# Configuration file general { client { controls { # How many system ticks you have between double tapping (these are faster than Minecraft ticks). # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Double Tap Ticks"=200 # Enable to make dodging left, right or backwards require a double tap, and forwards require a tap of a movement key. B:"Enable Double Tap"=false # Enable to make dodging forwards require a double tap of a movement key. 'Enable Double Tap' must be enabled. B:"Forwards Double Tap"=false } hud { # Whether to show the old cooldown UI above the experience bar. B:"Legacy HUD"=false # Whether to show the cooldown UI. B:"Show HUD"=true # Whether to show armor weight tooltips. If Quark is installed, please restart the game after disabling or enabling 'Quark Settings -> Client -> Visual Stat Display'. B:"Show Tooltips"=true # Whether to show the tutorial on joining a new world. B:"Show Tutorial"=true } } common { balance { # The amount of ticks required for the Dodge cooldown to fully decrease when Armor Weights are disabled. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Cooldown Speed"=20 # Whether the player can dodge whilst airborne. B:"Enable whilst Airborne"=false # Whether the player can dodge whilst blocking. B:"Enable whilst Blocking"=false # Whether the player can dodge whilst sneaking. B:"Enable whilst Sneaking"=false # How much exhaustion is added when dodging. For reference, sprinting adds 0.01 exhaustion per meter, and the Hunger effect adds 0.1 per second. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 40.0 D:Exhaustion=0.4 # The force of the player's dodge before any multipliers have been applied and when Armor Weights are disabled. This value is very sensitive. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:Force=0.6 # How many half drumsticks the player needs to dodge. The default six is the same as sprinting. # Min: -1 # Max: 20 I:"Hunger Requirement"=6 # How many in-game ticks of invincibility the player has after dodging. 20 ticks is 1 second. # Min: 0 # Max: 100 I:"Invincibility Ticks"=10 # Potions that prevent the player from dodging. Insert values in the format modid:potion. Idea Credit: SandwichHorror S:"Potion Blacklist" < > # Whether the player requires the potion effect 'can_dodge' to dodge. B:"Requires Dodge Potion"=false # Whether to use the Player's current Velocity when calculating Dodge distancing. B:"Use Existing Velocity"=false # How high the player is pushed from the ground when dodging. This value is proportional distance dodged due to friction. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:Verticality=0.25 } weights { # Enables the Weight System B:"Enable Weights"=true # The Cooldown Speed and Dodge Force given to the player depending on their weight. Each tier is determined by a minimum weight to enter it. Always start this at 0.0 and add each tier in increasing weight order. To make a player 'Overencumbered' simply set a tiers cooldown AND force to 0. Insert values as such: minimumweight:cooldown|force. Idea Credit: SandwichHorror S:"Weight Tiers" < 0.0:20|1.0 5.0:35|0.8 10.0:50|0.75 15.0:65|0.6 20.0:0|0 > # The weight of each item of Armor. This overrides the default generated values and can be a decimal. Insert values as such: modid:itemname=value. Idea Credit: SandwichHorror S:"Weights Override" < minecraft:leather_boots=1 minecraft:leather_leggings=2 minecraft:leather_chestplate=3 minecraft:leather_helmet=1 minecraft:iron_boots=2 minecraft:iron_leggings=3 minecraft:iron_chestplate=5 minecraft:iron_helmet=3 minecraft:diamond_boots=3 minecraft:diamond_leggings=4 minecraft:diamond_chestplate=6 minecraft:diamond_helmet=3 minecraft:golden_boots=2 minecraft:golden_leggings=2 minecraft:golden_chestplate=3 minecraft:golden_helmet=2 minecraft:chainmail_boots=2 minecraft:chainmail_leggings=2 minecraft:chainmail_chestplate=3 minecraft:chainmail_helmet=2 minecraft:elytra=2 twilightforest:naga_chestplate=3 twilightforest:naga_leggings=2 twilightforest:ironwood_helmet=2 twilightforest:ironwood_chestplate=5 twilightforest:ironwood_leggings=3 twilightforest:ironwood_boots=2 twilightforest:fiery_helmet=3 