{ title: "&5Arcane Workbench", x: 22.0d, y: 1.0d, description: "&oI have no &9&oMana&7&o and I must &2&oArtifice&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&7Dash &dSalis Mundus&7 onto a &5Crafting Table&7 to create an &5Arcane Workbench&7.", "The &5Arcane Workbench&7 requires &dVis&7 and &dVis Crystals&7 to craft magical items.", "&dVis&7 is drawn from the Aura upon crafting, while the Crystals are inserted into 6 outer slots, one for each &dPrimal Aspect&7, and will sit until spent." ], dependencies: [ "5ff4f44c" ], tasks: [{ uid: "661564e3", type: "observation", title: "Look at an &5Arcane Workbench", icon: "thaumcraft:arcane_workbench", match_type: "block_id", match: "thaumcraft:arcane_workbench", timer: 0L }], rewards: [{ uid: "78d6c987", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 50L }, { uid: "5632f169", type: "loot", table: 1 }] }