# Configuration file main { # Set to true to automatically equip component and apothecary pouches when right-clicking B:AutoEquipPouches=false # Set to true to automatically refill your component and apothecary pouches when picking up herbs B:AutoRefillPouches=false # Client side only: disable elemental soil particles B:DisableParticles=false # Set to false to disable Grove Stone environmental effects B:EnableGroveStoneEnvironment=true # Set to true to give players the Roots Guide Book upon joining the server B:GiveBook=false # 1 in X chance per random tick for the Grove Stone to do anything I:GroveStoneChance=2 # Inject some items from Roots into dungeon & other loot chests B:InjectLoot=true # Maximum nubmer of pulls for injected loot I:InjectMaximum=3 # Minimum number of pulls for injected loot I:InjectMinimum=1 # The aoe-radius for using runic shears to aoe-shear things I:RunicShearsRadius=15 # List of mod:item:meta (meta optional) of saplings that should be blacklisted from the Spreading Forest ritual S:SaplingBlacklist < roots:wildwood_sapling > # List of mod:item:meta (meta optional) of saplings that should be planted in 2x2 by the Spreading Forest ritual S:TwoByTwoSaplings < thaumcraft:sapling_greatwood > }