If you used any Extracells2 items, they may disappear since update 3.4.7 3.4.10 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Dimensional Edibles Nomifactory-Edition # Restricted Portals # AE2 # AttributeFix # Corail Tombstone # Crafttweaker # Foamfix # Inventory Tweaks # LootTableTweaker # OpenComputers §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed Infinity Armor being uncraftable # Overworld apples and cakes should no longer crash you but they will only teleport you back to world spawn # Fixed issue with philosopher's stone, you're not getting it back unless you're in normal mode §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you used any Extracells2 items, they may disappear since update 3.4.7 3.4.9 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Downgraded Ender IO further §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed aluminum seed extended crafting recipe - Thanks Goldengun111 & Dididi # Fixed XP Obelisk issue # Removed Overworld cake and apples entirely, replaced reward with waystones instead # Did something with Red matter §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you used any Extracells2 items, they may disappear since update 3.4.7 3.4.8 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # §6Fixes All modes: # Probably fixed Creative tank being used in other recipes # Fixed Creative Fluid tank recipe using Gas components instead of Fluid # Fixed Titan mode and mythic mode Hephite plate recipes §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you used any Extracells2 items, they may disappear in this update 3.4.7 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Added BisectHosting Server Integration Menu # Replaced ExtraCells2 with AEAdditions # Replaced AE2 with AE2 extended_life # Replaced Exteneded Crafting with Extended Crafting Nomifactory-Edition # Corail Tombstone # Crafttweaker # Creative Core # DarknessLib # Embers Rekindled # WanionLib # ExtraPlanets # NuclearCraft # Hammerlib # Magneticraft # Bibliocraft §6Fixes All modes: # Reactivated Waiting Time (Pong), If you don't want it you can remove it # Removed Indexer # Fixed isssues from replacing Extracells # Fixed Complex Earth Crystal recipe in Arcane Contruct # Removed EMC values from items that are no longer in the pack # Fixed an Actuallyadditions item causing mayhem # Changed Kireina_Asrai_ite Gear to HanaRyokoium Gear §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.6 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Downgraded Endertweaker again §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.5 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # CraftTweaker # Hammerlib # Corail Tombstone # Packmodemenu # CraftTweaker # CreativeCore # Forge 2860 # WanionLib # Unidict # PackModeMenu # Downgraded EnderIO, Endertweaker and ESM §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed sand Auto Sieve recipes # Totally didn't forget about all_extended.zs you're imagining it # Fixed some ESM issues # Maybe fixed Dimensional Edibles §6Fixes Titan mode: # Maybe fixed philosohers' stone recipe §6Fixes Kappa mode: # No longer 2 recipes for empty PCB §6Fixes Mythic mode: # §6WTF: # Restonia tinkers' weapons don't level up # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes # Endertweaker is broken and won't remove default alloy smelter recipes GLHF # Mob Swabbing Hydra base (body) crashes the game, the head works fine though §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.4 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # ItemPhysics §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6Fixes Mythic mode: # Fixed bad recipe loop # Changed creative chest recipe §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take 1 item out then replace them # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.3 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # omlib # OpenModularTurrets # Crafttweaker # CreativeCore # Magneticraft # Modtweaker # MysticalLib §6Features: # Changed recipe speed for auto dissolver §6Fixes All modes: # Reduced the amount of materials required to create a singularity from 9001 to 1000 # Kappa and Mythic, changed Braelynxx gear to use botania:shinyflower:2 rather than creative essence §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6Fixes Mythic mode: # Changed tome of knowledge and neutron collector recipes # Changed Endest pearl and prism block recipes §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work break the crafting table then try again # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.2 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Forge 2855 # MysticalLib §6Features: # Changed DatFailium plate to CriticalJessium plate # Added Prism block for use in mythic mode only # Added empowered block recipes to the mechanical empowerer §6Fixes All modes: # Added recipe in the sludge refiner for grave dust # Changed pressure chamber blocks for Neptune's Blue Gem blocks in the Optimized Assembly §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6Fixes Mythic mode: # Fixed recipe loop in creative generator recipe # Changed recipe for 4 custom ingots §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work break the crafting table then try again # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the right of the mod on curseforge launcher §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.1 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Abyssalcraft/Integration # B.A.S.E # CraftTweaker # CreativeCore # DarknessLib # Draconic Evolution # Grue # MysticalLib # Endertweaker (can't upload to curseforge with this version) §6Features: # Changed texture of infinite chaos bauble §6Fixes All modes: # Disabled Greenhouses # Changed recipe for some compact machines §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Fixed crystaltine ingot recipe # Fixed tome of knowledge recipe # Changed recipe for Alloy Smelter because mythic §6Fixes Mythic mode: # Adjusted some creative item recipes # Fixed crystaltine ingot recipe # Changed ender bucket recipe # Changed recipes that used glowstone dust §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work break the crafting table then try again # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitc §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4.0 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # PackModeMenu # Copy-Paste # Compact Machines §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # Chance Cubes # Agricraft # AbyssalCraft # ActuallyAdditions # Avaritia # Biolib # Biometweaker # Broken Wings # Ceramics # Corail Tombstone # Crafttweaker # CreativeCore # CyclopsCore # Dimensional Edibles # Embers Rekindled # Ender IO # Ender IO Endergy # Ender Tweaker # Expanded Equivalence # Extra Planets # Extremem Reactors # Foamfix # FTBUtilities # HammerCore # InfinityLib # Integration Foregoing # GunpowderLib # Lord Craft # Materialis # MysticalLib # NuclearCraft # OpenModularPassiveDefense # Patchouli # Random