twilightforest:fiery_chestplate=7 twilightforest:fiery_leggings=4 twilightforest:fiery_boots=3 twilightforest:steeleaf_helmet=3 twilightforest:steeleaf_chestplate=5 twilightforest:steeleaf_leggings=4 twilightforest:steeleaf_boots=3 twilightforest:knightmetal_helmet=3 twilightforest:knightmetal_chestplate=7 twilightforest:knightmetal_leggings=5 twilightforest:knightmetal_boots=2 twilightforest:yeti_helmet=2 twilightforest:yeti_chestplate=5 twilightforest:yeti_leggings=3 twilightforest:yeti_boots=2 twilightforest:arctic_helmet=1 twilightforest:arctic_chestplate=3 twilightforest:arctic_leggings=2 twilightforest:arctic_boots=1 betterwithmods:steel_helmet=3 betterwithmods:steel_chest=7 betterwithmods:steel_pants=4 betterwithmods:steel_boots=2 atop:amethyst_helmet=3 atop:amethyst_chestplate=6 atop:amethyst_leggings=5 atop:amethyst_boots=3 atop:mud_helmet=1 atop:mud_chestplate=3 atop:mud_leggings=2 atop:mud_boots=1 atop:peridot_helmet=3 atop:peridot_chestplate=6 atop:peridot_leggings=4 atop:peridot_boots=3 atop:ruby_helmet=3 atop:ruby_chestplate=6 atop:ruby_leggings=4 atop:ruby_boots=3 atop:sapphire_helmet=3 atop:sapphire_chestplate=6 atop:sapphire_leggings=4 atop:sapphire_boots=3 quark:archaeologist_hat=0.25 quark:pirate_hat=0.25 quark:witch_hat=0.25 dungeontactics:steel_helmet=3 dungeontactics:steel_chestplate=6 dungeontactics:steel_leggings=5 dungeontactics:steel_boots=2 endreborn:armour_helmet_helmet=5 endreborn:armour_helmet_obsidian=5 endreborn:armour_chestplate_obsidian=10 endreborn:armour_leggings_obsidian=7 endreborn:armour_boots_obsidian=4 mod_lavacow:felarmor_helmet=1 mod_lavacow:felarmor_chestplate=3 mod_lavacow:felarmor_leggings=2 mod_lavacow:felarmor_boots=1 mod_lavacow:swinemask=0.25 mod_lavacow:swinearmor_chestplate=3 mod_lavacow:swinearmor_leggings=2 mod_lavacow:swinearmor_boots=1 mod_lavacow:faminearmor_helmet=1 mod_lavacow:faminearmor_chestplate=2 mod_lavacow:faminearmor_leggings=1 mod_lavacow:faminearmor_boots=0.5 iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_helmet=1 iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_silver_metal_boots=1 iceandfire:deathworm_yellow_helmet=1 iceandfire:deathworm_yellow_chestplate=3 iceandfire:deathworm_yellow_leggings=2 iceandfire:deathworm_yellow_boots=1 iceandfire:deathworm_white_helmet=1 iceandfire:deathworm_white_chestplate=3 iceandfire:deathworm_white_leggings=2 iceandfire:deathworm_white_boots=1 iceandfire:deathworm_red_helmet=1 iceandfire:deathworm_red_chestplate=3 iceandfire:deathworm_red_leggings=2 iceandfire:deathworm_red_boots=1 iceandfire:myrmex_desert_helmet=1 iceandfire:myrmex_desert_chestplate=2 iceandfire:myrmex_desert_leggings=1.5 iceandfire:myrmex_desert_boots=0.5 iceandfire:myrmex_jungle_helmet=1 iceandfire:myrmex_jungle_chestplate=2 iceandfire:myrmex_jungle_leggings=1.5 iceandfire:myrmex_jungle_boots=0.5 iceandfire:dragonsteel_fire_helmet=3 iceandfire:dragonsteel_fire_chestplate=7 iceandfire:dragonsteel_fire_leggings=5 iceandfire:dragonsteel_fire_boots=3 iceandfire:dragonsteel_ice_helmet=3 iceandfire:dragonsteel_ice_chestplate=7 iceandfire:dragonsteel_ice_leggings=5 iceandfire:dragonsteel_ice_boots=3 iceandfire:armor_red_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_red_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_red_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_red_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_bronze_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_bronze_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_bronze_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_bronze_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_green_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_green_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_green_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_green_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_gray_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_gray_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_gray_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_gray_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_blue_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_blue_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_blue_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_blue_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_white_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_white_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_white_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_white_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_sapphire_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_sapphire_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_sapphire_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_sapphire_boots=1 