=5,Atleast you don't have a pea shooter... chat.zombie.19=10,I may be rotting, but you stink! chat.zombie.20=5,So, no brains? chat.zombie.21=5,We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty! chat.zombie.22=10,Ahh, fresh meat! chat.zombie.23=10,Sun, bad! Brain, good! chat.zombie.24=10,Hey there smoothskin... chat.zombie.25=5,Why are there no zombie dragons? chat.zombie.26=10,Grrrrrraaiinnsss...I mean Brrrraaaaiiinnnssss! chat.zombie.27=5,Mind if I borrow some brains? chat.skeleton.0=20,I have a bone to pick with you! chat.skeleton.1=10,Where do I keep my arrows? You don't wanna know. chat.skeleton.2=5,It's not like I had a choice or anything. chat.skeleton.3=10,Chicken! Fight like a Skeleton! chat.skeleton.4=5,Spooky Scary Skeletons! chat.skeleton.5=10,I'm the Skeleton in your closet! chat.skeleton.6=5,I just came out of your closet; you should really clean it more often. chat.skeleton.7=10,TNT is the Skeleton Key of the impatient. chat.skeleton.8=15,360-No-Scope! chat.skeleton.9=10,Stay away from the light! chat.skeleton.10=10,They call me Bones. James Bones. chat.skeleton.11=10,What is a Skeleton's favorite snack? chat.skeleton.12=10,RIBS! SPARE RIBS!!! chat.skeleton.13=15,You're getting under my skin! chat.skeleton.14=10,Have you ever met my cousin, Sans? chat.skeleton.15=10,Tis' but a scratch! chat.skeleton.16=15,Never shoulda come here! chat.skeleton.17=10,Living is overrated! chat.skeleton.18=15,Oops, all headshots! chat.skeleton.19=10,Dodge this, filthy casual! chat.skeleton.20=10,We're boned! chat.skeleton.21=10,Get boned! chat.skeleton.22=5,I finally escaped that closet! chat.skeleton.23=10,Prepare to be rattled! chat.skeleton.24=10,I used to be a Zombie, but I got promoted. chat.skeleton.25=10,Jokes haven't been the same since that dog stole my funny bone... chat.skeleton.26=5,Geeettt dunked on! chat.skeleton.27=5,This isn't very humerus... chat.skeleton.28=10,Maybe duck next time! chat.skeleton.29=5,Coffee just runs straight through me... chat.skeleton.30=10,Where do you think you're going? chat.skeleton.31=5,That was a marrow escape... chat.skeleton.32=5,Welcome to the BoneZone! chat.skeleton.33=5,My only regret is that I have boneitus. chat.skeleton.34=10,I'm bad to the bone! chat.pig.0=10,Oh look, there's some lovely filth over here. chat.pig.1=20,Oink. chat.pig.2=10,Technoblade never dies. chat.pig.3=5,Talking pig? No one will ever believe you. chat.pig.4=5,Spider piiiiig spider piiiiig. chat.witch.0=10,Yes, I can drive a stick. chat.witch.1=15,By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. chat.witch.2=10,Do not judge my course, you haven't rode my broom. Get off your high horse, it's time for your DOOM! chat.witch.3=15,All trespassers will be used as ingredients in my brews! chat.witch.4=10,Fair is foul, and foul is fair. chat.witch.5=10,Going so soon? I wouldn't hear of it. Why my little party's just beginning. chat.witch.6=5,Why do I have to look like a normal villager? chat.witch.7=10,I think I will keep it under my hat for now. chat.witch.8=15,I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog, too! You have a dog, right? chat.witch.9=10,Don't ask me where I keep all these potions. Where do you keep all that dirt? chat.witch.10=10,I wish I had a flying monkey. chat.witch.11=15,Have you ever had a rock as a familiar? It was the rage back in the day. chat.witch.12=15,It's not a wart! It's a beauty mark! chat.witch.13=10,Some days I think my nose has a life of it's own. chat.witch.14=15,My work is never done... chat.witch.15=10,Tis now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world. chat.witch.16=10,Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble. chat.witch.17=15,I'll swallow your soul!! chat.witch.18=10,:nagNose: chat.witch.19=10,Fillet of a fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake. chat.witch.20=10,Eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog. chat.witch.21=10,Parking for brooms only. All others wil be toad. chat.witch.22=10,Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, lizard's leg and owlet's wing. chat.witch.23=10,Someone's in my fruit cellar... someone with a fresh soul! chat.witch.24=15,Run, dodge, dive, or duck; my potions will leave you out of luck! chat.witch.25=10,You wanna fry a Witch? I'll give you a witch! chat.witch.26=10,It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA! chat.witch.27=10,For better or for warts! chat.witch.28=10,Atleast I'm luckier than my cousin, she had a house dropped on her! chat.witch.29=10,I may not have a use for you, but I'll certainly have a use for your parts! chat.witch.30=10,Wouldst thou like to live deliciously? chat.witch.31=10,Melt in water? What do you think I am, an Alka-Seltzer? chat.witch.32=10,Life's a Witch, deal with it. chat.witch.33=15,Did someone order broom service? chat.witch.34=10,I took "lightning in a bottle" literally! # Special token for using splash screen sayings - don't translate! chat.squid.0=20,$MINECRAFT$