Patches # Simple Sponge # Simply Jetpacks # Erebus # Tinkers' Reforged # Tweakers Construct # Unidict # ZeroCore §6Features: # Re-enabled FTB chunk loading # Added pyrotheum as a fuel for Furnace Overhaul furnaces (This does not quicken them at all however) # Added the Optimized Assembly # Added Bisect Hosting button to extras menu # Added 1 quest # Added rewards to 4 quests §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed a bunch of recipes (ore-dicted most) # Quest complete sound is a lot quieter now (or it should be) # Changed the look of the Super Reactor # Removed deprecated types in all Modular Machinery recipes (just removes some logging stuff) §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6Fixes Mythic mode: # Lets hope the philosohers' stone is fixed in this # Adjusted many recipes that use redstone dust # Added recipe for omen ingot (recipe does use chaos planks) # Added recipe for creative me storage cell §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work break the crafting table then try again # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitc §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.61 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed all issues dealing with Simply Jetpacks §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.60 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # Bio Library §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # Forge- # AbyssalCraft # Appleskin # Astral Sorcery # Avaritia's Complement # Biometweaker # BrandonsCore # Building Gadgets # Controlling # Corail Tombstone # Crafttweaker # CreativeCore # CyclopsCore # Draconic Evolution # Embers Rekindled # Ender IO # Ender IO Endergy # Everlasting Abilities # Expanded Equivalence # ExtraPlanets # FTBLib/Utilities # Hammerlib # JEI # MJRLegendsLib # NetherEndingOres # NuclearCraft # Patchouli # Phosphor # Pneumaticcraft # ProjectEX # Randompatches # Simply Jetpacks # SolarFluxReborn # Soot # Tinkers Reforged # Tweakers Construct # Twilight Forest # Unidict # WanionLib §6Features: # Improved Modular Auto Sieve (50% faster and twice the output) # Added Arc Furnace recipe for electrotine alloy # Added EMC to Neutral Steel of the 6th Degree # Added back Anti Barrel (if you get slowed down opening the inventory, oh well) # Added 8x Compressed Emerald Blocks (about 6.3 Trillion EMC) §6Fixes All modes: # Removed magneticraft fabricator # Fixed alumite quest that should be melodic # Turned off some debug access config in Open Computers §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Kappatized dislocator pedestal # Improved Red Alloy and Electrotine Alloy Nuclearcraft recipes §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Don't use Aluminum wires at all except for recipes §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.59 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # §6Removed Mods: # Modular Diversity (took too long to update and I've waited) # Wireless Fluid Terminal (server side crash) # Wireless Pattern Terminal (crashes with processing patterns) §6Updated Mods: # AppleCore # Astral Sorcery # CraftTweaker # CreativeCore # EnderCore # Galacticraft # Immersive Engineering # Modular Machinery # OpenModularTurrets # RebornCore §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Reduced power consumption of Portality multiblocks # Fixed an Mechanical Empowerer recipe # Removed compass and clock induction smelter recipe # Fixed neutral steel of the 4th to 5th recipe # Replaced Laser Cutter with Multi Compressor # Fixed Arcane Construct muliblock and recipes # Replaced Magic Converter with Chaos Crucible §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Kappatized dislocator pedestal §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Wireless Pattern Terminal having an issue creating patterns for machines §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.58 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # /Dank/Null # Abyssalcraft/Integration # AppleCore # ArmorPlus # Better Questing # Corail Tombstone # CraftTweaker # CreativeCore # CyclopsCore # ItemPhysics # Materialis # NuclearCraft # OpenModularTurrets # Storage Drawers # Tinkers Reforged §6Features: # RFTools infused enderpearls now stack to 64 # Changed the patient bag item to gaia spirits # Added Mechanical Empowerer for all your capacitor troubles §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed the melting of Thermal materials in the smeltery # Fixed the casting of Thermal materials in the smeltery # Increased energy storage within the PRC # Added recipe to rf transformer # dank/null dupe when dropping and opening gui # Fixed a bunch of stuff that I probably forgot §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Kappatized Endest Pearl and Ultimate Stew recipe §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B (maybe due to transfer rates being too high?) # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Wireless Pattern Terminal having an issue creating patterns for machines §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.57 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # ItemPhysics # Tinkers Reforged §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed Quantum Compressor quest description §6Fixes Normal mode: # Fixed WoA recipe §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Fixed creative modifier recipe # Fixed aluminum seed recipe §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3.56 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Added Mods: # Wireless Pattern Terminal # AE2 Wireless Interface Terminal # AE2 Wireless Fluid Terminal # Tinkers' Reforged # Materialis §6Removed Mods: # Plustic # LandCore # LandCraft §6Updated Mods: # /Dank/Null # Abyssalcraft / Integration # ArmorPlus # AromaCore # Astral Sorcery # Better Questing # Building Gadgets # Chisel # COFH Core/World # CTM # Controlling # Corail Tombstone # CraftTweaker # Creative Core # CyclopsCore # Epic Siege Mod # Extra Planets # Galacticraft # Grue # Hammer Core # JourneyMap # Magneticraft # MysticalLib # NetherEndingOres # NuclearCraft # OpenModularTurrets # Pneumaticcraft # Quark # Randompatches # RebornCore # RedstoneArsenal # Redstone Flux # Thermal Series # Tweakers Construct # Wawla §6Features: # Added Neutral Steel of the First Degree - Eleventh Degree # FTBUtilitiesBackups will now backup every 30 minutes rather than 2 hours # Added chisel blocks to microblocks config (This took way too long) # Adjust armor progression to be able to craft some armors into the next tier even if its damaged §6Fixes All modes: # Blacklisted depth ghouls and robit in mob duplicator # Applied fix: Added all ForgeMultipart blocks to the mekanism Box Blacklist # Removed some chance cube rewards # Changed Extended Crafting Ender ingot into Void ingot # Fixed a lot of recipes in all modes §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6WTF: # Some energy storages reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in by hand