iceandfire:armor_silver_helmet=2 iceandfire:armor_silver_chestplate=3 iceandfire:armor_silver_leggings=2 iceandfire:armor_silver_boots=1 iceandfire:tide_blue_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_blue_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_blue_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_blue_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_bronze_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_bronze_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_bronze_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_bronze_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_deepblue_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_deepblue_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_deepblue_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_deepblue_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_green_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_green_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_green_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_green_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_purple_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_purple_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_purple_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_purple_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_red_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_red_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_red_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_red_boots=0.5 iceandfire:tide_teal_helmet=0.5 iceandfire:tide_teal_chestplate=2 iceandfire:tide_teal_leggings=1 iceandfire:tide_teal_boots=0.5 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_helmet=1 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_chestplate=3 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_leggings=2 iceandfire:forest_troll_leather_boots=1 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_helmet=1 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_chestplate=3 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_leggings=2 iceandfire:frost_troll_leather_boots=1 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_helmet=1 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_chestplate=3 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_leggings=2 iceandfire:mountain_troll_leather_boots=1 iceandfire:sheep_helmet=0.25 iceandfire:sheep_chestplate=1 iceandfire:sheep_leggings=0.5 iceandfire:sheep_boots=0.25 mowziesmobs:wrought_helmet=2 mowziesmobs:barako_mask=1 mowziesmobs:barakoa_mask_fury=0.25 mowziesmobs:barakoa_mask_fear=0.25 mowziesmobs:barakoa_mask_rage=0.25 mowziesmobs:barakoa_mask_misery=0.25 netherex:wither_bone_helmet=0.25 netherex:wither_bone_chestplate=2 netherex:wither_bone_leggings=1 netherex:wither_bone_boots=0.25 primitivemobs:camouflage_helmet=0.15 primitivemobs:camouflage_chestplate=1 primitivemobs:camouflage_boots=0.15 primitivemobs:camouflage_leggings=0.5 rats:farmer_hat=0.1 rats:fisherman_hat=0.1 rats:top_hat=0.1 rats:santa_hat=0.1 rats:plague_doctor_mask=0.15 rats:black_death_mask=0.15 simpleores:mythril_helmet=1 simpleores:mythril_chestplate=2 simpleores:mythril_leggings=1 simpleores:mythril_boots=0.5 simpleores:adamantium_helmet=1 simpleores:adamantium_chestplate=3 simpleores:adamantium_leggings=2 simpleores:adamantium_boots=1 simpleores:onyx_helmet=5 simpleores:onyx_chestplate=7 simpleores:onyx_leggings=6 simpleores:onyx_boots=5 toroquest:toro_armor_boots=0.1 toroquest:toro_armor_leggings=0.5 