# Configuration file general { # List of additional items to consider as bread S:"Additional Bread Items" < tp:toasted_bread xlfoodmod:cheesy_bread xlfoodmod:potato_bread xlfoodmod:corn_bread xlfoodmod:donut xlfoodmod:sugar_donut xlfoodmod:chocolate_donut xlfoodmod:vanilla_donut xlfoodmod:crescent_roll xlfoodmod:tortilla xlfoodmod:waffle nuclearcraft:graham_cracker minecraft:cookie > # List of items to blacklist as sandwich ingredients S:Blacklist < > # List of items to blacklist as bread S:"Bread Blacklist" < > # The maximum amount of food that a single sandwich can give I:"Max Food Per Sandwich"=100 # Blacklist ingredients with more than this max food value, -1 to disable I:"Max Ingredient Food"=-1 # Blacklist ingredients with more than this max saturation modifier, -1 to disable D:"Max Ingredient Saturation"=-1.0 # The maximum number of times a sandwich can go into a sandwich I:"Max Sandwich Nesting"=3 }