or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal # Disabled Waiting Time mod (Pong) you may re-enable by removing .disabled from the jar file or unlock the pack profile then click the slider on the left of the mod on twitchapp §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.55 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # Corail Tombstone # CreativeCore # Furnace Overhaul # Galacticraft # NuclearCraft §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Removed broken lunar singularity recipe because extended crafting doesn't like to work correctly # Fixed liquid infinity to ingot recipe # Items and blocks will no longer instant unify in the GUI # Adjusted nuclearcraft fission power generation between different fuels §6Fixes Normal mode: §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Waiting for Modular Diversity to update §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.54 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # CreativeCore # Furnace Overhaul # NuclearCraft # Pneumaticcraft §6Features: # Added EMC to a few items and blocks # Changed Alloy Transformer to use items rather than liquids §6Fixes All modes: # Added recipes for compressed magnesium # Fixed recipes using extra planets magnesium # Fixed molten abyssalnite recipe in melter # Fixed crystal matrix ingot recipe # Fixed lunar singularity to use blocks of lunar §6Fixes Normal mode: §6Fixes Titan mode: # Probably fixed WoA recipe §6Fixes Kappa mode: # "Adjusted" ToK recipe §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Waiting for Modular Diversity to update §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.53 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Removed Mods: # §6Updated Mods: # AbyssalCraft # Apotheosis # Building Gadgets # Corail Tombstone # CreativeCore # Integration Foregoing # ItemPhysics # Modular Diversity # Open Modular Turrets # Ore Excavation # Pams HarvestCraft # Pneumaticcraft # Random Things # RebornCore # Simple Sponge # Tconstruct # Added GunpowderLib §6Features: # Added Tomatillo and Juniperberry seeds to market # Added more Chance Cube rewards # Added molten abyssalnite recipe to melter §6Fixes All modes: # Turned off weed plant in agricraft # Changed recipe of water and fire crystals in the Arcane Construct because buckets # Fixed disabled chance cube reward json # Fixed latex processing unit removal location # Fixed location of matrix ingot recipe removal # Fixed some recipes # Slightly moved coordinates that the end cake sends you to §6Fixes Normal mode: # Fixed some recipes §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Probably fixed chaos catalyst recipe # Replaced ram chip with time absorber in chaos catalyst recipe §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Waiting for Modular Diversity to update §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.52 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Removed Mods: # TickProfiler §6Updated Mods: # Better Questing # Building Gadgets # Chance Cubes # Corail Tombstone # CyclopsCore # DarknessLib # FTBLib # Grue # Hammer Core # ItemPhysics # JourneyMap # Modtweaker # Overloaded # Pneumaticcraft # Quark # SolarFluxReborn # Storage Drawers # Tesla Core Lib # TConstruct # Unidict # Wawla §6Features: # Changed textures of 3 landia blocks §6Fixes All modes: # Adjusted instantunify and unidict # Removed all ExUtils transfer nodes due to potential lag # Removed extra steel armors # Removed extra lapis armor # Removed extra knightslime armor # Changed bucket cast recipe # Fixed some things with MPUtils # Halved the ESM boss kill modifier again because players getting one shot by mobs # Turned off Expanded Equivalence Botania config # Liveroot can no longer be used with the builder wands # Fixed issue with a voidcraft entry in Apotheosis config # Fixed recipe dupes involving tungsten and coal # Fixed some biometweaker scripts §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # Adjusted some recipes to hopefully fix them §6Fixes Kappa mode: # Changed recipe of overloaded energy core §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack # OC spamming some error in the logs in first load of a world # Waiting for Modular Diversity to update §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.51 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # Epic Siege Mod §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Attempt to fix loot chest loot §6Fixes Normal mode: # Fixed diamond essence to diamonds recipe §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.50 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # AbyssalCraft # ArmorPlus # Astral Sorcery # Chance Cubes # Epic Siege Mod # HammerCore # JourneyMap # OMLib # OpenModularTurrets # Pneumaticcraft §6Features: # Released Kappa Mode §6Fixes All modes: # Adjusted mana generation in some magica converter recipes # Made 3 more Laser Cutter recipes # Changed desh laser cutter recipe # Changed a Skylandsforge config §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode: # §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.49 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Updated Mods: # BrandonsCore/Draconic Evolution # Chance Cubes # HammerCore # JourneyMap # MysticalLib # Unidict §6Features: # §6Fixes All modes: # Fixed mana shard recipe in Arcane Construct §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode (currently in testing): # §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2.48 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) §6Removed Mods: # Unloader # XCPatch # Void Craft # TamModized §6Updated Mods: # AbyssalCraft # ArmorPlus # Astral Sorcery # Aroma1997sCore # Better Questing # Standard Expansion # Chance Cubes # Controlling # CookingForBlockheads # CreativeCore # Custom Main Menu # ElecCore # EnderIO/Endergy # Ender Tweaker # ExtraCells2 # ExtraPlanets # HammerCore # Lost Cities # MysticalLib # NuclearCraft # Pneumaticcraft # Randompatches # RebornCore # RFTools # SimpleTrophies # Tombstone # Tweakers Construct # Waystones §6Features: # Added the Arcane Construct # Added Alloy Transformer # Added plustic alloys to Alloy Transformer # Added Lord Craft recipes to Extended Crafting and Arcane Construct §6Fixes All modes: # Messed with Ozone theme in BQ # Added a tooltip for Ore Processing upgrade to clarify what it does # Fixed kelline and garfax quests # Change a config in Randompatches # Fixed 2 quests # Halved ESM boss kill modifier # Blacklisted wolves from AI modifications by ESM # Added dragon scales to woot custom drops list # Made woot spawn ticks the same for Ender Dragon, Wither, and Big Brother §6Fixes Normal mode: # §6Fixes Titan mode: # §6Fixes Kappa mode (currently in testing): # Probably fixed Creative mill recipe # Fixed aluminum rod crafting recipe # Fixed fluix seed recipe # Added recipes to magneticraft items/blocks # Redone the Alchemy and conjuration recipes a little # Split kappa_recipes.zs into kappa_recipes_2.zs because it was too