toroquest:toro_armor_helmet=0.1 toroquest:toro_armor_chestplate=1 toroquest:royal_boots=0.25 toroquest:royal_leggings=1 toroquest:royal_helmet=0.25 toroquest:royal_chestplate=2 toroquest:legendary_bandit_helmet=0.1 toroquest:samurai_boots=0.15 toroquest:samurai_leggings=0.45 toroquest:samurai_helmet=0.15 toroquest:samurai_chestplate=1 betteranimalsplus:hirschgeistskullwearable=0.5 aether_legacy:zanite_helmet=3 aether_legacy:zanite_chestplate=6 aether_legacy:zanite_leggings=4 aether_legacy:zanite_boots=2 aether_legacy:gravitite_helmet=3 aether_legacy:gravitite_chestplate=5 aether_legacy:gravitite_leggings=2 aether_legacy:gravitite_boots=0.5 aether_legacy:neptune_helmet=1 aether_legacy:neptune_chestplate=4 aether_legacy:neptune_leggings=2 aether_legacy:neptune_boots=1 aether_legacy:phoenix_helmet=0.25 aether_legacy:phoenix_chestplate=1 aether_legacy:phoenix_leggings=0.5 aether_legacy:phoenix_boots=0.25 aether_legacy:valkyrie_helmet=2 aether_legacy:valkyrie_chestplate=4 aether_legacy:valkyrie_leggings=3 aether_legacy:valkyrie_boots=2 aether_legacy:sentry_boots=2 defiledlands:scale_boots=2 defiledlands:scale_leggings=3 defiledlands:scale_chestplate=5 defiledlands:scale_helmet=3 defiledlands:scale_golden_boots=2 defiledlands:scale_golden_leggings=3 defiledlands:scale_golden_chestplate=5 defiledlands:scale_golden_helmet=3 nyx:meteor_boots=3 nyx:meteor_pants=4 nyx:meteor_chest=6 nyx:meteor_helm=3 ceramics:clay_boots=1 ceramics:clay_leggings=2 ceramics:clay_chestplate=3 ceramics:clay_helmet=1 dungeontactics:bounce_boots=2 > } gamestages { # The name of a gamestage that will allow the player to dodge in midair. This does not require 'Dodging Requires Gamestage' to be enabled to work. =! Requires GameStages to be Installed != S:"Airborne Gamestage Name"=elenai_dodge_airborne # The name of the required gamestage =! Requires GameStages to be Installed != S:"Dodging Gamestage Name"=elenai_dodge # Whether the player requires a gamestage to dodge =! Requires GameStages to be Installed != B:"Dodging Requires Gamestage"=false } misc { # Whether the Player's dodge creates a puff of smoke. B:"Enable Particles"=true # Whether the Player dodge is weaker in the End. B:"End Dodge"=true # Whether the Player dodges further in the Nether. B:"Nether Dodge"=true } walljump { # How much farther from the Wall you can stand to Wall Jump. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.6 D:Distance=0.12 # Whether the Player can Wall Jump by pressing jump again with their back to a wall. This value does nothing if Reskillable is installed as wall jumping is unlocked as a trait. This value can also be overriden by the 'Nimble' potion effect. B:"Enable Wall Jump"=false # How much exhaustion is added when wall jumping. For reference, sprinting adds 0.01 exhaustion per meter, and the Hunger effect adds 0.1 per second. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 40.0 D:Exhaustion=0.4 # Whether the Player can Wall Jump when falling. B:"Falling Wall Jump"=true I:"Forgiving Angle"=10 # The forwards force of the player's wall jump. (How far they are pushed in the direction they are facing). This value is very sensitive. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Forwards Force"=0.2 # How many half drumsticks the player needs to wall jump. The default six is the same as sprinting. # Min: -1 # Max: 20 I:"Hunger Requirement"=6 # How far the player can fall whilst still being able to Wall Jump. Set this value to 0 to allow Wall Jumping from any fall distance. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Maximum Fall Distance"=1.5 # How many Wall Jumps the player can perform before touching the ground again. Set this value to 0 to allow infinite Wall Jumps. # Min: 0 # Max: 5 I:"Maximum Wall Jumps"=3 # Whether the Player can Wall Jump in a one block gap. B:"One Block Wall Jump"=false # The outwards force of the player's wall jump. (How far they are pushed away from the wall). This value is very sensitive. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Outwards Force"=0.3 # How far (as a percentage from 0 to 1) the player must face away from the wall to Wall Jump. # Min: 0 # Max: 1 D:"Required Angle"=0.2 # Whether to use the Player's current Velocity when calculating Wall Jump distancing. If disabled, please note Verticality, Forwards Force and Outwards Force will be more powerful and may need to be lowered. B:"Use Existing Velocity"=true # How high the player jumps. This value will affect distance jumped due to airtime. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:Verticality=0.32 # How many ticks the player must wait between Wall Jumps. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Wall Jump Cooldown"=5 advanced { # Wall Jump Block Collision is checked by three points, one directly behind the player, and two behind the player at an angle (left and right). This value determines how far out these angled points are from the center line. Think of this as a clock, where 6 O'Clock is directly behind the player, and setting this to 90 degrees would create a point at 9 O'Clock and 3' O'Clock. The default of 40 is recommended. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 90.0 D:"Detection Angle"=40.0 # Wall Jump Block Collision is checked by three points, one directly behind the player, and two behind the player at an angle (left and right). This value determines how far away from the player these angled points are in relation to the center line's length, where 1 is equivalent to 100% the length of the center line (determined as 'distance' on previous page) and 0.8 is 80% of that distance. The default of 0.8 is recommended. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:"Detection Angle Length"=0.8 # Casual Players, turn back now! These values are for finetuning the mod and playtesting. You can adjust the Wall Jump distance, angle, force etc. in the previous page. B:"Read Me! (Hover Mouse Here)"=true } } ledgegrab { # How much farther from the Wall you can stand to Ledge Grab. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.6 D:Distance=0.12 # Whether the Player can Ledge Grab by pressing jump again with their face to the top of a wall. This value does nothing if Reskillable is installed as ledge grabbing is unlocked as a trait. This value can also be overriden by the 'Climber' potion effect. B:"Enable Ledge Grab"=false # How much exhaustion is added when ledge grabbing. For reference, sprinting adds 0.01 exhaustion per meter, and the Hunger effect adds 0.1 per second. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 40.0 D:Exhaustion=0.4 # How much extra height you have for ledge grabbing. Set to at least 0.2 to allow for Ledge Grabbing up 2 and a Half Blocks. When you increase this, be aware you will also need to increase the Upwards Force variable to complete the ledge grab. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:"Extra Height"=0.0 # Whether the Player can Ledge Grab when falling B:"Falling Ledge Grab"=true # The forwards force of the player's ledge grab. (How far they are pushed in the direction they are facing). This value is very sensitive. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Forwards Force"=0.2 # How many half drumsticks the player needs to ledge grab. The default six is the same as sprinting. # Min: -1 # Max: 20 I:"Hunger Requirement"=6 # How many ticks the player must wait between Ledge Grabs. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Ledge Grab Cooldown"=15 # How far the player can fall whilst still being able to Ledge Grab. Set this value to 0 to allow Ledge Grabbing from any fall distance. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Maximum Fall Distance"=5.0 # How many Ledge Grabs the player can perform before touching the ground again. Set this value to 0 to allow infinite Ledge Grabs. # Min: 0 # Max: 5 I:"Maximum Ledge Grabs"=3 # How far (as a percentage from 0 to 1) the player must face towards the wall to Ledge Grab. # Min: 0 # Max: 1 D:"Required Angle"=0.7 # The upwards force of the player's ledge grab. (How far they are pushed upwards). This value is very sensitive. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:"Upwards Force"=0.48 # Whether to use the Player's current Velocity when calculating Ledge Grab distancing. B:"Use Existing Velocity"=false } } }