large for crafttweaker # Changed Irradiant star in Chaos Catalyst recipe # Probably fixed overloaded energy core recipe # Possibly fixed Staff of Power recipe §6WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in or restart the pack §6Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1.47 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # Actually Additions # ArmorPlus # Better Questing # Bonsai Trees # Botania # Corail Tombstone # CraftTweaker # CreativeCore # FastWorkbench # Foamfix # HammerCore # JEI # JourneyMap # NuclearCraft # Tinkers' Complement Features: # Added two recipes to make the bucket cast from a clay bucket # Added recipe for the dreadlands infused powerstone because servers # Added quests Fixes All modes: # Fixed creative fluid tank quest # Fixed titanium compression recipe # Oredicted enderman and frienderman skulls to itemSkull # Slightly fixed RAK texture # All storage drawers will now drop its contents upon breaking because framed drawers would void contents if broken with the keep contents config on # Adjusted quest descriptions # Laser Cutter meteoric iron recipe is now 1 to 1 # Fixed netherex basalt registry names in chisel.zs # Halved the cooling of cryotheum in Fission Reactors # Removed ESM dimension changing resistance effect Fixes Normal mode: # Fixes Titan mode: # Fixes Kappa mode (currently in testing): # Removed some Enderio recipes from TConstruct smeltery # Fixed recipe for Quantum storage unit # Adjusted RFTools storage scanner recipe # Removed ingot to block recipes that have singularities (left a few out) # Added more factorizer recipes # Removed and added a recipe for blutonium # Changed dynamo recipes # Fixed Aluminumbrass seed recipe # Changed recipe for fiery ingots # Fixed issue with lunar singularity WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1.46 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # /Dank/Null # AbyssalCraft # ActuallyAdditions # AE2WTLib # Apotheosis # Better Questing/Standard Expansion # Bookshelf # Building Gadgets # CreativeCore # CTM # CyclopsCore # DarkUtils # Enderman Evolution # Erebus # Everlasting Abilities # Extra Planets # Foamfix # FTBLib # FTBUtilities # Grue # Hunting Dimension # ItemPhysics # Lordcraft # Mekanism # OpenComputers # P455w0rd's Library # Project Intelligence # Random Patches # Wireless Crafting Terminal Features: # Void Stars should stack now # Added 49 more singularities # Ultimate singularities will now stack to 64 Fixes All modes: # Removed lush caves # Patient bags will no longer drop nether stars they will drop diamond blocks instead # Added another recipe for buckets (its the same recipe just moved up) # Changed some embers stamper to Tconstruct recipes to use correct fluid values # Fixed a bunch of quest descriptions # Added a few ores to the orechid # Re-added EMC to Constantan # Removed extra diamond essence to diamonds recipe # Milk, lava, and water buckets will no longer stack to 64 # Adjusted BQ loot chest weighting # All singularities will use blocks instead of ingots in their recipes Fixes Normal mode: # Fixes Titan mode: # Added missing nbt data for ITB recipe and WoA recipe Fixes Kappa mode (currently in testing): # Changed energetic silver alloy to use electrotine dust instead of redstone solving the recipe conflict # Removed redstone ore star infusion recipe into redstone block # Changed recipe for block based essences to use Landia's metal blocks # Changed redstone block factorizer recipe # Added an electrotine factorizer recipe # Electrotine kiln recipe is now faster # Changed some recipes for random things' items # Fixed agricraft seeds not crafting because nbt data # Changed recipe of thermalsolars upgrades # Changed quantum quarry recipe # Changed manasteel block recipe # Fixed issue with shapeless recipe for electrotine block # Agricraft seeds that have a crafting recipe now require 10/10/10 seeds to make said seeds # Imported titan modes storage drawer upgrade recipes # Changed tier 6 MA seed recipes # Removed alloy recipes in the nuclearcraft alloy furnace # Changed the recipe of the blocks used for the quantum storage multiblock # Adjusted energy condenser recipes # Removed manasteel block to elementium block recipe # Changed WoA recipe to use mirion singularity instead of ingots # Changed Garden Cloche recipe WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in Notes: # Every pack update the packmode config will reset to normal §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1.45 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2847 # AbyssalCraft # Apotheosis # ArmorPlus # Better Questing/Standard Expansion (things may get weird) # Blood Magic # Broken Wings # Chisel # Corail Tombstone # CreativeCore # CTM # CyclopsCore # EnderIO/Endergy/Core # Exnihilocreatio # ExtraCells2 # ExtraPlanets # Foamfix # FTBLib/Utilities/Backups # Grue # HammerCore # Immersive Engineering # ItemPhysics # JEI # LibraryEx # Lordcraft # Magneticraft # Mekanism # MJRLegends Lib # Modular Diversity # MysticalLib # NuclearCraft # Ore Excavation # Pneumaticcraft # Progressive Bosses # Random Patches # RebornCore # TConstruct # Twilight Forest # Unidict # WanionLib # YABBA # Disabled XCPatch # Removed Avaritia Tweaks # Added Avaritia's Complement Features: # Fixes: # Added missing RAK for Enderium Upgrade Kit quest # Removed oreSilver oredict from Galena ore # Fixed Astral Sorcery book quest # Fixed messed up crushed netherrack recipe # Item despawn lowered to 6 mins with ItemPhysics # Fixed misspelling of the word "by" # Removed emc value from extra planet tungsten armor and hid it from JEI # Changed tier 1 armor progression to make a little more sense # Mobs will no longer spawn with mekanism armor # Changed steel alloy rate in Tinker's Contruct # Changed diamond blocks to get to the lost cities dimension to the armorplus lava crystal blocks WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in Notes: §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1.44 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # Features: # Fixes: # Fixed energy condenser recipe in Titan mode # Fixed server files because Cazador forgot to put /Dank/Null in it... # Fixed pregenerated EMC file WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in Notes: §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1.43 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # AbyssalCraft # ActuallyAdditions # Blood Magic # Botania # Building Gadgets # CodeChickenLib # Corail Tombstone # EnderCore # Exnihilocreatio # Extended Crafting # FTBLib/Utilities # Galacticraft # Immersive Engineering # JEE # Magneticraft # MysticalLib # NetherEx # Nuclearcraft # Pam's HarvestCraft # Plustic # Random Patches # RebornCore # Shadowfacts Forgelin # Simply Jetpacks # SolarFluxReborn # Storage Drawers # /Dank/Null returns Features: # Improved mekanism energy cubes and cables energy capacity # Improved Quantum Entangloporter's energy, gas, and fluid capabilities # Improved some quest book info concerning the last bit of Lordcraft's research # Added /Dank/Null quests back # Added embers stamper recipes to other mods (may have forgotten some let me know) # Added Titan mode Fixes: # Added mules to IF mob duplicator blacklist # Fixed Ghast Queen quest # Fixed issue with an untextured blood sapling in sieving tainted soil # Fixed Epeolatry V quest # Fixed description in transmutator quest # Fixed crushed netherrack issue with hammers # Enabled Astral Sorcery structure generation on super flat worlds # Fixed misspelling of the word "done" WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 upon reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this # Crafting certain extended crafting recipes gets wonky so if it doesn't work take the items out then put them back in Notes: §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.42 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating and "/bq_admin default load" after updating) Updated Mods: # Abyssalcraft # AbyssalCraft Integration # ActuallyAdditions # AE2 # Apotheosis # Astral Sorcery # AutoRegLib # BrandonsCore # Building Gadgets # Chance Cubes # Chicken Chunks # CodeChickenLib # CreativeCore # Cyclops Core # Draconic Evolution # EnderIO/Endergy/Core # Enderman Evolution # Ender Storage # Epic Siege Mod # ExNihiloCreatio # Expanded Equivalence # Extended Crafting # ExtraPlanets # Forge Multipart # FTBLib # FTBUtilities # FTBUtilitiesBackups # Galacticraft # HammerCore # Industrial Foregoing # Iron Chests # JEI # JourneyMap # LibEx # Lostcities # Magneticraft # McJtyLib # Mekanism # ModelLoader # Mod Name Tooltip # Modular Diversity # More Overlays # MrTJPCore # MysticalLib # NetherEx # Nuclearcraft # P455w0rd's Lib # Pam's HarvestCraft # Phosphor # Pneumaticcraft # Progressive Bosses # Project Intelligence # Projectred # ProjectEX # Quantum Storage # Quark # Random Things # Random Patches # RebornCore # Reliquery # RFTools # Simply Jetpacks # SolarFluxReborn # Thermal Solars # Translocators # XNet # Removed Unforgiving Void # Removed Dank/Null/ Features: # Did 2 things in BQ (probably won't be noticed) # Added some info for embers' borer quest # Passive mobs will spawn in ocean, deep ocean and nuclear wasteland biomes Fixes: # Some hostile mobs will spawn in the nuclear_wasteland biome # Adjusted frog spawn weight # Made nether cakes have custom coordinates so everyone will spawn in the same place instead if randomly # Fixed some titan mode things for beta testers # Fixed Arcane Forge quests # Fixed Draconic Evolution items having EMC # Fixed Constantan not having EMC # Fixed nether brick not having EMC # Fixed Frienderman item/block dupe WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 once reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this Notes: §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.41 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2838 # /Dank/Null/ # Abyssalcraft # ActuallyAdditions # AE2WTLib2 # Apotheosis # ArmorPlus # Astral Sorcery # AutoRegLib # B.A.S.E # Baubly Heart Canisters # Better Questing # Better Questing - Standard Expansion # Blockcraftery # Blood Magic # BrandonsCore # Bonsai Trees # Bookshelf # Chance Cubes # ChiselsandBits # COFH Core # COFH World # Controlling # CookingForBlockheads # Corail Tombstone # Crafttweaker # Creative Core # CyclopsCore # DarkUtils # Draconic Evolution # Ender IO # Endergy # Enderman Evolution # Ender Tweaker # EnderCore # Epic Siege Mod # Erebus # Equivalent Integration # Everlasting Abilities # Ex Nihilo Creatio # Expanded Equivalence # Extra Planets # Extreme Reactors # FarmingForBlockheads # Fastworkbench # FTBLib/Utilities # FTBUtilitiesBackups # HammerCore # Hunting Dimension # Industrial Foregoing # Iron Chests # ItemPhysic # JEE # JEI # Kleeslabs # LandCraft # Lord Craft # Lostcities # Magneticraft # Mantle # McJtyLib # Mekanism # Mike's Mods Library # Modular Diversity # Modular Machinery # MysticalLib # Mystical Agriculture/Agradditions # Natura # NuclearCraft # Open Modular Lib # Open Modular Passive Defense # OpenModularTurrets # Ore Excavation # Overloaded # Overloaded Armor Bar # Pam's Harvestcraft # Plustic # Pneumaticcraft # Portality # Progressive Bosses # ProjectE # ProjectEX # Projectred # Quantumflux # Quark # Random Patches # Redstone Arsenal # RFTools/Control/Dimensions # Simple Trophies # Simply Jetpacks # Shadowfact's Forgelin # Thermal Foundation/Dynamics/Innovation/Expansion # Tinkers Construct # Tinkers Complement # Tiny Progressions # Toast Control # Tweakers Construct # Waystones # Wawla # Wireless Crafting Terminal # Woot # XNet # YABBA # Ynot # Added Project Intelligence Features: # Thermal Foundation saw dust can now be composted into dirt # Added combination crafting for awakened core and chaotic core # Added a few Apex mobs 2 are untested, lol goodluck # Changed the Magica Converter multiblock to be simpler and smaller Fixes: # Fixed some quests that has a chargable item as a requirement # Removed mekanism recipes from Industrial Foregoing # Fixed Quori Fragment recipe concerning Hell-Infused Bookshelves # Regenerated Riteclicker's config # Adjusted somethings concerning Extended Crafting such as crafting speed, energy capacity, and energy requirement # Fixed miss information in quest book for some quests because changed configs # Changed description of Apex simple achievement # Zombie Villagers are now blacklisted from the mob duplicator # Fixed not being able to obtain capturing IV and V through enchanter # Fixed capturing in enchanter taking too many levels # Removed Thermal Solar tool recipes # Regenerated Everlasting Abilities Config # Power Stare now requires sneak to be activated (rip jade armor) # Fixed enchanter capturing recipe for some reason golden eggs was in the script instead of spores WTF: # Disabled Unforginving Void because issues with teleportation on servers, so don't fall off the platform. # Passive mobs not spawning like they're suppose to, leaving the biometweaker script in however # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 once reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this Notes: §6# Thank you to all of TheCazadorSniper's patrons on Patreon. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.40 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) */bq_admin default load* to fix quests Updated Mods: # Forge 2836 # Apotheosis # ArmorPlus # Astral Sorcery # BrandonsCore # Baubly Heart Canisters # Ceramics # Chance Cubes # CookingForBlockheads # Crafttweaker # CreativeCore # Dimensional Edibles # Draconic Evolution # Embers Rekindled # EnderCore # Enderman Evolution # Ender Tweaker # Equivalent Integration # Everlasting Abilities # ExNihiloCreatio # Extended Crafting # ExtraPlanets # Foamfix # FTBLib/Utilities/Backups # Hammer Core # Industrial Foregoing # JEI # Land Core # Land Craft # Mantle # Mekanism # Modtweaker # NotEnoughIDs # OpenModsLib/blocks # Overloaded # Overloaded Armor Bar # P455w0rd's Library # Placebo # Pneumaticcraft # Project EX # Random Things # RebornCore # Soot # TComplement # TConstruct # YABBA # Downgraded Dank/Null/ Features: # Added new quest to Lambda # Can now silktouch chance cubes using the silktouch pendent Fixes: # Changed wither and ender dragon killing tasks to retrieval tasks # Gave a Titanium to Titanium recipe because galacticraft # Fixed issues with Epeolatry quests # Removed sound mufflers because crash # Fixed orange heart canister quest because its now a yellow heart # Removed EMC from Builder's Wands because crash WTF: # Random Things spectre energy nodes cause some energy storages to reset to 0 once reaching 2.14B # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.39 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) */bq_admin default load* to fix quests Updated Mods: # Forge 2815 # ExNihiloCreatio # EnderIO/Endergy/Core # Land Craft # CreativeCore # Corail Tombstone # Chance Cubes # Aroma1997sCore # Botania # Broken Wings # Apple Core # YABBA # NuclearCraft # FTBLib/Utilities # AutoRegLib # Equivalent Integration # Quark # Modular Machinery # Lordcraft # Fastworkbench # Lostcities # Loot Bags # CyclopsCore # ChiselsandBits # Simply Jetpacks # Industrial Foregoing # Abyssalcraft Integration # Immersive Engineering # Industrial Foregoing # Integration Foregoing # Abyssalcraft # CyclopsCore # Everlasting Abilities # B.A.S.E # Mekanism # ExtraPlanets # Tweakers Construct # Baubly Heart Canisters # Mystical Agriculture # MPUtils # RebornCore # Furnace Overhaul # Unforgiving Void # Better Questing # Standard Expansion # Pneumaticcraft # Aroma1997s Mining Dimension # Overloaded Armor Bar # Land Craft # Plustic # Blockcraftery # Crafttweaker # MysticalLib # Overloaded # Tinkers Complement # Woot # TipTheScales # Added Apotheosis, ReAuth, Random Patches, Building Gadgets, Wasaila # Removed Ichunutils, Exchangers, Bloodmoons (yes, its removed because its not needed) Features: # Increased speed of wooden crucible # Astral Sorcery Ores now spawn in the Deep Dark # Added a recipe for Solidified Exp from Bottles O' Enchanting Fixes: # Fixed crucible heat sources # Removed antibarrel # Adjusted the nether a bit # Changed quest requirement for To Landia # Changed Alpha questline a little bit # Changed the nether quest (now you have 3 choices of getting to the nether) # Fixed typo in Neutronium crux quest # Translocators will attach filtering mode using whole diamonds # Changed gem armor fusion recipe to use inert klein star # Changed COFH World jsons from using metadata to using properties WTF: # FTB chunkloading is off, use chicken chunks # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.38 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Astral Sorcery # Blood Magic # Draconic Evolution # ExNihiloCreatio # ArmorPlus # CreativeCore # Lordcraft # CyclopsCore # RebornCore # Iron Chests # ZeroCore # Plustic # Corail Tombstone # Ender Tweaker # Industrial Foregoing # Botania # Better Builder's Wands # Extreme Reactors # FTBLib # FTBUtilities # RedstoneArsenal # Aroma1997sCore # Aroma1997s Dimensional World # Thermal Expansion/Foundation/Dynamics/Innovation # Mystical Agradditions # YABBA # CoFHCore # Lost Cities # ActuallyAdditions # OpenComputers # HammerCore # Reliquery # Mouse Tweaks # Mantle # Abyssalcraft # NetherEndingOres # Removed RoughMobs2 becuase mobs were too OP and no giant swords you monster # Added Project Ex Features: # Added Neutronium seed and crux quests # Added Darksteel armor into armor Progression # Added more reward "quests" and rewards in loot crates Fixes: # Adjusted Simply Jetpacks # Nuclearcraft ores shall now spawn in the Quantum Quarry dimension and Deep Dark # Fixed an "issue" with the Grue # Fixed Quest description for Shibuichi Alloy # Fixed steel alloying recipe in TC smeltery # Fixed some BQ loot entries # Fixed missing boron seed quest # Shoggoths should no longer break blocks # Shoggoths will no longer spawn in the Overworld # Blacklisted entities from mob duplicator # Added neutronium seed Agricraft Support # Fixed bq typos # Adjusted recipe for steel casing # Added fluid cows to friendly mobs whitelist for everlasting abilities # Adjusted Everlasting Abilities hunger value back to it's default value WTF: # Do not attempt to over-fill any Extra Utils. inventories. # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.37 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Standard Expansion # Random Things # Tweakers Construct # Downgraded Plustic # Removed Thermal Cultivation Features: # Added a BQ reload quest in the Rewards questline, please tell me if it works. Fixes: # Fixed typo in Black Quartz Quest # Removed a few watering can quests # Changed EnderIO.cfg to enderio.cfg because linux # Voidlichs should not spawn in vanilla swamps now only in erebus swamps and voidcraft dimensions. WTF: # Do not attempt to over-fill any Extra Utils. inventories. # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.36 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2808 # ChiselsandBits # Clumps # Abyssalcraft # CreativeCore # ItemPhysic # Quantum Flux # Everlasting Abilities # FTBLib/Utilities # NuclearCraft # YABBA # Waiting Time # Lordcraft # Modtweaker # TinyProgressions # Ender IO # Endergy # Plustic # ProjectE # JEI # Modular Machinery # CyclopsCore # Bookshelf # DarkUtils # Morpheus # Better Questing # Standard Expansion # Extended Crafting # Furnace Overhaul # Enderman Evolution # Added JEE, Akashic Tomes, Morph-O-Tools # Removed IKWID, Debug Server Info, World Tooltips, Uppers, Un-grab Mouse, TinkerIO, SonarCore, XTones, Twitch Chat Integration, Chat Tweaks # Also removed Quick Leaf Decay, Eiramoticons, FastFurnace, RFToolsPower, Projectred fabrication/illumination/Integration, Portal Gun, Ranged pump # Even removed TorchMaster, Storage Drawers Extras, OreBerries, Tinkers JEI, Nether Portal Fix, Noodle Features: # The maximum amount of abilities a player can have has been increased to 6 # Added text on how to obtain black quartz in black quartz quest # Increased resistance timer when changing dimensions Fixes: # Fixed some other things I probably forgot about # Removed trashcan icon in player inventory # Adjusted Everlasting Abilities # Adjusted Simply Jetpacks to be more like how PO2 has it # Adjusted amplification rod recipes # Removed bag of holding # Blacklisted TP cobblegens from crafting station # Fixed typo in Magnesium Diboride Alloy quest # Removed Wire Cutter quest # Changed fire charge recipe # Slime islands "should" have less chance at spawning # Added missing recipe for the laser acceptor # Remove Tome of Alkahestry # Fixed Diamond Horse armor exploit WTF: # Do not attempt to over-fill any Extra Utils. inventories. # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.35 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Quark Features: # Normal mode release Fixes: # WTF: # Do not use the ultimate energy input hatch it will eat power # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.34 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # TorchMaster # SolarFluxReborn: 1 # Dank/Null # ArmorPlus: 2 # Audio Death (sounds were added by Gooderness; however, don't think we use them) # Better Advancements # Better Builder's Wands # Better Questing: 1 # Standard Expansion # Cooking For Blockheads # Enderman Evolution # FTBLib/Utilities: 2 # MJRLegends Lib # Mystical Agriculture # Natura # Nuclearcraft: 1 # Quantum Flux # Quantum Storage: 1 # Quark # Random Things # RebornCore: 1 # RoughMobs2 # Tinkers Construct: 1 # Tinkers Complement # Twerk Simulator 2k16 # YABBA: 1 # RFTools/Control/Dimensions/Power # XNet # Lost Cities # McJtyLib: 1 # Avaritia: 2 (Fixes something we don't use) # Dimensional Edibles (can make custom cakes/apples to send to other dimensions now) # Wither Skeleton Tweaks # Forge Multipart CBE # Cyclops Core: 1 # Toast Control # Placebo # Progressive Bosses # Extra Planets # Galacticraft # Pneumaticcraft # Craftweaker # Iron Chests Features: # Added oredict to friender pearls # Began work on Kappa mode # Added the rest of Titan recipes for ALPHA testing # The Auto Dissolver and Auto Siever should now change color when structure is completed Fixes: # Fixed WCT infinity booster placeholder in BQ # Removed irrelevant terminals from the wireless terminal quest # Removed EMC from singularity, won't say which ones because there were 2 of them # Fixed Auto Dissolver mob spawning (just place water "source" blocks in the machine) # Blacklisted some creative blocks from being animated # Removed icosahedron requirement from chance cube achievement # Fixed some IE quests # Fixed cobalt seed recipe to accept any cobalt (did the same for ardite too) # Fixed Jaded Amaranthus quest (NBT data sucks to deal with sometimes) # Changed name of quest from Enederium Upgrade to Enderium Upgrade # Changed dimension ids to be closer to 0 except for spectre dimension (warning: worlds may explode) # GC oil should now spawn in more dimensions WTF: # Do not use the ultimate energy input hatch it will eat power # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.33 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # AE2: 2 # AE2WTLib: 2 # Aroma1997s Dimensional World # Aroma1997s Core # Astral Sorcery: 2 # Avaritia # Base # Better Questing: 3 # Contenttweaker: 1 # Standard Expansion: 1 # BrandonsCore/Draconic Evolution # ZeroCore/Extreme Reactors # FTBUtilities # Industrial/Integration Foregoing: 2 # Iron Chests # downgraded JEI # MATC # NuclearCraft: 2 # Pam's HarvestCraft # Reborn Core: 1 # SolarFlux # TipTheScales: 1 # WanionLib: 1 # Wireless Crafting Terminal: 2 # Ender IO # Ender IO Endergy # Immersive Engineering # P455w0rd's Lib # Lordcraft # AutoRegLib # Unidict # Quark: 2 # Grue # Extended Crafting # ExtraCells2 # Plustic # Bonsai Trees # MobGrindingUtils # Woot # MJRLegends Lib # Embers Rekindled # Pneumaticcraft # TorchMaster # Added Unloader # Added OpenComputers # Removed Corail Pillar # Removed JEI Integration # Removed ViewEMC # Removed IGW # Removed GottaGoFast # Removed Computercraft Features: # Added Laser Cutter # Added Laser Cutter recipes # Added zinc to ex nihilo # Added other netherrack to be crushed by ex nihilo hammers # Super Reactor and Laser Cutter will now change color when constructed # Added the rest of Pam's Harvestcraft seeds to Agricraft Fixes: # Fixed natura seeds in agricraft, probably # Changed position of Lordcraft quests # Did some adjustments to the Nether # Disabled ExtraPlanets radiation # Fixed elder mushroom sieve registry # Added jade to Agricraft # Removed Thorium ore from generation # Removed irrelevant enchants from every Epeolatry # Fixed some loot chest rewards WTF: # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.32 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2795 # FTBLib: 5/Utilities:2 # ArmorPlus # AttributeFix # Better Questing: 2 # Botania # Bookshelf # DarkUtils # Everlasting Abilities # Industrial Foregoing: 3 # Industrial Integration # Moofluids # JEI: 3 # JETIF # Plustic # Quark: 3 # RebornCore: 2 # SonarCore: 2 # Wawla # BrandonsCore # HammerCore # Embers Rekindled # Mystical Agriculture/Agradditions: 2 # Quantum Storage: 2 # Dimensional Edibles # CucumberLib # Guide-API # ActuallyAdditions # Immersive Engineering # Natura # MobGrindingUtils # WanionLib # Galacticraft Tweaker # Erebus # Temporarily disabled Waiting Time # Removed Rocky Core # Added TickProfiler and LagGoggles and Metallurgy.... Features: # Improved Thermal Expansion machines # Added Bonsai pot Simple Achievement # Increased Ender Storage chest size # Added some text on Lordcraft in order to better understand the mod # Add a new chance cube reward Fixes: # Fixed Ender Crafter recipe for grains of infinity # Fixed a few conflicting recipes # Fixed typos in hunting dimension quest # Fixed wire cutters quest # Falling into nether now only works in the overworld and should no longer give obsidian # Adjusted Biometweaker # Adjusted simplyjetpacks GUI position # Fixed MATC repair duplication Thanks Radient_Sora # Fixed recipe issue with chaos fragments # Removed Spectre Coils from Loot Bags # Did some adjustments to Everlasting Abilities # Nuclearcraft metals will now spawn properly in mining dimension WTF: # Some Mekanism machine textures have disppeared but machines are still there, probably due to JEI update. # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.31 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # FTBLib Features: # Fixes: # Fixed slime island rarity # Fixed last quests not opening WTF: # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.30 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2784 # Cucumber Library # FTBLib/Utilities: 2 # RFTools # AutoRegLib # Embers Rekindled # Quark # CTM # Storage Drawers # ProjectE Features: # Added new chaotic solar panel recipe Fixes: # Fixed chaos plank recipe # Fixed Creative Chest configs # Attempt to fix last quests not opening WTF: # Ignore chaotic solar panel fusion recipe # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.29 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Dimensional Edibles: 2 # EnderIO/Endergy # FTBLib/Utilities: 2 # Lordcraft # Ore Excavation # Forgelin # Pneumaticcraft # Portality Features: # Added Liquid Chaos Fixes: # Fixed chaos planks crashing the client when standing on top of them # Attempt to fix last 3 quests WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.28 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Better Questing: 2 # Craftweaker # FastFurnace # FTBLib/Utilities: 2 # JEI: 2 # Plustic # Random Things # YABBA # DarkUtils # Thermal Solars: 2 # Woot # JourneyMap # SolarFlux # ProjectE # ChiselsandBits Features: # Added 1 quest # Added chaos blocks # Added animated RAK texture (smoothed out by KriNon) Fixes: # Removed EMC from singularities WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.27 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2775 # Ceramics # RoughMobs2 # Abyssalcraft # ChiselsandBits # ExtraPlanets # FastFurnace # Fastworkbench # RFTools/Dims/Ctrl # AE2 # Custom Main Menu # Industrial Foregoing # Iron Chests # JEHC # RebornCore # McJtyLib # Foamfix # WanionLib # HammerCore # Removed Power Adapters Features: # Improved powergen of lunar panels # Slime islands will now spawn slightly more rarely # Added 1 quest # Adjusted 2 quests # Can now see all abyssalcraft item names # Added more magica converter recipes Fixes: # Fixed Astral Sorcery deprecated recipes # Fixed pam's rice and coffee seeds, turns out it was just a conflict with actually additions coffee and rice WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.26 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # ActuallyAdditions # AE2 # Bookshelf: 2 # Botania # CTM # Corail Pillar # Corail Tombstone: 2 # DarkUtils # ExtraUtils2 # ExtraPlanets # HammerCore # Industrial Foregoing # ItemPhysic # Mantle # Modtweaker # Pam's Harvestcraft # Placebo # Portality # Random Things: 3 # RFToolsDims # RockyCore # RoughMobs2 # SimpleTrophies # Solarflux # TinkerIO # Tinker's Construct # Tinkers' Tool Leveling # XNet # ArmorPlus # Astral Sorcery # Better Questing: 2 # Blockcraftery # ChiselsandBits # EnderCore/EnderIO/Endergy # Hunting Dimension # Mouse Tweaks # MPUtils Basic Tools # MysticalLib # NuclearCraft # Plustic: 2 # Pneumaticcraft: 2 # Progressive Bosses # Forgelin # WanionLib: 2 # BrandonsCore # HammerCore: 3 # RebornCore: 2 # Draconic Evolution # Cyclops Core # FTBLib/Utilities # Ceramics # Equivalent Integration # JEI # Chance Cubes # Simply Jetpacks # Lordcraft # Wither Skeleton Tweaks Features: # Redesigned the Magica Coverter # Added more recipes for the Magica Converter # Added 2 simple achievements # Added some missing mystical agriculture seed quests Fixes: # Removed all potion type fluid cows # Fixed wearing Ultimate Armor crashing pack WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.25 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2770 # ModelLoader # FTBLib # Craftweaker # RebornCore # Immersive Engineering # Pneumaticcraft # Added EnderIO Endergy # AE2 # ChatTweaks # Tombstone: 2 # ExtraUtils2: 2 # Magneticraft # Unidict # Better Questing: 2 # NuclearCraft # Forge Multipart CBE # McJtyLib # Bonsai Trees # Equivalent Integration # Iron Chests # Woot # Lordcraft Features: # Added new quests # Added a Questline Fixes: # Epeolatry is now consumed for the greater Epeolatry # Fixed red matter chest armor recipe WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.24 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Forge 2765 # Aroma's mining dimension: 3 # Cooking For Blockheads # Chat Tweaks: 2 # Farming For Blockheads # Actually Additions: 2 # Exchangers # Modular Diversity # Foamfix # Hunting Dimension # Modelloader # Bookshelf: 5 # JEI : 3 # AromaCore: 2 # Wireless Crafting Terminal # AE2 RV6 # Better Questing: 2 # Woot # ExtraUtils2 # ExtraCells2 # /Dank/Null: 2 # Wawla: 2 # Embers Rekindled: 3 # Extended Crafting # Thermal Series: 4 # RedstoneArsenal: 1 # COFH Core/World: 2 # OpenModsLib # Portality # Unidict # NuclearCraft: 2 # Tombstone # Lostcities # ChiselsandBits: 2 # Craftweaker # FTBLib/Utilities: 2 # Industrial Foregoing # Iron Chests: 2 # Reliquery # YABBA # EnderCore # EnderIO: 3 # MJRLegends Lib # Clienttweaks # CreativeCore # FastFurnace # NotEnoughIDs # Waystones Features: # Changed texture of Epeolatry # Replaced Placeholder metal with EddieRuckusite Metal # Added Epeolatry progression in BQ # Added EI to Rho # Added 2 new Simple Achievements # Added simple trophies to all simple achievements except 1 # Messed with Progressive Bosses configs Fixes: # Corrected ID for grains_of_infinity_plant.json # Removed slime islands from quite a few dimensions for new worlds(maybe it might fix the nexus?) # Moved Ingameinfo a little lower in order to see lordcraft spell focus GUI more clearly # Removed EE from Rho # Fixed chicken quest in Delta # Fixed Tier 6 seeds growing on any crux # Fixed Twilight Forest portal creation item # Moved around waila and simplyjetpacks so you can see Ingameinfo more clearly # Fixed NuclearCraft Fission Reactor quest in Kappa questline # Decreased boss kill modifier further # Increased Quantum Compressor power storage and consumption. WTF: # Note: # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe. # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.23 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Added Mods: # JETIF Just Enough Throwing In Fluids Updated Mods: # Cooking For Blockheads : 2 # ExtraUtils2 # FTBLib/Utilities : 2 # Hunting Dimension : 3 # Pneumaticcraft Repressurized # Twilight Forest # YABBA # CodeChicken Lib # TinyProgressions # Enderman Evolution # Reborn Core # Brandon'sCore/Draconic Evolution # Better Questing # Corail Tombstone # Chisel # OpenModsLib/blocks # Exnihilocreatio # SolarFlux # Simply Jetpacks # Portality # Quark # Chance Cubes Features: # Increased power output of fission and fusion reactors # Made recipe for antimatter # Added more items in the MM Auto Sieve for crushed netherrack Fixes: # WTF: # Arist0tleite Metal is unobtainable # /bq_admin default load might crash the pack, just reload the pack after # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe Note: # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.22 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Memorytester # MCMultiPart # ExtraUtils2 # FTBLib/Utilities # McJtyLib # Modtweaker # NuclearCraft # P455w0rd's Library # Pam's Harvestcraft # RFTools/Dims # Lost Cities # XNet # Abyssalcraft # ArmorPlus # Chisels and Bits # Cooking For Blockheads # Corail Tombstone # Epic Siege Mod # EnderCore # EnderIO # ExNihiloCreatio # Expanded Equivalence # SonarCore # SolarFlux # YABBA Features: # Created 2 new quests for solarflux # Created the Magica Converter (didn't know what to name it) Fixes: # Fixed Solarflux entirely # Hopefully fixed fosic resonator quest # Fixed something in contenttweaker's lang file WTF: # Arist0tleite Metal is unobtainable # /bq_admin default load might crash the pack, just reload the pack after # Ignore neutronium solar panel dire crafting table recipe Note: # Lordcraft's npcs will sometimes ignore you entirely, don't know what causes this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.21 Changelog (Always Backup your world before updating) Updated Mods: # Updated a bunch of mods Features: # Oil can now be created # ALMOST all Beta tester metals are done # Adjusted farming for blockheads market Fixes: # Fixed issues with extra planets' recipes by working around them # Removed casting of infinity ingot and block from liquid infinity # Resonating Wand quest will now recognize as complete # Fixed voidcraft lich not spawning in submerged swamp # Rho move up to Nu and shifted other questlines down # Vindicator mobs and his asshole brothers should now only spawn in Abyssalcraft, Dreadlands, and Omethol biomes WTF: # Arist0tleite Metal is unobtainable # /bq_admin default load might crash the pack, just reload the pack after. Note: